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AGRI COACHING CHANDIGARH Our Courses: Competitive exam for Govt. Job IBPS-AFO || FCI || NABARD || IFFCO Post-Graduation Entrance Exam BHU-PG || UPCATET || M.Sc. Entrance || B.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam ICAR-UG || UPCATET || JET || BHU-UG || ADMISSION HELPLINE 98-288-222-77 & 95-200-90-200 Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ASKED IN PREVIOUS EXAMS + Act of mating in sheep- Tupping Highest area under forest is in which state- Madhya Pradesh What is the minimum germination percentage of wheat-85 What is that place whieh is used for feeding of lamb, calves and piglet but not used for adults is known as ~ Creep Golden revolution related to- Fruit Which of the following nutrients is macro nutrients — Boran Let down of milk is due to which hormone- Oxytocin What is the propagation method in Banana- Sucker Which among the following cattle breeds is indigenous draught purpose while cows are poor yielder - Khillari + Crown cleaning related to- Coconut Electronic trading platform for farmer for selling their produce and getting fair prices- E-NAM % Disease of rose greyish white powdery patches are seen on the tender leaves and flower buds mature leaves get malformed and flower bud fail to open and plant present wilted appearance- Powdery mildew 4 Which is not bacterial disease in Pig- Coceidiosis + Pulsing is related to- Processing of flowers ¢ Tropical fruit is - Papa + Name of the vaccine used for Ranikhet ~ Lasota ° ° ° ¢ Removal of Male bud in banana- Denavelling + Grape training system where they are connected with each other - Telephone + Highest lactation length of which goat — Jamunapari What is the Isolation distance required for foundation seed production of okra - 400m % Stubble sprout to form next new crop is- Ratooning, % BT cotton is resistant to which pest - Bollworm 4 Small farmer own land 1 hato ha. - 2ha % Vertisol order soil is found maximum in which state - Maharashtra * White muscardine disease related to- Silkworm % Aphid is responsible for which disease in tobacco - Cucumber mosaic virus + In which planting system 4 plants are planted in a square in which plant to plant and grow to grow distance is same and plants are planted to right angle to each other ~ Square % Afier shect erosion minute finger like structures are formed if not taken care - Rill + Guava pest which deposit eggs on soft skin of ripening fruit , on hatching maggot bore into fruit and feed on the soft pulp , the infested show depressions with dark green puncture and when cut opens the maggots are visible and finally fruit rot and fall- Fruit fly Sorghum shoot fly attack symptoms - The larva cuts the growing p. drying of the central leaf Which oil cake is used to prevent predatory fishes - Mahua cake trap is used to trap male in IPM - Pheromone trap ich of the following refers to the zone of illuviation ~ B Soil moisture decreased to wilting point water held tightly by soil particles condition is called ~ Hygroscopie coefficient + Botanical name of pomegranate- Punicum granatum % Blue colour tag for which seed type - Certified Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ft, resulting in wilting and “ Irregular bearing mango variety is- Kesar *% Which sheep breed of northwest India known for best quality white wool - Magra % A zone within the Earth that restricts the flow of groundwater from one aquifer to another - Aquifuse 4 Which entomopathogens fungus role as biological control agent in cotton bollworm - Beauyeria bassiana % Which of the following practice reduce soil erosion, evapotranspiration, kinetic energy impact of rain drops ~ Mulching + Which of the following medicinal plant is known as laxative medicinal plant - Isabgol + What is the average gestation period of buffalo - 316 +5 * Yellow colour of milk due to - Carotenoid + New leaf of plant shows yellow symptoms and veins remain green is caused by the deficiency of which nutrient - Iron “Young female pig who had not given the birth to any offspring till now - Sow Ley farming is related to- Leguminous pastures with grain craps. ‘What is the type of silkworm that breed only one time in a year - Univoltine species Which of the following is now known as NRLM - Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna Aesthetic and shady plantation for decoration purpose ~ Arboriculture FMD vaccines is given to sheep at an interval of - 6 month Sodium deficiency in cow symptom and causes what - Dehydration and fluid reduction Soil strength can be measured by- Penetrometer Feed conversion ratio in broiler chicken- 1.5 to 1.9 In which grafting Rootstock debarked 45 em from ground level two slopes cut given and wedge is made tongue shape seion inserted - Wedge grafting Mating of wider degree relation not closer one and result in uniformity is known as - In breeding Which scientific research institution is established to provide vocational training to farmer and field level extension workers ~ KVK Type of emulsion found in MILK- Oil in water Which one of the following is a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria- Rhizobium Which among the following is highly irrigation sensitive crop - Cabbage Which among the following is medium to high irrigation sensitive crop - Wheat, Which among the following state has highest alkaline soil - UP What is the pH of acidic soil - Less than 5.5 What is the MSP of wheat according to 2017-18 - 1735. ‘What is the MSP of common paddy according to 2018-19 - 1750 Which among the following nutrient deficiency symptom is major veins remain green, top veins become short and slender and chlorosis on new leaf - Fe What is the RPM of rotary tiller - 180-200 * In which type of tillage 15-30% residue left on the soil surfuce- Reduce tillage + In which disease gall formation of root occurs: Root knot nematode + Which among the following insect causes damage inside the stem - Stem borer % Based on construction, which among the following is the type of green house - Wooden farmed * As per the covering material, which among the following is the type of green house - Glass glazing 4 Cankerous spot formation accurs in which among the following disease - Bacterial canker ¢ What is the minimum age eligibility criteria for Nari Shakti Purskar - 25 years + Nari Shakti Purskar Yojna guideline was revised in which year ~ 2018 + What is the nitrogen content in CAN fertilizer - Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 Seer ees oe Se eeseeee What is the capacity of medium type rural godown - 500,1000,2000 mt % For how much time period we can store food grain in rural godown - 10 months + How much area in percentage is covered under storage in rural godown - 90 + Which among the following propagation method is used in droopy/viney - Serpentine layering ¢ Banana is exported to gulf area. India exports maximum banana to which among the following Arabian country - Saudi Arabia + Rotting of stem at ground level disease is known as - Foot rot + Pegging and pod formation stage has occurred in which among the following crop: - Groundnut + Which among the following crop has Lowest seed replacement ratio - Groundnut + E-nam was launched in which year - 2016 + What is the premium rate for rabi crops under PMFBY - 1.5 + What is the premium rate for commercial/ horticultural crops under PMFBY ~ 5 ¢ What is the premium rate for oilseed crops under PMFBY ~ § ¢ Which among the following crop has CRI as critical irrigation stage - Wheat PMFBY was started in which year - 2016 among the following horticulture crop has lowest production ~ Medicinal Which among the following horticulture crop has lowest productivity - Medicinal Which among the following horticulture erop has highest productivity - Vegetable Which institute has developed Goat pox vaccine - IVI What is the cost of reclamation of acidic soils under RKVY - 15000 What is the subsidy given for fishpond under blue revolution scheme ~ 50 According to RBI rules how much loan can be given to poor and small farmers - 1 lakh What is the propagation method of cashew - Softwood grafting What is the useful working hours of combine harvester - 6000 How many mandis are covered under E-nam till now - 500-600 Which river cover lowest area under farming - Indus In which method Crop residue remain undisturbed condition but disturbed during sowing of seed and fertilizer injection - No