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Operating System Lab 5

Name: Eman Shahbaz

Roll No.: Comp.Sc-20030

1. echo f*:
This command is used to display folders
whose name begin with f character.
 Type echo f*.
 Press Enter.
Note: you can type any character instead of
“f” as per your requirement.
2. echo *f:
This command is used to display folders
whose names end, at f character.
 Type echo *f.
 Press Enter.
Note: you can type any character instead of
“f” as per your requirement.
3. uptime:
It tells how long the system has been
 Type uptime.
 Press Enter.

4. hostname:
This command is used to display the
name of system host.
 Type hostname.
 Press Enter.
5. wc filename:
wc filename is used to cound how
many times a word appears in a file.
 Type wc filename.
 Press Enter.
6. wc l filename :It shows the number of
lines in a file.
 Type wc -l filename
 Press Enter.
Instructor: Ma’am Mobeen

7. wc -c filename: It shows the number

of charactersin a file.
 Type wc -c filename
 Press Enter.
8. rm*
rm* deletes all the files from ubuntu.
 Type rm*.
 Press Enter All files have been deleted

9. mv filename1 filename2: Before After

It renames a file.
 Type move filename1 filename2:
 Press Enter.

Operating System Lab 5

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