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are-1.2 minutes “The examiner itrocutor wil ak each 3 yout speak ily in tim a 0 give paranalntrmation about youseles Yeu con sxpet ait of uenon, uth en dd you stat erring Enlsh? Inwnat ways do you thnk English going to bo Useful or you? are 2 1 minutes be olan wo dierent photograph in turf ak sbou. After your pata ha finned speaking, you wll be asked» brit question connected wth your partner’ photographs a Looks the we photographs an page 18 which show peopie having liferen ors Candidte A. compare hose photographs and sey how you thik the pople etn thote stuns Candidate wich of hee sorts af tse would you enay mot? (Wy?) ‘Look athe wo photographs on page 16 which show diferent crs. Candidate 8, compare hase photographs and say how you think t woul fl 10 Candidte A, which of has cars would yu profor to trvel in? (YM You wil be asad to decas something together wahout intruption by he Imagine you ae Heping to arganise sn tor actity noid fora group of te suse Tako each otor about the adventepes and disedventage ofthese ‘utsor sctites Then dei whi we aetivtes shold ta chore, “The examina wil encourage yout devdop the ope of your dzuarion in Pan 3 by sing questions such o: Wat ae the most popular spot wath on pey in your county? Dory preter tam spore onda sorts? (Why? Wet ski do team sports require? Why ‘Wy do you think some people re good spots and ohare arn? Do you think some sports ae too expene veto ply? (Why? Wy 0) Do youthink prtasionalspertpeopi eu too much maney? hy? Why ne?) oly Pee TERED PAPER Speaking PAPER | Resaing and Use of Enaich b> PARTS {devoted (a) giving someone alt of love and free (al powerful intonse sibling {n) a brother o sistor ‘ride oto alk strongly with long steps {out (2 foul weather i stormy and windy, with a lap eyes on someone/something (ph 0 se someonelsomething, especially when you did not flute (vo wave very quietly and lightly breeze (n) agente wind ‘neutral (a) neutral Ianguage deliberstely avoids ‘expressing strong flings landscape gardener (n) 9 skiled worker who designs ‘snd works on landscaped areas >) PART 6 tur tv stat doing something new or diferent thang out vt spend time somewhere formative (a) relating to period of evelopment isibity nthe capability of being easy obsorved platform (n haréware or software that can be Sotessed online Wellbeing In) when someone is happy, healthy and ‘comfortable boost (vo improve or increase something energie (10 ave energy to ‘mental sharpness (a) the ability to notice and Understand tings y > part? sotude (Being alone tin} 9 space in a house, just under the root frame of mind (nthe way someone fels at 3 pariular ime flow (v to move in 8 smooth, continuous way ‘extend 10 continue switch off (vol Interfere v) 10 intrude congregate (v) to gather togethar spacious (a large, with plenty of roam atering (n) provicing food and érnkfor people imperative ac essential hil out) 0 reine rambler} somocne who goes for long walks for ‘cage ac Koon and excitod {ar from (phe) uted to say that something diferent ie ‘eampaign(v tot to achieve something by persuading people or the governmant to-do something ‘erode sto wear away, to wash away ‘exposed (ad not overed ‘lump (na group, mass, or cluster ‘sway () t0 move 2ack ad forth, to rook ‘transform (vo change from one shape or ‘sppesrance to ancner veetin (nn uncovering of something that was Niden, disclosure hand-eye coorinstion (nthe coordinated contol of hand movement with eye movement stimulus (o) someting that makes something else happen, grow or develop more food (v0 enter er fil a place in large numbers or mimic (to copy 2 imitat closoly Incorporate (v0 nelude something as part of nother hing ‘opponent (n 8 person who takes the oppesit side in SMight game, comes, oe Ine (to go 10 vital fac essotial ‘esignate() to eat aside fora purpose renovation (nthe act of repairing and redecorating serenity (n) 2 feaing of elmness and happiness {et your head down (to cress your efforts to & Berdeutor task undertake (v) todo something, to cant something out ergonomic) designed to veate maximum comfort outlay (n) cost ‘output in} an amount of something produced by a sedentary (a) spending a lot of time siting down mie For questions 18, read he text below an doce which wor. 8, fac gop. Thar sn sxamola the beginning ER 4 Speaking ¢ | exam: Pes? | 9 & intormed B wis shown > asa ofa 8 oo] School lunch Rosen has |)... that over half the disenn Britain who tala thar own nce te schoo! do nt eat propery Inthe mice of the dey. n Btn schools Nave to provide mess at linctime. Chitren em (1) ‘One surrsng 2 ofthis esr tat choo mess are much heer than ‘moa which hae to Include ft ogetabes, most anda daly ter, Lunchboxes (2) by renee continad set ciks aps and choclate bare, 0 the iron... am une amount f supra anche. “The rosarch wil provide a beter (6)... of why the percentage of overwsight studi Bitlo has. nth st decade. Chien cn esl develop bod ting (7) thi age anit important ote ado something 9 8. 1A preter B manage want chooee 2 Atinding 8 number © towe tocor on 2 contain © consume consit Ase B knowledge € understanding D opinion 6 Aesoanded —B Inerneed——«C wtonde Bade 7 Rewoms 8 styes C otter habie 8 A prevent Bane © decide delay Comoe Eph Fee aS 9) PABER Y Reig ana Use a Engin >> oar PAPER 4 Speaking For questions 8-16, ead the text below and ink ofthe word which Best ts each ‘98p. Use ony ne word ineach gap Thar an exami at he Bopnning te your answers N CAPITAL LETTERS on he separate answer sheet, evamote [0 7TALELRELT I History and storytelling ‘Over the te fo yeas () hae eam more itra inthe subj of Mistry, urnapsbacsuee histor! documentaries cn eeulson MAE) aang large audiences. According to 2 recant survey, mote people re spying (10) ‘lee at unverety, and the number af how wartng to sty Ntory 1) incoased. However prfeezrs of history ne (2)... pttcuety Nappy ebout this nd nave expresad concer about the qulty ofthe students Thay lam that els 2). ty th abet in pth. TV programmes mate students think th tying history sa simple storing. Documents overs th subject and nga (M4)... ottoman an atmos to atatauance. (onthe eter hand, ain istorians cou ar (18). 10 tla ory om ‘te makers of such documentais. Many stan dont have good native sil, Ch 6. 50 many history Books are not popular with readers Cambie Eni Fst eet >> PAPER Reagan Ute of Engin» Pat 2 For questions 17-2, read he tent below. Use the word given in capt ‘tse of the nes to form 2 word that nthe gain he some i Th ‘xampl athe begining 0. eke your aneworsN CAPITAL LETTERS on the sapaate answer set, ‘comple [0 JolAIniclelRlofuls! TTT TTT TTT) Diving deeper Freediving on extremely (0)... spr whichis patape DANGER fy (9) Mas rou sofas Frendvers ar tachad POPULAR loep aethey an nd come up (8) mseouere ‘The Bien foe ver, Tanya Sst tate very 19) cane bef each dive ould up hee physi! 20)... She never FT vos unti ses completa confident hs she’ ray The danger icaused bythe gfe 21 ut thowe dept, PRESS. wont to avid aecident Tanya say. Ta fale that mental stronth ie als very import. She has emotions response to watr and fei very calm when she's adore, arhape Tanya's roots oot shor 22. tous. h reedving ABLE ‘here are 0 23)... aound you ante are ae cheeing COMPETE SB0E3075 1024. You lonely spor says Tanya course For qvestions 25-30, compat th ssond avtancs so that this similar mapning {otha frst sentence using he word given Do not change he word gen. You must ‘ee beneecn two eve words, cluding the word gen Here ian example) amo FoRWano ‘The gap cane filed by th words ooking ferwar to gona 0 you weit ‘example: [0 JLOOKING FORWARD TO GONE ——] iee ont the mining words IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separate anewer sheet. 2% The battball coach wll make me rai very hard Maoe 1 sone ny at By the baka ach 25 "You can watch if you oop ult i te actor, The actor sid that cold wate uit 27 egret ot teling you the whole wath 28 Mterhoure of negation, thay manage to get the naw contract. SsucceEDED ‘Ales Nous of Netanya nnn seme 30 ite probaly wont come tothe par Mite. tothe pay. Combvsoe oleh Peet Test A> PAPER Reng and Use oF Engin» Pues 69) cu ‘am Essentials You sr gong to 160d an eto about nose. For questions 31-3, chose the brewer IAB € orl which you think fsbest acsorcing to he test. Noise: traveller's enemy or traveller's friend? ®assport, boarding pass, phone.” AS my tax zips towards the airport suddonly a cord of panic pulls tight around my chest. | thrust my hand ino. one comperment of my handbag” then another = nat Brywhore My mouth opens, andthe words ‘Drvet turnaround! Now! almast spring out But swallow thom. se halfway tothe iron, and ™m already sunning ate. Surely can survive one trp without ‘my suppiy of foam earplugs? 