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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes literature and studies that are related to the

problem, these focuses on the ideas that support the study .

Computer Addiction

Video gaming is a billion-dollar global industry which continues to expand

and display innovations around the world from one year to the next (King,

Koster, & Billieux, 2019). The popularity of online gaming reflects a major

cultural shift in leisure and recreation preferences for screen-based

entertainment over other pastimes. Individuals of all ages play games daily for

enjoyment and socialization, and some people report finding deeper personal

satisfaction and meaning in their virtual experiences than in the real world.

Gaming provides an endless and constantly changing play experience, often

in a social context, and there are new gaming products and innovative

technologies continually entering the consumer market. Many new games

include features that make them more immersive, socially integrated, and

monetized than those before them. However, while there can be many

benefits associated with gaming, there is also growing recognition that

unrestricted screen time, particularly in younger people, can lead to harm and

that gaming can be highly time-consuming and addictive for some vulnerable


Computer and online games are preferred by a wide range of people

ranging from children and adolescents to adults. Entertainment Software

Association's (2012) research showed that the average game player is 30

years old and 32% of the player are less than 18 years old.

Players choose to play games for several reasons such as fun, recreation

(Griffiths &bHunt, 1995; Kuss & Griffiths, 2012), coping with stress (Grusser,

Thalemann, Albrecht, & Thalemann, 2005; Wood & Griffiths, 2007), sociability

gaining status (Hellström, Nilsson, Leppert, & Aslund, 2012), and escaping

real life (Wan & Chiou, 2006; Wood, Griffiths, & Perke, 2007). Research on

video and computer gaming literature reports both positive and negative

effects on players. Fifty-two percent of the parents highlighted that computer

game playing is positive and an important element of their children's life

(Entertainment Software Association, 2012).

Positive and Negative Effects of Online games

The popularity of gaming among teenagers has already been increasing

over the last couple of years.72% of all teenagers, according to a 2015 Pew

Research survey, engage in video game play on a computer, gaming system,

or portable device such a cellphone.

Video games are usually one of the best leisure activities for teenagers, and

they are played for extended periods of time. The majority of youngsters today

prefer playing video games over any outside games since playing video

games is now easier thanks to modern controllers and joysticks.

However, if a serious addiction occurs, playing these video games can he ava

negative impact on children's health and vision.

The benefits of playing video games for an individual are up for debate. We

will list and detail each of those beneficial and negative consequences of

video games in order to provide a thorough understanding of this subject.


Online Games And Academic Performance

Most individuals currently associate playing internet games with poor

academic performance. Studies over the years have shown varying results.

Some of them claim to be connected, whilst others claim they are not.

Anderson and Dill (2000) found that there is a bad association between the

two. In other words, there is no connection between a player's playing time

and his academic performance. On occasion, kids will defend the games they

are playing by claiming that they are teaching them something. These

students are supported by a report from EDUCAUSE, which suggests that

faculty members learn about these games in order to improve students' in-

class learning experiences (Hitch and Duncan,2005). Additionally, according

to another article, these games aren't simply for fun (Shaffer, squire,

halverson, and gee, 2005). They assert that these games can be used to

discover new things, engage with others, and become a part of an online

community. Addicts who play too much neglect their personal connections

and occasionally stop trying altogether because they spend so much time

playing. Up to 50% of married gamers who are hooked indicate that their

addiction has put strain on their relationships. The obligations of daily life,
such as job and school, are also neglected by obsessive gamers (UNC-


Genre of online games

Online games come in a variety of genres in today's globe. The console

games come first. Videogames are the more frequent name for console

games. They are played on a machine developed specifically for gaming, or a

videogame console. console. Through a controller, a small handheld device

featuring buttons, joysticks, and pads, the player interacts with the game. The

gamer watches a television to obtain both sound and video. Microsoft Xbox,

Sony Playstation, Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo Wii are a few examples

of consoles. The real-time strategy game comes in second. In this kind of

video game, players use strategy to navigate the environment, defeat

adversaries, and decide which paths to pursue and what needs to be done. as

opposed to first-person shooters. Online games that are cross-platform come

in third. creating software for, or utilizing software on, many hardware

platforms. The web browser is the most versatile cross-platform program.

Web browsers render web pages "nearly" identically on every desktop and

mobile platform out of ten, regardless of the computer they are running on.

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