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Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies


Inspiratory Flow.  The inspiratory flow pattern sets the char-

Respiratory Support acteristics of gas flow during a positive pressure breath and affects
Classification of Positive Pressure Ventilators the distribution of that breath within the patient’s respiratory
system. Clinicians must consider several factors when selecting an
A mechanical ventilator is designed to replace or support lung inspiratory flow pattern for an individual patient. Airway pressures
function by altering, transmitting, and directly applying energy are dependent on the mechanical properties of the lungs and
in a predetermined way to perform the work of the thorax and movement of gas into the lungs. The airway pressures generated
lungs. Nomenclature to classify the essential features of positive during inspiration increase as flow enters the respiratory system
pressure ventilators has been described by many authors and and encounters the resistance of the airways. The gas volume must
continues to be an area of confusion for practitioners not closely also overcome the elastic recoil of the lung. Therefore peak pressure
involved in the design and development of ventilators.1-3 = (flow)(Raw) + (VT)(elastance), where Raw is the airway resistance
A classification system provides a common knowledge base of and VT is the tidal volume. The shape of the inspiratory flow
terms and concepts to facilitate the understanding, interpretation, pattern as it delivers the positive pressure breath determines the
and assessment of ventilator operating systems and performance shape of the pressure curve and the peak pressure generated.5 This
characteristics. The classification system must be clinically relevant can be predicted given knowledge of the characteristics of the
and accurately reflect the pattern of respiratory support a patient various flow patterns and the pneumatic characteristics of the
receives. This section will present a classification system as it supports patient’s lungs, as subsequently described. As derived from the
the clinical practice of ventilatory care. equation, the selection of an appropriate inspiratory flow pattern
Power Input/Transmission.  Ventilator power input is either based on a patient’s pulmonary pathophysiology will improve the
electrical or pneumatic (compressed gas). The transmission of input effectiveness of ventilation, reduce peak inspiratory pressure, and
power is a function of the drive and control mechanisms of the optimize mean airway pressure, while promoting patient-ventilator
ventilator. Ventilator classification focuses on the control variables, synchrony.6
output parameters, and alarm systems as applied to their clinical Fig. 23.1 illustrates typical inspiratory flow patterns available
utility. More specifically, clinicians focus on how each tidal volume with positive pressure ventilators.7 Four inspiratory flow patterns
(VT) is delivered to describe the type of respiratory support a exist, although only the first two are generally available on current
patient receives. ventilators. A square-wave pattern is produced by a constant
Control Schemes and Control Variables.  Ventilator control flow of gas throughout inspiration. Variable decelerating flow is
variables address the physical qualities adjusted, measured, and/or a waveform characterized by peak flow early in inspiration and
used to manipulate the various phases of the ventilatory cycle. then a decrease in flow until end-inspiration. This decrease in
The four general control variables are inspiratory flow pattern, flow is generally curvilinear but may vary based on the specific
limit, trigger, and cycle. Classifying ventilators with this system programming of the ventilator. Ascending, accelerated flow patterns
may seem cumbersome and challenging to practitioners; however, produce a ramp pattern with low flow at beginning inspiration
this system is designed to address advances in ventilator opera- and a linear increase in flow throughout inspiration with peak
tion, is based on the physiology of the ventilatory strategies, and flow delivered at end-inspiration. A sine wave pattern is generated
provides a platform for new technology without confounding by a variable flow with a rapid increase during the early phase of
terminology. inspiration, a peak at midinspiration, then a decrease in flow until
Typically the control variables remain constant despite changes end-inspiration.
in ventilatory load. Therefore the ventilator sacrifices other preset The functional performance of the various inspiratory flow
variables (i.e., dependent variables) to keep the control variables patterns remains constant across manufacturers but may be produced
constant despite changes in the patient’s compliance and resistance.4 by dramatically different control schema. The flow pattern char-
The dependent variables depend on the controlled variable(s) as acteristics of a specific mechanical ventilator significantly influence
well as changes in compliance and resistance of the patient’s the airway pressures generated. Clinicians should monitor
respiratory system. Although each manufacturer develops and refines inspiratory/expiratory (I:E) ratios when selecting flow patterns
its control scheme for the manipulation of these variables, com- during volume-limited ventilation and adjust the peak flow to
monalities exist between ventilators, which allow clinicians to maintain an appropriate inspiratory time.
describe the resultant respiratory patterns with common Gas flow always follows the path of least resistance. Alterations
terminology. in inspiratory flow pattern affect the distribution of gas flow based

262 PART III Special Considerations

Decelerating Square Sine Ascending Cycle.  The cycle variable determines when inspiration ends.
This variable is used as a feedback signal to terminate gas flow and
allow the patient to passively exhale. Time is the most common
Flow cycle variable for mechanical breaths (time cycled). Certain spontane-
ous breaths (e.g., pressure supported breaths) can be flow cycled.
In a flow-cycled breath the expiratory valve opens when inspiratory
flow decreases to a preset percentage of peak inspiratory flow. This
algorithm is generally preset, not adjustable, and varies among
Limit.  During inspiration, pressure, volume, and flow increase
above the end-expiratory values. Limit variables allow the clinician
Time to control the upper limits of pressure and/or volume of the
• Figure 23.1   Tracings typical of the various inspiratory waveforms avail- mechanical breath a patient receives, hence the description “pressure
able with mechanical ventilators. Pressure control ventilation uses a limited” and “volume limited.”
descending waveform that results in lower peak and higher mean airway
pressures. Volume control uses a square waveform. (Modified from Pon-
toppidan H, Geffin B, Lowenstein E. Acute respiratory failure in the adult. Ventilatory Modes
3. N Engl J Med. 1972;287:799–806.)
Using the terminology described earlier, a system can be developed
that describes the ventilatory modes and specific breathing patterns
on the underlying pathophysiology and anatomic considerations used during positive pressure ventilation (PPV). Ventilatory modes
of the respiratory system. Ascending (accelerating) flow patterns may include mechanical breaths, spontaneous breaths, or a combina-
deliver the highest flow at end-inspiration when the effects of tion of both.
resistance and elastance are increased. Ascending flow patterns Mechanical Breaths.  Assist control mode delivers a patient-
produce higher peak pressures compared to other flow patterns triggered ventilator VT with each spontaneous effort. In an assist
and are generally no longer in clinical use. A decelerating flow control mode the ventilatory rate is determined by the patient and
pattern has several advantages over an ascending pattern. Decelerat- therefore may be in excess of the preset control rate. When there
ing flow patterns deliver the highest flow at the beginning of is no spontaneous respiratory effort, the minimum ventilatory rate
inspiration when volume and elastance are low. Inspiratory flow is that which is set by the clinician. Assist control modes should
then decreases during inspiration as delivered volume increases. be contrasted with support modes of ventilation. In both modes
Therefore peak airway pressure is lower, but mean airway pressure a predetermined level of support is adjusted by the clinician. In
is higher. In general, as the maximum flow moves from the beginning assisted modes the inspiratory time is determined by the clinician.
to the end of the inspiratory cycle, peak pressure increases and In contrast, in supported modes the inspiratory time is determined
mean airway pressure decreases. by the patient. Assist control breaths may be limited by either
Inspiratory flow patterns should be matched to each patient’s volume or pressure. A patient may receive volume control ventilation
clinical condition. In situations in which the patient has high (VCV), in which a predetermined minimum breath rate is delivered
airway resistance (e.g., asthma, bronchiolitis, large airway obstruc- and breaths are volume limited, or PCV, in which a preset minimum
tion), peak airway pressures may be reduced by avoiding a flow breath rate is delivered along with a preset pressure limit.
pattern with high peak inspiratory flow rates. In these patients a In previous modes of ventilation the decelerating flow pattern
square-wave, constant flow pattern may generate a lower peak was available only on the PCV mode. Now several vendors have
pressure than a descending flow pattern as a result of the decrease combined the attributes of a decelerating flow pattern with a volume
in peak flow. The actual effects in individual patients may vary guarantee. In these modes, the ventilator guarantees a preset minute
widely with those patients who have a strong inspiratory demand ventilation. In one such mode, pressure-regulated volume control
being more comfortable with the generally high flow rate of a (PRVC), the ventilator monitors the airway resistance and compli-
variable, decelerating pattern. In contrast, respiratory pathology ance of the lungs and adjusts the inspiratory pressure level via a
characterized by a low compliance may benefit from a descending predetermined algorithm to deliver a preset volume limit. PRVC
flow pattern in which the peak pressure is reduced but the mean provides the benefit of a stable minute ventilation while providing
airway pressure is increased. Variable flow ventilation (e.g., pressure the opportunity to use a decelerating inspiratory flow pattern.
control ventilation [PCV]) uses a decelerating flow pattern, which Spontaneous Breaths.  Spontaneous breathing may be supported
can significantly decrease the peak inspiratory pressure and increase with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), a mode in which
the mean airway pressure to recruit collapsed alveoli and potentially the ventilator maintains a constant airway pressure throughout
improve oxygenation.8-10 inspiration and expiration. A preset expiratory pressure limit prevents
Trigger.  The inspiratory phase of a breath can be initiated by the patient from exhaling down to atmospheric pressure at end-
(1) patient effort, as determined by a change in either pressure or expiration. Continuous or demand flow during inspiration maintains
flow in the ventilator circuit, or (2) time. Therefore mechanical airway pressure above atmospheric pressure. Raising the expiratory
breaths may be pressure, flow, or time triggered.11,12 Flow triggering pressure above atmospheric pressure increases end-expiratory lung
increases the sensitivity of the ventilator to the patient’s spontaneous volume (EELV) proportionate to the pressure applied and total
demands and can decrease the response time of VT delivery. The respiratory compliance. The CPAP mode can be used alone or in
ventilator “sensitivity” determines the degree of inspiratory effort conjunction with mechanical breaths. Of note, when used in
a patient must exert to trigger the ventilator to deliver a VT. Ideally, combination with mechanical breaths, the term positive end-
this should be adjusted to 0.1 to 3.0 L/min of flow or −0.5 to expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used instead of CPAP.
−1.5 cm H 2O to minimize the patient’s imposed work of Pressure support ventilation (PSV) is a spontaneous breathing
breathing. mode that can be used alone or in combination with other modes
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 263

TABLE 23.1  Classification of Modes of Positive Pressure Ventilation Used for Cardiac Patients
Mode Trigger Cycle Limit Trigger Cycle Limit
Control ventilation Time Time Volume — — —
Flow Pressure
Synchronized intermittent Time Time Volume Flow Flow Pressure
mandatory ventilation Flow Pressure Pressure
Supported ventilation (PSV or VS) — — — Flow Flow Pressure
Pressure Volume

PSV, Pressure support ventilation; VS, volume support.

(synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation [SIMV], CPAP). the same ventilators used in adults, only at lower ranges of flow
A preset level of inspiratory pressure is delivered above the baseline and volume.
end-expiratory pressure with each spontaneous respiratory effort. As technology has advanced, ventilator manufacturers have
PSV is initiated when pressure or flow decreases to the preset developed ventilators that are capable of ventilating patients ranging
threshold level during inspiration. When this trigger is sensed by from small neonates to large adults. Table 23.1 contains the common
the ventilator, flow accelerates into the breathing circuit and increases classifications of mechanical ventilator breaths by mode of
proximal airway pressure to the preset pressure level. The pressure ventilation.
support breath is usually terminated when flow decreases to 25%
of peak flow.13 The VT delivered in this mode will vary with Output Waveform Analysis
changes in lung compliance, airway resistance, pressure support
level, and inspiratory time. Ventilators provide continuous monitoring of respiratory mechanics,
Volume support (VS) combines the benefits of PSV with a including displays of gas flow, volume delivery, and airway pressure.
volume guarantee during spontaneous breathing. The ventilator Output waveforms are a useful tool for understanding the char-
monitors airway resistance and pulmonary compliance and adjusts acteristics of ventilator operation and provide a graphic display of
the pressure support level using a predetermined algorithm to the various modes of ventilation.18 Waveform analysis can be used
deliver a preset minute ventilation. In this mode the pressure used to optimize mechanical ventilatory support and analyze ventilator
to deliver the VT is automatically adjusted (a dependent incidents and alarm conditions. Using this technology, it is possible
variable). to tailor the form of ventilatory support, improve patient-ventilator
Combined Breaths.  SIMV modes combine mechanical breaths synchrony, reduce patient work of breathing, and calculate a variety
with spontaneous breaths. Flow for spontaneous breathing may of physiologic parameters related to respiratory mechanics.
be provided by a continuous flow of gas through the breathing The most useful waveforms are flow, pressure, and volume
circuit, a demand valve, or a combination of both. If PEEP is graphed over time (termed scalars). Convention dictates that positive
applied with continuous and demand flow, the spontaneous breaths values correspond to inspiration and negative values to expiration;
become CPAP breaths. Pressure support is often administered in horizontal axes represent time in seconds, and vertical axes represent
conjunction with SIMV. the measured variable in its common unit of measurement. Optimal
measurements are obtained when the pressure and flow monitoring
device is positioned between the endotracheal tube (ETT) and
Neonatal and Pediatric Ventilators the ventilator circuit.18,19 Measurements may also be obtained from
In this classification system the mechanical breaths produced by the inspiratory or expiratory limbs of the ventilatory circuit.
most traditional neonatal ventilators would be considered constant Integration of intrapleural pressure from an esophageal balloon
flow, time-triggered, time-cycled, and pressure-limited breaths. further enhances graphic data and enables assessment of the patient’s
The advances in neonatal ventilator design have enabled most work of breathing. During spontaneous breathing, patient effort,
modes that are available on pediatric and adult ventilators. 14 work of breathing, and the level of intrinsic PEEP are best evaluated
Improvements in calibration and the measurement of smaller using esophageal pressure measurements.20
volumes have facilitated volume-limited mechanical SIMV breaths In addition to plotting flow, pressure, and volume versus time,
with CPAP or pressure support.15,16 Mechanical breaths can be each of these parameters can be plotted against each other. Pressure-
pressure or flow triggered, time cycled, and volume or pressure volume and flow-volume loops can be particularly helpful in
limited. Spontaneous breaths are constant flow, CPAP, or variable assessing alterations in resistance or compliance, work of breathing,
flow, pressure-supported breaths.17 overdistention of the lung, and intrinsic PEEP.
The primary difference between neonatal and pediatric/adult Flow Graphics.  Flow sensors should be capable of measuring
ventilators is the range of flows and volumes the ventilator can a wide range of flows (−300 to +150 L/min) and be resistant to
deliver. Neonatal ventilators are able to deliver lower flows and motion artifact, moisture, and respiratory secretions.5 The flow
volumes at faster rates and deliver breaths with a shorter response graphic has two distinct parts: inspiratory flow and expiratory
time to patient-triggered effort. Pediatric ventilators are essentially flow. The inspiratory flow graphic displays the magnitude, duration,
264 PART III Special Considerations

2 3

Flow (L/min) Time 1 3 Time


Flow (L/min)

4 4
5 5

• Figure 23.2   Inspiratory flow graphic of a square-wave mechanical

breath. Positive deflections indicate flow from the ventilator to the patient.
1, Initiation of flow from the ventilator; 2, peak inspiratory flow; 3, end- • Figure 23.5  Representation of a normal expiratory flow graphic. Expira-
inspiration; 4, inspiratory time; 5, total cycle time. (Modified from MacIntyre tory flow from the patient to the ventilator by convention is represented
NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report. as a negative deflection. 1, Start of expiration; 2, peak expiratory flow; 3,
1990;3:211–215.) end expiratory flow; 4, duration of expiratory flow; 5, expiratory time; TCT,
total cycle times. (Modified from MacIntyre NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical
ventilatory support. Anesth Report. 1990;3:211–215.)

The expiratory flow of gas is generally passive for mechanical

Flow (L/min)

and spontaneous breaths, although patients may forcibly exhale

to assist exhalation. The magnitude, duration, and pattern of the
0 expiratory graphic are determined by the resistance of the patient’s
Time respiratory system and ventilator circuit. Important features of the
ventilator circuit that affect the flow graphic include the size and
length of the ETT, internal diameter and length of the ventilator
circuit, resistance of the expiratory valve, and distensibility of the
circuit itself. Fig. 23.5 represents a typical expiratory flow graphic
• Figure 23.3   Constant inspiratory flow graphic of a mechanical breath,
for a positive pressure breath. The expiratory flow, by convention,
modified by ventilator response time. Note the phase shift and alteration
in shape of the flow curve during inspiration. (Modified from MacIntyre
is shown below the zero baseline. Because the characteristics of
NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report. the patient circuit that affect the expiratory flow pattern are generally
1990;3:211–215.) fixed, dramatic changes in the expiratory flow curve may be
attributable to changes in the patient’s resistance, compliance, or
activity. For example, an increase in airway resistance due to
2 obstructive disease or secretions may result in decreased peak
3 expiratory flow, increased duration of flow, or failure of flow to
Flow (L/min)

0 return to baseline (Fig. 23.6).

1 Pressure Graphics.  Although resistance of the ETT is a com-
ponent of the pressure graphic, pressures measured are generally
4 considered to reflect airway pressure. In a typical pressure-triggered
breath from a demand-flow valve, there is a slight pressure drop
• Figure 23.4  Inspiratory flow graphic of a spontaneous breath. Inspira- at the beginning of inspiration, and the magnitude of the drop is
tory flow from the patient to the ventilator by convention is represented proportionate to the patient’s peak inspiratory flow rate, sensitivity
as a positive deflection. 1, Start of inspiration; 2, peak inspiratory flow; 3,
of the demand valve, and response of the flow delivery system. Of
end-inspiration; 4, inspiratory time. (Modified from MacIntyre NR, Ho L.
Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report. 1990;3:211–215.)
note, this pressure drop usually is not seen in a flow-triggered
breath. During a mechanically supported breath the peak inspiratory
pressure is determined by the patient and circuit compliance,
and flow pattern of the positive pressure breath or spontaneous resistance, delivered VT, and inspiratory flow (Fig. 23.7). Baseline
breath. Fig. 23.2 is a theoretical inspiratory flow pattern of a pressure reflects the expiratory pressure in the circuit (i.e., PEEP
continuous flow mechanical breath. In actual application, flow or CPAP). The pressure-time graphic is useful for evaluating the
delivery mechanisms have response times that alter the shape of stability of PEEP in the presence of an air leak.
the flow graphic. These response times result in a positive slope Volume Graphics.  Volume is generally measured by integrating
at the start of inspiration and a negative slope at end-inspiration the flow signal with inspiratory time (Fig. 23.8). The upsweep of
(Fig. 23.3). the graphic represents the volume delivered to the patient and/or
The flow graphic of a spontaneous breath is demonstrated in circuit. The “downsweep” of the graphic represents the total expira-
Fig. 23.4. The characteristic of the flow graphic is determined by tory volume. Typically, inspiratory and expiratory volumes should
the characteristics of the patient’s inspiratory demand and the be equal. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon in infants and children
ventilatory support provided to the spontaneous breath (i.e., with uncuffed ETTs for the expiratory volume to be less than the
continuous flow CPAP, demand flow CPAP, and/or pressure inspiratory volume. An actual percentage leak can be calculated
support). and may aid in the decision to change the ETT size.
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 265

Patient-Ventilator Synchrony.  The timing sequence of various

respiratory events can be determined by displaying volume, flow,
and pressure over time (Figs. 23.9 and 23.10). Comparisons of
all three graphics simultaneously facilitate analysis of ventilator-
Time patient interactions. Ventilator dyssynchrony becomes evident when
the timing and magnitude of flow, pressure, and volume are dis-
Flow (L/min)

Obstructed proportionate or delayed.