1m a ganorally good traveller excep or one thing that undoos me avary time: noise. Ask me about my sbsolite worst travel experiences, adit you the story about that ight! spent ina ehoap Rotel that fslso happens to ba the vonuo forthe most popular Saturday nght disco inthe araa. Elsewhere, the ‘ware the chickens that always began crowing at 2m. aa rralfetreat ino one | guass, Informed them that they shouldnt get going ont dawn). And there vas also che deeply siscaunted hotel room with ‘swimming pool view that was o ploased wih myself fr finding. The swimming pool, turned out, ‘was under renovation. Aetwaly. With power grils, Directly below my window. In ny ideal teaveers world 4 contol the volume of everything lke muse producer at giant mixing board. There would be no blasting television sete hanging abe publ squares or embedded in tas Seats, no cheesy songs playing inthe shops. Loud nolse would be completely absent Everyuhere Butino traveller can remain in a perfectly coniroled conte bubale. Not when we've moving tough ‘world in which what consttutes noise has so many different ntarpretations, Including whather nose is vor a bad thing. For sound is flative: one parsons nose le another peroon's musi, or expression of happines (On one of the first extended trips | ever too, travelled Yo an sland fr Carnival which basicaly ke Aociding fo pitzh your ton inside a danee hall or three week At any hour, different Kings of muse ‘would lost through the air an, without warning, straight imo my er Neighbours shouted to each othor ‘ver the din, thon turmed up the volume on thelr adios. wos a nonstop celebration, during wich | soest got vary iti slogp, was fabuious. The thing i, the nolse tha wraps a cy in Carnival happiness it ‘more then just noise: i's the sound ofa humen community To block tout fo sk mising som Feally fundamental about 9 place snd the reassuring leaing of being part of something larger thon ourtalt. Noise brings people together. Ive learnt this over and aver my travel Dut heat been a ooy lesson To accapt {struggle against my instinct to isolate myself in a cocoon of silence, relly dont want to cut myself off ‘om tho thril of human noise. But dant want to go crazy, eter Nowadays, unwanted ~ and fargaly Tom human = sounds push and shove travellers from al diertion, Cars, subways, contruction, let thoines" their clamour soome omnipresent et intend of imering the volume of everyaay Iving, we Seem to layer netse upon noise. The hotel bar jacks up its techno musie to counteract the babble nthe inbby The traveller waking along waflc choked streets retreats no her Pod (nthe plane, | press my foam earplug deep eat. As slowly expands t fil my ear cana, | Savour the Journey into the bis of hascleasness. Thank goodress the convenience store atthe abort Etocks one of tavél's most essential tama. The headache-ndusing whine ofthe jet engines magically ‘way, and im once again he mastor of my pevate sonic world. To appreciate the comfort of ho ‘of silane, Vi'unplug when | get to where m gong, 70 cantvkne Enon Fes Teta» ean a Use Enh n Whats he wtar doing in the fe parser? demonstrating how wal rota set twpaning why she in a porttrstuaton ‘eseting something that ofan heppans to er ‘showing how Important something her {32 What do the witers worst travel experince tll us about er? ‘Sh i ling to stay in placa that want parla axrovs ‘She as open aheed inode to aid eran stutons ‘She finds unusual locaons especialy atte. 58 What dose ho writ sy about har ea traveler wold” 1A. Sho rsizas tient actu the tort wy to ave © Shetraveisin he nope o ding ene day 1D Shetnows ater people wouldnt ik 24 What does efron ine 202 1 geting ver ie eop 1B thevolume on peopl’ aon 235 What dons ha wrtr en about ro 1B People del witht by erating mare oft © Wattects prope ina numberof een ways. 1D Moder fe offers eee pretation rom 235 How does he wre fon the fil prop? cri ae anders were a one ‘glad to be bie to choos wet mis sh lent. tha fight TEST Cue eee You ate gong to ead an at ‘an Sicsontnees have been removed tram te ele, Choose fom the erences ‘8-6 the one which ts each gop 7-42), Thar is one ox ‘Mark your answers onthe seperate anser sheet. Mountains in the sea An ocean scion vite a mountain oF seamount yp under te oceen Sesledin our special deep-sea sphere, we wait untilwe are untied, driting, a tiny dot onthe immonse Pacific ‘Ocean, Then wo tink into the water, surrounded by bubbles. diver pokes through the bubbles to make 2 inal agjustment to the camera mounted on the ‘outside ofthe submersible sphere known a8 sub. ‘Out there withthe camera are hydravles, thrusters, and hundreds of other essential parts that will keep usaf, ‘of us are crammed inside sphere 1 metrasin 5, surrounded by communication equipment, controls, snacks, cameras. [37] Is peaks, arly mn up close belore, rise from the bottom of the Pcitle near Cocos island. The highest peak here is ‘more than 2.200 mates tl ‘Seamounts generally form when voleanie mountains iso up from the seafloor but fall to reach the surface (those that break the surface become islands). Scientists estimate that there are some 100,000, seamounts t least one Kilometre high. But if you include others that range from small hills to rong mountains, thers may be as many a6 2 milion of thom. We'va saan litle of there oases of le inthe deep. Ofal ests seamounts, marine biologists have Studied only few hundred. Scientists don't often explore ther stones fst hand — ‘or even thoir shallower summits: ving mazes of hard fora, sponges and tea fans ctled by eohoos of fish [58] | Among this abundance of sa creatures, Tight there be now species that could produce new ‘chemical compounds that ean cure diseases? 72 camortoo Eten Unfortunately, more and more frequently deep-s0a fiehing trawler drag nets weighted wih heavy chains ‘cross seamounts to catch achools of fish that congregate ound them. [AO] —] Once these Lunderwater communities are disrupted, it can take hundreds, even thousands, of yoars for them to re-establish themselves, ‘We turn a ghest greenish blue in the light, kopt im 20 we can ete outside, Cleer, pulsing jellies glide ‘ently in the dark, Bouncing off the sub in every liection. & black-and-white manta ray flexor its ‘wings net soars past fora look We ar stil in what called the pho zone, where sunlight penetrates and provides energy for countless "microscopic, ‘hotesynthatie ocean plants that create much of the fart onyger. ‘At about 200 mates the su's darting lights bring the bottom into vie ‘We joke that maybe ‘we've found anew wreck, butinstead is the remains of a voleano, perhaps milions of years old. Within ‘minutes the Gib is hovering a few eantimetres toms the bottom, inside an ancient, ercular vent ofthe now ‘extinct vlesna that forms Las Gemelas, he sculptored ‘walls look ike the facade ofa deep-seated ‘Our sub surfaces ator fve hours ~ all too soon. We begin the long journey back to our land-based lives, where we wil analyse our data and add one more piace to the puzale of our global ocean, (oe TeSt 4») PAPER 4 Recng and Use OF naan» Par “This procoss also destroys long lved and ‘Suddenly somthing just boyond them rises slowgrowing corals, spon from tho othorwie featureless 0a floor invertebrates We have everthing me need for our journey t0 wellknown for # umber of ears reach a seamount named Las Gemelas ‘Thon we doscand further and the ocean around G Some ofthese animals have even iva to be uss complatly black. ‘more than a hundred years od More finely detailed maps ofthe surace of ‘Mars may exe than of he remotest parts ofthe ewan floor, rigs Ego et Tt 4>> PAPER Reding and Use OF aan >> Parte 78 ‘You ste going t ea an atin which our young peopl ak south ‘xpeienoe of aking ha driving ost Fo questions 48-62 choose ram he people (9201 The people maybe chasen more than onc. Which person fated the diving test oe tines? wes dscourage fom diving by areata? was very nervous tat? roctiescriving on private and? oat mise he ot? ai riven sine taking the tet? ABR ABABABS ula previously use another typ of wohl? 74 cantcne Eni Fest TORAY> PAPER Resang and Ute of Engin > oo? First steps at driving ow do young people fe! about earning to diva? Wo asked fur younger who have recy aszogthe tet A Joo Smedley | used to make models of ears, and | knew a lot bout ferent makes long before was old enough fo dive one. been riding @ motorbike for sik ‘months before | atrted tating lessons for my ‘rving test and Fay aure that experience helped ‘me. On the afer hand, larg ta drive proved to Be gute nar. thought because | know how a car ‘works if would