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1. 'The Rattrap' is a story that underlies a belief that essential goodness in human
beings can be aroused through sympathy, understanding and love.
2. Once a man went around selling small rattraps but he took to begging and
thievery to keep his body and soul together.
The story is about an old disheartened peddler who is taken in and shown
generosity by a young woman. Her generosity and kindness change his bitter
attitude towards life. The peddler is a man who has fallen upon misfortune and
now resorts to selling rattraps, begging, and thievery. He is very pessimistic about
the world around him and sees the world as merely a “rat trap”. He believes that
society tempts us with riches and fine things, and when we accept, we are caught
in the trap and are left with nothing.

The story conveys a universal message that the essential goodness in a human
being can be awakened through love, respect, kindness and understanding. It
highlights the human predicament. Material benefits are the traps that most
human beings are prone to fall into. Human beings do have a tendency to redeem
themselves from dishonest ways as does the peddler at the end of the

Gist of the lesson:

1. The peddler was a vagabond who sold rattraps with a little thievery on the side to
make both ends meet. Had no worldly possession to call his own, not even a name
2. It amused him to think of the world as a rattrap.
3. Takes shelter at a crofter’s cottage. The crofter welcomed him, gave him diner,
shared his pipe, played Ramjolis with him also confided in him about his income
and showed him where he put it.
4. Next morning, the Peddler steals the money and takes the back roads to keep
away from people and gets lost in the jungle at night. While he wanders in the
forest, he realizes that he has also got caught in the rattrap and that the money
was the bait.
5. Finally reaches Ramsjo ironworks, where he takes shelter for the night. The
blacksmith and his assistant ignore him but the master mistakes him to be an old
acquaintance and invites him home. Though the Peddler does not correct the
ironmaster, hoping to get some money out of him, he declines his invitation.
6. The ironmaster then sends his daughter who persuades him to go home with her.
She notices his uncouth appearance and thinks that either he has stolen something
or he has escaped from jail.
7. The Peddler is scrubbed, bathed, given a haircut, a shave and a suit of old clothes
of the ironmaster. In the morning light, the iron master realizes he is mistaken and
that he is not the Captain. He wants to call the Sheriff. The peddler is agitated and
breaks out that the world is rattrap and he too is sure to be caught in it. The
ironmaster is amused but orders him out. The compassionate Edla convinces her
father that he should spend the Christmas day with him.
8. The Peddler spends the whole of Christmas Eve eating and sleeping. The next day
at church, Edla and her father come to know that the Peddler is a thief who stole
thirty kroners from the poor crofter.
9. Back home, they found a letter addressed to Edla, signed as Captain Von Stahl and
a rattrap as a gift from the crofter. In the rattrap were the three ten kroner notes
of the crofter.


The whole world is nothing but just a big rattrap. The people get trapped themselves as
a rat is trapped who comes inside the rattrap in a search of sliced potatoes, tomatoes
or cheese.

Essential goodness in a human being can be awakened through understanding and


2.Main Characters


Peddler is the central character of the story, the Rattrap. He sells rattraps of wires
moving on the streets. He has not enough income.
His clothes are in rags and his cheeks are hollow. His face clearly shows the plight of his
existence. He is in the habit of petty thievery.
One day, he stays at the house of a crofter. The old crofter becomes very happy to find
a friend and behaves with him as the trusted friend.
But, the peddler cheats him and runs after stealing thirty kronor. He loses his path in
the dense forest.
He is mistaken as Captain Von Stahle and invited on Christmas Eve. It is Edla who brings
him into the right path of life. Finally, he becomes a good man.


He worked at Ramsjo Ironworks earlier. But, he has left the job. He has a cow now.
It is only a source of his livelihood. He welcomes the peddler and entertains him as the
trusted friend.
He says that he has earned thirty kronor by selling cow’s milk. He even shows peddler
three wrinkled ten kronor notes.

He is the owner of Ramsjo Ironworks who has the ambition to ship out good iron to the
market. He always comes to mill to inspect the workers.
He is the man who mistakes peddler as his old friend, Captain Von Stahle and invites
him home on the occasion of Christmas Eve.
Edla Willmansson

She is the very clever daughter of the Ironmaster. She puts a condition before the
peddler to leave home according to his wish.
She saves the peddler from the police and shows him a better path to life.

4.Main Points

1.The peddler sold the rattraps moving on the streets.

2.He was struck by the idea that the whole world was nothing but just a big rattrap.

3.One dark evening, he came to a crofter’s cottage to ask for shelter for a night.

4.The crofter welcomed and entertained him as the trusted friend because he was

5.Next morning, the peddler stole the money and entered the path of a dense forest.