(Increased expiratory resistance)
Ventilator Parameters and Alarm Systems
Parameters.  Spontaneous VT and respiratory rate are a reflection
of circuit characteristics, respiratory system compliance and
Normal resistance, and respiratory muscle function. Assessment of mechani-
cal VT and preset rate ensures delivery of the prescribed alveolar
Obstructed ventilation and facilitates detection of endotracheal or ventilator
circuit leaks. Inspiratory time is selected by the clinician to facilitate
2 patient comfort and synchronous breathing during PPV. The
• Figure 23.6  Abnormal expiratory flow graphic in a patient with airway patient’s age and respiratory pattern are major considerations in
obstruction. The expiratory flow exceeds the available expiratory time, and the selection of inspiratory time. Recommended inspiratory times
exhalation is not complete. If expiratory time is short (as occurs in the by age-group are as follows:
expiratory waveform marked obstructed), premature termination of exha-
lation will occur with resultant gas trapping and increased dead space/ Newborns: 0.3 to 0.5 seconds
tidal volume ratio. Normal time (1) equals normal patient expiratory time. Toddlers: 0.5 to 0.75 seconds
Obstructed time (1) is prolonged patient expiratory time secondary to
Children: 0.75 to 1.0 seconds
obstruction. 2, Mechanical time for expiration. (Modified from MacIntyre
NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report.
Adults: 0.75 to 1.5 seconds
Total cycle time is the time allotted for one complete inspiratory
(I) and expiratory (E) cycle. I:E ratio is an expression of the set
inspiratory time and the remaining expiratory cycle time. Recom-
1 mended I:E ratios vary greatly with ventilator rate. Ratios of 1 : 2
or 1 : 3 are most desirable but should be no lower than 1 : 1 in
Pressure (cm H2O)

assisted ventilation to allow adequate time for exhalation. Peak

flow should be titrated to the spontaneous demands of the patient.
Time Peak inspiratory pressures during volume-limited ventilation
are a reflection of volume, flow, inspiratory time, airway resistance,
2 and respiratory system compliance. Peak inspiratory pressures vary
with alterations in the patient’s respiratory physiology. The presence
3 of airway secretions, bronchospasm, tubing kinks, pneumothorax,
• Figure 23.7   Pressure graphic of a valved-control mechanical breath. agitation, and decreased lung compliance all may increase peak
1, Peak inspiratory pressure; 2, inspiratory time; 3, duration of positive inspiratory pressures. Decreased peak pressures reflect an air leak
pressure. (Modified from MacIntyre NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventila- around the ETT, a leak in the ventilator circuit, or an improvement
tory support. Anesth Report. 1990;3:211–215.) in the child’s lung mechanics. Peak pressure is not an indicator of
changes in patient condition with time-cycled, pressure-limited
Mean airway pressure closely reflects alveolar pressure and is
an important indicator of the degree of PPV required to achieve
adequate oxygenation. Mean airway pressure is principally a function
Volume (mL)

1 2 of inspiratory time and PEEP; however, VT, peak inspiratory

pressure, inspiratory flow pattern, and ventilator rate also play a
Plateau pressure is obtained by recording the pressure following
an inspiratory hold maneuver. Plateau pressure reflects the compli-
ance of the lung without gas flow and eliminates the airway resistance
component. A plateau pressure must be obtained with a constant
• Figure 23.8  Volume graphic of a volume control mechanical breath. inspiratory flow pattern and cannot be measured in the presence
The volume that is delivered to the patient during inspiration is the deliv- of an air leak.
ered inspiratory volume. The volume that returns during expiration is the
PEEP is produced by closure of the ventilator expiratory valve.
expiratory volume. 1, Time for inspiration; 2, expiratory time. (Modified
from MacIntyre NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth
The volume of gas remaining in the lung is proportionate to the
Report. 1990;3:211–215.) end-expiratory pressure and the patient’s compliance. Increasing
the volume of gas increases EELV.
Alarms.  Ventilator alarm systems have improved dramatically
with microprocessor technology.21 Input power alarms notify clini-
cians of changes in electrical or pneumatic supplies. Control circuit
266 PART III Special Considerations

Time cycled Patient cycled

“controlled” “assisted”




Time Patient
cycled cycled
0 Time

• Figure 23.9   Graphic orientation of volume, flow, and pressure of mechanical volume control and

volume assist breaths. E, Expiratory; I, inspiration; Paw, airway pressure; V̇ , flow; VT, tidal volume. (Modi-
fied from MacIntyre NR, Ho L. Weaning mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report. 1990;3:211–215.)






• Figure 23.10   Graphic orientation of volume, flow, and pressure of a spontaneous breath. E, Expiratory;

I, inspiration; Paw, airway pressure; V̇ , flow; VT, tidal volume. (Modified from MacIntyre NR, Ho L. Weaning
mechanical ventilatory support. Anesth Report. 1900;3:211–215.)
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 267

alarms notify the clinician of incompatible parameters or that the The current US Food and Drug Administration–approved HFJV
ventilator self-test has failed. Output alarms indicate unacceptable system (Bunnell LifePulse Ventilator, Bunnell Inc., Salt Lake City,
levels of ventilator output, including peak airway pressure, end- UT) requires a second ventilator in tandem.
expiratory pressure, volume, flow, minute ventilation, respiratory During HFJV, peak inspiratory pressures can be controlled
rate, and inspired gas concentration. The fraction of inspired oxygen from 8 to 50 cm H2O, inspiratory time from 20 to 40 milliseconds,
(FiO2) should be analyzed continuously with high and low alarm and respiratory rate from 150 to 600 insufflations per minute.
limits set to prevent inadvertent hyperoxemia or hypoxemia. The PEEP and sigh breaths are regulated by the tandem ventilator.
Previously a specific ETT was necessary for HFJV, which required
Nonconventional Modes of Ventilation reintubation. This is no longer required because specific jet adapters
are now used.
High-Frequency Ventilation.  High-frequency ventilation (HFV) Effect on Gas Exchange.  Although the mechanism of gas
refers to a variety of technologies that use VTs smaller than the exchange during HFJV has not been well defined, convection
patient’s anatomic dead space and high ventilatory frequencies to streaming and enhanced molecular diffusion are known to occur.35
minimize the effects of increased peak pressure. HFV consists of Simply defined, convection streaming is the flow of gas in a bulk
a variety of ventilatory strategies, including high-frequency oscil- flow manner to the level of the alveoli. Gas is injected into the
latory ventilation (HFOV) and high-frequency jet ventilation airway at high speed during HFJV. The gas molecules located in
(HFJV). the center of the inspired gas travel faster than those at the edges
High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation.  HFOV uses an electri- (asymmetric velocity profiles). Exhalation is passive and promoted
cally powered piston diaphragm oscillator to alternate positive and by an extremely short inhalation time (20 to 40 milliseconds) and
negative pressures in the airway. With use of this diaphragm, VTs long exhalation times. The exhaled gas travels at a slower velocity
between 1 and 3 mL/kg are generated with cycles ranging from than the inspired gas. When exhaled gas encounters the rapidly
300 to 900 beats/min (5 to 15 Hz). During HFOV, inspiration moving inspired gas, it is extruded along the tracheal walls. The
and expiration are both active and occur above and below the net result is continuous exhalation of gas around the inspired gas.
mean airway pressure baseline. HFOV has been used successfully Molecular diffusion is the rapid kinetic motion of molecules and
in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome and children with occurs in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli. A variety of other
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).22-25 HFOV has also theories have been proposed to explain the ability of HFJV to
been used successfully in air leak syndrome in both neonates and provide adequate ventilation at VTs below dead space.35
children. Recently in a large pediatric observational study, HFOV Carbon Dioxide Elimination.  During PPV, manipulations in
was shown to increase length of ventilation and possibly increase minute ventilation, ventilatory rate, and VT allow alterations in
mortality. The HFOV should be used with caution because the CO2 elimination. During HFJV, CO2 elimination is governed by
data have not shown improvements in outcomes.26 the relationship (VT)a × f   b, where VT = tidal volume, f = fre-
The exact mechanisms of gas exchange during HFOV remain quency.36 In this relationship a ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 and b from
controversial. The potential mechanisms include convective gas 0.5 to 1.0. Because a > b, alveolar ventilation during HFJV has a
transport, coaxial flow, Taylor dispersion, molecular diffusion, and greater dependency on alterations in VT than frequency.
the pendelluft effect.27-34 Conventional bulk flow is responsible for The primary method of eliminating CO2 during HFJV is by
gas delivery to the larger airways and potentially to the alveoli close increasing the delivered VT. Increasing the delivered VT can be
to these larger airways. Coaxial flow is the bidirectional flow of accomplished by increasing the inspiratory pressures during HFJV.
gas in the airways at the same time. A net flow of gas can occur This increases alveolar ventilation and may improve ventilation/
in one direction through the center of the airway and in the other perfusion matching. If atelectasis develops, increasing the PEEP
direction in the area closer to the airway wall. Taylor dispersion (i.e., mean airway pressure) may help recruit lung volume. PEEP
describes gas flow along the front of a high-velocity gas flow. Gas is adjusted during HFJV on the tandem ventilator. The tandem
transport occurs as a result of gas dispersion beyond the bulk ventilator is usually set to administer 0 to 10 sigh breaths per
flow front. Molecular diffusion is known to occur at the alveolar minute. The sigh breath should be set at a peak pressure less
level during conventional ventilation, and enhanced diffusion may than that set on the HFJV (HFJV breaths are not interrupted)
play a role during HFV. The pendelluft effect is the phenomenon and should not exceed 30 cm H2O. In patients, sigh breaths are
of intraunit gas mixing due to the impedance difference among designed to prevent atelectasis and allow for appropriate recruitment
lung units. of lung volume. Alternatively, EELV may be maintained without
Any strategy that results in increased mean airway pressure may any sigh breaths if the PEEP (i.e., mean airway pressure) is titrated
result in rapid transmission of the increased intrathoracic pressure upward. When the PaCO2 becomes elevated, increasing the HFJV
to the cardiovascular structures and subsequently to cardiovascular peak pressure (i.e., VT) may be necessary to increase alveolar
compromise. HFOV should be used with caution in patients with ventilation.
congenital heart disease (CHD) associated with passive pulmonary During HFJV, VT is dependent on the respiratory frequency,
blood flow and/or right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and in those which also affects CO2 elimination. When the respiratory frequency
with hemodynamic instability because these patients may be sensitive is increased, a reduction of VT may occur, resulting in decreased
to the resulting higher mean airway pressures. Also, HFOV should tidal alveolar ventilation.36 Therefore under certain conditions,
be used with caution in those with severe asthma given the less increasing the respiratory frequency may result in a reduction in
efficient active expiratory flow. alveolar ventilation. For these reasons, manipulations of VT remain
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation.  Most HFJV systems use a the most important determinant of alveolar ventilation during
high-pressure, air-oxygen gas source that generates gas flow. A HFJV.
rapid solenoid valve allows for flow interruption, which regulates In premature infants, HFJV is initiated at frequencies of 360 to
the frequency of ventilation.35 A reducing valve is present that 480 insufflations per minute. This can be accomplished because
allows adjustments of inspiratory driving pressure from 10 to 50 psi. the premature lung has a short time constant, and b approximates
268 PART III Special Considerations

