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2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:The project will be implemented in the 22 barangays of Mabini, Bohol.

Thereare 50 farmers as target beneficiaries who are all members of the Barangay FarmersAssociation.
The beneficiaries will implement the project with the assistance from theMunicipal Agriculture’s Office.
This project will serve as an income-generatingactivity for the beneficiaries since this animal can be sold
in the local market or evenoutside the province, live or in meat. Each beneficiary will be given one (1)
packet ofthis animal, one (1) buck and five (5) does, as their initial capital. This project will beconfined in
one area with housing at the center as shade-house of the goats andsurrounded with fences. The
beneficiary will provide his own area of at least 2,000 sq.meters. Expenses for the housing and cost for
one (1) packet will be shouldered by thefunding institution and the counterpart of the beneficiary is the
expenses for the fencesand the planting materials for improved grasses, because he will be required to
plantimproved grasses for pasture and forage, aside from supplemental feeding for thegoats, inside his
confined area. This project is under the supervision and assistance ofthe Local Government Unit through
the Municipal Agriculture’s Office.3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF AREA/SITE:Mabini is one of the coastal
towns of Bohol which is located in the eastern partof the island – province. It is about 104 kms. from the
capital city of Tagbilaran. It hasan area of 10,457.48 has. with almost 70% of it is devoted to agriculture.
It has 22barangays, 16 are in coastline and 6 in the upper land. The terrain of the town is plain,hilly, and
some are mountainous.The project will be implemented all throughout the 22 barangays of
themunicipality.4. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BENEFICIARIES:The municipality has 21 Barangay Farmers’
Associations (BFA), 17 BarangayFishermen’s Associations (BFAs), and 11 Carabao Raisers’ Associations
(CARA). Allare active associations with full support from the LGU, morally, socially andeconomically. All
these associations will be the target recipients of this project withselected members per associations as
individual beneficiaries. The associations are incharge in its implementation with the supervision from
the Local Government Unit ofMabini through the Municipal Agriculture’s Office. The LGU has trained in
eachbarangay a Barangay Livestock Aide (BALA) who is voluntary worker in nature.These BALAs are all
actively participated during animal outreach program. They canalso help in the implementation of the
project especially during monitoring andsupervision and also during technical assistance, if needed by
the beneficiaries.5. BRIEF DESCRIPTION ON PROJECT PARTNER:Since all the BFAs and CARA are
organized by the Local Government Unit ofMabini through the Municipal Agriculture’s Office, naturally,
once this project isimplemented, supervision and monitoring will be manned by this office. As partner
inthe implementation, the LGU has the control not only over the financial aspect of theproject but as to
the over-all aspects of the project.( 2 )



GOAL OF PROJECT: To create a sustainable agri-based-enterprisecommunity with an empowered and

self-reliantfarmers-and-fisher entrepreneurs.2. OBJECTIVES:
General Objective

–To help uplift the living condition of our marginalfarmers and fishermen with 30% in crease in
theirincome in the year 2011.

Specific Objectives

–To arouse farmers’ interest on the livestock industry;To provide farmers the technical know-how on
theproduction of goat;To maximize the utilization of family’s time for moreincome;To create more job
opportunities to neighboring farmers;To increase farmers’ income.To provide farmers’ family the
avenue for better nutrition.3. PROJECT COMPONENT:Enumerated hereunder are the components of the
project which shall beimplemented by both BFAs & CARA with supervision and technical assistancefrom
LGU through the Municipal Agriculture’s Office.A.


Scouting of the area where to put up the project.b.

Conduct preliminary area validation.c.

Fencing of the whole area to prevent stray animals andunscrupulous individuals from entering the
project site.d.

Area preparation and cultivation.e.

Lay-outing and planting of improved grasses.f.

Care and maintenance.g.

Marketing of produced (live or in meat form)h.


Prepare status report to concerned offices.B.


Assist in the conduct of area validation for each project.b.

Conduct series of meetings and consultations with thebeneficiaries to discuss more on the mechanicsc.

Conduct trainings to beneficiaries on the Technology andManagement aspects of the projects.d.

Facilitate in the procurement of stocks.e.

Distribution of the same to 22 barangays. .f.

Assist in the marketing of produceg.

Prepare status reports to concerned offices.h.

Monitoring and supervision.( 3 )


CRITICAL ACTIVITIES:a. Each beneficiary will be provided with one (1) packet goat, one head
breedingbuck and 5 heads breeding does, as their initial capital for production. For the 100beneficiaries,
the LGU will facilitate the procurement of 50 heads breeding bucks,preferably an Anglo-Nubians bred or
a Boer and 250 heads breeding does that arelarger-size native or grade does.b. Each beneficiary will
provide a 2000 sq. meter as their production area to besurrounded with fences. They will be required to
plant an improved grasses forpasture and forage inside the production area. The production area will be
divided intofour compartments wherein at the center is the shade-house for the goats’ shelter.c. The
cost for one (1) packet and for the housing will be funded by theFUNDING INSTITUTION while the
farmer’s equity are the production area,procurement and planting of planting materials for improved
grasses, supplementalfeeding, veterinary drugs and the expenses for fencing. Out of the total
budgetaryrequirements for the project, more than 30% is the equity of the beneficiary.d. On the
management aspect, the LGU through the Municipal Agriculture’sOffice will assist in the implementation
and is responsible for the monitoring of theproject once it is implemented. Care and maintenance will
be the responsibility of thebeneficiary.e. On the marketing aspect, since this animal can be sold in the
local market oreven outside the province, live or in meat forms. Its market can be easily developed
dueto scarcity of this commodity. With the ever increase of meat products, goat’s meatcould be readily
sold in the market because of its low fat and cholesterol content.5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT:The project
will be managed by the BFAs and CARA under the supervision ofthe LGU of Mabini, Bohol through its
Municipal Agriculture’ Office.2.

MONITORING AND EVALUATION:The concerned agencies, like the LGU, ATI, OPV and the funding
institutionof this project shall conduct monitoring and evaluation not only within the period of
itsimplementation but all though out the duration of the project. The BFAs, the CARAand the
Agricultural & Fishery Councils (AFCs) in each barangay and at themunicipal level shall also conduct
monitoring of the project.

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