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Table of Contents

Distinguish different from of the organisation...........................................................................3

Partnership start-up is better than sole tradership......................................................................4

Marketing strategy to reach prospective customers...................................................................4

key people in activities within each functional area..................................................................4

Capital or financial requirements for your chosen organisation................................................5

The target market for the business.............................................................................................6

The needs of the target market...................................................................................................7

Online grocery services should address the needs.....................................................................7

Marketing strategy to reach the targeted market........................................................................9




The purpose of the assessment is to make an effective startup plan that helps to design an
online grocery business and as an entrepreneur will create a business plan that helps to
identify the key people of the business perspectives that are helpful with the functional areas.
The assessment helps to analyse the financial requirement of the organisation. This study
helps to analyse the different target markets for the growth of the business and can create an
effective presence within grocery online services. The study illustrates the news of the target
market that helps to identify the needs of the organisation. The assessment gives a market
strategy to identify the target audiences for the growth of the business.
Grocery is continuously changing the behaviour of consumers and the entrepreneur will
develop online grocery services because consumers are preferring online grocery delivery to
their homes instead of picking up from a traditional store and the trend of delivery services is
rising effectively. As entrepreneur will use the latest mobile technology and provides
effectiveness within the grocery market and the traditional ways of marketing also adopting
online delivery services. Companies started taking advantage of technological perspectives
for that customers can gain the products to their doorsteps (Singh, 2022).

Distinguish different from of the organisation

A business organization is the single most important choice regarding the company and
business. Adopt the form of the business and promote the multitude of factors for the
company that helps to decide the future of the company. 

Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Limited Liabilities


This is the simplest The partnership Corporations consist LLC consists of

form of business business runs with the of separate entities the owner and
ownership and the owner and partner and and considers legal limited liabilities
business owner runs they all invest property, persons and consist and that provides
for with own money, and labor for of different advantages of the
benefit.  the growth of the shareholders.   partnership.

All profit is Shared resources are Profit and loss belong LLC owners share
subjected to the distributed among the to the corporation. the profit without
owners. partners.  double taxation.

The owner is It is a flexible and To start a business LLC is costly due

flexible in running a similar design to the there needs to be to the legal issues
business (Rifkind, proprietorship (Rifkind, complex paperwork and filing fees
2022). 2022). (Rifkind , 2022). (Rifkind , 2022).

Partnership start-up is better than sole tradership

One of the benefits of the partnership when not compared with the sole traders because it
allows each kind of the partners to bring the various types of partners and it also provides
skills among the partners that help to set an effective table. Therefore, it helps to pool the
resources and helps to create the opportunity to develop more capital to start off, and thus it is
effectively operating on its own. The partnership helps to enjoy access to more operating
capital and thus it provides effective financial capital for the operation perspectives (Srgtyue,

Marketing strategy to reach prospective customers.

Businesses can use social media and the company posts pictures of the products that they
offer to the customers and which creates an environment for the customer to get knowledge
about the products of the customers. Companies can start a blog through the websites that
help to attract the target customers to the effects of buying decisions of the customers. 
Businesses also use SEO that locates particular subjects and companies use specific keywords
so that customers can easily find out the specific products that are related to the products
(Indeed, 2022). 

key people in activities within each functional area

Assistant store manager

An assistant store manager of the online grocery store oversees the daily operation of the
customers and the manager supervises the employees to resolve the various issues related to
the retail industry. There are several assistant managers and they oversee the specific
department including chilled food, bakery and liquor etc.

Customer services representatives
Customer service representatives handle the various services of the customers. Their primary
role is to improve the experiences of the customers and they provide help to the customer
base on the transaction process, return process and issues on the rain checks etc and that is
based on the queries of the customers (Indeed, 2022).
Store manager
Store manager oversees the entire operation and they provide effective business decisions for
online grocery services. The store manager ensures productivity and profitability. The
manager also creates budgets, implements procedures and promotes innovative policies that
provide effectiveness ness within the growth of the business.
Delivery driver- The delivery driver has a responsible role from the business perspective the
delivery driver is responsible for transporting packages and they deliver the goods from the
online store to the business and personal address. They use the negation tool to deliver
parcels to the correct address.
Finance executive- A finance executive is responsible for the money transaction perspectives
and that includes income and expenses of the company the executive oversees the
profitability of the organisation in effective ways. The design of the tax planning, budgeting
and statement of the cash-flow and that help to promote and maximise profit for the
organisation (Indeed, 2022).
Digital marketing executive
Digital marketing executives are responsible for creating the formulation strategies that help
to create long-lasting digital content for the customers and they monitor and provide effective
planning for the presence of social media. They are responsible for launching online
advertisement that helps to increase brand awareness within the company.
Online marketing specialist
Online marketing specialists are responsible for the campaigns through digital marketing and
this digital marketing uses for market research they are also engaged with business
optimisation for better performance in the business through digital strategies (Indeed, 2022).