mabe a cffrence. That was a big ‘mistake! remember how embarrassed Twas when Teoulant even get the car int sacond gear By the ‘ima took my te, Tl fly confident so wasnt Surprised when | passed frst ime. The funny thing Stout tvs that haven't had th ehance to drive 2 zraver since got my licanee bocause my parents ‘don't nave one! B Hanna Watson ''m realy glad that | havea driving cence because ‘ts so useful, bin | vaent realty sure | wanted to {ake the test at frat was shaking and my kes Wore trembling before the frst lesson, though | {ett better boesuse the instructor was s0 friend ‘Although he assured me ws ready to ake thet ‘ter 25 lessons | dosed fo wat unt had has 8 {em mare | fo very tanse about driving, end the teat waa a disaster Fist forgot my glasses whea | (went forthe writen text, and then” onthe practical test, | got there five minutos” Tote because the ‘ue | was on broke downt It wasn't my faut and "kl they Tet me go ahead with It anyway, but "Anyway, forthe lst fo months "ve been practising in my fathers car, athough he only lets me go on quiet country rosds © Clarissa Holmes | wanted to git my driving leence as soon as | ‘could. My childhood ambition was to bo the fst ‘woman Pormla’One world champion! Actually, the reality of taking my test_was completely Gorent om what'd expect. I eisnt pass tha {est unt my feurh atom, but that was because bf the practical test rapt on making sly mistakes, You sa. In fac tho other part of tho test wasn't Pearly shard all you had to do was Tear the ‘egultion about ving was geting getty upset ete falling three tn ‘omy aunt who owns afar, let me goto afl land drive around, just to get used to tho fooling. Think that helped Tot. ve been saving up ko ‘mad and ina couple of weeks I'm confident Fi Rave enough fo buy a dacont second-hand ear D Eddy Fredricks I did't relly think about taking my driving test fight up uot was 181 had the Iden thet ctving ‘wos baciclly dangerous, ond I thnk that came ‘om my grancmather She had never got used To ving busy all, and she used to tell me how ‘swf t was, which put me off fo But when @ Couple of my Itends passed thelr tats, {suddenly fealised really wanted to get my crving licen. Being optimist just booked ten lessons at ist, butin te ond Ineeded aver tvee times that many Naving» ving cance e golng to be very use ‘When the schol term fishes n August. ve got a Derttime jb delivering books fora big boakahop, nd I nave to ase tele delivery van, sot sould Go ti hadn't passed my tost. Test >) PAPER Reng an Use of gh» 775) TEST ere aie) ‘You mast anwar this a seproprat sty fon, We your answer in 14-390 worn an 1 Inyour English lass you have bean taking abou spor. Now, your English ‘eachar ha ated yout write an ey for homawor wet 255 using altho nots and giving reasons for your point view le playing a tam spot the Bast ay oot A? PAPER Speaking ‘Wie an answer to one a the questions 25 inthis part. Wite your answer in ‘Articles wanted! ‘Muste Who do you tts tow? Wee us on arle answering these queons. The best nila willbe ‘ovow ofthe mfr your olege mopazr. Include information about he soy, {he caractrs and costumes, and sey wherer the fim wes historical zeus 46 (or FIRST concen ont) ‘our escer has stad you to write reat abou the ating hate of yung poop in your ares, Dart wet mon young peopl est and supper how they ould be encoureped oat heater ood Write your ep. (Wor FIRST FOR SCHOOLS candidtes onl ‘Stories wanted Wo aro looking for tre or our magazhe. You tory must begin wth elon and Stave looked at eh other and bua out avging. Your sory must include: * ahotoneoh {5 for FIRST FOR SCHOOLS candidates ony) ‘Answer he flowing queston based on your reading of on9 ofthe st Books. ite an essy describing en evetin the took or shor story you have ead nen plays a man le nthe dovelopmer of he pat and stats he corso Combo Els Fest Ya 49> PAPER 2 wring» Put? 72) Qt ‘You wil hear people aking night teen stustions. For quesione 18, choose the best anor VB oO) 11 Younes 8 woman binging an MPS ayer back tothe shop where sha Bought ‘Winatis he problem witht? 1A Itpays tracks at he wrong spot 1 Irjumps tom one ack tothe ne. © Iedacant suteh of ropa 2 You eer a woman taking to a wate Winat doos she wat him bing Re? 1A mineral water © cofoe $5 You heer amen desribng# journey Wier ine went 1 go? 46 You haar an advaigemant fora ele in a future sre ion tom nave te biggest eductone? 15 You hear a woman ating to nar mechan ‘Wnts eter ith a a? gine Hoop on stopping, recent lange in hijab? Ho ogre ving up his provou ob {© Hashins es made the ght deision. Where are th longest delays expecta? 18 between uneons 10 and 11 18 between neone Wand 44 between unctone 7 and 18 Which newspaper diane rece by mistake this morning? the Tewreph 8 te Sun © the aly Miror TOR A) PAPERS Ustening > or eee omen ‘You wt ear 3 golfer alld John Freeman oking 2 Golf Jo Freeman as been plying gl fr) nn ors. Johns ater nver progressed asa goer beauso he could ators very god 10) ‘nen he wat younger, Jon wanted a be profesional (1 ne ots ater ook up gl agin after ing 12). oh wishes head acid sme from nie teacher at e001 ot aye tat galfie often seen a a spor fer people wth 2 ot of (10 ‘Young gts shoud be ale to get ep em 18). Th 6) nn of et player is hay tis the Jol income rom got i (1) - John wa to dye his hair (8). amis nan Fst eat 49> PAPERS Ustenng»> pat 273 20 Cotes ‘You wil her ue short et ‘eso 1-23, choo ro 1 realced loved tna journeys te gave me a ange of my gine FF nwae my fet holiday abroad fat hd ore something 85 Ustning > Pars Speaker 2 Spenter3 Spoater¢ Speaters Use oF Enaish Oy tak 6 ‘You wt hear prt of aio intrviaw with Lura Bart who works 2 a oist (soreane whe sls end anges lowes). Far questone 2430 choos the est rower (8 Bor) had success fot nop, © loved cutting plants A to works grape designe © tnt ects for a magazine. 26 She became frist 1st soon os she resigned fom the majazine © se the eau ofan ster. 27 Inthe begining, Laure 28 Lauranadto lean © howto papa ewer for aangemens. 28 Laura suggests tat a young peeon whowans to be a oret must be propaed 18 to snd wor people whe ae 30 Laure aevses young poopie who woul ks to become frst 1k to work ta forts while they are tending courses in ority. to sidy lorie ful tie ats cologebore they get 2. © toieam now o programs eomputer Cambrigs Enon Fs Test 49> PAPERS Ustenng»> rat 81 The xasing inrocutor wil ack sche yout speak rat nth end to ge personal inlrmation about yourselves Yeu tan expect varity of quan ch a: How ds you wavet hee tay? What sr of publ anspor savalablen i rea? What frm ef transport do you use most tan? IY? are 2s mites You wil each be asked to tak fore minus witht nteruption, You wil each be given two sient photographs in turf tak abou Aer your partner Mae ‘inishes soaking, you wl be aos e bret queston connected with your porters photoaraphe RE | Look atthe wo photographs an page 168 which show people wong in leant Cenaidato A, compare these photograph an say how you think he poop are fooling in those afferent stuatons ‘Canc B, which of thas jobs would you prefer to? (Why?) Locka the we photograpie an page 16 which show propa doing diferent sure photographs and sy wht srt of person you tink ‘woul enjoy sah of tow oc Cann A, which of tees activites woul you peer todo? Why?) are 5 minutes) ‘You wil be ase to dscus someting tepether without interruption by he ‘xaniner. You wil have a page of ieee wth a question help you, Imagine hat you re aking part in lavilon propane about invention that hve changed the course at history. Turto page 170 which has he nae | ferent inventions anda question fr you acu. Tat gech other about Now ‘hese ferent inventions have changed reople’s ives, Than die which two have 1a mines ‘Do you tink tecnologia! advances hepa improve everyday? Why? Why Wat are tho sisadvantages of modern tshnology? ‘Do you tink we rly ton much on modem technology? (Why? / Why a ‘What inventions could improve people's ve inthe fre? >» PAPER Speaking PAPER 1 Reacing and Ose oF Eran >» PARTS 2p (v) to mave quickly ‘thrust (v0 push hard ‘spring (vt jump rum late () tobe later than planned {oar () sof spongehe material ‘undo (v0 dooat retreat in} a quit place away from crowds ‘mixing board in} eeconic deve fr combining audio signals embedded (as) permanently part of cheesy (ag) in bad syle bubble (a place where the outside world cannot ‘itu constitute vt Be or form pitch (v to put up >» PART ‘phere na ball shopo ‘fev te move slowiy in water, pulled by the sea adjustment (n) sll change “submersible (a) designed to go underwater ‘rammed (ad) pushed together ina small space maze (an area in which you can easily get lost because there ae lot