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— S "Brum IC OF THE PHILIPPINES. ANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD City of Paranaque 8" Council orpvanceno, 2020-03 A Series of 3030 Q_ < > wanomver BY: VICE MAYOR JOSE ENRICO T. GOLEZ, PROPONENT COUN. VIKTOR COUN, MERI COUN. EDWIN R. BENZON COUN, JACQUELINE BUSTAMANTE-MENDOZA, COUN. MARITESS B. DE ASIS COUN. GIOVANNI E. ESPLANA, COUN. VINCENT KENNETH M. FAVIS COUN. PABLO C. GABRIEL, JR. COUN. VANDOLE L. QUIZON COUN. MARVIN A. SANTOS COUN. ALLEN FORD L. TAN COUN. JOAN A. VILLAFUERTE, COUN. JOSE MARIA G. YLLANA, COUN. REGINA P. YLLANA LIGA PRES. CHRISTOPHER V. AGUIL SK PRES HANNAH M. FLORENCON AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING CURFEW DURING TIMES OF NA‘ PUBLIC REFOR WHEREAS, the President of the Republic of the Philippines has placed the country eof Public Health Emergency through Proclamation No. 922. Consequently. the Inter ORDER AND SAFETY OR HEALTH EMERGENCIES THEREBY 2K s E NO. 99-12 AND PRESCRIBING zeney Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases raised the Alert level code of Covi. 19 of (is ‘country from Level 1 to Code Red Sub-level 2; SA = WHEREAS, the IATFEID recommended the imposition of a community quarantine \S ,_ measure in the National Capital Region and the observance of measures to stop and contain the (\, spread of the infectious and communicable virus, including the steps to be undertaken by the A) national and local government units; AK WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, thru the Metro Manila \ZJCouncil, in a meeting held on march 14, 2020 and composed by Mayors of the National Capital Region, approved a Resolution titled URGING ALL LOCAL LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION TO ISSUE AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A CITY/MUNICIPALITY-WIDE CURFEW IN THEIR LOCALITIES ‘© THE NOVEL CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19), Said resolution is intended to urge local legislative bodies to approve ordinances pertaining to curfew in order to comply with the strict ZV social | L 2 \ / distancing and community quarantine as provided by the IATFELD Resolution; or inane No, AN ORDINANCE, IPOS HEALTH EMERGENCIES GUIDELINES FORTIS IMD WHEREAS HERES thera a eed to amend and update the current and existing ondinaned) Challen e e in order for the city government to cope with urgent, extraordinary and ing times, which not only our city but the entire country is experiencing caused by pertait Covid-t9 ‘The amendment to the present curfew ordinance shall provide for the measures lclining the persons who are subject to curfew, and when and where the city may prohibit Rraseessary human activities du S of national and local health or public order and safety ~ fergencies, NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED, AS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED, by the Sangguniang Pantungsod in session assembled that: ection 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No, 99-12 is hereby amended to further eo as 6 ‘Section 1." COVERAGE ~ curfew 18 being imposed on or for \\ — _ every person, not engaged into legitimate official private or public business, between 8 pm to 5 am of the following day during State of Calamities or Emergencies, as declared by national or local authorities, \ brought by public order and safety or health concerns affecting the country, region or the city, and within that period of time are prohibited 10 congregate, loiter, wander, travel or be in the streets, plazas, roads and r ‘ such other similar public places areas, including uninhabited places within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Paranaque. However, during normal times or at times where no public declaration of calamity or emergency is in effect within the city, curfew for = minors, aged below eighteen (18) years old, between 10 pm to 4am of the following day, and are prohibited to congregate, loiter, wander or be in the streets, plazas, roads and such other similar public places areas, 4 including uninhabited places within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Paranaque ‘ Section 2. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 99-12 is hereby amended to further read as “Section 2. EXEMPTIONS ~ The following are exempted from the curfew provided Section | hereof, namely. 