Capital or financial requirements for your chosen organisation

Start-up Expenses (£)

Working capital 50,000
Accounting 3,000

Legal 3,500
Office supplies 3,800
Building repair equipment 6,00,000
Insurance 8,000
Electricity repairs 10,000
Roof repairs 13,000
Website management 6,000
Architect 5,000
Security system 5,200
Project Management Fee 7,500

Total start-up expenses 7,15,000

Start-up assets needed (£)

Inventory 2,00,000
Other short-term assets 0
Total short-term assets 2,00,000
long-term assets 0
Total assets 2,00,000

Total start-up requirements 9,15,000

Need of finance 8,45,000

The owners of the company is said to have invested an initial capital of £70,000. The
company has prepared a financial plan consisting of the start-up expenses. At the start of the
business, company doesn’t have any financial liabilities but the inventory will cost around
£200,000. So, the company will basically need £845,000 to meet the planned start-up
expenses. Therefore, the company should look for a reliable source of financing. As the
company is a new start-up, taking loan from the commercial bank will be the most suitable
one for the company.

The target market for the business

The positioning-The target market for the online grocery market is quite diverse. The online
grocery market mainly focused on the 18 to 60 years of the individuals as the target markets.

The bust parents don't have the time to go to the traditional store for online grocery shopping
perspectives and millennials are comfortable with the online shopping perspective lastly,
seniors find difficulties with the traditional ways of online shopping perspectives (Amplify,
Segregation- Millennials who are in the 18 to 24 age group and are the most attractive group
for online grocery services are looking for more transactions online and they have a higher
need for grocery conveniences for online grocery services increase the online shopping that
provides effective building consumer comfort online services. The working parents are
mostly 25 to 34 age group people and they could not buy grocery products the traditional
ways and they can prefer online shopping for the time-consuming perspective. Older people
of 60 years are another target market because these aged people could not move from one
place to another and they could not manage their grocery shopping for daily perspectives
(Amplify, 2022).
Target- The target market plays a crucial role in the online grocery market. The company
will promote eco-friendly products for the customers and this strategy will give an effective
result to the growth of the business and help to attract customers (Newberry, 2022).

The needs of the target market

Customers have needs for that online grocery market to build products to satisfy the needs of
the customer base to earn the loyalty of the company. The news-oriented order helps to serve
a better way of the core marketing function on the aspects of the company. This kind of need-
oriented segmentation propound the feature of the products and also deliver higher retention
and satisfaction towards the customers. The needs-oriented segmentation is provided with
effective price policies that drive a higher profit and revenue for the growth of the market in
online grocery services. The company will provide organic products to the customer base
because the customers are now health conscious and they are demanding organic food for the
perspectives of health befit and that impact the health of the individuals in effective ways.
The company also promotes vegan food to vegetarian customers and the customers need
health-beneficial products and this kind of needs-oriented food is effective for online grocery
shopping perspectives. Companies also promote different continental food that helps to
satisfy the needs of a large amount of the company can gain a large customer base and this is
also effective from the business perspective (Fevrin, 2021).

