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Personal Information

 Full Name: Sardar Samir Mahamad.

 Date of Birth: 21/ 9/ 1992.
 Address: Atrosh|Duhok.
 Telephone Number: 07504315506.
 Gender: Male
 Marital Status: Married

 To gain a full time position in any related fields to my education and interests.

Education and Qualifications

 Graduated Secondary Sixth Grade .

Work Experience and Achievements

 I worked with petro weld for two years.
 I worked with Al Taqa Company for one year.
 Also I worked with Terraseis Company for one year.
 And I worked with Mianes Advisory Group as driver for two years.

Interests and Hobbies

 computing, programming, , internet, education and teaching, sports, service, hospitality,
treating with different people, guidance, management, supervision, counting, registration,
tutorship, organization, team working, humanitarian cooperation, cultural and social
activities, travels and adventure.

 Languages: Kurdish as a native speaker,
 good Arabic -listening and speaking skills,
 Moderate In English-listening and speaking skills.
 Computing: Microsoft Office-Word, Excel, and, with programming and Internet.
 Good driver and I have a licnese

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