of similar paths ‘bundanee(n arge number ‘rag (¥) 10 pall ‘school of fish (large numberof fish ofthe same Species ewimming togeth > PART? ‘ar (none of several speeds in a vehicle ‘tremble (0 shake with fear Inetructor(n) teacher ‘ambition (n)« desir to succeed, «goal an objective ‘attempt (0 atfort, ‘regulation (o) a rule fundamental ad) important main din} loud contirvous nos 0e00n in} prtecad pace ‘hr (9) great exctorment shove (to push nard ‘amour (n) noise mado by alt of people counteracts) to ric the eect of babble in) noise made by many people taking at tralfechoked (od) completely fl of retreat v 10 scape from savour (v0 eniy bis n} erat pleesure sonic ac) of sour He disrupt) to gists rvestablish v0 oxen large numbers again sin (a) not bright ‘ide (to move elegantly and smoothly oar (to rise quietly countless (ada very large number dazaing (ad) very bright ‘wreck (n) maine ofa ship that hae sunk hover (v to stay above a surface in one place vent (n) @ small opening {agade (nthe front ofa bulling save up (phrv tocollect money fr partcular purpose ‘decent (a) proper, good enough put off phe vt make you cislike something or not want to da something compe Eoah Fes Tee Also 65 For quastons 1-8, 20d the txt below ad Scie which word A,B, €or D best te ‘ach gop. Tete lean example atthe banning Mark your answers on the separate nar shat. ample © A dou Breeton =< purpose Dative ola B cp) A powerful influence “Thar canbe (0). al tat he ntaet nas mad a huge ifeence to aur Fie, However, there fs sme concern ever whether people spend to much tie browsing ha internet or playin compute ms... va dong anhing se In ie spare tine. Ate those aves genuinely (2)... tour wellbeing? Does pening too much ime chatting on sock networking ses ely). OU ay Cite ne raver, nt Some soil meds experts who sugGet ta uting laabstas to keepin touch with Friends may (8). Help to eahanee personal ‘elatonsips and proviso people wth aninreased (6. of belonging. “Tere may be room for argument ia). fing te sant anne, espacial that spending a heathy amount of nein front of» computer dosnt necessary (8). with aeadomie pertormance 1A neary 8 Herat © almost 2 Arnarming 8 harmful © hurting 4A aprecing ——B corrzsonding owing aczoaing 5 A completa” 8 probably © ceualy rghit T Ato Bho 1 eno opinion [84 camivone Enon Fest Tet »> PAPER 4 Rescng ana Ute of Engen > Por For qvesions 9-16, red the text bow and ink ofthe word which best fs each (8p. Use ony ane word in each gap There isan example st the bepnning xamote [0 HO]. J Driving blind ‘Tho ea that a bind parson could eve a kar sounds eran. And the concept of someone () nu aN 286 ivng 8 ear almost 16D mise par hour sound oven ctr. Mirando Naver, nln Becountant rom the UK, has done racy tht inn atempt (10)... rise money for chaiy. Mra Naylor dove 2 sportscar for two mies along the runway of a disused irl. Sho was (1) tao conte wih her husband who gave her dections and edie. Her {2eNovement (12)... exPECt6d 0 rie abet 5,00, which wl be donated 10 3 company tht sine ge for (9). in Mee Naylor (1)... Boon bin since she was si, and tll has some sua momares of he world around he. She adie tt 18). ving ight ken te anwar (16... ines but she says, "Acievng someting can be @ 0 source of ef confidence Miranda sno loking for anew challenge and wants 0 ry motoring. fof same ofthe inst form 8 word that is in he gap the sae ne. Thre an ‘example the begining 1 ‘ore (EEEERELTTT Following swallows ‘ert Cook's ob dosent immedlataly sits you a 10. exorre tones birds allows, infact, whos) voi Bain ater ARRIVE dangerous Might marks he 18)... al summer Thesevere BEGIN onthe ead by I... waeming makes ther jouney ‘cLo8e tougher each yane (One of hie main 20) .. egeting enaugh 6 et set piricur numbers have destined 2) ne te id ake sHaRe "1 Bi, they may sti eof 2)... uncer Farm butane uch vse and ae rst er are now fen places forbids te net, Bet nde 2 8 HY With any pcan how Possiaue {ar the nubors of swallows have del inthe 208 under 24... Blt populations can inease considerably OBSERVE 1 swmiows nove nod good breaing season, and for he ‘momen at est sles are not ory Wore “Test 5 ABER Bening and Ue of Enteh >> pars For question 2-30, complet the scond serene so that thas a silar maring {otha frst santos using te word given e nt ehange the word give. You must Une between two one words casing te word ven Here an exam 0 arp: (© ibe very happy when Igo on hola. FORWARD “The gap ca be flo by the words ooking ear to going 0 you write: Example [0 JLOOKING FORWARD TO GONG ‘wate ont the mising words IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separte answer sheet. auows (ur tschee leave the clas unt we've done 28 nae amos dark when we got home. vn. 27 Pater woke yp ety because he didn't want ois hs ight. Petr woke up enti - not re bi igh 28 You'd pater not go for awa’ sald my father. ay tater. for wat sHoun 30 lth gust enjoyed temelvs at he party apart om George. wH0 George wae the - eno hima the pay rigs Eno Pee eS») PAPER Reig ond Ute oF Engl > vers) Exam Essentials een ‘You are going to read an ate aout photography. For uesion 31-36, choose the ees We rier AB, or) wich you thin te beat according fo theft ‘Mark your answers onthe separate anser sheet. Photo research ‘Photographer Jim Richardson toils us how he alms 10 ge the most from photo shoots ‘tyou want to bea better photographer standin front of better shi’ That's a simple manta andl peat ‘aver and overto myst I share with other photographers sn endeavour to follow my wn advien, [As result, spend a greet dal of time dolng phato research, looking for gret locations to shoot Put Simpy. ma beter photographer winen Tm stonding in ont cl something wonder! lke the Grand CCanyan in Arizona, USA. Seeing wonderful places is breac.and butter photography - it's jst part ofthe job. But gating there is ‘nly half of any great photograph’ story. The other hats how te photographer prepares o capture the Subject once in front of, Example: today my mind fs absorbed nthe Tang cmb up Skalig Micha ‘emote land isolated inthe tant Ocean of the coat of Irelon, where Calse mone fund thelr slac [noir solaton 1400 years aga {have never been on Skag Michael, though | have come cose four mes. Each time | was hel Boek by high seas In my eas lam getting ready tobe among the Ite huts the monastery at he summit in the mhndast of tse wine so¥ght ther spirtvaiy the vst Atlante althose years ago. In four days I be setting sail ona cruise ofthe British and lishisles, and! have a chance once again te actond the slopas of Stalig Micha. want to be ready to sole the day. For mo, groundwork sper of Dhotography, a5 essontial as knowing exposure and lighting or recognising the decisive moment to Take {he shot. Research sounds Ike a boring tack te meny photographers, but fr others, digging inte a subjo Inaavance te part of th pleasure. tm one of those photographs. Philosophicaly, photographers seem to divide along thet line. On one side are those wo desire only te be in the moment. On the other side_are the planners. These folks would never dream of 90Ing fur the door without ful lt of how they're going t0 approach the shoot. Vetualy, there ie a third ‘group nowadays, They just eapture the wifle Seane and Go al the creative work in Photoshop after the event) Fortunataly t dosent have fo be an eltherfor dessin. Most photographers know do both ‘esearenextensvolyo propare tel schedule (and thelr minds) and then act inthe moment once onsite | 0 extensive research in ordr to got ready for a photographic tp. This includes creating file fr aach location fm due ovis. For my upcoming erugolalready know where we are going day by day. So start fie for each place and bogin to comple information. Knowing what the place locks ie in advane invaluable so Fi'hit several internet photo sites. Besides cuving mo in to the phetagraphic pesos soe th location, this can algo show mo wthat angles have alreasy become overveed and which | should therefore avoid. But il also find angles | cian expect from featenst hadnt imagined. Armed with these Fre better prepared to push the boundaries of what people expect Above all ook fr places and events that ara seasonal and melas. | open ry sind to wit night ‘mate great subject for a picture, Most travelers tend to think ony of places theyre visting. without Tookingdoeper ino culture history of meaning. {try to get intime ith the mh ofthe place and la tune ‘with te melody. But most of all just want to Be reed. lfm roady can jst about count on being lucky. 38 comnge Sth Pot Tet § >> PAPER Rebng ap Ue of Engen» 7s Whats Jn tying odo inthe at pacaraph? [A convince the reader tht hie method of working appropriate 1B explain his sppragch toward ting ood photograph 1D Glnity wnat maka eeton good phetoaraph 52 Why doo Jim provide an example the second paragraph? 