til Which among the following biofertilizer do not provide nitrogen - Trichoderma viride Which among the following state has highest labour wages per day - Haryana Which among the following state has lowest labour wages per day - T How many districts are covered under Lead bank scheme till now - 706 Which among the following state has lowest ground brackish water in inland area - Karnataka Loan for building infrastructure for activities school, health care facility and sa priority sector lending - 5 crore * What is the High-volume spray fluid quantity - More then 400 Liter > Tractor drawn power harrow capacity - 1.5 + How many cross breeds are taken with fish culture in one hectare Land “> What is the field capacity of tractor drawn power harrow - 1.5 ha/day + What is the Assistance for tube well/bore under RAD - 25000 + What is the assistance of Power Tiller for SC/ST, Small & Marginal, Women farmers and NE States- below 8 BHP - 65000 + Which variety of Mango is susceptible to spongy tissue - Alphonso Which of the following variety of onion produces white colored bulbs - Bhima Shubhra Arka Rakshak’ is an important variety of - Tomato + As per basic Animal Husbandry Statistics, DAHD & F, GOT milk production in India in the year 2017-18 was million tonnes - 170-180 Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ° ° * * ° ° ° ° * ° + ° Pesos ‘Pant Ragini’ is variety of - Fenugreek % Parasitic weed associated with mustard is - Orobanche + Rajasthan ranks milk availability in India (2017-18) in per capita - 3" ‘ In India, maximum amount of milk is utilized in... - id Gestation period of cow i veedays - 280-285 + Rate of feeding colostrum to a newbom calf is - 10% of the body weight % Normally. is used for packaging of butter - Parchment paper (PVP) + Causative agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia is - Pasteurella multocida + The husk seed ratio of 'Isabgo!' by weight is - 25 :75 + Microbes that have beneficial effect on health of the consumers are called - Probiotics * Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAD) Act in parliament was established in the year. and implemented in the year. = 2006 and 2011 Pneumonia in animals occurs due to faulty administration of drugs is - Drenching pneumonia “ Which of the following is used as ‘Ethylene scrubber’ in storage of fruits - Potassium permanganate % Indian Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 contains number of sections ~ 101 ¢ Which one of the following elements is not essential for plant growth is ~ Sodium + Fat content of whipping cream ranges from - 30-40% + The most commonly used chemical preservative in food is - Sodium Benzoate + ? According to standards, a fruit squash fruit should contain at - 20-30% ‘As per Annual Survey of Industries (2016-17), the highest number of registered and unincorporated food processing units are in which state - Andhra Pradesh. UP * The type of Can which is used for canning of acidic red fruits - R-enamel % The enzymatic browning in cut surface of fruits and vegetables is due to - Oxidation of phenols + Which state is the largest producer of fresh vegetables in India in 2017-18 - West Bengal % Which of the following is'Climacteric fruit grows between 16-26 °C and in soil pH 6-7 - Avacado + Which among the following is a bunch type variety of groundnut - Girnar- & The 'Girnar 2' variety has been released for cultivation in northern Rajasthan, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh in the Kharif season, while 'Gimar 3 is a variety developed for cultivation in West Bengal, Orissa and Manipur - Directorate of Marketing and Inspection + Which one of the following plant nutrients helps in the synthesis of auxins — Zine Hen required how much sq/ft as per NABARD norms - 3 sq ft. ° * How much percentage of subsidy given by govt of India for 10 hp pumps - 5000 and 50% Money allocated for | ha horticulture crop as per national horticulture mission programme ~ 1 lakh per nursery ¢ What is maximum optimal temperature for wheat crop ~ 35°C Which of the following is not a micronutrient — Cu Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh lies under which agro-climatic zone - Southern Himalayas + What is the plant population for long rice - 33,000 + what is the plant population for medium cotton crop - 10,000 ¢ Maximum export agriculture product in India - Onion What is minimum temperature wheat crop - 10-12 °C Which state/union territory has minimum percentage of area - Daman Diu ¢ MB plough, for tractor pull can work in per day (2 bottom) - 1.5- 2.0 Ha, per day 4 Which soil is maximum in hills and gigantic plans - Lateritie soils + Which tillage is used in which no soil particles are disturb - Zero Tillage Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 *@ How many Soils health card has been distributed - 7.00 crore + Water use efficiency is highest for drip irrigation. What is the water use efficiency for drip irrigation - 70-80% + If farmer has to pay Interest on 3 lakh loans, after interest subvention farmer have to pay what percentage of interest - only 5% % In which method of seed sowing, seed is managed to sow at required depth in a hole ~ Dibbling + The method in which seed is sown and closed by soil in a regular process - Sowing behind plough * Which of the following is temperate crop/fruit ~ Wheat + Causal agent of Black mildew in mango plant - Meliola mangiferae + Causal agent of Bacterial spot in citrus - Xanthomonas campestris py. citri * Economic Life span of coconut in years for coconut palm - 60 years ICAR was established in the year - 16 July 1929 ¢ Which element is most useful for root growth — posphorous % Seed rate for rice in line sowing method - 60 kg per ha Shallow depth consists of which of the following - 5-10em Which mutrient helps in a chlorophyll formation ~ manganese Wheat production i India- 96.64 M tonnes Which one is variety of onion - Agri found Alkali soil having pH of >8.5 Reinfiltration through soil surface is called ~ Percolation Black heart of potato is a - Oxygen deficiency disorder National Research Centre for Groundnut is located - Junagarh Dual purpose breed of cow in India ~ Haryana Highest % of fat in Buffalo breed - Bhadawari Citrus cracking is due to - Deficiency of boron Deficiency symptom first appears on older or lower leaves ~ Nitrogen Which one is calculated in Quintal per ha - Cost of production Seed rate (kg/ha) of Maize is - 18-20 No till planter used for Sowing Aluminum phosphide is a kind of - Rotendicide Khapra beetle is related (0 - Storage food grain pest What is the pattern of assistance for women beneficiary for purchase of power tiller (8 H.P and above) under Sub-mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SNAM) - 50% Whaat is the aggerate loan limit from banking system for the category of food and agro-processing under Ancillary Agriculture under priority sector lending - 100 Crore ¢ What is the minimum amount of assistance under National horticulture Mission for adoption of organic farming - 10000/ha What is the target for lending to small and marginal farmers within the target for agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial banks by March 2017 bank credit or eredit equivalent amount of off-balance sheet exposure, whichever is higher, as per RBI guidelines - 8% of the following is disease causing pathogen in citrus group - Phytophthora parasitica % Which of the following is disease causing pathogen in mango group - Colletotrichum glocosporiodes Feed is given to the newborn calf. What is daily weight gain of well-fed crossbred calf - 400 grams + What is the power extracted by PTO - 70-80 + Which among the following states have highest Alkali problematic soil - Gujarat Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ° ° * * ° ° ° ° * ° + ° * ° + * ° ° “Which of the following is a micronutrient - Iron * Under PMFBY the premium % to be paid by Farmer of the total cost for kharif season crop - 2 % + Under PMFBY the premium % to be paid by Farmer of the total cost for Commercial and Horticultural crops - 5 % ¢ Under Pradhan mantri Krishi Sinchayee yojana what amount of money allotted during the 5-year plan - 50,000 crore + Which micronutrient plays a activist & catalystic role in the photosynthesis of plants - Mg * Which of the following is a highly salt tolerant crop - Cotton + According to Interest subvention scheme what % farmers getting the short-term