1.0. In premature infants, increasing the respiratory frequency cause the neonatal myocardium to be more sensitive to alterations
results in improved alveolar ventilation. In older patients and those in preload and afterload after cardiac surgery.
with compliant lungs the lung has a longer time constant, and b A second factor is myocardial wall tension. The myocardium
approaches 0.5. In comparison with premature patients, increasing of neonates and young children generates a low pressure. Therefore
the respiratory frequency in older patients and patients with normal small changes in intrathoracic pressure can lead to relatively large
compliance results in a reduction of the delivered VT and an overall changes in transmural pressure (Ptransmural = Pintracardiac − Ppleural). In
reduction of alveolar ventilation. For these reasons HFJV is usually contrast, the adult myocardium generates a higher intraventricular
begun at a frequency of 240 to 300 insufflations per minute in pressure, resulting in only minimal changes in the transmural
children with respiratory or cardiovascular dysfunction. pressure for a given change in intrathoracic pressure. Transmural
Lung Volumes.  During HFJV, lung volumes do not vary pressure affects cardiovascular performance because it contributes
dramatically because peak pressures are low, inspiratory time is to myocardial wall tension.42-44 Because changes in intrathoracic
short, and mean airway pressure is constant. Mean lung volume pressure result in a more dramatic change in myocardial wall tension,
is determined by the mean airway pressure. Therefore lung volumes PPV has a more dramatic effect on ventricular function in infants
remain relatively static around the mean lung volume. During and children compared to adults.
HFJV, oxygenation is primarily dependent upon mean airway Finally, the pulmonary and systemic circulations of neonates
pressures, and increasing mean airway pressures will increase lung and children are highly reactive to alterations in intrathoracic
volume and improve ventilation/perfusion (V̇ /Q̇ ) matching. Mean pressures. Minor changes in intrathoracic pressure and lung volume
airway pressure is most affected by increasing the PEEP on the can alter the afterload imparted on the right and left ventricle,
tandem ventilator. Peak inspiratory pressure of the jet ventilator resulting in altered ventricular wall stress and performance.
and the VT and rate of the sigh breaths play a lesser role. In the following sections the effects of a variety of respiratory
Effect on Cardiovascular Parameters.  The primary physiologic interventions on cardiac function will be enumerated. These sections
effect of HFJV is improved ventilation at equivalent mean airway are not designed to be all-inclusive but rather to present
pressures developed during conventional mechanical ventilation. cardiorespiratory interactions that are clinically relevant to physicians
Therefore during HFJV the mean airway pressures can be reduced caring for infants and children with CHD. Interested readers are
while maintaining alveolar ventilation and CO2 clearance, thus encouraged to review the references provided for a more in-depth
limiting the potential adverse effects of positive intrathoracic pressure review of this topic.42,45-47
on cardiovascular performance.35,37,38
Negative Pressure Ventilation.  Negative pressure ventilation
Effect of Oxygen Administration
(NPV) can be used in patients after surgery for CHD and in
pediatric patients with respiratory dysfunction.39-41 Currently NPV A primary goal of the cardiorespiratory system is to deliver oxygen
is usually performed using a chest cuirass that covers the patient’s to the tissues. One method to improve oxygen delivery (DO2)
chest and abdomen. Negative pressure is generated within this is to increase the oxygen content of the blood by increasing the
cuirass. Such cuirass devices avoid the limitations of body tank concentration of inspired oxygen. Oxygen administration results
devices (iron lung type of devices), which are rarely used today. in an increase in both alveolar and arterial oxygen content.
The advantage of NPV is that intubation is avoided, sedation Alterations in alveolar and arterial oxygen content independently
requirements may be decreased, and systemic venous return may result in a reduction of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).
be improved. However, the disadvantage of NPV is that left Neonates are more sensitive to alterations in PAO2 and PaO2
ventricular (LV) afterload may be increased. The regulation of than adults. In conditions of increased afterload a reduction of
respiratory parameters during NPV, including I:E ratios, can be PVR will decrease RV afterload and may improve RV function.
difficult. NPV is not routinely used in patients with CHD; however, These beneficial cardiorespiratory interactions may be used in
it may be an effective technique in patients with passive pulmonary the perioperative period in an attempt to assist patients with RV
blood flow such as following Glenn shunt and Fontan dysfunction.
procedures.40,41 It should be noted that a reduction of PVR may or may not
be beneficial. An increase in the inspired oxygen concentration
Cardiorespiratory Interactions can reduce PVR and subsequently increase pulmonary blood flow
in the presence of a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt. In conditions
Providing adequate gas exchange with mechanical ventilation of decreased pulmonary flow, this may improve DO2 by increasing
requires a clear understanding of how the cardiorespiratory system arterial oxygen content. In those patients with increased pulmonary
functions as a unit and how alterations in the respiratory system flow (e.g., ventricular septal defect, large patent ductus arteriosus,
lead to changes in cardiovascular function. hypoplastic left heart syndrome), the increase in pulmonary blood
Alterations in intrathoracic pressures are transmitted to cardiac flow can occur at the expense of systemic flow, and thus a reduction
structures and can dramatically alter cardiovascular performance, in systemic DO2 may result.
especially in those with CHD. Alterations in cardiovascular per-
formance may be more dramatic in neonates and children than Effect of Nitric Oxide Administration
adults. First, ventricular dysfunction can be particularly severe in
infants and children after cardiac surgery. In infants the myocardium A complete discussion of nitric oxide is beyond the scope of this
is immature and intrinsically noncompliant, and surgical interven- chapter and is contained elsewhere. However, nitric oxide, a powerful
tions frequently require transmyocardial incisions and intracardiac pulmonary vasodilator, has been shown to reduce low cardiac output
repair. Also, congenital cardiac surgery may require the placement syndrome in selected patients.48 The data on the use of nitric oxide
of prosthetic material into the heart, which can disrupt normal are variable. Despite this, the selective use of nitric oxide appears
myocardial architecture and function, resulting in myocardial injury, to be justified in patients in whom pulmonary artery hypertension
myocardial edema, and abnormal ventricular function. These factors and/or RV dysfunction is present.
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 269

Right atrial pressure (mm Hg) Pveins Pra = Pveins

Point C PPV increases right atrial pressure

Capillary Total PVR
During spontaneous breathing resistance
Point B

Large-vessel resistance
0 Point A

0 Decreased NL Maximum
Venous return Complete FRC Maximum
collapse lung volume expansion
• Figure 23.11   Venous return to the right heart occurs passively and

is dependent on a pressure gradient from the systemic veins to the right • Figure 23.12  Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is dependent on
atrium. When right atrial pressure (Pra) is zero, there is no impedance to lung volume and the sum of the resistance contributed by the large- to
flow back to the right heart, and venous return is maximum (Point A). As medium-sized pulmonary vessels and pulmonary capillaries. At lung
right atrial pressure is increased, and mean systemic pressure (Pveins) is volumes less than functional residual capacity (FRC), pulmonary vascular
held constant, there is a progressive reduction in venous return. When resistance is high due to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and the
right atrial pressure exceeds mean systemic venous pressure, venous increased resistance contributed by the tortuous large- and medium-sized
return ceases. During spontaneous breathing, right atrial pressure is low, vessels. As lung volume increases, pulmonary vascular resistance falls.
and systemic venous return is high (Point B). During positive pressure ven- High lung volumes are associated with an increase in pulmonary vascular
tilation, intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure increase, resulting resistance due to increased resistance contributed by compression of the
in a reduction of venous return (Point C). PPV, Positive pressure ventila- pulmonary capillaries. (Modified from West JB, Dolbry CT, Naimark A.
tion; Pveins, venous pressure; P veins, mean venous pressure. (Modified from Distribution of blood flow in isolated lung: relation to vascular and alveolar
Pontoppidan H, Geffin B, Lowenstein E. Acute respiratory failure in the pressures. J Appl Physiol. 1964;19:713.)
adult. 1. N Engl J Med. 1972;287:690–698.)

Effect of Ventilatory Manipulations on Right flow. In the majority of clinical conditions the pressure difference
is such that aortic pressure far exceeds RV and intrathoracic pres-
Ventricular Function sures, and RV myocardial blood flow is relatively unaffected by
Important differences exist between the physiologic response of PPV. In certain pathophysiologic conditions, including low aortic
the right and left ventricles to alterations in intrathoracic pressures pressure, RV dysfunction, and increased intrathoracic pressure,
and lung volumes.47 The RV is extremely sensitive to alterations these interactions can become clinically important. When these
in intrathoracic pressure for a variety of reasons. Systemic venous conditions are present, the adequacy of RV blood flow should be
return to the right atrium (RA) is passive and occurs as a result addressed and interventions taken to optimize RV perfusion.
of a pressure gradient. When the RA pressure is 0 mm Hg or Interventions consist of minimizing peak and mean intrathoracic
negative, the pressure gradient for venous return is greatest (Fig. pressures, as possible, and increasing aortic pressure.
23.11). As RA pressure increases, there is a decreased pressure The RV has been shown to be exquisitely sensitive to changes
gradient for venous return, and RV preload falls. During spontaneous in intrathoracic pressure that alters PVR. Neonates and infants
breathing, RA pressure and impedance to blood flow to the right are more sensitive to these changes than adults. Modification of
heart are low, and thus venous return is high. Positive pressure RV afterload through respiratory intervention, as described in a
ventilation alters RV preload by increasing intrathoracic pressure. later section, is an important therapeutic option for infants and
During PPV the increase in intrathoracic pressure is transmitted children with RV dysfunction.
to the right heart, resulting in an increase in RA pressure. The RV afterload is influenced by a variety of intrathoracic processes.
increase in RA pressure causes a decreased pressure gradient for One modulator of RV afterload is lung volume (Fig. 23.12).
venous return, and RV preload decreases. Therefore PPV can reduce Functional residual capacity (FRC) is the lung volume from which
RV output by decreasing RV preload. The magnitude of the effect normal tidal ventilation occurs. In restrictive lung disease (e.g.,
on RV output is dependent upon the mean airway pressure associ- ARDS, pneumonia, and musculoskeletal abnormalities), EELV is
ated with PPV and the intravascular volume status of the patient. less than FRC (i.e., normal EELV). At lung volumes above or
A determinant of ventricular contractility is myocardial oxygen below FRC, PVR can be increased. When EELV is below FRC,
delivery. In the nonhypertensive RV, coronary flow occurs primarily PVR is increased by hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and the
in systole and is dependent on the systolic pressure difference tortuous course of large- to medium-sized blood vessels that supply
between the aorta and RV.49 Because PPV results in increased RV the lung.50,51 As lung volume increases, the large vessels become
pressure, the pressure difference between the aorta and RV is more linear, their capacitance increases, hypoxia subsides, and
decreased, and RV coronary flow falls during inspiration. As a vascular resistance decreases. As lung volumes continue to increase
result, RV contractility, cardiac output (CO), and DO2 may decrease, well above FRC, hyperexpansion of alveoli and compression of
especially when the RV end-diastolic pressure is also elevated. the surrounding pulmonary capillaries occur and cause vascular
Myocardial blood flow is determined by the myocardial perfusion resistance to increase.52 Thus total PVR is the sum of these forces.
pressure, which depends on intrathoracic, aortic, and RV pressures. PVR is elevated at low or high lung volumes and is lowest when
An increase in intrathoracic or RV systolic pressure or a reduction EELV approximates FRC. Positive pressure ventilation can promote
in aortic pressure will cause a reduction in RV myocardial blood a reduction of RV afterload in patients with low lung volumes by
270 PART III Special Considerations