1D twashow how he pepuas hase eval before going toa new pace 1 How doo Jim fee about the cues he vl on? [A oxo spout an opportunity he ddr think Ne woul get hcetin eter be wil know whos toate the bes to {© sonfaant he il produce batter wort en other phatographers {34 What point dos Jim mato about photoraphes in the fourth paragraph? ‘They ar unbleodecse onthe bt pan of ation. Ie spon for thom to adopt fete ways of working. ‘The hire group are nota imaginative as some othe thers. 23 Wht dosh rater ton in 297 having iy pln of travel leaking a pote websites ompiing leet les 3 What doos Jim suggest te fl pracraph? be is carefl about choosing the rig place to viet. Many people wo wave ort understand wht they 86 Ne iso gto pace that ow poole bother ov Exam Essentials ‘ben emaved fom the arti, Cnodse horn the sentences A-G the one wich ft fnch gop (37-42, There one ota sentanea which you do ot mae toute Almost human Orangutans and chimpanzees are capable of performing intellectual feats we once thought to be Uniquely humen. Using language, being self-aware, learning by imitation and problem solving are high level abilities that are na imited to humans. Research has shown that orangutans and ather great apes, ke chimpanzees and gorilla, share these abies to. “Thore are several projects studying the use of language by thete creatures. Understanging their mechaniss af developing language will help us evaluate our on linguistic aitios. One ofthe orangutans involved in 3 project in Virginia, USA, has learnt how to use over 100 words in sign language, the language used bythe deat 10 communicate with each other Another ‘orangutan, Hannah, hes learnt 13 symbols that represent iiferont-noune and verbs. Hannah can combine the symbols into simple commands ike ‘open bad. Not realy One ofthe fundamental alments of human thought is the abilty 10 recognise numbers and ‘xpress ideas with them within mesningtul stings of words. Hennsh can recognise numbers from one to ‘three with reasonable accuracy. ‘A fundamental diflerence between humans and ‘orangutans is their ability 10 comprehend abstract ideas. Abstract concopts ae basi to human thinking, While there's lite evidence that orangutans can Understand abetract ides ata (One ofthe mos intresting experiments in the Virginia projet concerns memory, Orangutans, on the other hand, appear to do so according to where thoy saw them ast. This ssoms als efficent way of storing 90 camorsoe Ene Information, st may well be that orangutans have a limited eapacity for memory in comparison te humans. [BO] Mer feet extremely frostrated when thoy ‘ake an eror and they never rush into a task because they don't want tobe wrong. Orangutans ha iciosyneraces and diferenes in character Some are ‘slow loarners, while others are more impulsive. Unfortunately, most of the research on greet ape inteigance hat been done with animals in captivity. Stuties of orangutans, however, that suffered captivity but wore then freed showed that thoy aro capable of learning by imitation. Imitating someone yawn or scratch his head ls not # great intellectual “eccomplishment, but learning a now behaviour ust by watching is @vory advanced ability. Orangutans could chop firewood or wash lsh without being taught. The only way they could have done it was by watching humans Compared to orangutans, chimpanzees are genetically closer to human beings and they are though to be ‘more intaligrt. There are diferencos inthe way the minds of chimps and orangutans work. [42] |The chimps seam to work fat, almost intutively, while orangutans are slower and more methodical. ‘One feature of both chimps and orangutans fs the ability to recognise themealves in a miror. This seems te suggest natthey both havea concept of sl" thoy snow who theyaceandthinkof hemeelesinspartiular ‘way. Chimpansees are manipulative and capable of ception. The are very good problem-solvers, leary apablo of complex cognitive performance, which ‘makes them almost human. SCTE») PAPER Reading and Use of Eegsan >> oar [A Orangutans can become very emotional when E Humans generally remember things by puting thoy fil test ‘hem into groups or categories. 8 One obvious disadvantage ie that we FF Howover, she hasnt yat leant to use ther in ‘eannot study thelr beheviout in thelr natural sentences © Does thie mean she ie starting to thinkin ® «This becomes apparent when they are each hhoman way? civen the same task to, 1D None ofthese asks can be performed well by orangutans igs Eoin Fee TeR’S»> PAPER Reding and Ure oF Engin» Pon's 94 ‘You ate going to ead a megarne atl which four prope tak about uoring the Landon Marathon. For questions 42-52 choose rm the poopie AD). The people oe Mack your answers onthe separate anauershact. Which person i hte entons of te matching coma? sr ish ast yar's marathon? he on unplassant experince in his he et marathon? ‘ontred he marsthon with olsgves fom work? Isat confident about his rhe ysis codon? teins vader bad weather conditions? AAR ASASABS 122 camtekge Elen Fest TOS »> PAPER Resdng and Ut of Engin > Po: Running for fun A Peter Chamberlain 1 was alweys keen on specs. Runring long titance le obit ike fe too. You stort with» sense ‘Sf antiipation, you go through some gret highs Sind tevble lowe, but ia the end ft saeme to be Worth. Thece is nating that! enjoy more than 2 good warkout at the gym or 8 good one-hour ‘un acroas the los! wide reserve, Fortunately, lane ive, can reach the open county In Just 8 coupie of minutes an foot trom my trot. ‘doorstep. In my ease, partepatin in the London Everything was going fine unl the ‘selfs mie nhen fetarted to fel Bt of fatigue Kicking in and hit tho wall between the fourteenth fd font mis B Rosalind Masterson | surprised mse by doing ¢0 wel to tell you {he Wath I al started when a fiend of mine was tesning for tha marathon and asked me fom het {few mornings a weet. didn’t tink | wee very ft Wwnen I started, although years ago Td go eyeing thvoo times a week and jogging at weekends round the experience enjoyable but much more guicly; | didnt even got to the end ofthe course! This yaar’ been completly ‘front London was euch a success het Tv ‘entered fr the Born Marathon next mont, along wrth toe fiends. Ay husband thinks m mad though when we watched the news that right and he could soo my face among the erawds, he wa fairy impressed © Ruth Watson Long-distance running isnot about how fast you tan run, ity about how much pain you can take. [Engiistanesrnning is’ 9008 eepine forts ‘tel | run wit my head and my heart, because Diyscally | dant think Fe got'® prest Goal ef {alent oF ably. Iwas always a very energetic Sports person and V have entered the marathon {ive times #0 fat Lat year managed fo complete half marathon in 80 minutes, wich was quite an ‘ompishment for someone who aid not train systematcly One thing that annoyed mein my arathon waste attude of people watching They tok mov inret In the renner ae Calerties than inthe Bate of the elite runners ‘hasing qulifeation times forthe Olympre Games: D John Saddler {an old frend of mine has been a member of = Foaging cub years, and he finaly persuaded me to go along wit him one Saturday to soe would fnjov ft Well | felt fay good afterwards, so | Joined the lub and stated thinking seriously about Fonning. | tought thet eatering forthe marathon ‘would give mea unique opportunity to raise some ‘aah forthe fed Cross. In Tort, four of us from the offce decided to othe samo thing, "and botween us we raised over £25000, which sas (reat! Running wasnt es. hord as’ expected ‘raining canbe afc, especialy when t means TThave to drag mit out of bed on cold winter ‘mamings and go Jogging in the pouting rain. hover train with rend beeauoa I fin it mpossble fo concentrate on what Pm doin, 1 You nave been cscussing fais in our English class. Now your tachor has ted you to wie an eey for omen Wie an easy using al he nots anc gve reasons for your plat of wow. Growing up ia age family beter than being brought up in 1. tention from parent a your own ea) 194 cmos Elen Fes Tea »> PAPER 2 Wing »> Port + (ie of Engen ‘wrt an asi to one of he questions 25 this part Wie your answer in "0-100 words non appropiate se ese 2 ou sethieamoucentn an Eahtotaoe mae aging ‘Do you enjoy lating te ratonal music? Do you think trations muse rm yur country i olaeiona ot should continue to be promote inthe modern worl? Hao, haw ik Possible to get more paopentsed in adtonal mus? ‘We've to receive your aces. The test one il be published et nosh 3 This is parton oma you have eesive tom your Engh apeatng fend, "hear you've move rom the cy 1 smal court vilge. Can you te about 1? What re the sferenes betwen ving nach ofthe laces? How 6 you fee about he change in eye? ie your emai 44 Yourecenty saw his notin nan Englh-enguage maging called TV News ‘Send us you review ofthe best or wars TV programma you have san ‘his your Inlelnformation an hat programme wa aU ond ‘37 what mado the progremme so goodana- Do you think anther ‘rogram shuld be made an these thar? We lor FRST FOR SCHOOLS canddstes on) ‘Answer he folowing qvestion based on your reading a ‘Your lend hae saad you to raornmendmrathng to ea on holiday. Wt eter your end about the Book you have red, giving reason why thi ariular Book would ba estab for her on Fee Tes > PAPER wrtng >> Por? 95 Qe ‘You wl bor paopetaking in ight diferent tuations. For questions 1-8 choose ‘he Bet answer Bor 1 Younes tour gue 2 thepacer she vi 1B the people sho works with © me citeren typos of food sho oats hing about eo, out being» our guide? 