1.) Those who are engaged in legitimate official private activity, which Shall be limited to medical or hospital related endeavors, filing of ‘complaint or report at the barangay or police authorities, purchase of ‘food or perishable goods and such other basic necessities from stores or groceries, business, occupation, livelihood or labor; 2.) Those who are gainfully employed in industries which require the rendering of work under shifling hours, such as night shift or graveyard shift supported by company ID card with Certificate of Employment stating shifting hours; 3.) Those who are engaged in legitimate official phblic duties; n LS 4.) Students who came from their schools anilke on their way 10 their \ respective residences; Ne osmne OAS \ AN ORDINANCI fi Te POSING SURFEW DURING TIMES OF NATIONAL OR LOCAL PUBLIC ORDER AND SAFETY Of NEALTH (EMERGENCIES THEREBY AMENDING "FO A OARDINANCE. poune Guest TIN AMENDING FOR ITS FLRPOSE. ORDINANCE, NO. 9942, AND PRESCRIBING 5.) Minors who are accompanied by their parents or guardians on their way home on situations mentioned in Section I par. 2 of this ordinance; 6.) Those who came from travel, local or international and are on their way to their respective residences; and 7.) Those who are engaged in the profession of their religious or sectoral practices, masses, prayer meetings and the likes ’ It shall be understood that in all situations as herein above- provided, proper identification cards, duly issued by the government or the school. whichever is applicable, shall be required 10 be presented. ection, Section 4 of Ordinance No. 99-12 is hereby amended to further read as follows ‘SECTION 4. ENFORCEMENT ~ The imposition of curfew: during State of Calamities or Emergencies, or during normal city condition shall be enforced by the City Curfew Task Force, Punong Barangay and or his/her duly authorized tanod and executive officers, including the Sangguniang Barangay Members, SK Chairperson and SK Members who are on official duty and exercising his/her duty as peace officers in the maintenance of public order and safety, members of the Paranaque City Police Station (PS3-SPD), the District, Regional and National elements of the Philippine National Police. In enforcing this L rt ordinance the person/s subject to curfew shall be prevented from travelling, wandering, loitering or congregating, or from continuing such ‘activity if the said person’s had been caught in flagrante delicto, in public places and directed to return to their respective residences, dwelling or ‘usual place of resting. The public officer enforcing this ordinance shall observe the — {following procedures: 1) Present his/her official identification card, introduce his/her name, position or designation, unit or office where he or she is connected with 2) Explain the nature and the mandate of the ordinance, state the NN ° Cn tonne ner esi eee ta pane astra posal & do ee Canty oc Beetgooh od 4 — measure (0 promote and protect the life, health and safety of poe 3.) Allow the subject person/s t0 explain or air his/her response on the reason of his/hertheir activity or business during the ‘curfew period; ee 4.) The public officer shall examine whether or not the explanation of the subject persons ix reasonable or falls within the) @& ‘exemptions as stated in Sdction 2 hereof; an ck: AN ORDINAXC. iPOsINd CURFEW TALI PRRCONCRS “TOURNEY DURING TIMES OF NATIONAL OR LOCAL PUBLIC ORDER AND SAFETY OF wen FOR TIS. PURPOSE. ORDINANCE. NO. 99:12. AND. PRESCR ITS IMPLEMENTATION THEREFOR ie 5.) In case of deliberate or willful refusal to comply with the IF lavsful order of the public officer/s, upon the reiteration of the public officer enforcing the curfew following hissher examination that the subject person/s does not fall under the exemptions specified in this ordinance, the refusing person/s shall be arrested and charged accordingly for the commission of the crime of Disobedience to Persons in Authority as defined and treated under Article 151 of the Revised Penal Code. This is without prejudice to the filing of such other applicable crimeis under the Revised Penal Code in case such refusal or {failure to comply with the lawful order in enforcing this ‘ordinance shall result to‘Gssault upon person or his agents. In arresting the subject personis the public officer/s making the arrest shall state the nature of the crime committed and , apprised of his Constitutional right to remain silent and right 10 counsel.” By virtue of this provision, a CITY CURFEW TASK FORCE is — herby created which shall be the primary implementing agency of this _, ordinance and shall be composed of the following: a eat Pre a 1 Aintree YQ c. Chief of Police, ParaRtaque City Police Station as member; . . Punong Barangays of the component barangays of the city as members; and ¢, City Councilor, Chairman of the Committee on Public Order and Safety ‘as member. Nothing herein shall deprive the City Mayor and the Punong \ Barangays of their statutory mandate to enforce all laws and ordinances implementation of the ordinance. <~ ‘within their respective territorial jurisdictions but to be interpreted as to instill coordination among law enforcers and efficiency in the \ Section 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed or interpreted to deprive any person of his right to liberty, travel and abode but rather to be interpreted as to instill and promote public health and safety, and protect the life among all equals during times of extraordinary situation, calamities and emergencies as publicly issued or declared by the duly ‘constituted national or local authorities. It shall also be interpreted that this ordinance promotes and protects the safety, welfare and life of the youth against potential evils of the society, community and crime. Section 5. