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Name : Ojas Kumar

Class : Xll (A2)

Roll No.:
School : Gita Niketan Awasiya
Subject : English
Submitted To : Mrs. Sudeepa Gandhe
Topic : Technology: A Boon or a Bane?

This is to certify that student Ojas Kumar
Roll No: ______________ has successfully
completed the Project Work entitled
in the subject ENGLISH laid down in the
regulations of CBSE for the purpose of
Practical Examination in Class XII To be
VIDYALAYA On _________.

I would like to express my special thanks
of gratitude to my English teacher "Mrs.
Sudeepa Gandhe" for their guidance and
support in completing my Project.
I am also very thankful to my parents
and my friends who have boosted me up
morally with their continuous support.
At last but not least, I am very thankful
to God almighty for showering his
blessings upon me.
Ojas Kumar
XII (A2)
S.No Title Page
. no.
1 Introduction 1
2 Positive Effects Of 2
3 Negative Effects Of 3
4 How Fast Technology is 4
5 Questionnaire and it’s 5
6 Conclusion 7
7 Bibliography 8

Knowledge brings logical understanding to a person, but
the application of it helps complete the work.
The definition of technology is – the practical application
of knowledge to complete a task. In the past few years or
so, the growth of technologies has been tremendous.
Therefore, it’s important to know the positive and
negative effects of technology.
Technology has become an integral part of a person’s
life. Better quality of work can be provided with the use
of technology. Importance of technology in our life has
increased. Furthermore, with the growth in the IT sector,
the probability of a new app that can replace a certain
work keeps increasing.
Nowadays, theoretically, we have apps and devices that
can replace the job of a receptionist. Neglect of human
preference in the service provided can very well lead to
this becoming a reality. Technology refers to these things
in general; a device, applications, software, and
Positives effects of technology
Let us see some technologies advantages and positive
effects now:
1. One of the biggest positive effects is easier
communication, and communicating with
technology is proving helpful in times of mandatory
social distancing laws.
2. Advertising for people has become easier, also
companies benefit a lot from digital marketing.
3. Medical research has helped save a lot of lives.
4. Robotics – Innovations and development in this field
will help work in adverse environments.
5. Calculation and storage of data are more accurate
and precise.
6. Information access available to all at affordable
7. Technology helps in eliminating any geographical
8. Reduction in expenses, less time-consuming, better
efficiency, increased productivity.
9. Virtual classrooms, augmented reality (AR), videos,
different robots, and other technology tools can
make the class more interesting.
Negatives effects of technology
Nothing comes with 100% benefits, and similar is the
case for technology adoption. Some of the negative
effects or technologies are as follows.
1. Job loss (downsizing) is one of the main concerns
with AI integration in businesses.
2. Adverse effects to health such as the harmful effect
of digital screens on eyes.
3. Decrease in physical interaction with meeting over
call and social media platforms.
4. More ways for distraction with people multitasking,
less efficiency.
5. Crime/Scam with internet or messaging app
6. Increase in pollution due to transportation or
electronic waste
7. Loss of privacy because of social platforms is another
big issue.
8. Physical inactivity will become a major concern with
technologies making life easy.
9. Time Waste by student on Social media and other
non needed things on Smartphone.
How Fast Is Technology Growing
Technology is most certainly continuing to grow at a
steady rate, making information technology one of the
fastest growing sectors in the world.
Workforce growth rates are expected to double those of
other industries, with some categories reaching 4-5 times
the current rate by 2030.
Cloud computing is expected to grow at CAGR of 17.5%
by 2025. According to a survey conducted in July 2014 an
Overview of India in technological aspects is given as :

Questionnaire and it’s Results
1. Which is your Favourite Browser To search on Internet ?

2. What is the most significant technology that will shape the

future of the IT industry?

3. At which level do women face the most gender bias in tech

4. Which of the emerging technologies will have the greatest
impact on managing COVID-19 outbreak?

5. Do You Consider Technology as A Boon or A Bane ?


Technology being an integral part of our lives, it is
important to learn to adapt with it. Technology is
definitely a two-sided sword, and therefore we need to
accept the positives and reduce the negatives as much as
Technological advancements may save lives, and because
of this reason alone, it is worth integrating technology. It
has become easier for companies or start-ups to do work
at less expenses. People will just have to upskill
themselves and learn to coexist with technology.
Is technology a boon or bane?
It has both positive and negative effect. Some of them
are increasing satisfaction, better communication
channels, eliminating geographical boundaries and some
negatives are obesity, health issues, sleep problems, etc.
So, There is no clear-cut answer for this. It may be a boon
for one person, while the same tech for some may be a
bane. That’s why, it totally depends upon the user who is
using it.
Improve your life with technology!

 Wikipedia -
 YouTube -

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