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Waves are produced by oscillations or vibrations

Oscillations and vibrations are repetitive motions about an equilibrium position in a closed path

Energy propagets without transfer of matter of the medium

Progressive wave

Waves where the wave profile propagate with time

Two types of progresisve wave

-Trnasverse wave

-Longitudinal wave

Transverse wave

-Particles of medium vibrates in the direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave

-Made of crests and troughs

Longitudinal wave

Partciles of medium vobrates in the direction parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave

-Made of compression and rarefactions

Stationary waves

Waves where the wave profile does not propagate with time

Ex:Waves produced from muscial instrument

Two types of stationary waves

Mechanical wave

-requires medium to transfaer energy

-Made up of vibrating praticles in a medium

Electromagnetic wave

-Does not require medium to transfer energy

-Made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to one another


-Maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position


-Time taken by a particle to make a complete escillation


-Number of complete oscilaltions made by a particle in one second


-Distance between two consecutive points in phase

Wave speed

-Distance travelled per second by a wave profile

Damping and resonance

-Reduction in amplitude in an oscillating system due to loss of energy(Frequency is constant)

External damping:Loses energy to overcome friction or air resistance

Internal damping:Loses energy because of strecthing and compression of vibrating particles in a


Overcome damping

-apply periodic external force on the oscillating system


-When the periodic force applied to an osciallting system at its natural frequency,the oscillating
system is said to be at resonance

System oscialltes at its natura; frequency

System osciallates at Maximum AMPLITUDE

The vibrations from tuning fork P causes tuning fork Q to vibrate in resonance with tuning fork
P.Energy is traansferred from tuning fork P to tunin fork Q.Tuning fork Q vibrates at its natural
frequency and maximum Amplitude

Pendulum B oscillates nad transfer energy to other pendulum

The length of pendulum D is the same with pendulum B

-Frequency of pendulum of D is same as Pendulum B

Pendulum D undergoes Resonance

-Oscillations with maximum amplitude

Advantages of resonance

-Televsion and radio can be set to a certain program


-food cooked by microwave


-Collapse of bridge by strong winds

-Shattering of glass by sounds




-Direction of propagation of wave is perpendicular to the wavefront

-Lines that joins all the points in vibrating in phase

Water acts as a lens to produce dark and bright fringes

-Water wave have crests and troughs

-Crest act as convex lens while troughs act as concave lens

Crest foucuses the light to form bright finges on the white screen

Troughs diverges the light to form dark fringes on white screen

Reflection of waves

-Occurs when a incident ray strikes a reflector and undergoes change in direction of propagation

-Occurs to light rays,electromagnetic ways and sound waves

Law of reflection

The angle of reflected ra equals to the angle of incident ray

Ultrasonic waves used in medical fields to scan structures

Radio waves used in telecommunication

Sonar technology detect areas with large number of fish

Refraction of wave

-Change in direction of propagation of wave due to change in velocity when the waves propagates
from one medium to another

Refraction of sound wave


Layer of air above ground is warmer

Sound move faster in warm air than cold air

Sound is refracted upwards

-Sound is not clear to observer

During night air above the ground is cooler

Sound mov3e slower in cold air

Sound is refracted downards

Sound clearer to observer

Cape is shallow region while bay is deep region

At cape water is slower so wavelenght is shorter

At bay water is faster wavelenght is longer

This causes wavefront to curve and follow the shape of shore line

Amplitude at cape is bigger than bay

Difraction of wave

-Spreading of waves when the wave propagates througba slit or a barrier

Diffraction of sound waves

-Diffraction of water waves produced calm water regions for docking of ships
-Sound waves

-Infrasonic waves produced by elephant used for long communication

Strong concrete walls buuild near a harbour jetty to protect boat

Build at the bay where the waves are calm

It is high so water does not overflow

-Curved shape to reflect the waves from seaside

Has small gap to difraction some waves

-The water waves pass through the gap

Interference of waves

-Superposition of two or more waves from a coherent source of wave

Coherent waves:Same frequency ,phase is difference is constant

Coherent source:Sources of wave that have the same frequency ,amplitude and phase

Constructive interfenrence is when two crest are in superposition

Destructive interference is when one crest and one troughs is in superposition


a=Distance of sepeartion between two coherent sources

x=distance betwene two antinodal line or two adjacent nodal lines

D=Distance between the coherent sources and where value of x is measured

Interference in daily life

-Microphone and headphone used by pilots have transmitter system the produce sound waves
which interfere destructively with the surrounding noise

-Anti reflection lens has a coating on the surface to reflect light to interfere destructively

Rose ma is vincent Ung X-Girlfriend

Radio wave


Visible light



Gamma ray

Electromagnetic wave

-does not need medium to travel

-Transfer energy

-Transverse wave

Eletcrical and magnetic field oscillates and vibrate perpendicular to each other and the direction of

Radio wave-Long distance radio communication

Microcave-cooking by using microwave

Infrared ray-remote ontrol

Visible light-for vision

Ultraviolet ray-sterilising medical equipments,detecting authencity of currency notes

X-rays-Scan baggaes at air port

Gamma ray-cancer treament

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