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 99-12 is hereby amended to further read as follows: “Section 5. DISSEMINATION ~ the approved copies of this ordinance shall be posted in the bulletin board at the entrance of the Cony Hall Main Building, bulletin board of the Sangguniang Panlungsod| bulletin boards of the component b&angays of the City of Paranaque, i \/ 2029-93 nde No, series 2000 AN onginanc ueaLfi cuit XANCE IMPOSING CURFP DURING TIMES OF NATIONAL O# LOCAL PUBLIC ORDER AND Sanu off HGENCIES TIEKERY. AMENDING FOR TIS URPOSE. OMDINANCE. NOL 9042. AND rasan] STOR ETS IMPLEMENTATION THERA Of Ml all police precincts/detachments/sub-precincts, and the Headquarters of { 1 the Paranaque City Police Station.” Section 6, Sections 3 and 6 of Ordinance No. 99-12 are hereby suspended without / prejudice in compliance with Republic Act No. 9344, Section 7. The amended and upslated copy of this approved ordinance shall be printed and appended hereto as Appendix “A” and shall be furnished to all Punong Barangays, the Chief of Police of the Parafiague Police Station, the Distriet Director of the Southem Police Distrit, and the Regional Director of the National Capital Region Police Of Section 8. The curfew imposed under Section 1 par, 1 following the declaration or issuance of a State of Calamity or Emergency by the national or local authority shall be ipso facto suspended upon the withdrawal or public declaration by the City Mayor or by ths ‘Sangguniang Panlungsod that such ealamity or emergency shall have ceased. Section 9. Ordinance No. 99-12 is hereby amended insofar as the title shall be read, as follows: “AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING CURFEW WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF PARANAQUE AND. PRESRCRIBING THE GUIDELINES FOR ITS ENFORCEMENT > AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Section 10. Section 7 of Ordinance No, 99-12 is hereby amended to further read as follows: “REPEALING AND SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - All ordinances and issuances which are inconsistent hereto are hereby repealed. Should ‘any provision of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or Inconsistent with law, the other remaining part's hereof shall remain valid fo and in force and effect.” Section 1. This ordinance shall ake effect immediately folowing its approval \ ENACTED this 15H day of M476 2020 at the City of Paraftaque at 15th _day y of Parasiag \. CERTIFIWOYRYYAND CORRECT — iJROVED 5 EDWIN L. OLIVAREZ City Mayor Gg, 0s OT\GOLEZ City Vied Md 9 Nek oe Ordinance No, AN ORDINANCE Imed MEALTIL EMERGEN GUIDELINES FOR 1 CURFEW DURING IMPLEMENTATION THERE NATIONAL OR LOCAL PURLIC ORDER AND SAFETY Of Pom TTS PURPOSE ORDINANCE NO. 99:12 AND PRESCRIBING SPONSORED BY: MARVIR A. SAKTOS. MERLIE S. City Councilor INTIPUESTO DWIN R- BENZON City Councilor MARITESS B. DE ASIS City Coyncitor Cyc /ABLO C. GABRIEL, JR. City Councilor ALLEN FORD4-- City Councilor DOZA JOSE MARIAG. YI City Councilor City Cobreildr VIKTOR ERIKO M. SOFTO. VANHOLI City Councilor City ch VINCENT KENNETH M. FAVIS. CHRISTOPHE City Councilor Liga President GUILAR HANNAH M. FLORENCONDIA SK President CONCURRED BY: (Sick Leave) ELEAZER M. DIOKNO City Councilor atl) (Public of the Phil IGUNIANG PAN City of Parafiaque 8" Council sak pines. NGSOD ORDINANCE NO. 99. © ORDINANCE NO.20.. avies ot 9080 Aaa IMPOSING CURFEW) WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL, ATS DICTION OF PARANAQUE AND PRESRCRIBING THE z ICTION 0 ESRCRIBING THE GUIDELINES FOR NFORCEMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOS . during State of Calamities or Emergencies, as declared by national or local authorities, brought by public order and safety or health concerns affecting the country, region or the eity, and within that period of time are prohibited to congregate, loiter, wander, travel or be in the streets, plazas, roads and such other similar public places areas, including uninhabited places within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Paranaque. UL Section 1. COVERAGE ~ curfew is being imposed on oF for every person, not engas: into legitimate official private or public business, between 8 pm to 5 am of the following day However, during normal times or at times where no public declaration of calamity or emergency is in effect within the city, curfew for minors, aged below eighteen (18) years oldy between 10 pinto 4am of the following day, and are prohibited to congregate, loiter, wander of be inthe streets, plazas, roads and such other similar public places areas, including uninhabited places within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Paranaque. Duge— Section 2. EXEMPTIONS ~ The following are exempted from the curfew provided wee 1 hereof, namely: 1.) Those who are engaged in legitimate offical private activity, which shall be limited to sere J or hospital related endeavors, filing of complaint or report at the barangay oF mice authorities, purchase of food or perishable goods and such other basie necessities