expansion of collapsed lung units and reducing vascular resistance. occurs over multiple cardiac cycles, LV afterload can be reduced.
Alternatively, PPV can result in increased RV afterload due to Clinicians should be aware of these interactions, especially in
excessive alveolar expansion and compression of capillaries.52 In neonates with LV dysfunction and concomitant respiratory dysfunc-
the normal lung, EELV is maintained near FRC to minimize tion. Clinical signs that suggest a patient may be experiencing
pulmonary vascular (and airway) resistance, as well as to optimize these important cardiorespiratory interactions include a wide
lung compliance. Thus at FRC the work of matching ventilation fluctuation in arterial tracing during inspiration. If this is observed
and perfusion is minimized. A primary goal of mechanical ventila- and improvements in LV performance are the goal, the clinician
tion is to maintain EELV at or near FRC. should consider respiratory strategies that optimize intrathoracic
pressure to augment LV performance.
Effect of Ventilatory Manipulations on Left
Ventricular Function Effect of Ventilatory Manipulations on
Three physiologic principles have been proposed to explain why Heart Rate
LV preload is decreased during PPV. First, the LV can eject only The institution of PPV has been shown to cause minor changes
the quantity of blood it receives from the RV.53 When RV output in heart rate. A significant increase in lung volume can result in
is decreased during PPV, the LV receives a decreased quantity of a reflex bradycardia; however, this change is modest at the VTs
blood, and LV preload falls. Second, when RV afterload and RV generally employed in clinical practice. Excessive VT ventilation
systolic pressure increase during PPV,42 the increase in RV pressure will, however, result in a reflex bradycardia that could become
results in conformational changes in the intraventricular septum clinically significant.
and a decrease in LV compliance and preload. Finally, direct
compression of the LV from increased intrathoracic pressure may
further reduce preload. Under various circumstances one or all of Respiratory Support for Children With Heart
these mechanisms may reduce LV preload during PPV. LV intrinsic Disease: a Systematic Approach
contractility is generally not altered by ventilatory interventions.
When contractility is reduced during ventilatory manipulations, The application of respiratory support for children with CHD
it is secondary to high airway pressures. Increased airway pressures requires balancing the effects of each respiratory intervention on
reduce preload and alter afterload, resulting in a reduction in CO, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Because of the
myocardial DO2, and contractility. cardiorespiratory interactions that occur and the diversity of the
LV afterload is altered by ventilator manipulations. One conditions treated, a single, standardized approach is not possible.
determinant of LV afterload is LV transmural pressure (LVTM).45 Respiratory strategies therefore should be designed to address the
LVTM can be approximated by the difference between the LV specific pathophysiologic condition of each patient. This section
systolic pressure and intrathoracic pressure (LVTM = PLV − defines respiratory management strategies using the principles
Pintrathoracic).45,46 LVTM can be reduced by either decreasing aortic outlined previously. First, the initial respiratory support settings
pressure and therefore LV pressure or increasing intrathoracic pres- will be presented, then a systematic approach will be outlined for
sure. During PPV the increase in intrathoracic pressure is rapidly pathophysiologic respiratory and cardiovascular conditions.
transmitted to the intrathoracic arterial system. LV wall tension
remains the same because both the LV pressure and intrathoracic pres- Goals of Respiratory Support
sure generated are equal. For example, if LVTM = PLV (100 mm Hg)
− Pintrathoracic (10 mm Hg) = 90 mm Hg, an increase in intrathoracic When the goals of the respiratory system are not met by spontaneous
pressure by 30 mm Hg causes no net change in LV wall tension breathing, mechanical respiratory support is required.54 Despite a
because PLV (130 mm Hg) − Pintrathoracic (40 mm Hg) = 90 mm Hg. wide variety of options, all types of respiratory support have two
The extrathoracic arterial system also develops an increase in arterial common goals: (1) optimize DO2 by improving the oxygen content
pressure due to propagation of the increased arterial pressure. When of blood (i.e., increase systemic arterial saturation) while decreasing
the increase in intrathoracic pressure results in a significant increase the oxygen needs of the respiratory muscles (i.e., decrease work
in arterial pressure, aortic pressure will be autoregulated due to of breathing), and (2) improve CO2 elimination. Respiratory support
baroreceptor stimulation.45,46 This results in a reflex decrease in should meet these goals while minimizing the deleterious effects
aortic pressure and a compensatory reduction of LV pressure. When of these interventions on other organ systems.
aortic pressure returns to baseline due to this reflex action, the LV The initial ventilatory strategy for all patients should be one
systolic pressure and the transmural pressure gradient fall. Using that is simple, meets the needs of the patient, provides the greatest
the previous example, if LVTM = PLV (100 mm Hg) − Pintrathoracic benefit with the lowest risk for complications, and represents an
(10 mm Hg) = 90 mm Hg, with an increase in intrathoracic pressure approach that is familiar to the multidisciplinary critical care team.
by 30 mm Hg and a return of aortic pressure to 100 mm Hg, The criteria for initiating PPV vary according to the intended goals
LV wall tension = PLV (100 mm Hg) − Pintrathoracic (40 mm Hg) and needs of each child.
= 60 mm Hg. Therefore the end result of a persistent increase in
intrathoracic pressure is a decrease in LVTM (decreased afterload), Perioperative Management
as a consequence of aortic pressure autoregulation. Thus increased
intrathoracic pressure decreases LV afterload. Respiratory support should be initiated when arterial hypoxemia
Under usual clinical conditions, intrathoracic pressure is low (SaO2 <90% to 92% in the absence of right-to-left intracardiac
compared to LV pressure, and inspiration occurs over only one to shunt) and/or alveolar hypoventilation with resultant hypercapnia
two cardiac cycles. This results in only minor phasic changes in (generally defined as PaCO2 >60 torr in neonates and PaCO2 >55
LV afterload, and hence autoregulation may not occur. If intra- torr in children) exists despite pharmacologic therapy and oxygen
thoracic pressure is high and the increased intrathoracic pressure administration. An additional indication exists when DO2 is
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 271


FiO2 = 0.6-1.0*
VT = 4-7 mL/kg, PIP <30 cm H2O
RR = 15-35 breaths/min (based on age)
TI = 0.3-1.0 seconds (Neonate/Child, considering RR); TI = 0.75-1.5
seconds (Adult, considering RR)
PEEP = 4-7 cm H2O; PS = 10 cm H2O (adjust to achieve 4-7 mL/kg)
Mode = SIMV/PS (VC/PS or PC/PS)

SaO2 <85% (non–single ventricle) Adequate O2 delivery PaCO2 >50 mm Hg

See inadequate O2 delivery Adequate CO2 elimination See inadequate CO2 elimination algorithm
algorithm (see Fig. 23.14) (see Fig. 23.15)

Wean FiO2 to <0.60 rapidly

for SaO2 >90% to 92%

Wean RR for PaCO2 <50 mm Hg

(unless pulmonary hypertension is present;
see Fig. 23.16)

See Fig. 23.17 for weaning when:

• Cardiorespiratory status is stabilized
• Clinical/Radiograph/PFTs improving
• FiO2 ≤0.50, RR <25, PEEP ≤6 cm H2O

*For infants with single-ventricle physiology, increased pulmonary

blood flow, and decreased systemic blood flow, a lower FiO2 may be
indicated. (See text for more details.)
• Figure 23.13   Decision-making algorithm designed for the initiation of positive pressure ventilation in

patients with two ventricles after uncomplicated cardiac surgery. Initial ventilatory settings are described,
and reduction of ventilatory settings is dependent upon resolution of cardiorespiratory dysfunction. FiO2,
Fraction of inspired oxygen; PC, pressure control; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PFT, pulmonary
function test; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PS, pressure support; RR, respiratory rate (frequency); SaO2,
arterial oxygen saturation; SIMV, synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation; TI, inspiratory time; VC,
volume control; VT, tidal volume.

inadequate to meet tissue/organ oxygen demand. Mechanical Respiratory support in the postoperative period is an extension
ventilation has been shown to be useful in these conditions by of the support initiated in the operating room (Fig. 23.13). Com-
reducing work of breathing, which subsequently decreases respiratory munication between the cardiovascular anesthesiologist, cardiac
muscle oxygen consumption and improves the oxygen supply/ surgeon, and intensive care team is essential. On the patient’s
demand relationship. The beneficial effects of PPV are especially arrival in the intensive care unit (ICU), communication is directed
dramatic in patients who have abnormal pulmonary mechanics at determining the surgical procedure, integrity of the repair,
and in whom an average reduction of oxygen consumption of pathophysiology observed after surgery, and potential for cardio-
25% can be achieved.55,56 vascular or respiratory dysfunction (see Chapter 20 for anesthesia
PPV reduced lactic acid production in animals with circulatory handoff checklist). Next, a complete physical examination should
shock, resulting in the redirection of circulation from respiratory be performed with particular attention to the adequacy of the
muscles to vital organs.57,58 The oxygen needs of the respiratory cardiorespiratory system, including clinical assessments of CO and
system are high in the newborn period, especially with acute respiratory function.
respiratory failure. The withdrawal of either positive or negative Patients who are extubated in the operating room or shortly
pressure ventilatory support in neonatal animals with respiratory after admission to the ICU should be monitored for the devel-
failure is associated with a marked alteration in CO attributable opment of hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and/or increased work of
to increased work of breathing.59 For these reasons it is not unusual breathing. After a period of time, if hypoxemia and/or hyper-
for neonates with heart disease to require temporary ventilatory capnia is progressive and refractory to conservative therapy (e.g.,
support until medical management can be optimized and the patient supplemental nasal/mask oxygen, chest physiotherapy, noninvasive
can adjust to the physiologic changes in the cardiorespiratory system respiratory support), reintubation and the initiation of PPV may be
that occur after birth. required.
272 PART III Special Considerations

