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Thermal equilibrium


-A measure of degree of hotness of a matter in Kelvin or degree celsius

-Heat is a form of energy measured in joules

Heat energy is trasnferred from objects with higher temperature to objects with lower temperature

Temperature of body A is higher than temperature of body B.

When two bodies are in thermal contact .Heat energy is transferred from body A to body B at a
higher rate

The heat energy also transfers from body B to body A but at a lower rate

There is net flow of heat

So temeprature of body A decreases while body B increases

The net heat will flow from body A to body B until the temperature of both b ody is the same.Both
bodies are said to have thermal equilibrium

No net rate of heat flow


The heat is transferred from oven to the food

-The process will continue until the food is in thermal equilibrium with the air in the oven

-This occurs when the temperature of the food is equal to the temperature of the air in the oven

Why mercury use in thermometer

-Can be easily seen

-Expand and contract rapidly and uniformly

-Do not stick to the glass wall of the capillary tube

Working principles of thermometer

When thermometer in thermal contact with hot water

,Heat energy is transferred from the hot water to the thermometer

When the thermometer absorb heat energy,mercury expands and the volume increases

-Level of mercury in capillary tube increases

-When thermal equilibrium is reached,the net flow of heat between hot water and thermometer is

-Thermometer reading shows the body temeprature of patient

Opaque-easy to take reading

Good heat conductor-Can expand unnifromly with heat

HIGH BOILING POINT-can mesaure high temeprature

High cohesive force-does not stick to the glass wall

heat capacity

-Ability of an object to store heat energy when there aare any temperature changes

Heat capacity depends on

Types of amterial

Mass of object

Quantity of heat supplied

Specific heat capacity

-Amount of heat needed to raise 1c of temeprature of 1kg of an object

Sea breeze and land breeze

Sea breeze occurs during the day

Land has lower specific heat capacity compared to water

During the day the temeprature on land rises more quickly than the sea

The air on the land rises upwards and cool air move towards the land as sea breeze

Land breeze

Sea has higher specific capacity than land

The air on the sea is hotter while the air on the land is cooler

The hot air from the sea moves upwards while the cold air from the land moves towards the sea as
land breeze

Specific latent heat

Latent heat is thermal energy or heat absorbed or released by a substance during a change of state
or phase without change in temperature

Latent heat of fusion is the aount of heat released during freezing

Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat absorbed during melting

Latent heat of vaporisation

Is the amount of heat released during condensation

Is the amount of heat absorbed during boiling

Increasing temeprature

No change in temperature because the heat energy absorbed is used to overcome the force of
atrraction between particles and atmospheric pressure

The heat absorbed to change lqiuid to gas is called latent heat of vaporisation

Decreasing temperature

No change in temperatue because the heat energy lost to the surrounding is balanced by the heat
energy released when particles changes from liquid to solid

No change in temperature because the heat releaed is used to reangrrange the moelcules to form a

The heat released to change to liquid to solid is called latent heat of fusion

Specific latent heat

-The amount of heat needed to change the phase completely of 1kg of substance at constant

Latent heat energy is absorbed

-latent heat weakens the bonds between the molecules

-Molecules are released from their fixed position and move throughout the liquid

Specific latent heat of fusion

-Qauntity of heat that is absorbed during melting or the quantity of heat released during freezing of
1kg of the substances without change in temperatue

Sepcific latent of vaporatisation

Qauntity of heat that is absorbed during boiling and quantity of heat that is released during
condensation of 1kg of the substances without change in temperature


-kinetic theory of gases,gas molecule move freely ,rapidly and uniformly in the space of a container

When the gas molecules collide with the wall of container it creates pressure on the container

Boyles law

Pressure is inversely proportional to volume of a fixed mass of gas at room temperatue

A fixed mass of gas is compressed at constant temperatue

When the volume of gas decreases the same number of molecule move in a smaller space.The
number of molecules per unit volume increases.this causes the rate of collisions between molecules
and the wall increases.Force per unit area on the wall of the container also increases .Pressure in

Charles law

-Volume is directly proportional to absolute temperature for a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure

When temperature ,average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases and the molecules move
with higher velocity.To keep constant gas pressure the volume increases so that the rate of collision
of gas molecules with the walls of the container is unchanged

Gay-lussac law

-Pressure is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant

When temperature increases average kinetic energy of molecules also increases ,the molecules
move with higher velocity,since the volume does not increase,the rate of collision between the
molecules and the wall of the container also increases.Press exerted on the wall of the container
also increase

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