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- The extensive system of highways the

Roman Built to facilitate trading and (more

importantly) Fast manoeuvering of legions
extensive irrigations system constructed by
the hohokam Indians Salt river AZ (600AD)

- Machu Picchu peru built at around 1450 at

the height of the lnca Empire is considered
an Engineering Marvel
- A treatise on Architecture Book Called
Virtmuius`De Architictura was published at
1 AD in rome and survived to give us a look
at engineering education in ancient time
- In the 18th century. The first engineering
school. The National School of Bridges and
Highways France was opened in 1747. The
first self proclaimed Civil Engineer was
john Smeaton who constructed the eddy
stone lighthouse
In 1818, world`s first engineering society the
institution of Civil Engineerings was

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