The development of postoperative metabolic acidosis refractory hypoventilation is outlined in the text that follows. Increases in
to medical therapy and noninvasive support may require reintubation ventilatory frequency above 35 breaths/min may be associated
to optimize the oxygen supply/demand relationship. One should with inadvertent inverse ratio ventilation (depending on the
be cautious in attempting to create a compensatory respiratory inspiratory time) and subsequently increased EELV and pulmonary
alkalosis using PPV because such an approach alone does not overdistention. These higher ventilatory rates should be used
address the underlying pathophysiologic disturbance(s) and may cautiously due to the potential detrimental effects of increased
reduce cerebral blood flow in an already compromised patient.60 lung volume and intrinsic PEEP on gas exchange and cardiores-
If arterial oxygen content is high and respiratory muscle oxygen piratory performance.
consumption low, management should be directed at augmenting Inspiratory Time.  The inspiratory time is generally set between
DO2 by improving CO, thereby directly treating the underlying 0.3 and 1.0 seconds in infants and children and between 0.75 and
cause of the metabolic acidosis. Mechanical ventilation can decrease 1.5 seconds in adults. A reduction of the inspiratory time below
oxygen consumption, increase oxygen content, and increase CO, 0.3 seconds does not allow adequate time for the distribution of
thus favorably altering the supply/demand relationship. gas to alveolar units. Prolongation of the inspiratory time in infants
Inspired Oxygen Concentration.  Most postoperative patients may result in an excessively high I:E ratio and inadequate ventilation
transferred to the ICU on PPV are initially ventilated with an due to inadequate expiratory time. An excessive prolongation of
oxygen concentration (FiO2) of 0.60 to 1.0, unless there is a small inspiratory time can also result in significant elevations in mean
alveolar-arterial gradient. An important exception is a patient with airway pressure, decreased venous return, and decreased CO.65
single-ventricle physiology, especially those with signs of increased Prolongation of the inspiratory time with an increased or reversed
pulmonary blood flow and decreased systemic blood flow, in which I:E ratio was historically advocated as a means of increasing mean
case a “lower” FiO2 is indicated. In these patients, oxygen should airway pressure and recruiting low ventilation/perfusion compart-
generally be supplemented to maintain an SaO2 of 75% to 85%. ments in diseases involving decreased pulmonary compliance.66
During transport, fluid shifts and changes in lung volume with As oxygenation improves with elevation of mean airway pressure,
resultant alveolar hypoventilation may occur. The initiation of regardless of the phasic pattern of airway pressure,67 the application
elevated FiO2 provides a buffer against the development of hypoxia of PEEP (see the following section) elevates mean airway pressure
in patients at risk for ventilation/perfusion mismatch. Once transfer with less risk of barotrauma and circulatory depression and is the
has been completed and stable hemodynamics achieved, weaning of preferred approach.68 The precise relationship between inspiratory
the FiO2 should begin. In general, inspired oxygen is reduced when and expiratory times during PPV should be tailored to address
SaO2 is above 92%, in the absence of a right-to-left intracardiac the patient’s underlying pathophysiology. As a general guideline,
shunt. Certain conditions (e.g., pulmonary hypertension) may deviation from normal physiologic respiratory patterns with regard
require prolonged administration of “high” concentrations of to rate and inspiratory time should be avoided.
inspired oxygen. In the majority of patients, however, a rapid Positive End-Expiratory Pressure.  The application of PEEP is
reduction of FiO2 to nontoxic levels (<0.50) while maintain- an essential step in providing respiratory support for postopera-
ing SaO2 above 92% can be accomplished over the initial 6 to tive patients.69-72 PEEP opens atelectatic regions of lung, increases
12 hours. EELV, improves ventilation/perfusion matching, and reduces
The benefits of oxygen administration should be continually right-to-left intrapulmonary shunting. The net effect of PEEP
balanced against the potential risks. Arterial hypoxemia in a patient is generally improved oxygenation.73-75 In postoperative patients,
with a two-ventricle repair without intracardiac shunts should not PEEP is initiated at 4 to 7 cm H2O to recruit lung volume and
be tolerated, and hypoxic patients should receive the appropriate prevent alveolar atelectasis. Increased PEEP should be used in
oxygen necessary to reverse hypoxemia. If the patient does not specific conditions, including severe reductions in lung compliance
tolerate a reduction of the FiO2 to a nontoxic level (<0.50), a (e.g., ARDS). Except in those with severe ARDS, high levels of
comprehensive investigation into the cause of the hypoxemia should PEEP (>10 cm H2O) may result in overexpansion of normal lung
be performed. Weaning of inspired oxygen below 0.50 will be units, reduced compliance, increased PVR, increased dead space
discussed in the section on weaning from PPV. ventilation, and ventilation/perfusion mismatch due to shunting
Tidal Volume.  In postoperative cardiac patients, careful attention of blood away from normal yet overexpanded alveoli to abnormal
should be paid to the delivered VT because the VT set on the alveoli.76-81 High PEEP should therefore be avoided unless specifi-
ventilator may be significantly higher than the VT the patient cally required for ARDS and must be appropriately monitored. In
actually receives (referred to as the delivered or effective VT).18,19 general, in the absence of intrinsic lung disease, children following
This is a result of the distensibility of the ventilator circuit, air cardiac surgery do not require PEEP greater than approximately
leak, and circuit dead space.19,61-64 This problem is magnified in 8 cm H2O.
neonates, in whom a small change in VT leads to a large percentage Attempts have been made to physiologically define “optimal
change in effective VT.19 For these reasons the delivered VT should PEEP” in terms of total DO2. However, defining the optimal
be set on the ventilator using a pneumotachometer placed at the PEEP level strictly in terms of DO2 has been criticized because
ETT (generally, spontaneous breath VT = 4 to 7 mL/kg, mechanical decreased DO2 secondary to a fall in CO with high levels of PEEP
breath delivered VT = 4 to 7 mL/kg). The VT can then be titrated can often be reversed by intravascular volume expansion and/or
to provide adequate chest excursion and appropriate gas entry as inotropes. Thus a further enhancement of DO2 may be achieved
determined by physical examination. The corroboration of adequate by higher levels of PEEP if CO is otherwise maintained.80,82-84 The
gas exchange can then be obtained by blood gas analysis. level of PEEP associated with maximal DO2 generally coincides
Ventilator Frequency.  The ventilator frequency should be set best with the achievement of ideal lung volume and maximum
based on the physiologic norms based on patient age. Adjustments total respiratory compliance.80
should then be made based on noninvasive (e.g., pulse oximetry, Ventilator Mode.  No data exist to definitely support one mode
end-tidal CO2 monitoring) and invasive (e.g., blood gas analysis) of ventilation over another for patients with CHD. Thus no recom-
monitoring as clinically indicated. Treatment for alveolar mendations can be made for specific modes. The mode chosen
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 273


as a result of decreased oxygen content

Decreased SaO2
differential diagnosis

Right-to-left intracardiac shunt Intrapulmonary shunt Alveolar hypoventilation

Diagnosis: No significant response Diagnosis = P(A–a)O2 gradient Diagnosis = No P(A–a)O2 gradient
to FiO2 of 1.0
Medical treatment directed at: Increase FiO2
Improving oxygen delivery Increase VT
Increase hemoglobin ↑FiO2
Increase cardiac output (increase Optimize PEEP, MAP
systemic blood flow) Assess respiratory mechanics

Improving pulmonary blood flow

If no improvement
Decrease pulmonary vascular resistance
Lower mean airway pressure
Nitric oxide, milrinone Assess tidal volume delivery
Improve right ventricular function (6 mL/kg)
Surgical treatment to improve pulmonary
blood flow
If no improvement

Decelerating flow ventilation

(PC/PS or VC/VS)
Increase MAP

If no improvement

Complete PFTs
Consider HFV if PIP >30 cm H2O, MAP >15 mm Hg

If no improvement

Consider ECMO

• Figure 23.14   Decision-making algorithm for postoperative patients who develop decreased DO2

during positive pressure ventilation. Identification of the cause for the decreased DO2 is the initial step in
managing this pathophysiology. Causes of decreased SaO2 include right-to-left intracardiac shunt or
ventilation/perfusion mismatch. DO2, Oxygen delivery; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation;
FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; HFOV, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; HFV, high-frequency ventila-
tion; MAP, mean arterial pressure; P(A−a)O2, alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient; PC, pressure control;
PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PFT, pulmonary function test; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PS,
pressure support; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; VC, volume control; VS, volume support.

should be based on the general practices of the ICU with consid- If inadequate DO2 results from an intracardiac right-to-left
eration of the pathophysiology of the individual patient. A detailed shunt, respiratory interventions play a minor role and are directed
discussion of the various modes of ventilation is beyond the scope at decreasing PVR and/or improving RV function. If the primary
of this chapter. However, it is our general practice to provide a cause of the decreased DO2 is a decreased arterial oxygen content,
mode with a volume guarantee. That way the PaCO2 and pH will respiratory support is the primary intervention (Fig. 23.14).
not vary as much as with a pressure control mode. This is important Alterations in oxygenation are most commonly a result of hypoven-
because wide swings in either PaCO2 or pH may affect myocardial tilation or ventilation/perfusion mismatch.
performance and vascular resistance. The transfer of oxygen from inhaled gas to the pulmonary
capillaries is dependent on inspired gas reaching the alveoli, pul-
Physiologic Conditions Requiring monary blood flow perfusing ventilated alveolar units, presence
of an adequate alveolar-to-capillary oxygen gradient, and diffusion
Alterations in Support of oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane. Alterations in
Inadequate Oxygen Delivery.  When DO2 is inadequate to meet oxygen transfer occur when the PAO2 in perfused alveolar units
tissue needs, metabolic acidosis develops. In the postoperative falls. This can occur as a result of alveolar hypoventilation (reduction
period, inadequate DO2 is usually related to decreased CO from of PAO2 in normally functioning alveolar units), low ventilation/
myocardial dysfunction and/or intravascular depletion. perfusion ratio (PAO2 falls because of an inability of inspired gas
274 PART III Special Considerations