6.He heard the voice coming out from the Ramsjo Factory.
7.Ironmaster talked kindly and invited him home but he declined the invitation.

8.Later, Edla brought him home with a promise. Edla doubted that the peddler had
either stolen something or escaped from the jail.

9.The ironmaster realised his mistake after meeting with the peddler in daylight.
10.The peddler dropped a letter for Edla that announced the sweet and kind behaviour
of Edla which tracked him into the right path. out from the Ramsjo Factory.
7.Ironmaster talked kindly and invited him home but he declined the invitation.
8.Later, Edla brought him home with a promise. Edla doubted that the peddler had
either stolen something or escaped from the jail.
9.The ironmaster realised his mistake after meeting with the peddler in daylight.
10.The peddler dropped a letter for Edla that announced the sweet and kind behaviour
of Edla which tracked him into the right path.
Questions and answers
Q 7. What kind of life did the peddler lead and why?
The business of selling small rattraps was not profitable for the peddler. So, he had
to resort to both begging and petty thefts. It kept his body and soul together. Even
so, his clothes were in rags. His cheeks were sunken and he often remained
hungry. Life was quite sad and monotonous for the peddler.

Q. 8. Why did the peddler recall his thoughts about the world and the rattrap
when he was lost in the big and confusing forest?
The peddler walked along with the stolen money in his pocket. He didn’t want to
take any unexpected risk. He dared not continue on the public highway, lest he is
caught by the police. So, he turned off into the woods which was big and confusing
and got lost. When he couldn’t find a way out, he thought about the world and the
rattrap. He realised that he was also trapped as he allowed himself to be fooled by
the bait and had been caught.

Q 9. Why did the peddler accept Edla Willmansson’s invitation of bringing him
The peddler had initially declined the invitation of the ironmaster to his manor. But
the bowed to Edla’s invitation. The girl was highly persuasive. She was
compassionate and friendly. When she seen he was afraid, she convinced him that
he was the master of his own free will. She appreciated the feelings and assured
him of complete freedom and security.

Q 10. What made the peddler finally change his ways?

The peddler felt very honoured and obliged by the treatment he received from
Edla Willmansson in particular at the manor house. Since she had been very nice to
him, the hospitality and approach towards a tramp like him, touched his heart. He
wanted to be nice to her in return. He didn’t want Edla to be embarrassed at
Christmas by a thief. Therefore, he finally changed his ways. He not left the three
10 kronor bills to be returned to the rightful owner but also left a Christmas
present for Edla.

1. Describe how the story, ‘The Rattrap’ shows that basic human goodness can be
brought out by understanding and love.
The theme of the story ‘The Rattrap’ is that most human beings are prone to fall into the trap of
material gains. However, love and understanding can transform a person and bring out his
essential human goodness. The peddler had been treated very cruelly by the world. So even
though the old crofter was kind and hospitable to him, he betrayed his trust and stole thirty
kroners from him. He was not impressed by the ironmaster’s invitation also. But Edla
Willmansson’s compassion and understanding brought about a transformation in his nature. Her
human qualities helped in raising him to be a gentleman. He was easily able to overcome petty
temptations. The peddler who always considered the whole world to be a rattrap finally felt
released from this rattrap due to the sympathetic, kind, loving and generous treatment of Edla
Willmansson that was able to bring out his basic human goodness.

2. The story ‘The Rattrap’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others.

Answer: The main focus of the story ‘The Rattrap’ is on human loneliness. All the characters,
whether it is the peddler, the crofter, the ironmaster or his daughter, suffer from loneliness. The
peddler is a lonely man who has always been shunned by society’s cold and unkind words. When
he knocks at the door of the old crofter’s cottage, he does not expect hospitality but the crofter
welcomes him as he is too happy to get someone to talk to after being alone for so long. By
serving the peddler the crofter is in fact serving himself. He serves the peddler with supper, gives
him tobacco and plays ‘mjolis’ with him. He is a very good host. The iron¬master and his
daughter too miss company and this makes them all the more lonely on the occasion of
Christmas. So, the ironmaster, who mistakes the peddler for his old regimental comrade, invites
him to his manor house for Christmas. The ironmaster’s daughter, Edla, extends this invitation
again and tells the peddler he can leave any time after Christmas. Thus, the need to bond is the
main focus of the story ‘The Rattrap’.