crop loan payable within one year up to Rs 3 lakhs at per annum - 4% % Totapari variety of Mango belongs to which state - Karnataka + Ratna variety of Mango is a cross of - Neelam x Alphanso ¢ In which form of cutting all branches of fodder crops are being cut or removed ~ Lapping ¢ What is the annual rainfall of the Humid area in mm - More than 1000 mm What is the optimum pH required for Grapes - more than 6.5 ‘What is the optimum pH required for Guava - 6.5-8 What is the optimum pH required for Banana - 6.5-7.5 In Banana, which nutrient is given in largest amount through fertigation — K Which Fish has the highest protein content - Tuna Which is the following being not a Quality of “4- stroke engine” - Fuel is not fully consumed For cultivating land of around 40 hac for monocropping what HP tractor is preferred - 25 HP Which tillage implement requires minimum draft per unit width - Planter What is the Capacity of High-volume sprayer - More than 400 What is the HP power required for power sprayer - 3-5 HP for power sprayer Which of the following is a perennial crop - Coconut What is the electrical conductivity of saline soil - More than 4 What is the efficiency of drip irrigation - 95% ‘What is the ESP of saline-alkaline soils - More than 15 ‘What is the pH range of the alkali soil - More than 8.2 Which among the following wood is used for making plywood timber - Teak Which nutrient helps in the formation of chlorophyll — Mg In which form of tillage, no plant is left undisturbed - Clean Tillage Highest P205 consumption is in which crop - Groundnut How much % of rice bran is used in fish feed - 50% Which among the following animal have highest S.N.F. — Sheep How much area should be covered by Forest according to forest policy 1988 - 33% In murrah Buffalo what is the age at first calving - 42-45 months Which Institute had discovered the vaccine for Ranikhet disease - Indian veterinary Research Institute Which institute formulated vaccines on Rinderpest - IVR What is the floor space required for “Broiler Poultry (sq. ft.)” - 1 Sq. Feet What is the floor space required for pregnant cow - 100-120 Sq. Feet Papaya was introduced in india in which Century - 16 Centuary Which Institute had developed Karan Fries breed - NDRI, karnal * Integrated scheme for Agriculture marketing was launched in which year ~ 2014 Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar was established in which year ~ 1979 + How much is the interest rate of KCC - 4% Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ° ° * * ° ° ° ° * ° + ° * ° + * ° ° * + ° ° ° oe While reclaiming acid water in aquatic pond, how much lime is required - 250 kg “+ Highest Ca is present in which manure — Poultry + What is the optimum relative humidity range for erop production- 40-60% + What is the name of the component with perennial hedge and crop - Alley crop 4 Which among the following crop has largest area under 2015-16 - Rice Which among the following crop has highest production in 2015-16 — Rice + Which among the following is a temperate crop - Wheat + Lopping is related to ~ Lucerne + Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk ~ Sheep + Which poultry breed has highest weight at the age of 5 weeks - Aseel “Number of poultry batches can be reared in a year — 7 + How much time is taken for rearing of prawn - 7 months “> What is the size of semi-intensive fish farm pond - 1 ha. In which year power tiller was introduced in India - 1963 % Which among the following operation is conducted in pseudo stem of banana after bunch harvesting — Mettocking Deposition of soil by gravity Colluvial Soil + Boar which is fattened for market should be castrated at which age - 2 to 4 weeks + Which of the following essential nutrient is considered as micronutrient ~ Fe + Which among the following crop is hexaploid and developed by using outcrossing ~ Wheat + Mehsana is the cross of - Murrah Surti A Cow in heat can be bred in which phase - Oestrum phase “Which of the following is used to map subdivisions of land and gives length and direction to owners Jand and boundaries - Cadastral map 4 What is the SNF content for recombined toned milk - 8.5 % + When to harvest gerbera flower - Few florets open * The index used to determine the effect on intereropping on suppression of weeds in comparison to sole crop stand - Weed Smothering efficiency. among the following is the most serious pest of cotton which eat cotton boll and boll will fall down after attack and remaining unable to open properly and moth will be brown in colour, and larvae will be pink in colour which puncture into the boll - Pink bollworm + Which among the following scheme is related to organic farming in the country - Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna + A system in which agriculture crops, trees and fruit trees or ornamental trees are grown together in same land - Agri silvi horticulture % Which fish is having highest cost and highest demand in market - Striped murrel + Retting is related to which crop — Jute + Farming system which provides more time to absorb runoff water and later it is supplied to crops ~ Contour farming + Characteristics of Mastitis disease in goat - Large, hot swollen udder with blood flakes in milk + This is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed but having no common ancestors on either side of their pedigree up to 4-6 generations ~ Outcrossing * Which among the following fish lives in fresh water and bred in salt water - Catadromous Which among the following silkworm which have more than three generations in a year - Multivoltine + Poultry- boiler per bird sq ft floor space: - 0.8-1 Sq. Ft Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 Grafting method in which germinating seeds less than 2 weeks are wedge or splice graft on success depends on temperature and high RH: Stone Grafting + Coorg honey dew variety of — Papaya is correct Bacterial wilt of tomato symptom - Leaves do not turn yellow but wilting is seen. Vascular bundles show brownish discoloration + Which is NOT correct about Saline soil - In saline soil due to precipitation Salt content increase + Find the correct match of seed colour and seed tag - Breeder seed-golden yellow % Which of the following organic material has lowest C: N ratio - Soil microbes + Which of the following matching is correct with respect to its site of synthesis - only 1 + Which of the following is not correct regarding fertilizer - soil having same available nutrient may not supply same amount of nutrient even if to the same crop + Hormone which induces and maintains seed dormancy — ABA Calculate the plant population for hexagonal system of orchard if Plant to plant spacing -10m, row to row- 8.66 m—115 + Implement used for harrowing having several rotating dises fitted on the common shaft - Dise harrow ‘> Interest rate of Kisan Vikash Patra - 6.9% Per annum + In which crop pair there is least isolation distance: - Wheat and rice + What is international seed certificate colour, sampling is done in one country and analysis in other country ~ Green % Which is not true about soil health card: - In every 5 years soil health card issued to all farmers ‘In genetic engineering which bacteria is known as work horse - E, coli * Which among the following category of farmers has 4-10 hac. Land - medium * Kasuhal vikas yojna comes under which ministry - Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 4 Which instrument is used for measuring milk specific gravity - lactometer * What is the pH of Alkali soil - More than 8.5, What is the recommended seed rate of wheat with medium sized grains - 80 kg/hac. * Yellow revolution is related to - Oil seeds + What is the full form of APEDA - The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority ¢ Which among the following air breathing fishes has highest demand in the market - Channa striatus or Stripped Murr + After interest subvention of 2 % farmer have to pay how much loan on 3 lakhs amount: - 7% * of the following seed has BLUE coloured tag - Certified seeds * Which among the following is the component of umbrella scheme Krishonnati Yojana: - NESM Which among the following product has maximum volume export according to report of APEDA. report 2016 - Basmati rice + Which among the following ministry has launched Gobar ~ dhan scheme: - Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation + Solar charkha mission is meant