to reach perfused injured alveoli), or high ventilation/perfusion measurements of lactic acid and mixed venous saturation, and, if
ratio (inability of pulmonary blood to reach ventilated alveoli). indicated, cardiac catherization.87,88
In the postoperative period the cause for arterial hypoxemia is Increased Oxygen Consumption.  Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony
often ventilation/perfusion mismatch. Chest radiography gener- defines a condition in which spontaneous inspiratory efforts are
ally demonstrates a reduction in lung volumes with evidence of out of phase with positive pressure breaths, resulting in the patient
atelectasis. Respiratory mechanics can help to confirm a reduc- “fighting” the ventilator. During patient-ventilator dyssynchrony,
tion in lung volumes by demonstrating a decrease in pulmonary work of breathing is increased, oxygen consumption of the respira-
compliance and a prolonged recruitment phase in the inspiratory tory muscles may be high, and a reduction in effective VT may
limb of the pressure-volume curve. The diagnosis of a significant result. In addition, barotrauma may occur, and cardiac afterload
intrapulmonary shunt and hypoxemia from ventilation/perfusion may be adversely affected. The clinical diagnosis is made with the
mismatch is made by determining the alveolar-to-arterial oxygen assistance of airway graphics. If dyssynchrony continues, oxygenation
gradient. When the patient breathes 100% oxygen for 15 to 30 and ventilation may deteriorate. When patient-ventilator dys-
minutes, the presence of a PaO2 of less than 250 mm Hg in the synchrony is significant, primary hypoxemia due to ventilation/
absence of intracardiac shunting indicates a clinically significant perfusion mismatch, mucous plugging, pneumothorax, and reactive
intrapulmonary shunt. airways disease should be eliminated as the causes. When these
The systematic approach outlined for conditions with a low causes are eliminated, altering the ventilator mode, changing the
ventilation/perfusion ratio is directed at decreasing intrapulmonary inspiratory flow pattern, improving the ventilator trigger sensitivity,
shunt by increasing lung volumes. Initially this is accomplished or increasing overall ventilator support may improve patient-
by increasing PEEP to restore collapsed alveolar units and improve ventilator synchrony. When manipulation in the ventilator
pulmonary compliance. PEEP is increased until there is improve- parameters does not improve patient-ventilator synchrony, increased
ment in arterial hypoxemia or toxicity occurs.80,85 Excessive PEEP sedation can be attempted. When sedation is instituted/increased,
may reduce CO, especially in conditions of hypovolemia and/or spontaneous ventilation may reduce or cease, and thus ventilatory
myocardial dysfunction. Such a situation can lead to a significant support should be increased to ensure appropriate gas exchange.
reduction in DO2.76,78,80 A worsening of oxygenation has been Persistence of dyssynchrony after these maneuvers may prompt a
reported with excessive PEEP, presumably because blood flow is trial of neuromuscular blockade. This is rarely required and should
shunted to poorly ventilated alveolar units from overdistended be reserved for patients with uncontrollable dyssynchrony and
regions of the lung due to a local increase in PVR.81 These potentially elevated peak airway pressures.
adverse cardiorespiratory effects of PEEP require clinicians to be Following cardiac surgery the impaired myocardium can be
cautious in applying PEEP levels greater than approximately 10 cm “protected” by judicious management of mechanical ventilation.
H2O in children with cardiovascular dysfunction. Obviously, if respiratory function is completely furnished by the
During PEEP titration, close attention to respiratory parameters, ventilator, there will be no respiratory muscle effort. Subsequently
including VT and compliance, is warranted. If VT falls below the work of breathing, and the associated cardiac work, will be reduced.
level that provides adequate chest excursion, an increase in VT Using the ventilator to maintain EELV near FRC will minimize
may be required. If the patient demonstrates hypoxemia despite the work of V̇ /Q̇ matching. Preventing patient-ventilator dys-
alterations in PEEP, the VT should be increased to provide adequate synchrony prevents increased RV afterload and decreased preload
VT by examination and respiratory mechanics. If the peak airway while minimizing barotrauma and limiting excessive oxygen
pressure exceeds 30 cm H2O during constant inspiratory flow consumption. Finally, alleviation of LV afterload by eliminating
ventilation (e.g., SIMV, volume control), a decelerating inspiratory negative intrathoracic pressure may also be beneficial.
flow pattern should be considered. The use of a decelerating flow Inadequate Carbon Dioxide Elimination.  Another goal of the
pattern will usually result in a lower peak airway pressure, a higher respiratory system is to remove CO2 generated from the body’s
mean airway pressure, and improved oxygenation when compared metabolic processes. When CO2 elimination is inadequate, hyper-
to VCV (square wave, constant inspiratory flow). PCV provides capnia develops. Although hypoxemia is the most frequently
a consistent peak pressure but varying VT depending on lung observed abnormality in the immediate postoperative period,
compliance. Changes in compliance in either direction during hypercapnia more often occurs in the weaning phase. Hypercapnia
PCV can result in swings in oxygenation and ventilation, which can have profound effects on a variety of organ systems, including
may be detrimental. Another approach is to use a mode of ventila- alterations in PVR, myocardial performance, and catecholamine
tion that guarantees minute ventilation/VT while providing a release. Inadequate CO2 elimination is a result of inadequate minute
decelerating flow pattern (e.g., PRVC). ventilation or increased alveolar dead space.
If arterial hypoxemia persists, careful reevaluation of the patient Hypercapnia occurs if total minute ventilation is decreased or
is required. The need for FiO2 above 0.60, PEEP above 6 to 10 cm if dead space ventilation (VD) is increased. The latter is more
H2O, peak airway pressure above 30 cm H2O, and/or mean airway common in children with heart disease. Because dead space is
pressures above 15 cm H2O likely indicates the presence of respira- ventilated but not perfused lung, alterations in CO and pulmonary
tory failure and may be associated with a worse prognosis in perfusion can alter dead space. In low cardiac output states, lung
postoperative CHD patients.86 perfusion is low, and hypercapnia in the face of normal total minute
Physical examination, noninvasive testing, and invasive testing ventilation indicates increased VD. If pulmonary perfusion can
should be directed at reevaluating the possibility of a residual or be increased in this setting, PaCO2 should decrease (all other factors
previously undiagnosed right-to-left intracardiac shunt, inadequate being the same). Because the lung is perfused primarily during
pulmonary blood flow, or left heart abnormalities. If severe respira- expiration, an adequate expiratory time is critical. Therefore
tory failure continues to be the cause of the hypoxia, increasing increasing PPV may actually increase VD and worsen hypercapnia
the PEEP, increasing the inspiratory time, or changing to HFV if expiratory time is shortened. Collapsed alveoli require a higher
should be considered. One must assess the effects of these maneuvers transpulmonary pressure to increase their diameter in comparison
on CO, which can generally be done with echocardiography, to open alveolar units. Therefore a given volume of inspired gas
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 275

is distributed primarily to open alveoli, and overdistention may until hypercapnia resolves or until a peak airway pressure of
occur. Overdistention compresses capillaries, decreases perfusion, approximately 30 cm H2O is reached. If hypercapnia continues,
and results in increased VD. The volume of inspired gas that results one could consider conversion to an alternative mode of ventilation
in overdistention does not contribute to gas exchange and results to provide improved effective minute ventilation at a lower peak
in increased VD and potentially increased volutrauma. As a result airway pressure (Fig. 23.15).
of these abnormalities, alveolar minute ventilation (volume of gas Patients with small airway disease require therapy directed at
involved in gas exchange per unit time) falls. reversing bronchospasm, promoting the ability of retained alveolar
In all patients with hypercapnia, before the initiation of respira- gas to be exchanged with inspired gas, and increasing alveolar
tory interventions a comprehensive examination of the respiratory ventilation. The initial approach should be to increase the expiratory
system is required. Patients with inadequate ventilation or obstruc- time by reducing the respiratory rate while maintaining the inspira-
tion of medium to large airways have a decreased gas entry to tory time in the appropriate physiologic range. When the respiratory
alveoli. The clinical manifestations will be dominated by decreased rate is reduced, the VT may be increased to provide an adequate
alveolar ventilation. Tachypnea and tachycardia will be present in alveolar ventilation. If this does not allow adequate emptying of
the majority of patients with significant hypercapnia. Because the alveoli, a reduction of inspiratory time can be attempted.
patients with inadequate alveolar ventilation and hypercapnia Bronchodilator therapy should be considered early in the manage-
increase work of breathing, they may also demonstrate patient- ment of patients with CHD and small airway obstruction. In these
ventilator dyssynchrony. These patients attempt to compensate for patients, alveolar hyperexpansion and hypercapnia can result in
an inadequate alveolar ventilation by increasing the spontaneous dramatic alterations in cardiovascular function, and aggressive
rate and may “fight” the ventilator. The presence of hypercapnia respiratory interventions are required to prevent the development
can lead to systemic arterial hypertension and occasionally ven- of severe cardiorespiratory failure. Respiratory mechanics are recom-
tricular ectopy secondary to endogenous catecholamine release. mended in all patients with significant gas trapping because a
Systemic hypertension in this clinical scenario should not be variety of management approaches may be necessary.
misinterpreted as patient agitation, and administration of sedatives
should be avoided until arterial blood gas analysis, clinical assess- Therapy for Specific Pathophysiologic
ment, and radiographic assessment are performed. If sedatives are
administered to hypercapnic patients, a further reduction in alveolar Conditions
ventilation may develop, and a worsening of hypercapnia can be Left Ventricular Dysfunction.  In postoperative patients with
precipitated. LV dysfunction, cardiorespiratory interactions should be evaluated
The examination of the respiratory system in patients with and directed at optimizing LV function.37,91-93 Because PPV decreases
airway obstruction may demonstrate decreased chest excursion venous return and LV afterload (which have contrasting effects on
and expiratory wheezing. With inefficient ventilation, symmetric CO), careful attention to hemodynamic function is required when
decreased breath sounds will be present. This is in contrast to ventilating children with LV dysfunction. Maintaining EELV near
patients with mechanical obstruction who may demonstrate asym- FRC while minimizing airway pressure will optimize LV
metric breath sounds. Chest radiographs in patients with inadequate function.
effective alveolar minute ventilation demonstrate decreased lung If patients with LV dysfunction develop pulmonary edema and
volumes throughout all lung fields and may show diffuse atelectasis. decreased systemic oxygen saturation, oxygen content may fall,
If mechanical obstruction of the large to medium airways is the and DO2 will be further compromised. In these instances an
cause, larger areas of hypoaeration will be present adjacent to areas increased FiO2 may be needed, PEEP should be titrated to improve
of normal aeration. In extreme cases of large airway obstruction, oxygenation, and packed red blood cell transfusion may be con-
total lobes of the lung can collapse. sidered to augment oxygen-carrying capacity.
The pathophysiology of small airway obstruction caused by Right Ventricular Dysfunction.  Patients with RV dysfunction
bronchospasm differs from the previous causes of airway obstruction. will benefit from manipulations of cardiorespiratory interactions
When small airway obstruction from bronchospasm occurs, there to optimize RV preload and minimize RV afterload. In patients
is an inability of alveolar gas to be expelled from the lungs. This with RV dysfunction, PPV is initiated with settings as previously
results in increased lung volumes, development of intrinsic PEEP, described. RV afterload can be reduced by hyperoxygenation and
and increased VD. On physical examination these patients have alkalization if pulmonary hypertension is present. Inhaled nitric
evidence of increased lung volume. A markedly prolonged expiratory oxide may also be considered. Because the majority of pulmonary
phase and expiratory wheezing will generally be present on ausculta- blood flow occurs during expiration, inspiratory time should be
tion. Chest radiography demonstrates hyperlucent areas of the short compared to expiratory times. PEEP should be set to maintain
lung and increased lung volumes. Respiratory mechanics are EELV near FRC to minimize PVR as described earlier. Patients
diagnostic and will show an increase in expiratory resistance with with RV dysfunction are particularly sensitive to changes in
EELV greater than FRC. intrathoracic pressure because CO is preload dependent. These
In postoperative patients, hypercapnia generally results from patients may benefit from ventilation strategies that reduce intra-
inadequate effective alveolar ventilation secondary to collapsed thoracic pressure and increase preload, such as reducing the mean
alveoli and small airways. When this occurs, an appropriate increase airway pressure. This can be accomplished by minimizing end-
in VT and/or PEEP may be required. Airway pressures should be expiratory pressure, decreasing inspiratory time, and using the
monitored to ensure that they are not in the toxic range. If the mode of ventilation with the lowest intrathoracic pressure. The
measured VT is appropriate, an increase in the respiratory frequency RV response to ventilatory manipulations is more dramatic in
should be attempted, while monitoring the I:E ratio. Continued patients with concomitant hypovolemia because RV preload is
hypercapnia may require an increase in sedation or neuromuscular already reduced. Therefore strict attention to intravascular volume
blockade if patient-ventilator dyssynchrony is present.62,74,89,90 In status is required in patients with RV dysfunction and elevated
the presence of continued hypercapnia, VT could be increased intrathoracic pressures. HFJV may be considered in patients with
276 PART III Special Considerations