3. The peddler thinks that the whole world is a rattrap. This view of life is true only of himself
and of no one else in the story. Comment.
The peddler had naturally been thinking of his rattraps when he was struck by the idea that
the whole world was nothing but a big rattrap. It only existed to set baits for people. When
someone let himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closed on him, and then everything
came to an end. But this view of life is true only of the peddler himself and of no one else in
the story. The three ten kronor notes of the old crofter provide a bait for the peddler and
after he steals the money, he gets lost in the big and confusing forest. He then recalls his
thoughts about the world and the rattrap and knew his turn had come. He had let himself be
tempted by a bait and had been caught in the rattrap. He realized the forest had closed upon
him like an impenetrable prison from which he thought he could never escape. The theme of
the story of ‘The Rattrap’ is that most human beings are prone to fall into the trap of material
benefit. However, love and understanding can transform a person and bring out his essential
human goodness. So even though the old crofter was kind and hospitable to him, he
betrayed his trust and stole thirty kronor from him. He was not impressed by the
ironmaster’s invitation also. But Edla Willmansson’s compassion brought out a
transformation in his nature. Human qualities helped in raising him to be a gentleman.

4. The people we meet in life leave an impression on us. How is the rattrap peddler affected by
meeting the crofter and Edla?
The good people we meet sometimes leave an impression on us. Compassion and
understanding can transform a person and bring out his essential human goodness. As is the
case with the rattrap peddler whose meeting with the crofter and Edla bring about a positive
transformation in his nature. The lonely old crofter was extremely kind to the peddler.
Despite his hospitality the peddler stole his money and committed a breach of trust. Edla too
treated him nicely, even after she came to know his true identity. The peddler who had
always considered the world to be a rattrap that enclosed upon people finally felt released
from this rattrap due to the kind, generous and sympathetic treatment of the crofter and
Edla. He leaves behind a letter of thanks for Edla with a Christmas gift and the money he had
stolen from the crofter, to be restored to its rightful owner.

5. To be grateful is a great virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to
Edla knew that her father was mistaken when he invited the peddler home thinking he was
his long-lost friend. Later it was revealed that he was a complete stranger and not a straight
forward man. Despite this Edla begged her father not to send him away on Christmas eve.
She invited him home and gave him food, shelter and clothes. Her kindness, compassion and
sympathy brings out the goodness in the tramp. He leaves a packet for her as a Christmas gift
which contains a rattrap and three ten kronor notes stolen from the crofter. It also contains a
letter in which he signs himself as captain. Edla’s care and concern changes the peddler into a
dignified gentleman.

6. How did the seller of rattraps realize that he himself was caught up in a rattrap after he left
the crofter’s cottage?
After robbing the crofter the peddler felt quite pleased with his smartness. He immediately
realised that he could not dare to continue with his journey on the public highway so he
turned off the road, into the woods. During the first few hours his decision caused him no
difficulty but later it became worse for he had gotten into a big and confusing forest. He
continued to walk and when he came to the end of the forest, he realized that he had been
walking around in the same part of the forest. Then he recalled his thoughts about the world
and the rattrap and knew his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait of
thirty kronor and had been caught. His reaction reveals his gloom and despair as he realized
the forest had closed in open upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he thought
he could never escape. It also reveals that he was basically a good person at heart and was
repentant of his folly.
7. There is a saying, ‘Kindness pays, rudeness never’. In the story, ‘The Rattrap’ Edla’s attitude
towards men and matters is different from her father’s attitude. How are the values of
concern and compassion brought out in the story, ‘The Rattrap’?
Edla Willmansson displays qualities of compassion and understanding that transform the
peddler and brings out his essential human goodness. Her human qualities help in raising him
to the level of a gentleman and he is able to overcome petty temptations. The peddler, who
always considered the whole world to be a rattrap, was finally able to release himself from
this rattrap due to the sympathetic, kind and generous treatment of Edla and thus redeems
himself from his dishonest ways. Despite knowing his real identity Edla continues to treat him
like a Captain and the peddler quite spontaneously starts behaving like a real captain. Edla’s
compassion and the peddler’s reformation arouses our optimism and belief in the essential
goodness of man and other human values.

8. The Rattrap’ highlights the impact of compassion and understanding on the hidden goodness
in human beings. Substantiate with evidence from the story.
The theme of the story ‘The Rattrap’ is that most human beings are prone to fall into the trap
of material gains. However, love and understanding can transform a person and bring out his
essential human goodness. The peddler had been treated very cruelly by the world. So even
though the old crofter was kind and hospitable to him, he betrayed his trust and stole thirty
kronor from him. He was not impressed by the ironmaster’s invitation also. But Edla
Willmansson’s compassion and understanding brought about a transformation in his nature.
Her human qualities helped in raising him to be a gentleman. He was easily able to overcome
petty temptations. The peddler who always considered the whole world to be a rattrap
finally felt released from this rattrap due to the sympathetic, kind, loving and generous
treatment of Edla Willmansson that was able to bring out his basic human goodness.

Please note the questions marked in red need to be copied in the


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