2 Younes the stato aio programe about cr Whe ete guest on his programma? 1h "sear datigner © amacnane moto a phono call, © send an ema B totmesneae © wapany 15 Younsora man ting about his aur. What wos hor profession? eter 8 tomer Watnave they Bough? © scocking pot 77 You haar an announcement ina mip nama Wich sre is shonin the fim Rang Paver? 1 Youhear ballet dancer talking sos a iy Ome ‘You wit hear pr ofa tak by a men called David Bans, whois the doctor of ompany thet wil be bldg new shopping mal Fr qustions ®18, completo the sntncas with & word or short phase Whitesea shopping mall The ali expect top 8) enn A YOR The ttl cost Wl Be 1) ain pound Anew ibe uit ex to he shopping ml ‘The car park lb usted (12) and wl have vee 19 nl be provided to Rap shopoors (na soction ofthe maths a ‘Ther lb watwnys ith (1) berwoen eteron Ther willbe an extibion fousing on he 1) ot comoroe Elk Feet Tet 59> PAPERS Ustening >> rare? 97 Use of Eng Qt {© had contact who worked atthe company Eta ky with phone cal Spester? 1H ound out about the company though soll mod ‘You wil ber ue shor rats ia whichpeople talking about how they ao tele Curent jbs For question: 19-23, choos rm thelr (RM what ach speaker Shy. Usethe laters oly ence, There are thee entra tars ich you da not nee [A Fadone sme unpaid work experiance a the company. Cs) Ca Ci (13) »APER 1 Reading and UseoFenatsn Gy Taek 20 ‘momo For questions 2030, choose the bet anawer A, BoC, a 24 An compares he human memory tard rive becouse {A bath con be negatively fected by eter factors. 25 Weare tld nat pop string from Altheim’ daease 2 dont understand he mechan of ie cant remember wt tey are (© forget how to perform simple as, £25 Roscarch has shown that people wh have mentally activ Jobe 1 ll never develop alheimers ase Ce na aly to develop Akama ease 1 ding too many physic! exerles 8 devious dargned to help vr rmembe things © foraing ourselves to ty to romembartoo mich 28 sn say wo can rember things ite 18" connect them with phys obec Blok sham very caret rst. encourage people to remind ut abou them, {2 The tecrique Ann desesies wrk bet or pope who ae used to ebsract hough who can isis done wal, {3 sing cosowont is an aarp of actin tat 1 ean prevent speng ombndoe Eo Fest Tet 9» PAPERS Ustening >> Parte 99) uid 100 Exam Essentials Pare 42 minutes) ‘Te examiner incor wil ak each of you to speak ty in tun and give paronalinfrmaton about yourselves Yau ce exact varity of stn such a Who do you prefer to epend your rete wth? Wy?) Do yu petro spend youre ne euoors indoors? Why? ‘Wha ands of things do you ihe doing wah your tend omy? Whats you favour part of ho day? ny area minutes) ‘Yu wil each eae a for aminuts without interruption You wl ach be given wo fret photographs tur to tak about er your partner has Tiished speaking, you wl be ead «brie! questonconnectod wih your porters photoaraphs [aMeons otwansport Look atte we photogrepns on page 171 wich show diferent forms of wanspor, Candidate, compare thes photographs and ay why you think people ve hese Candidate 8, win of these meen of transport do you prefer to ue (Why? xk Look a te we photogrepts on page 172 which show a Candidate, compare thes photographs and say why you think he prope have when ofthese sos flats do you pratt wear (my "You wil ba asked toazcus something gether without interruption by he ‘raminer You will hve page of eas ahd» question help You a Imagine you ae helping o prepare 3 posto cis environmental awareness ‘your aren Tent pope 173 which hota for image tht cou be fides “sould be ust to ris nvonmantal sarenat. Then decide whic te ages ‘Shovld be inhi. 44 minutes ‘The examiner wl encourage you to deveop the Tope oT your dlsnsson n Par 3 by aking questions uch a= ‘Are sehoo cubs and societies, such a photographie club ard computer ca, ‘sel for stunts? hy Wy no) Wnt Rnd of afer schoo cv ail your woud you any shoo! (hy? {Wnt do you think peopl learn ram ate which ae not connected with ‘Should schools ty to become active parts of he loa communi? hy? Why nt?) How can schools ase people's environmental awarness? nat eter usta things ean seheoe teach young pope? PapeR & spenng ‘PAPER 1 Reading and Use of Each >> PARTS ‘mantra (n! 3 commonly repeated word or phrase ‘endeavour ot try very har Yo do something teapture(v to record something by eamerafon film bbe absorbed in (ad to give ll your attention to something that you are doing smote (ad) faraway sole (o comfort summit (a the highest point of a mountain ‘mindset (a) mental atiode ascend (v 10 go up seize the day (phir to enjoy the moment groundwork () preparation ‘exposure Inthe length of tm light falls onthe ‘igtal sensor (photography). > PART 6 intallectua (ac) relatos to thinking evaluate (oo estimate worth, to determine the Valve of something accuracy (n} something that is core ad true fundamental (cl) basic, primary ‘comprehend vt get the meaning of something, to Understand ‘apacity (nthe ability to do someting {diosynerasy (nan odd habit or characteristic impulsive (2) doing things without considering the possible dangers or problems > PART ‘antieipation (a pleasant expectation workout (nsession of physical exercise fatigue (o) reat tedness ‘ick in (phe vt begin to have an affect hit the wall ph to collapse, to be unable to go on {enter for (phrv) to put your name on thelist of ‘eope taking part in something decisive moment in) perfect, doa dig into (sto fine out about spproach () to dea with ‘compile () to put together invaluable (a) xromely useful ‘le in s) 10 provide someone with a clue angle (the direction from which you ook a Something ‘push the boundetos (expr to experiment ‘Umeless (2) unaffected by time be in tune with expr understand ‘aptivity (n)@ cordon of holding someone oF ‘somothing by fores against thir wil, confinernt, Accomplishment) 9 itfcult task done wll, ‘success, achieveront enetiealy (ad elated to genes or genetics Innultivety (av) elated 10 fooling, not learnt knowlodge,instinstive ‘methodical (ac) systmatic, careful ina stap-by:stop apparent (ac) obvious, lear Impress (vt cause others to admire Ascii n) iring persuade (vt esd a parson or group to balieve oF {60 something by arguing or eessoning with them pouring aa rainng hard oma teh: Piste lesay 104 For qvestons 1-8, 180th txt blow and decide which word (A 8 € or) bat ‘ich gop. Tore san example a the beganing o8 te 2 ting © lve te ola 2 Old and active ‘tis a wotlknown fact that Japanese pease havea lange (= expectancy than ‘he population of mos other counts. Toy also expect to remain hecho longer. ‘Seontits are tring 10 Work (1 so What Keeps elery Jepanese people so Inst, and whether hee ie 8 lss06 9 Be). om thet Metle. Should 0 18) sos any changes 19 our eating habits (inthe Japanase dat that is parte (fr te human Body? ‘Aatough the (6. of longer, aati es goed ting or he niu (an (von rate socal problem, The numberof people ove the age of 5 in ‘economic problem: there are more ery people who ned o be looked ae, and 1 At e ch bot 2 Ado 8 ese Dave 5 A-coring 8 supporive © postive beni © A sew B outlook © prospect with 7A thareore actualy © oven D ae wa 8 A tucng Beating adopting absining PAPER Reng nd Use of Eglin >> Par For avestons 9-16, read he test below a thin ofthe word which bat (8p. Use ony one word in each gap. Ther ean example st he bapnning ‘ite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separate answer sheet example: [O51] Acoustic archaeology ‘Acoust archeology studios the roe aya4 (0. sound inthe ancient world ‘examines the connaction 8... cout nd ratios or api! tes, The mala vastion ie waar couRles of place are raavant tothe way (0) on we Archaoologiats have noticed that «nub laniant sites Nave eeoes a very low ‘requercies. When sounés area lw as th, you fe them in your Body ater (10) usthaing them, end ths erate fealingofhapines and ontentmnt. Hf you stand i (2} of he Maya Tem In Mexico and ap your hands, you an ar an ech that ound (1). ha aig a he Maya sare i, Tis echo (14) os produced because the stpe ofthe long tpl constructed this temple (8)... geno ths sound. Similar scoustephanornena have boon obuerved in sites (16)... over te werd ren ar a iforant oie Enos Fee Te 6> PAPER Reig and Use oF Engl > Por’? 