Online grocery services should address the needs

The target market for the online grocery service will be understood through the grocery
websites and the several top reasons for grocery shopping. They mainly include are,
Customers of the online grocery store choose convenience products for they will be able to
shop through the online service from any place and any time. The customers wouldn't have to
worry about finding the store, carrying groceries at the home and fighting for parking.
Therefore, online grocery stores will allow pickup services and offer home delivery options
to the customer base. The company delivers services to the workplace and home of the
customers and this helps to save time and energy for the customers because this kind of
shopping experience promotes a great option with limited mobility. Through this online
grocery, shoppers can enjoy the convenience of different products. This way customers have
not spent time in the different stores within a few clicks and this helps to be beneficial at the
different levels.
Grocery products help to save time in convenient ways. Customers are busy in the working
place and they want to take effective time for the working perspectives. For that, individuals
prefer to shop through online services because it helps to reduce the travel time of the grocery
so that they can deliver products to the home and this way the customers can save time in an
effective way (Suttle, 2022).
Cost saving
This factor helps to attract individuals to online shopping perspectives and this way they can
control costs. This way online groceries provide cheaper products when the individual
purchases the products online. Through these shopping experiences, the store doesn't have to
pay for the location so they can offer cheaper products and passes savings to their customers.
The customers can get a clear idea of the spending on the products so that they can avoid
overspending on grocery products.
Comparison shopping
Grocery shopping online provides easy ways for comparison shopping and the company can
promote competitive prices and the customers can compare the availability of the products in
the different online markets. Customers choose specific products and this way the customers
can choose comparison shopping. This helps with constraints time and customers don't need
to go store for the store to purchase the products (Aull, 2022).

More Option
Online grocery stores provide a wider variety of products than physical grocery stores for
customers can get various kinds of brands for online shopping. Customers can get the same
variety in online stores. This way customers can access the various options and variety most
easily through online services.
Online shopping uses the data of the customers and the online store can provide experiences
and the online services proactively propose additional products for the company can offer
that is based on certain products (Aull, 2022).

Marketing strategy to reach the targeted market

A successful online shopping experience revolves around the crucial marketing mix that is
mainly products, price, place, promotion etc and this marketing strategy helps to determine
the main attraction of the online consumers.
The products of the online grocery market show through websites and mobile apps and this
way the customers can access and buy groceries online. Online grocery stores provide offers
on a complete range of products. Therefore, it helps to influence various customers and they
can buy various products online. Customers can buy organic products, vegan products, dairy
products, and hygienic and beauty products and the online store can offer varieties of
products through the various brands.
Pricing is a crucial factor and this helps to determine and this process helps to identify the
customer purchasing power through the particular website. This way it provides nominal
delivery charges, a competitive marketing strategy for it to help to influence the target
customer base to buy more groceries from the particular online store (Echov, 2022).
Customers are using better internet services and they are using affordable smartphone that
allows the customers to provide effective shopping experiences within London. For that,
online grocery services can cover a large amount of area and provide delivery to the target

Online grocery services promote their business through social media and this digital platform
provides effective marketing campaigns with this way the company can create brand
awareness. This is crucial and this also ensures effective online services to the maximum
number of users (Echov, 2022).


This assessment concludes with an effective business plan for online grocery services. The
assessment helps to identify the key people such as store managers, customer services
representatives, financial executives etc. The assessment identifies the financial and capital
requirements and helps to identify the target market for the growth of the business. The study
discusses the needs of the target market for an effective business plan of the business. The
assessment identifies the marketing strategies for the effectiveness of the business.


Amplify, 2022. The target market for online grocery shopping in 2022, AMPLIFY XL.
Available at: (Accessed:
November 14, 2022).

Aull, B, 2022. Making online grocery a winning proposition, McKinsey & Company.
McKinsey & Company. Available at:
packaged-goods/our-insights/making-online-grocery-a-winning-proposition (Accessed:
November 14, 2022).

Echov, 2022. Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategies for an online grocery store, echoVME
Digital. Available at:
(Accessed: November 14, 2022).

Fevrin, N, 2021. How to grow your online grocery delivery business, WorkWave. Available
delivery-business/ (Accessed: November 14, 2022).

Indeed, 2022. 10 marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. Available at:
retain-customers (Accessed: November 28, 2022). 

Indeed, 2022. Finding a job | - indeed career guide. Available at: (Accessed: November 14, 2022).

Newberry, C, 2022. What is a target market (and how to find yours in 2022), Social Media
Marketing & Management Dashboard. Available at:
market/ (Accessed: November 14, 2022).

Rifkind , P, 2022. How do I choose between the 4 major business organization forms?,
Chicago Business Lawyer. Available at:
Forms.aspx (Accessed: November 28, 2022). 

Singh, A, 2022. How to start your online grocery delivery business?, JungleWorks. Available
at: (Accessed:
November 14, 2022).

Srgtyue, A, 2022. Sole proprietorship vs partnership, WallStreetMojo. Available at:
(Accessed: November 28, 2022). 

Suttle, R, 2022. Grocery Store Company objectives, Small Business -
Available at:
(Accessed: November 14, 2022).


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