for - Employment in rural areas and contribute to the green economy + Which among the following is the order of black cotton soil: - Vertisols Which among the following state not adopted Atal Bhujal Yojna to tackle depleting ground water - Andhra Pradesh + Who maintains the rural infrastructural development funds - NABARD ¢ What is the premium rate for kharif and rabi crops under PMEBY - 2% for kharif and 1.5 for rabi Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 “What is the full form of NRLM - National Rural Livelihood Mission * Which among the following state produces maximum muga silk - Jharkhand + Minimum support prices are announced by - GOT *@ SUSSEX is a world’s famous breed of - Poultry ¢ In Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Kamataka grape vines are pruned in which months - Double pruning — Single cropping: September- October + Double pruning — Double cropping: October-November * Which among the following is the objective of drip irrigation to crops - provide water in root zone and prevent water loss + Which act regulates market of the agricultural produce in India - Agricultural Produce Market Committee + What is the fat percentage of double toned milk - 1.5 % ‘% Buffalo milk is not yellowish due to - Carotene “National Research Centre for Orchids is in which among the following state - Sikkim Head quarter of Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants is located at - Lucknow Which of the following state is known for agricultural export zone for cashew nut - Tamil Nadu ¢ Which among the following buffalo breed is having sickle shaped homs - Surti + Which among the following is the use of KISSAN CREDIT CARD ? : crop loan for 5 years, erop Joan: - Farmer can take loan for crop production and allied activities + What is the full form of mudra - ‘Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency % NITI ayog was established on which date - 1 Jan 2015 Which of the following state has maximum area under PINEAPPLE :- Assam. * Which among the following category is known as Marginal farmer: - Less than one hac. + * What is the Interim Budget allocation for MNREGA in2019-20 - 60000 crore Which among the following is the targeted group of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana - 15-35 years * What is the period of implementation of PMKSY as per cabinet decision of Government of India July 2016 - 5 years * Horticulture nursery soil should be well drained, W! for nursery - Black cotton soil + What was the Agricultural Department Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare credited flow target of 2017-2018 fixed by the government of India - 10 lakh crore % Fruit of different varieties and grown in different states which of the following is variety of citrus - King Mandarin + Mango is a tropical fruit, but high humidity and rain should be avoided during flowering. What is the temperature range for the cultivation of fruit - 24 to 27 degree Celsius + To address the constraints limiting the productivity of rice based crop, of the following type of soil is not suitable system in Eastern India Government of India has launched the scheme BGREI, Which implemented how many states are covered in the scheme — 7 % Total soluble solid (TSS) is measured as electric conductivity (EC) and expressed as ds/m at temperature of 25 degree Celsius, What is the Ec value at very high TSS - 6 *% Which of the following state achieved maximum area under oil palm cultivation upto March 2017 as per Government of India department of Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare - Andhra Pradesh ¢ Nutrients have different roles in plant growth, which of the following micronutrient stimulate photosynthesis ~ Chlorine Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ¢ There are some crops which are either salt tolerance or semi salt tolerance. which of the following crop is a salt sensitive - Apple + One of the linkages of Agriculture and livestock is used of organic matter. which of the following nutrients is lowest of cattle manure - Sulphur “ What was the expected of farm power availability approx. during the year 2017-18 as per government - 2.02 kw/ha > Oestrus cycle is very important in cattle breeding, and it has phases of different duration. In which of the following phase implementation of embryo takes place - Met Oestrum + RBI has given directives for classification of loans under weaker section within priority sector lending, Maximum limit of a loan to schedule tribes weaker section - 1 Lakh ¢ In Agronomy classification of Crop plants is done as a class for better understanding which of the following crop is fibre crop based on economic use - Jute ‘ Govt of India has identified 121 districts in the country as minority concentrated district which of the following maximum number of such districts ~ Assam RBI has issued fresh guidelines for lending to MSME sector what is normally limit of collateral free loan for MSME as per RBI guidelines - 20 lakh * Different breeds of cattle have separate Intercalving period. What is the Intercalving period of Surti breed - 400 - 500 days + Milk composition of each mammal is different which of the following species has lowest SNF Goat % Seeds with highest moisture content losses the germination viability. What is the safe moisture level of seed storage - 9-13% + Certified seeds are used for better yield of crops. What is the viability of certified tagged seed from the date of sample testing for all seeds - 9 month. * The mineral element present in the soil are also classified as per their role in plant system which of the following element is classified as regulator and carrier - K % In which country major historical development of the breed Holstein occurred ~ Netherland «As per estimate Government of India, Department of Agriculture and farmers welfare for the year 2017-18 the production of horticulture crop crossed Million MT ~ 300 + SAR is used to assess the alkali related hazards of the water. Which of the following SAR range is termed as SAR class S2- 11-18 + In agronomy classified crop plants is done as a classified for better understanding. Which of the following crop is medicinal crop based on economic use - Mint + One of the linkages of Agriculture and livestock is used of fertilizer which of following nutrient is. highest in poultry manure - Nitrogen % Various fertilizers are applied to provide plant nutrient, What is the Nitrogen percentage in Ammonium Sulphate - 20.6% % The texture of soil influences the water retention capacity of soil. How much suetion pressure will deplete 98% of the available water in light soil - S bar + Which of the following crop had highest yield in (Kg/ha) during to 2016-17 as per annual report (2017-18) of Government of India department of Agriculture ~ Sugarcane + Pomegranate is a favourite table food of tropical and subtropical countries. The different varieties cultivated for both seeded type and soft seeded type. Which of the following variety is soft seeded type - Dhokla ¢ Pineapple is mainly growing in tropical and subtropical climate. What is the pH for pineapple - 5.5- 7 Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 “There is different mother plant for varieties Guava cultivation. Which of the following mother plant for Guava for cultivators in Maharashtra and South India - Sardar L-49 “As per MSME Act 2006 the maximum value of investment in plant and manufacturing (Original cost excluding land resources and furniture) For small manufacturing enterprises - 5 erore 4 Which the following method for layering for vegetative propagation of plants is to propogate many of the thick stemmed or closely branched plants especially when it is desirable to root all the branches - Mound layering Avaliable water in plant roots is greatly influenced by the hydro physical properties of soil which of the following soils have maximum available water capacity (cm/em of soil) - Silt loam + Dormancy of seeds occur due to various reasons, and this can be removed by suitable process. When seeds are subjected to very low temperature of 0-5 degree Celsius to break the embryo dormancy it is known as - Stratification * Plant breeding programme is done mostly to increase yield and insect resistant variety of crop. Which of the following programme is the production of male and female gametes in Microspore and megaspore - Gametogenesis “ Which of the following