Fem stores or groceries, business, occupation, livelihood or labor; <= 2.) Those who are gainfully employed in industries which require the rendering of work under shifting hours, such as night shift or graveyard shift supported by company ID card wwith Certificate of Employment stating shifting hours; 3.) Those who are engaged in legitimate official public duties; Ny 4) Students who came from their schools and are on their way to their respective residene 5.) Minors who are accompanied by their parents or guardians on their way home on situations mentioned in Section 1 par. 2 of this ordinance; fp 6.) Those who came from travel, local or international and are on their way to their respective residences; and 7.) Those who are engaged in the profession of their religious or sectoral practices, masses, \ CR prayer meetings and the likes. It shall be understood that in all situations as herein above-provided, proper identification cards, duly issued by the government or the school, whichever is applicable, shall be required to be presented. 920-03- Section 3.8% x. SEC ENF 1 OF Emenee Nf ENFORCEMENT ~ The imposition of curfew, daring State of Calamities Force PaaS of during normal city condition shall be enforced by the City Curfew Task ~ Punong Barangay and or hivher duly authorized agents, tanod and executive officers, including the Sangeuniang Barangay Members, SK Chairperson and SK Members who are on ollicial duty and exercising his/her duty as peace officers in the maintenance of public order and S safety, members of the Parafague City Police Station (PS3-SPD), the District, Regional and National elements of the Philippine National Police. In enforcing this ordinance the person/s subject to curfew shall be prevented from travelling, wandering, loitering or congregating, or from continuing such activity ifthe said person/s had been caught in flagrante delieto, in public places and directed to return to their respective residences, dwelling or usual place of resting ‘The public officer enforcing this ordinance shall observe the following procedures: 1.) Present hissher official identification card, introduce his/her name, position XQ designation, unit or office where he or she is connected with; 2.) Explain the nature and the mandate of the ordinance, state the nature of prevention or prohibition from travelling, wandering, loitering or congregating in public places as a precautionary measure in view of a State of Calamity or Emergency, and a measure to Promote and protect the life, health and safety of every person; n X30 Allow the subject person/s to explain o air hisher response on the reason of his/her/their \ activity oF business during the curfew period; ; as ‘D4 The public officer shall examine whether or not the explanation of the subject person/s is reasonable or falls within the exemptions as stated in Section 2 hereof; In case of deliberate or willful refusal to comply with the lawful order of the public oflicer/s, upon the reiteration of the public officer enforcing the curfew following his/her examination that the subject person/s does not fall under the exemptions specified in this ordinance, the refusing person/s shall be arrested and charged accordingly for the ce sce See hen aan aioe oc tat to comply with the lawful order in enforcing this ordinance shall result to assault upon peer ieen By vinue of this provision, a CITY CURFEW TASK FORCE is hereby created which wi be the primary implementing agency of this ordinance and shall be composed of the following: \ a. City Mayor as Task Force Head b. City Administrator as member; ©. Chief of Police, Parahaque City Police Station as member; | 4. Punong Barangays of the component barangays of the city as members: and J \ ¢. City Councilor, Chairman of the Committee on Public Order and Safety as member; wes \ a ae og 2 0-03: at to ant Metco) shall deprive the City Mayor and the Punon Barangays of dei watson ‘man enforce laws and ordinances Within their respective territorial jurisdictions but 10 Pe nacrbreied as {0 instill coordination among law enforcers and elliciency in’ the implementation of the ordinance, * ” Section S. DISSEMINATION ~ the approved copies of this ordinance shall be posted in ke bulletin board at the entrance of the City Hall Main Building. bulletin. board of the tuniang Panlungsod, bulletin boards of the component barangays of the City of Paraiaque. in all police precinets/detachments/sub-precincts, and the Headquarters of the Parafaque City Station h Section 6. xx x. Section 7. REPEALING AND SEPARABILITY CLAUSE ~ All ordinances and issuances which are inconsistent hereto are hereby repealed. Should any provision of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or inconsistent with law, the other remaining parts hereof shall remain valid and in force and effect. Section 8. EFFECTIVITY - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its / approval. ORDINANCE NO. 99-12 was approved on September 14, 199. ORDINANCE NO. 20-__ was approved on March 15, 2020. ae

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