105) uid For questions 17-24 read he tent below Use th word given in capita athe and ‘of some ofthe tines to form word that nt trv be Ther on ‘he beginning The sport of kings “The 0 ng of Mora is ona of anki most ‘compere (97 fom Cota into he Mestranean and became ENISE 598)... th he pubic the Roman Empite. The sport OBSESS has (18)..ban associate wth ryaty andthe nobility. it TRADITION bacamo a protessional port at the begining ofthe eighteenth ‘century. ie he second mos (20)... tended spettor sport WIDE Ine US, ater basal Ine UK. the Jockey Cub, founde in 150, has compte (21). forhore acing, ie ale expanse forthe RESPONSIBLE (22 FORting the brooding of racthorces. Although REGULATE iene hae been (23)... to id reeing syste hat ane ‘arareos ho bia of @ champion, is yssibl te produce radi evry 24... Busines, ad aeshorea an Prost Be Yet€ >> PAPER Reasng and Use f Engin» Par 2 iS PAPER 2 Wrting ‘0 heat sortence, using the word given. Do nt ehange the werd gven. You must Ue between two and ve words, Inusing th word avon Here ean exam). ample (© lb very happy when! go.on hobby. The gap canbe fled by the words ooking foward to goin! so you wre example: [6 JLOOKNG FORWARD TO GOWN] ‘ee ont the ising words IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separteanewer shes. waar 25 Hor part is’ lat har goto the rockconer, 27 Myfathr last went abroad in 2010. My tater. 2001 WHETHER 28° fl that ind of musi realy ian ‘cers 30 He yeed aco aly in theo Wook. te yee soa tay Conte aon se THRE) PAPER 1 mining na Ue Engin >> art 105 Exam Essentials ‘You are going to ead anal about a gtk in New Yor. For questions 1-36 Choous the answer B, Cor which you tink fits Bost azording ote txt Miracle above Manhattan Now Yorkers ean relax over busy streets in an Innovatve park calle the High Line. Pars in lage cities ave usually thought of 2 refuges, islands of green amid seas of concrete and ste ‘When you approach the High Line in the Chelosa neighbourhooc an the lower west side of Manta In New Yorks what you see fie isthe kind of thing urban parks were crested tog heavy, lak tel ruc supporing an elevated ral ine thet once Brug foto ‘fom the past than ote esa, ‘oe? Uni ecenty that's procisoly what the High Line was, and a crumbling one too. Many people couldn't ‘waittotearit down. Almost a decade later it has been tured intoone af he most innovative and ining Publi spaces in Nev York City The black soe! columns that once supported nbandoned ain tacks Now Fold up n elevated pank~pavi promenade, part town square, pat botoneal garden, \Walking onthe High Line is unlike any other experince in New York. You float about eight metres above the ground, at onee connected to street Ife and far way from {You can sit surrounded by cetetlly {ended plantings and taka inthe sun and the Hudson River views, or you can walk the line tet sh btwoon old bullings and pest striking new ones. | hav walkad the High Line dozens of times, 2nd fs Yantage point, siforont from that of any stost. sidewalk or Par, never eases to surprise and delight. Notte feat ofthe remarkable things about the High Line Ts the way, without strats to crose or wal Tins to wait for, ton blocks pass as quickly as Wo. The High Line is @ wonderful idea that was not only cessed but turned out better than anyone had Imagined Ths real heroes ofthe story are Joshue Davc a reclanse writer who led near the midsection ‘ofthe Fgh Line, and Robert Hammond, an art who siso lived nearby. saw an arte saying that the Figh Line wae going ta be demalisheg, and wondered if enyone we going to try to save: Hammond Said to me when Inorviwed thom. was in fove withthe steel structure, the rvets, the ruln. assumed ‘hat some civic groupwas going tty and preserve and saw tat k wes onthe agenda fora community meeting. Iwent to see what was going on. and Josh was siting naxt to me, We were the only people at ‘the mosing who wore interectodin saving “The airoad sent representatives who showed some plans o reuse it which enragodtho people who wore tryingtagotitor down, David expained. Thatswhateparkedtheeonversation betweenmeandRobort-we couldn believe the degree! rage someatthose eoplehad. Davidand Hammongackedraireadoteraist® {ake them to look atthe High Line. When we got up there, we sw mile ana 9 haf of wilowors he middle of Manhattan. New Yorkers always dream af nding open space its fantasy when you ive In 2 sudlo apartment” Devid said. And thats how the project began From the day the fst section of the High Line park opened, it has been one of the cys major tourist atractions. Yat is just 33 mecha neighbourhood park. When ! mes there na sunny day lst autumn, 8 ection the designers had designated skin of sundeck was armed, and thee aetmed to be ss many iccals treating the arenas the equivalent of thir own Beach ae vatars out fora promenade, Sometimes ‘reams really do come tv. 106 comnsos tolen Piet Te 8>> PAPER Ressng and Ut oF Engh pr 231 Wat dose he wr shout the HighLine parc inthe ra paragraph? 1B iz mont eal aoche by tin © People may wander whee th pant ae 1D Peope ae omaradt find out how od is. 2 Wat doos ha eter to Inte 7? A. anu oasis 2 proup of feces and warehouses 35 When walking onthe gh Lino the wir notices hat [A ta wonther sams much beta ther De cn ane everyting inthe street low. {34 Wi ai Robo Hammond ge tothe conmunity meeting? was told about it by hi fend Jom Ovi No wes responding tin apes! or volutes He tought he could persuade peop to jln his eampoign. {35 How cd Joshua Davi el abou whet hppenod at the meeting? ease orale they might second frcouraged by everyone's determination Swed tha thei way oie night chia prised By the reaction ta he au propored writer sy about the park nthe fn! pregrah? A satis a range of iferee needs D_ i populrty hes increased recat 1 Reg and us of nals > Fas 107 TEST ‘xam Essentials ‘You ae going to rd newspaper arts out people wn have difcuty ‘counting Sh seranges hove been removed om he aca Chose fom the Sentences A-G he ono whieh fs cath gop (37-42 There ne ‘ch you donot ned 0 ue, Mak your anowers onthe separate anewer sheet, People who can’t count 1 recent study has discovered that dyscaeula, the ‘mathematical oquivalont of dysioxia, affects about 5% of children in Britain. An expert on the subject, Professor Mara Singelton, claims thet the government should recognise dyscalelia, inform parents and teachers and provide suppor for those suffering from it Unfortunately, there is no simple way of diagnosing ‘yscalelia and kids with this learning dsablity are usualy labelled uninaligent Unlike most people, dyscaeuics cannot recognise tinge o four objects unless they count them tne by ane. The majority af us i shown three o fr Sila thins, can immadiaely recognise them, People with dyscalulia have to go through the routine of ‘counting even a small amber of abject, For example, ‘they need 0 count the three books onthe table before ‘they con say how meny there ae. Dysealeuics hve huge problems using numbers at al ‘They cannot understand, for instance, why two and three makes five. [381] — | Laboratory experiments have shown thet animale such as monkaye and rats have developed a specific region of thle bein to dost with numbers and related concepts. Ws possible that Ldysealeulie, though inteligent, have not developed the part of the brain responsible for processing numbers Dyscaleulics have cificulty with the abstract concept oftime, If your bat fiend i always late, he ‘orshe might bettering from dyscsleula.Dyscleios ano! keep trek af time, they never know how much ‘Test 9» Papen + Reg ana use of nan > time they havespent getting ready and how long it wil take them 10 gat to work You cannot rl on a dyseacule to give you diections about how to get tothe nearest trai station. Inability to read maps and otientate themselves is common among dyscakulis, They may take a let turning Intoad of a right and ond up milas away from their Intended destination. Fescarch has shown that they behave oddly in sola situations tke going shopping or having dinner at 9 festaurant. Thay never know how much they should {ip the waiter oF how much money they have got lft ater 2 shopping ti. This poor