categories of bank does not offer Kissan credit card scheme - Payment Bank % Silver fiber Revolution is related to - Cotton + Condition where two batches of male flower and two batches of female flower are separated temporally this condition is known as: - Duodichogamy + what is envisaged in the concept of lay farming: - Leguminous pastures with grain crops * Among these which one is not a slow-release fertilizer: - ammonium sulphate * Which crop shows the symptoms of particular nutrient if it is deficient . according to this match the following: - cauliflower -Boron and molybdenum , wheat- magnesium and copper + What is the Incubation period Of Sutra disease - 5-30 days % Antherea assamensis is: Muga silkworm % Citrate Soluble fertilizer but water insoluble fertilizer is : DCP ° & Crop which is sensitive to soil alkalinity ESP less than! 5: Maize Ratio of rainfall weekly/monthly at 50% probability and potential evapotranspi Moisture Available Index % This animal is a Cross of Bikaneri ewes and merino rams is: Hisardale + Friesian is a breed of cow % For the prevention of ascaris in calves of upto 6 weeks which of the following formulation will be given: Piperazin salts + which among the following is a Rock mineral of boron ~ Tourmaline what is the Precursor of indole Acetic Acid - Tryptophan + A product is giving 90% acid equivalent so for giving 2.1-kilogram hectare is it equivalent of that product how much amount of that product must be given - 2.33 + Which hormone is responsible for cell division and plant new growth ~ eytokinin + What is the bio agent to control common mealy bug - Leptomastix dectylopii + In swine, which among the following is the intracellular parasite resulting i swine ~ Coceidic + Which among the following does not belong to a umbelliferae family — Which one is the gamma ray mutant of sugarcane from Co527 - Co8152 * Tongue Grafting is done in which fruit crop - Malus domestica + According to GM shull observation in capsella what the phenotype ratio of duplicate epistasis in F2 generation is - 15:1 Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 n is known as: bloody diarrhoea in “Dark green streak on the lower portion of leaf midrib and later on the secondary veins disease called “morse code”. This disease of banana will be called as - Bunchy top virus + Which instrument is used to cut the hard branches and Woody shrubs of plants - Bill Hook + In reference to Agroforestry culture of combined stand of Woody and agricultural species during carly stage of establishment of plantation is known as: Taungya Number of permanent cheek teeth in cow( molar + premolar) — 24 Which ministry is merged with the new jalshakti ministry which has launched gobardhan Yojana - Ministry of water and sanitation + Which among the following is not a bacterial disease - Blue tongue disease % Ifa seed packet has a white sticker then what kind of seed it is - foundation seed * Which disease of groundnut is caused due to thrips - Bud necrosis, + What is the order of black cotton soil - Vertisol ¢ What is the term used when the constituent of soil in solution form percolate from the upper layer to the lower layer - elluviation For which among the following disease the vaccination is not prepared yet - Milk fever Yellow colour of cow milk is due to - Carotene * Pairing at meosis between two or more non homologous chromosomes whether it be complete or partial from the diverse set of an allopolyploid individual is called - Allosyndesis + Syconus is the fruit type of which of the following fruit - Fig + Symbiotic bio fertilizer for cereal grains and grasses - azosprillium * Which method of irrigation is developed in Israel and well suited in acute water shortage - Drip/Trickle Irrigation “> What is the premium rate for kharif under PMEBY ~ 2 “What is the Gestation period of swine - 114 Act of parturition in swine is termed as — farrowing Act of mating in sheep is termed as ~ Tupping + What is the characteristics of mg deficient plant - Interveinal chlorosis of the leaf in which only the leave veins remain green, + What is the characteristics of Fe deficient - Younger leaves develop interveinal chlorosis, + KCC loan limit for farmer who pursue Crop, animal husbandry, fisheries and also eligible for 2% interest subvention? ~ 3 lakhs + Panama wilt is @ disease of - Banana % Sponge like appearance in mango is due to ~ sponge tissue + Grand nain isa variety of - Banana * Inrigation done in root zone and is highly efficient is — drip irrigation Average sced rate of Groundnut (both Spreading type & Semi spreading type) - 100-110 Kg/ha + Nutrient which act takes part in Protein synthesis in plant body ~ Zine % Which among the following is a macro nutrient — Potassium “> Farming meant for risk reduction, cost reduction as well as input cost reduction and to reduce volatilization of prices in market is known as - Contract farmimg + Isolation distance for foundation seed of chillies ~ 400 m * Rhizobium help in fixation of which nutrient- N + MSP is decided by - GOI ¢ Maximum Land holding by marginal farmers - 1 hac ¢ Milkman, fishery man and farmers constitute a group is known as - FPO + For breeding purpose stallion mate with whom for breeding purpose - Mare + What is scientific name of garlic ~ allium sativum Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 ¢ What is the name of technique in which tissue from one plant, the scion, is attached onto another plant - Grafting + What is the name of wheat most important species which is 90% used — T aestivum + Which of the following institute provide training to the farmers ~ KVK “Finger shape erosion after sheet erosion — Rill erosion % Culture of treetcrop together ~ Agrisilviculture + To obtain pure breed back mating of breed with one of the close one is known as — back erossing “ What is the name of practice of rapidly multiplying stock plant material to produce many progeny plants, using modern plant culture methods is known as - Miero Propagation + Which of the following is milch type cow having best quality of milk in cow but bullock is not good in drought? ~ Gir + A substance that is toxic to plants, used to destroy unwanted vegetation is known as ~ herbicide Soil having highest sand % and low water holding capacity — Sandy ¢ Fertilizers applied with irrigation water or for direct application and it has less labour requirement and possibility of mixing with herbicides is known as - Li What is the name of the system of varying successive crops in a definite order on the same ground, especially to avoid depleting the soil and to control weeds, diseases, and pests - Crop rotation Olericulture is study of ~ Vegetable Which insects Caterpillar bore into central shoot of paddy seedling and til be easily pulled by hand - Stem borer SNF of double toned milk ~ 9 Which among the following is Highest forest area- MP What is available size of urea bag for balanced use of it - 45 kg A plant fertilizer which is used in dry form and are in tiny pellets is known as - Granular fertilizer When soil heated at 105 degree C to remove moisture n then come in 100% humidity is called - Saturation point Calcium deficiency will cause in eggs - Thinning of shel ‘What is the family of mustard : Cruciferae Pendimethalin is a — Weedicide 2,4-D is used as hormone, and it is also used as ~ Weedicide These features are of which buffalo: This buffalo has sickle shaped horns, This buffalo is greyish brown or black in colour ~ Surti PM Kisan is a Central Sector scheme with 100% funding from Government of India, Under the scheme an income support of 6,000/- per year will be provided to all institutional land holders - PMKISAN + Which bee is best for domestication, This bee is also known as Italian bee - Apis mellifera + What is the fruit type of Pineapple - Sorosis % Rose fiuit type is known as — Hip + Blossom End Rot is in and is due to the deficieney of - Tomato, Ca + What is the ICMR recommendation of Vegetables (g/day) ~ 300 % The bond which is formed between parallel and non-parallel strands of DNAs - Hydrogen bond % What is the premium rate in PMFBY for rabi crops, oilseeds and, - 1.5% of SI or Actuarial rate, whichever is less ¢ Which of the following instrument used to measure soil moisture ~ Tensiometer + For which of the following R.M. test is used ~ Ghee + Symptoms of Powdery mildew of pea are first seen on which part of the plant ~ Leaves Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 oe , causes &Plants could mptom of brucellosis - Abortion may occur Seeeee Sees ° 15 Chemical used in polyploidy breeding — Colchicine % Disorder in Pomegranate in which arils are disintegration, where arils become soft, light creamy — brown to dark blackish brown and unfit for consumption and the deficiency is not seen externally - Internal breakdown Which of the following chemical is used for reclamation of alkaline soil Gypsum Mandis is a type of market ~ Secondary Which of the following is silk protein — Sericin Discovery of mosaic in 1886 by Mayer ~ Tobacco Piercing and sucking type mouth part in which order ~ Hemiptera Water holding capacity decreasing order - Clay> silt sand Late blight is the disease of - Patato Annamox is one of the steps of - Nitrogen eycle Amplifier host of Japanese encephalitis is — Pig Antherea mylita is - Tropical Tasar silkworm Which agency helps in the price policy of major agricultural crops for Government ~ CACP. ° ° ° ° * ° o * ° ° “Seeds are dropped in furrows in continuous flow and are covered with soil — Drilling In innovation, rate of adoption is negatively affected by - Complexity + Mould board instrument is used for Ploughing + In which of the following systems agriculture crop, Trees, Pasture - Agrisilvi Pastoral * Which one is not sedimentary rock ~ Granite % Scratching, rubbing and softening seed coat to make it permeable for water ~ Searification > The credit of success for KVK goes to - Chandrika Prasad + Which of the following housing system is used in commercial layer farming Cage system in poultry having dimensions of 14*16 inches or height 17 inches - Battery cage % Progeny of breeder seed which should maintain certain germination standards and should be approved by certification agency - Foundation seed + As per FSSAT Standards, SNF of cow milk is - 8.5 * Protoplasmic fusion between plants of different species - Somatic hybridization * Beetle having horn like projection on head, black body and attacks on open terminal portion - Rhinoceros beetle + Removing off type plant of same species but different variety that affect genetic purity, physical purity of seed lot. This is the most important operation in seed production, — Rouging, % Bordeaux mixture is - Copper fungicide + What is smother crop - erop which suppresses weeds growing under it with quick growing and dense folia Buffalo milk is whiter than cow milk - Because Carotene is converted into colorless vitamin A Unwinding of silk cocoon is called — Reeling + Increased performance of F1 hybrid over parent is called — Heterosis * e Two well developed breeds are crossed Alternatively will be known as - Criss cross % Secretion of milk by glandular secretory tissue of milk animals & their collection in the various system terminating its let down — specific stimuli - Lactation + The principle of this technique is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C: N ratio through stimulating heterotrophic microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogenous waste that can be exploited by the cultured spices as a feed - Biofloc fish farming ¢ Rating is related to which crop — jute + In Maharashtra, pre seasonal planting of sugarcane having growth period of 15-16 months is done in ~ June-July Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 16 CROP WITH SPECIAL NAME Special Name Brown gold White gold Yellow jewel Golden fiber Bio energy plant King of temperate crop Poor man’s friend Vegetable Meat FIRST IN INDIA First hybrid variety in India First hybrid variety of maize First Single Hybridization of Maize(single cross) variety First hybrid variety of sorghum (1964) First hybrid variety of millet (1965) First hybrid variety of cotton (1970) First hybrid variety of safflower First hybrid variety of mustard First Tomato Hybrid Variety First hybrid variety of tobacco First hybrid variety of Bt cotton First semi-dwarf variety of Basmati rice- Which variety came first in India (introduced) - (1966) First dwarf variety of rice joped in India(1969) First super rice variety for fine and alkaline soils First virus disease First plant parasitic bacteria Zero tillage was invented in which country? Agri Coaching Chandigarh Crop Dead pupae of silk worm Cotton Soybean Jute Jatropha Apple Potato: Cow pea Pusa meghdoot (Bottle gourd) Ganges-1 & Ganga-101 (1961) Paras CSH-1 HB-1 H-4 & Varalakshmi DSH-I NRCHB-506 Kamataka hybrid-1 GTH-1 Bollguard (cry AC gene) Pusa Basmatil IRS Jaya Lunishree ‘TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) Fire blight of apple America Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 v7 First Herbicide - The first commercial fertilizer is ‘The first man-made cereal- World's first transgenic crop The first hybrid variety of commercially grown mango is- In which year conducted first agricultural census in India - World food Prize First winner First Director General of ICAR- FIRST HYBRID VARIETIES OF CROPS: 2,4-D Single super phosphate (SSP) Triticale (wheat X Rye) (1890) Tobacco Mallika 1970 Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Dr. B.P. Pal S.No. Crop name Variety Name L Maize Ganges-1, 1961 2. Sorghum CSH-1 (1964) co Pearl Millet HB-1 (1965), Atwal + Cotton H-4, (1970), CT Patel 5. Rice CORH-1, 1994 6 Tobacco GTH-1 7- Sunflower BSH-1, 1980 8 Pigeon pea ICPH-8, 1991 a Sugarcane CO-205, 1926 10- Y Aruna 1 PRH-10 12 Mango Amrapali, Mallika, RN singh 13- Mustard NRCHB-506 14 Safflower DSH-129 MAJOR PUBLICATIONS: Name of Journal Published by Period Indian Journal of ICAR Monthly Agricultural Sciences Indian Farming ICAR Monthly Kheti ICAR Monthly Indian journal of fertilizer izer Association of Monthly GRF) India Indian Journal of Horticulture Association of Quarterly Horticulture India Mausam Indian Meteorological Quarterly Department, New Delhi Phal phool (Hindi ) ICAR Bi-Monthly Indian Horticulture ICAR, Bi-Monthly Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 18 MOISTURE CONTENT IN CROP SEEDS AT HARVESTING AND STORAGE Crops At harvesting (%) Rice 23 Wheat 25-30 Soybean 16-17 Groundnut 30-40 Sorghum 21-24 M: 20-25 Barley 18-20 Pearl millet 20 Pulse : Oilseeds 18-20 At storage (%) 4 2 13-14 <8 2 2 12 10-12 10-12 8 OPTIMUM TEMPERATURE REGIMES FOR DIFFERENT STAGES OF CROP (°C) Crop stage Blooming Panicle initiation Ripening Rice Average growth Period Germination Tillering/vegetative Accelerated growth Proper grain filling Germination Tillering/formative Vegetative Ripening Germination Vegetative growth Agri Coaching Chandigarh Wheat Sugarcane Pigeon pea Optimum temp. (°c) 26.5-29.5 20-22 20-25 21-37 20-25 16-20 20-23 23-25 for 4-5 weeks 21 26.6 29.4 18.8 30-35 20-25 Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 19 Flowering & pod setting Maturity Germination Vegeiative growth Tuber growth Highest tuberization Tuber development stop Other cereals Maize germination Maize entire growth Sorghum germination Sorghum growth Pearl millet growth Chickpea entire growth period Growth of pea Growth of green gram Entire growth period of jute Growth of groundnut Soybean germination Growth of soybean Sunflower growth Cotton vegetative growth Tobaceo germination PROTEIN CONTENT IN PULSES Crop Gram Pea Arhar Lentil Urd Agri Coaching Chandigarh Potato Other crop 15-18 35-40 25 20 17-19 20 (day) 14 (Night) 29 21 32 18-21 26-30 27-30 15-25 13-18 25-32 18-30 21-265, 22 26-29 20-25 >16 21-27 27-32 Protein % 21.1 22.5 21-25 25 24 Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 PROTEIN CONTENT Moong Cowpea PROTEIN CONTENT IN CEREALS Crop Rice Maize Bajra Wheat Sorghum Barley IN OILSEEDS Crop Soybean Groundnut Sesame Linseed Safflower(Cakes) OIL CONTENT IN CROPS Crops Coconut Sesame Groundnut Castor Rape seed and Mustard Soybean Sunflower Niger Maize Cottonseed Gossypol Neurotoxin (BOAA) Erucie acid Aflatoxin CN glucoside dhurin / HCN / Resins Polyphenolics Agri Coaching Chandigarh Protein % 6-7% 10% 11-12% 11-12% 10-12% 11.5% Protein % 42% 26% 18-20 % 36% 40-45 % Oil % 60% 46-52% 45% 35-58 % 33-35 % 20% 45-50 % 35-45 % 4-5% 15-25% TOXIC CHEMICALS AND THEIR RELATION TO PLANTS: Cotton Lathyrus Mustard peanut Fever Mango Safflower, Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 a Lathirus Sativus Cucurbitacins ‘Cucurbits > Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR - 0.4 — 0.7) is essential for production of carbohydrates and ultimately biomass. Red light is the most favourable light for growth followed by violet — blue. QUALITATIVE PROSPECTS OF DIFFERENT CROPS Process Value (%) Milling of rice 60 Hulling in Rice 66 Shelling in wheat 60 Milling of wheat 70-74 Shelling in pea 49 Shelling in chickpea 49 Shelling in Groundnut 70 INFLORESCENCE OF CROPS Inflorescence Crop Arrow ‘Sugarcane Axillary Cotton Axillary raceme Pulses- Black gram, Chickpea, Green gram, Pea, Pigeon pea, moth bean, Lentil, Soybean Raceme Ground nut, Mustard, Castor, Sun hemp, Tobacco Cymose Sesame, Linseed, Jute, Potato Capitulum Sunflower, Niger Head Sorghum, Safflower Panicle Rice, Porso millet Spike Wheat, Barley Ear Pear! millet SIZE CLASSES AND BROAD SIZE GROUPS OF HOLD! Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 2 s. Size- Classes (in hectares) Percentage of No. Groups number of land holding 1 ‘Marginal 0.50-1.00 67.1% 2 Small 1.00-2.00 17.9% 3 Semi 2,00-4,00 10% medium 4 Medium 4,00-10.00 43% 5. Large 10.00 and above 0.7% LIST OF KHARIF AND RABI CROPS: Kharit Sunflower, Castor, Soybean, Sunhemp, Cotton, Till, Groundnut, Bajra, paddy, Maize TERMS RELATED TO SPECIFIC CROP: Crop Term Sugarcane Wrapping, Tying, Propping Sugarcane Trashing/De- trashing Sugarcane Arrowing Sugarcane Ratooning Lucerne Looping Banana Propping Tobacco, De-suckering Banana Maize De-tasseling Groundnut Pegging Groundnut Popping Groundnut, Earthing up Potato, ‘Sugarcane Cotton Ginning Cotton Delinting Cotton Topping Agri Coaching Chandigarh Ral Tobacco, Berseem, Sugarcane, Mustard, Wheat, Barley Detail The act of giving support to sugarcane Removal of extra dry and green lower leaves from sugarcane Sugareane flower Second crop from first crop’s vegetative part Removal of all top branches in fodder The act of giving support to Banana Removal of suckers Removal of male part from flower Formation of peg from flower When kernel (Edible part) are not developed in pod of groundnut, occurred due to calcium deficiency. Act of giving more soil for growth as well as support (Growth in groundnut and potato and support in sugarcane) Separation of fibre from cotton seed seeds are removed from kapas (Cotton fibre) Removal of upper buds Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 23 Gram Nipping or Topping Sunflower pinching! nipping Castor Nipping Tobacco, Curing, Tea Tea Tipping Tobacco Rabbing Jute Retting Jute Stripping Jute Ribboning/ Ribbon retting Tomato Stalking Rice Parboiling Sunflower heliotropism Paddy Beushening Potato Dehaulming Banana Denavelling Banana Choke/Choking Sorghum Nicking Paddy Rope pulling) Flag leaf clipping Bajra Jerking Agri Coaching Chandigarh Removal of upper buds To promote more and longer branches Removing of apical meristem buy hand or knife to promote only one bud development(40-45 DAS) Drying of leaves Plucking of leaves from tea (A. normal process) Burning of straw on the surface to make seedbed free from pest. Tied bundles of jute stalks are taken to the tank by which fibres get loosened and separated from the woody stalk Process of removing the fibers fiom the stalk after the completion of retting In ribbon retting, ribbons are stripped out mechanically from the stem of mature jute plants, coiled and allowed to ret under water. Tie the stems of tomato plants to the support structure every 6 or 8 inches as they grow. Process of partially boiling of rice in the husk The fascinating phenomenon of flowers following the sun across the sky Cross ploughing in paddy field Cutting of plant before the harvesting of potato Removal of male bud in banana A condition in banana plants in which the fruit bunch fails to emerge, or emerges abnormally twisted Synchronisation of flowering in the ‘hwo parents Removal of youngest flag leaf of paddy First tillers are pulled out or removed which will Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 24 Tobacco SENSITIVE STAGE Crop Rice Wheat Maize Groundnut Sunflower Cotton Tobacco Soybean Flower crops Omamental WATER REQUIREMENT IN CROP. Corps Rice Wheat Groundnut Sorghum Maize Sugarcane Ragi Cotton Black gram Soybean Sesame Sunflower Pulses Agri Coaching Chandigarh Flooping result in uniform flowering of all the tillers Refers to wilting of tobacco due to waterlogging, Sensitive stage Panicle initiation CRI Tasseling & silking Peg penetration & Pod development Head formation & Early grain filling Square formation & Boll formation & development Topping Flowering & pod filling Bud formation & development Flowering Water requirement (mm) 1250 500-650 550 350 500 2000 350 550 280 320 150 450 350 Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 25 TEST WEIGHT OF CROP SEEDS (100 SEEDS AND SEED INDEX= 1000 SEED) Crop Test weight(g) Rice 25 Basmati rice 21 ‘Wheat ,barley 30-40 Cotton, pigeon pea nR Pea 100 Mustard 3-5 Sorghum 25-30 Tobacco 0.25- 0.30 Linseed, safflower 10 Lucerne 2-4 Sunflower 40-50 Soybean 55 Cowpea 80 Green gram 34-36 Pearl millet 5-7 French bean 38-44 OPTIMUM PH RANGE FOR DIFFERENT CROPS: Crop Soil pH Tea 4.0-6.0 Rice 5-6.5 Wheat, Barley, Oats, Sorghum, 6.0-7.5 Maize, Sugarcane, Berseem, Sunflower Chickpea, lentil, Soybean, French 55-70 Bean Sugar beet 6.5-8.0 Potato 5.0-5.5 Tobacco 5.5-7.5 Pearl millet, cotton, Cowpea, 5.0-6.5 Groundnut INDICATOR CROPS Deficiency Indicator Crop Nitrogen Maize , Sorghum ,Leguminous plants (Pulses) Phosphorus Tomato Maize, Lucerne, Cereals, Duranta Potassium Maize, Lucerne , Cotton, Potatoes, Banana, Cucurbits Magnesium Cotton (leaf reddening) Caleium Cauliflower, tomato (blossom end rot of fruits), sugarbeet Sulphur Lucerne , Clover , Cereals, Tea Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 26 Zine Maize, Paddy(Khaira disease), Tomatoes , Potatoes, Beans, Citrus Copper Citrus, Cereals Tron Omamental plants, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Gooseberry, Sugareane, sorghum, citrus Boron Lucerne, Coconut, Guava Manganese Citrus, sunflower, sugarbeet Molybdenum Cauliflower (whiptail), Cabbage CROP CLASSIFICATION + Based on Ontogeny (Life cycle) + Classification based on clima a) Annual crops: Ex. Wheat, rice, maize, mustard ete. b) Biennial crops: Ex. Sugar beet, beet root, ete ¢) Perennial crops: Ex. Napier fodder grass, coconut, ete. 1, Tropical: Crops grow well in warm & hot climate. E.g. Rice, sugarcane, Jowar etc Subtropical: Rice, cotton Temperate: Crops grow well in cool climate. E.g., Wheat, Barley Oats, Gram, Potato etc Polar erops: All pines, pasture grasses we Fibre crops: crown for fibre yield. Fibre may be obtained from seed. Different kinds of fibre are- i) Seed fibre — Cotton ii) Stemy/ bast fibre — Jute, Mesta iii) Leaf fibre — Agave, pineapple. 6. Roots crops: E.g., sweet potato, sugar beet, carrot, turnip etc. 7. Tuber crop: E.g., Potato, yam, 8 Sugar crops: i. Sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum, Sugar beet - Beta vulgaris 9. Starch crops: E.g., tapioca, potato, sweet potato. 10, Drug crop: used for preparation for medicines. E.g., tobacco, mint, pyrethrum, 11. Spices & con , cumin, onion, coriander, ents/spices crops: E.g. ginger, garlic, cl cardamom, pepper, turmeric ete. 12, Vegetables crops: E.g. Palak, Mentha, Brinjal, tomato. 13, Green manure crop: E.g. sun hemp. Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 7 nchona, Isabgol, opium poppy, tobacco, senna, belladonna, 14, Medicinal & aromatic crop: rauwolfia, Liquorice ete 15. Aromatic plants such as lemon grass, citronella grass, Palm Rosa, Japanese mint, peppermint, Rose Geraniums, jasmine, henna ete. + Classification based on cultural method/water: 1, Rain fed: E.g., Jowar, Bajra, Mung ete. 2. lnrigated crops: E.g., Chili, sugarcane, Banana, papaya etc. ‘+ Classification based on root system: 1. Tap root system: E.g,, Tur, Grape, Cotton ete. 2. Adventitious/Fibre rooted: E.g., Cereal crops, wheat, rice ete. + Classification based on No. of cotyledons: 1. Monocots or monocotyledons: Having one cotyledon in the seed. E.g., all cereals & Millets. 2. Dieots or dicotyledonous: Crops having two cotyledons in the seed. E.g., all legumes & pulses. * Classification based on length of photoperiod required for floral initiation (According to TNAU) 1, Short-day plants: E.g,, rice, sunflower, cotton, Jowar, green gram, black gram etc. 2. Long day plants: E.g., Wheat, Barley, oat, carrot, Potato, sugar beet and cabbage. 