ability in arithmetic ear explain why they never know how ‘much change they are due 0” what kind of budget they ‘ed for ther summer hoidoy. Disealelis can also lfoct sree le sport or music, Dysealeulize cannot ‘coordinate the movements of ther by or remember the rules of games. They would find it impossible to recall the comicsted step sequences of s dance and would rarely choose to do serobies or play an Instrument i ther foe time, [BAL Peope sutering fom alsateuis can Decor painters, scuptors or posts. Dysealeula doos rot seem to provent or delay language acquisition Dyscaleulic cir acquire language atthe same time 188, If not earler than, most children and have no problem learing to read or write. Oyscacula i= 3 learning aiabty ike dyslexia, nota genera indication ofintligone. comtaine more objects than the othe B On top of gating lost, they often mispace things F and may spend endless hours looking for th ar keys o passport. | © These stories are extremely upsetting for parents and chleren alike, Camye li st Test >> PAPER Reasng and Ute of EnGN > Par 6 ith 36h, taking money rom a ‘ashpoint or ung travelers’ chequas can cause Snaety an fo ‘This ean accoust fr thee tfc in reading schadules and temembering the order in which things happened in the pest. ‘On the other hand, dyscalulics ar very good at 109 Exam. ald ‘You st going to ead an atl in which fur wer tak about the fst book hey wrote. For questions 49-52 cheos rm the peop (AI. The wire maybe Which writer took si months to we he book? i notite poof he book design? ‘nd writen the book years before it as pubished? ‘has mover witan that typeof book since hes? produced 9 cain amount of witng oa day? revted the manuscript ecaut the msn charactor wae boring? ‘ote fora st amount of ine each ay? BAAABABABR The first book A Harry Holden | remember my first book very cles | supp ‘very titer does, But also remembor because Fechengedsomuehsines ton itwas abiography the Duke of Welington, thigh Fa been asked 12 wrt by 2 tend of mine, 8 publisher who knew Twas very interested in the subject Td had no fxperiance of wring but! have fo say the book Was actually qulte good. Infact, | was awarded the Genoral Haig Memorial Prize for the book the ‘eer twas published. By the time It ss aly {inishad, | vos completely exhausted Ye been ‘Working on it more a less ful me for five year, ‘na vowed Fd never write a blagraphy again ‘nce then, Ive concentrated on detective stories. ‘They far easier B Marcia Onslow My first book was quite suecesstul, although to be! completely Yrank looking back, | think wae Very lucky. I attended 9 erent writing course ST Unversity, Intending to concentrate on shor Stories for magerines, which te quite lucrative ‘market. As a project in my inal yoar, {ae ako {ite @ long work of fon, end 1 ecided {write a love story set In Ameren during the California gold rush: Anyway, Td been sdvised fo establish a stlet schedule, s0 I would wre {en pages every morning and correct them every fvening. Then {lef university, started. writing ‘tori for publication and Imre or less forgot bout the ook for about ten years, unt my publisher suggested | might ty writing 2 nove 81 just handed to he, all inished, ands published fright away! © Maria Delangelo Whan | wrote the fist draft of my fist nove, Chasing Wiliam, It wasnt much Ike the version that was everuslly published: my editor told me Twould neve‘ make some changes tothe hero, ‘Wiliam, Because he wasn interesting enaugh. Naturally, was pray offanded at the time, But tim glad to tay Ihed the good sense to listen to iy eto who was completly right. The problem ‘one that had based the whale story on the real Sdventures cf my uncle, Wiliam Hargresves, Simply doveriting ry uncle's character When you ‘write 3 work of fevon, you have to maka the maln ‘haraeter intiguing, but doserbing 2 real parson fant aways the best way to. do thet Funny fenough, In te shor stores td had published previous I never trod fo uso real peop. Im glad ‘my editor talked me out of doing inthe novel. D_John Hopkins Hearn afew impostentlesons from my frst book, tne of which fs that you havo to eave corn things to the publisher. For Instance, the editor fg2ve me slot st advion about how to sructre ny Boot study af the Industrial Revolution. os bithestent nthe beginning, but then dacided 0 follow his advice and Ihaven' regreted I wes {thesame withthe areticwork onthe cover, which Heatly nated at frst. But nthe end the book was very suceesstl, and I cuppose the design must have boon rot. The oer lesson | leant wes shout working methods, Fim quite an impetuous person, and leant lee being ed downto fixed ‘Way of doing things I sissovered I'hed to be Stet about how long | would work for and not ‘waite any more than that even though it meant T'Spent alla year wing i Oeherwnao Fd have been ‘completly exhausted and nover actually finshed eng an use orgs >> at? 114 re od, Now your English Ttening LPS2 | 1 InyourEnglish tse you have been ting about vee Wotan eesy sing al he notes andgve restone for your point few: fe ‘sas food sways 2 bod thing? 12 como Een Pes Test 6 > PAPER. wrt ¥> ras PAPER 4 Speaking ‘roan answer to one ofthe questions 25 this part. Wt your answer in "40-190 words in en appropri sve. ‘Can one day change your ite? Have the events on single day hada major fuenoe on your ite? We about your expoionea, a soy how changed your is ‘We wl puboh the bos artes nour magi. Wee your aie 1 Yourceny stand a prfomance of pla. Wit a review for your eallege Englshisnguage magatine giving yout oun pion a the ply. neue intormation about the story, he ating, te et and costumes ete your vow 4 or FIRST eandidtes ony ‘Tho extr of your callogs English fangoge magazines gong to publish a {0 wste a report about a summer jb yu i, dszribing your job an exlaining ote your por Wor FIRST FOR SCHOOLS candidates ony ‘Sto {rte a stor for our maganinal Your sty must boain with this sentence Note knew tt tdey would be avery spec day wanted ee your toy 5 or FIRST FOR SCHOOLS conclats ony Anse the flloning question based fon your reding of ane of he set book “The theme of good book, the message wo takeaway aor easing must hlp lsin oe everday vere you gree orleagras th thi statement? Write an Ser eo pane tower shay Yuh Qt ‘You wit hear poole aking nolo ition eustions For questions 18, choose the best awe B or 41 Yu noo agitating about anew fn Why doar she want to 208 1 tohaves beter understanding othe novel tis bad on 22 Youhoar a man tiking about a car uroy he made recon. geting off te motorwey 1 pee af clthing some ewelery © drawing A asenal 8 Uverpo0l © Birmingham ‘5 Youhoar a man booking teat tkels by phone How much wi thoy cost atoethor ae Bos How dd sh foal veton sha met her rlghbous? 2 please they wore so enly 7 ou heae area advertisement for amuse, What perio doa the spoil exit dea! with? © asap opera PAPER + Reading anc iy in Model railways, Inthe 1980 and 19905, modes ware conse eto be Ce ray model maka n rope For parents, model ny af 8 (10) nn saratve ‘to computor and videogame. a Chien wil kway be terested in toy mol of 9) co bit Model stays wl conus to appl min to ne Companies that mate model slays are now investing in counties n 8) Manatees wil be prometing thei produ 6 bycomputr. ambriogs Enon Set Te > PAPERS Ustening»> Pact? 115 Carve ‘You wit hear ve short exacts in which paope ate taking about hel memories of thoi rst dy st school, For question 1 2, choose fom th it AHI what each penkrramembors about he experiance Use theaters oly once. Ther A Lost forthe ert las The bling somod vor bia Speaker? Cis] aoa tere pars D-HYottvory tno Spentar3 twos old here wasnt 2 uniform, Cm Spoater¢ cy CE haste walkto schoo! lone Comte Enon Fee Rt >> PAPER'S Utening >> Pcs Use oF Engin Qin 24 Wy oi Mark cde to study Gram Universty? IAW offre very good cour in i suet © Mienear whee he grew up 25 Whon Ma atved at Gramel. ne was ups by the weston the oer 25 What does Mark soy abou his studios? 18 iis fet to manege his me wal Bis ese domanding now than tudo be. tie wort stdin rd 21 ny oi ak get parsine jd? 1h ho wand experione woring a brava, 18 Hahadt coer the cost of his aecormocation Me was going bored i his spare tne. 18 Thay ha fo communist with tudes 1B Thoy ae hard eget to snow. {© Thay ony ovesionaly want oso ser 18" Mest poopie he knows study I 1B Thay study a voryof dierent subs. {© Tho subjects they study are mor intresting than law 1X" Hevwishes he could goto more pari © Habllaver he sles bee ar dong spo. ‘You wil bear part of asi itrvow witha stat called Mork Stone, aking bout hi fea univer For questions 20, choose the bet anewer (A. BoC

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