3. Day neutral plants: E.g., Maize, Tomato. FACTORS AFFECTING CROP PRODUCTION > The range of temperature for maximum growth of most of the agricultural plants is between 15 and 40°C. > Relative humidity of 40-60% is suitable for most of the crop plants, (AFO-2018) > Wind movement for 4-6 km/hour is suitable for more crops. SOWING METHODS 1g: Broadcasting is called as random sowing. Literally means ‘scattering the 1. Broadea: seed. > Broadcasting is mostly followed for small sized to medium sized crops. > This is the largest method of sowing followed in India, 2. Dibbling: This is actually line sowing. > Inserting a seed through a hole at a desired depth and covering the hole, Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 28 » Ex. Sorghum, maize, sunflower, cotton is dibbled on ridges and furrows. 3. Sowing behind the plough: Sowing behind the plough is done by manual or mechanical means > Major sown crop is ground nut > Kera and pora methods are related to desi/indigenous plough. 4. Drill sowing (or) Drilling: Drilling is the practice of dropping seeds in a definite depth covered with soil and compacted. S. Transplanting: It is the raising of seedlings on nursery beds and transplanting of seedlings in the laid-out field. ¥ This method is followed in crops like paddy, fruit, vegetable, crops, tobacco, ete. > Age of seedlings is 1/4th of the total duration of the crop. > Thumb rule:- 3 months crop — nursery duration 3 weeks, 4 months ~ 4 weeks minimum period. ‘Transplanting shock is a period afier transplanting, the seedlings show no growth. It is for a period of 5-7 days depending upon season, crop, variety, etc > Nursery Transplanting: Age — 1/4" of the total duration is on the nursery beds. ¥ Area required for nursery normally is 1/10th of the total area. 6. Planting: It is the placing of vegetative part of crops which are vegetatively propagated in the laid-out field. > Exg.: Tubers of Potato sets of ginger & turmeric, cuttings of sweet potato & grapes, sets of sugarcane GERMINATION: - > The most effective wavelength for promoting germination is red (662 nm) and 730 am inhibits germination. > The thumb rule for sowing depth of seeds is approximately 3 to 4 times diameter of the seed. > The optimum depth of sowing for most of the field crops ranges between 3-5 em dep! > After sowing the sown area should be protected from BIRDS for at least 3 days. Depth of ploughing: The desirable depth of ploughing is 12 to 20 em for field crops. ‘The ploughing depth varies with effective root zone of the crop. Depth of Ploughing Types of crops Shallow Rooted crops 10-20 cm Deep Rooted Crops 15-30 m > Time of ploughing: The optimum soil moisture content for tillage is 60% of field capacity. IRRIGATION & IT’S METHODS + Water use efficiency of major field crops: S.No. Crop Water Use eff. (Kg/ha mm) 1 Finger Millet 134 Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 29 wk ala > Methods of Irrigatis Wheat 12.6 Groundnut 92 Sorghum 9 Pearl Millet 8 Maize 8 Rice 37 on: uitability, Advantages & Limitations > Annual Average rainfall is 1190 mm. CLASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATION WORK OR PROJECTS: Project Major Medium Minor Capital Command Area more than 50 million more than 10,000 Rupees hectares 2.5 million to 50 2000 — 10,000 hectares million Rupees less than 2.5 million Rupees 2,000 hectares > The rainfall below 2.5 mm is not considered for water budgeting, > There are on an average 130 rainy days in a year in the country out of which the rain for 75 days considered as effective rain, The remaining 55 days are very light and shallow which evaporates immediately without any contribution to surface or ground water recharge. IRRIGATION PROJECT: Dam / reservoir Bhakra Nangal Vyas Rana Pratap Sagar Damo Hirakund Nagarjuna sagar Sardar Sarovar Vall y Indira Sagar Maahi Kosi Agri Coaching Chandigarh River Sutlej State Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh Vyas-Sutle} Haryana and Punjab Link Chambal Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh Damondar West Bengal, Bihar Mahanadi Orissa. Krishna Andhra Pradesh Narmada Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh Narmada Madhya Pradesh Maahi Gujarat Kosi Bihar Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 30 IRRIGATION METHODS- IRRIGATION METHODS sunrse E SUB SURFACE DRIP SPRINKLER Flooding Check Basin Border Furrow Surface Sub —_ basin Hors Siface Overhead Micro Overhead sprinkler Sprinklers Raingun Center Contour Rectangular Ring Corrugated furrow Deep furrow ¥ ¥ + OF + + Level Conitur Graded Level Contour Graded > Surface irrigation can be divided into furrow, border strip or basin irrigation. > Itis often called flood irrigation when it results in flooding or near flood of the cultivated land. ¥ This method is most suitable for low to moderate infiltration rates and leveled lands and having <2-3% slope > Flood irrigation: Water is allowed from the channel in to the field without much control on either side of the flow. > Border Irrigation: The land is divided into number of long parallel strips called borders. ‘* These borders are separated by low ridges + Suitability: > To soils having moderately low to moderately high infiltration rates. > Suitable to irrigate all close growing crops like wheat, barley, fodder crops and legumes and not suitable for rice. + Border strip method: In these methods the field is divided into number of strips which are separated by ridges. It is suitable for close growing like check basin but not suitable in sandy soil. Soil with a slope of 0.5-1% are suitable for this method. “© Check basin irrigation: > Itis the most common method. > The water applied to a desired depth can be retained until it infiltrates into the soil » The size of the basin varies from 10m? to 25 m? depending upon soil type, topography, stream size and crop. > Example: wheat, groundnut, Pearl millet, Barley ete. Ring Basin methods: Basin around the tree is made. This method is used for horticultural corps. It enhances the water use efficiency. “> Furrow method: > Furrow irrigation is suitable to most type of soil except sands that have a very high infiltration rate > Furrows are mostly suitable for root and tuber crops Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77 31 vevvvy Evy » Itis ideal for slopes varying from 0.2-0.5%. > In heavy soil furrows can be used to dispose the excess water. “Adaptability: 1. Suitable for maize, sorghum, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, groundnut, potatoes 2. Suitable to most soils except sand. ‘© Surge method of irrigation: Surge irrigation is the intermittent application of water to the field surface. Due to this method or we ean say ON OFF water supply (Intermittent irrigation) minimized the percolation and runoff loses. This methods in not much famous in India, The irrigation efficiency is in between 85-90%, 2. Sprinkler Irrigation: “+ Advantage of sprinkler system » Saving of water from 25-30% for different crops. Water saving (35-40%) compared to surface irrigation methods. Suitable for coarse textured soils (sandy soils) Discharge rate is more than 1000 lit/hr. Sprinkler pressure 2.5-4.5 kg/em?. Water use efficiency can be as high 60% much higher to surface method About 40-60% saving in labor compared with surface. Suitable for undulating topography (sloppy lands). ip Irrigation: Drip or trickle irrigation is one of the latest methods of irrigation. It is suitable for water scarcity and salt affected soils. Water is applied in the root zone of the crop. Standard water quality test needed for design and operation of drip irrigation system. Water saving 50-70% as compared to surface. Water use efficiency is 95 % DRYLAND AGRICULTURE + Dry Farming: Cultivation of crops in areas where ri + Dryland Farming: Cultivation of crops in areas receiving rainfs * Rainfed Farming: Cultivation of crops in regions receiving more than 1,150 mm, > Ifrainfall is <750 mm monocropping will be followed but if it is more than 750 mm then fall is less than 750 mm per annum. above 750 mm wwe ean practice intereropping. Techniques to reduce evaporation and transpiration loss: 1. Mulches 2. Anti transpirants: > Stomata closing: PMA, Atrazin and Co2 > Film forming antitranspirant: Mobileaf, hexadecanonl, silicon, oils and waxes > Reflecting type: Kaoline + Water Sensitive crop Low Low to Medium High Medium tohigh Cassava Alfalfa Beans Banana Millets Cotton Citrus Cabbage Agri Coaching Chandigarh Admission Helpline: 98-288-222-77

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