Increased PaCO2
differential diagnosis

Small airway obstruction Small airway obstructions/alveolar collapse Large airway obstruction
bronchospasm Inadequate effective alveolar ventilation

Increase Te Increase PIP to achieve VT to 6-8 mL/kg Assess for ETT obstruction
Decrease RR, increase VT Suction/Physiotherapy
Decrease Ti Bronchoscopy
Bronchodilator therapy/Steroids If no improvement Consider changing endotracheal tube
Support spontaneous ventilation with advanced airway team's support
with pressure support up to 25 cm H2O
and increased PEEP to decrease Increase RR (monitor for “gas trapping” and
expiratory work of breathing and intrinsic PEEP)
support active exhalation Consider decelerating flow ventilation
Sedation/paralysis (i.e., PC/PS, VC/PS)

If no improvement

Increase sedation, add paralysis

If no improvement

Consider high-frequency ventilation

• Figure 23.15  Decision-making algorithm designed for postoperative patients who develop increased
PaCO2. Elevated PaCO2 is a result of inadequate alveolar ventilation. This can be categorized into patho-
logic conditions that result in small or large airway obstruction or alveolar collapse. Strategies are then
dependent upon the underlying pathophysiology. All approaches require an increase in effective alveolar
ventilation. ETT, Endotracheal tube; PC, pressure control; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PIP,
peak inspiratory pressure; PS, pressure support; RR, respiratory rate; Te, expiratory time; Ti, inspiratory
time; VC, volume control; VT, tidal volume.

RV dysfunction who require mean airway pressures greater than pressure through inotropic support may be helpful because RV
12 cm H2O. HFJV may allow a reduction of mean airway pressure, perfusion occurs primarily during systole as previously described.97
improved RV preload, and increased RV output.37 Therapy directed at reducing pulmonary hypertension consists
Pulmonary Artery Hypertension.  Therapy for pulmonary artery of increasing pH, decreasing PaCO2, increasing PaO2 and PAO2,
hypertension is directed at lowering pulmonary artery pressures and optimizing intrathoracic pressures.94-96,98,99 (Inhaled nitric oxide
and improving RV function by optimizing preload and contractility can also be administered and is discussed in detail in Chapter 13).
(Fig. 23.16).94-96 Patients with elevated PVR are sensitive to changes When treating pulmonary hypertension with decreasing PaCO2,
in RV preload. Because of the increased afterload, the RV will the potential adverse physiologic effects on the cerebral vasculature
require increased RV preload to maximize RV stroke volume. must be considered. Both an increase in pH and a reduction in
Therefore these patients often require higher than usual filling PaCO2 could independently result in a reduction in RV afterload.
pressures. As afterload increases, the end-systolic volume of the Studies have shown that an increase in both alveolar oxygen (PAO2)
RV increases. An increase in RV diastolic and systolic volume can and arterial oxygen (PaO2) by increasing inspired oxygen concentra-
result in conformational changes of the intraventricular septum, tion reduces PVR.94,96 Increasing inspired oxygen in patients with
which can cause a reduction of LV preload and thus stroke volume.53 intracardiac shunts may result in little change in PaO2; however,
Patients with pulmonary hypertension frequently require inotropic a reduction in PVR may occur. This effect is related to an increase
agents to increase RV output. However, the use of inotropic agents in PAO2 and demonstrates that an increase in both alveolar and
in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension has had limited arterial oxygen content can alter PVR. In animal studies, increasing
success. This may be related to the relative insensitivity of the RV inspired oxygen concentration has been shown to be a more potent
to inotropes. Agents such as dopamine, epinephrine, and dobu- pulmonary vasodilator in neonates compared with adults.96 The
tamine have limited utility in treating patients with pulmonary use of inspired oxygen to reduce PVR has been useful in the ICU
hypertensive crisis, and these patients are more successfully treated and is a frequent mode of interrogating pulmonary vascular
by decreasing the RV afterload. Maintaining RV coronary perfusion responsiveness in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.96
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 277


Diagnosis: Decreased oxygen delivery as a result of pulmonary hypertension,

decreased right ventricular output, and decreased pulmonary
blood flow
Treatment: Decrease right ventricular afterload

I. Ventilatory strategy

1. Increase alveolar and arterial oxygen

a. FiO2
b. Positive pressure ventilation
(balance between getting the
lung “open” and detrimental
effects of positive pressure and
lung overexpansion)
2. Assess respiratory mechanics
for pulmonary overinflation or underinflation
If no improvement

II. Pharmacologic management

1. Inhaled nitric oxide
2. Milrinone
3. ? Prostaglandin E1
4. Consider chest opening

If no improvement

Ill. High-frequency ventilation

If no improvement


• Figure 23.16  Decision-making algorithm for postoperative patients with pulmonary artery hyperten-
sion. Manipulations of pH, FiO2, and ventilatory mechanics are the most crucial. ECMO, Extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen.

PPV is often required in patients with pulmonary artery lung demonstrating perfusion without ventilation.106 As these
hypertension. The effects of different types of ventilation on PVR nonventilated lung segments become hypoxic, a secondary
are not well established. A reduction in mean airway pressure has hypoxic response can develop, and PVR increases. Respiratory
been shown to reduce PVR.37 Patients with pulmonary artery mechanics can be used to optimize VT delivery and PEEP in these
hypertension may benefit from hyperventilation, but because of patients.
the detrimental effects of elevated mean airway pressure on PVR
and RV filling, mean airway pressure should be limited.100,101 PEEP Weaning From Positive Pressure Ventilation
must be used judiciously in these patients. High PEEP (>10 cm
H2O) / high mean airway pressure may result in alveolar overdisten- When PPV is required for a longer time than expected for the
tion and compression of the pulmonary capillaries with a resultant surgical procedure performed, a thorough investigation for the
increase in PVR.15 Therefore the overall approach to these patients presence of residual cardiac disease or intercurrent illness is necessary.
should be directed at providing the necessary amount of PEEP to Weaning from PPV requires the patient to gradually assume the
maintain the lungs at FRC (see Fig. 23.12). entire work of breathing. Understanding respiratory muscle per-
Several differences in lung physiology in infants lead to formance in infants and children is necessary to transition from
EELV less than FRC, increased closing capacity, and increased PPV to unassisted ventilation.107
airway collapse during normal tidal breathing.102-105 This process As a patient assumes an increase in respiratory muscle work,
results in a ventilation/perfusion mismatch with segments of inadequate gas exchange with resultant hypoxemia and hypercapnia
278 PART III Special Considerations


Initial ventilator settings

FiO2 <0.60
PEEP ≤5 cm H2O
Set SIMV rate ≤30 breaths per minute (based on age)
Set pressure support = 6-15 cm H2O (to achieve VT = 4-6 mL/kg)

Inadequate alveolar ventilation Adequate O2 delivery Inadequate O2 delivery (see Fig. 23.14)
diagnosis = ≠PaCO2 and alveolar ventilation

Inadequate oxygen Decreased cardiac

Increase pressure support Wean for: content output
(VT = 6-8 mL/kg) PaCO2 <50 mm Hg
SaO2 >92% Diagnosis = ↓SaO2 Diagnosis =
Wean: Metabolic acidosis
Evaluate respiratory mechanics SIMV as tolerated Signs of low cardiac output
1. Decreased ventilatory capacity PS level to keep VT = 4-6 mL/kg Rx: Increase PEEP/FiO2
2. Increased respiratory muscle load Rx: Augment cardiac output
Consider PRBC transfusion
3. Mechanical abnormalities
4. Increased CO2 production
Excessive oxygen
If no improvement
Extubation readiness test Rx: Decrease WOB
(see Fig. 23.18) Sedation
Return to higher level of support
Return to higher level of support
Evaluate respiratory mechanics
Evaluate cardiac function

• Figure 23.17  Decision-making algorithm designed to promote weaning. The SIMV rate and pressure
support levels are reduced as respiratory mechanics improve. Weaning is terminated when inadequate
DO2 or inadequate alveolar ventilation (increased PaCO2) occurs. When this occurs, the strategy is directed
at treating reversible causes and supporting the cardiorespiratory system until resolution of cardiores-
piratory dysfunction has occurred. DO2, Oxygen delivery; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP, positive
end-expiratory pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PRBC, packed red blood cells; PS, pressure
support; Rx, treatment plan; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; SIMV, synchronized intermittent mandatory
ventilation; VT, tidal volume; WOB, work of breathing.

and inadequate DO2 will occur if the cardiorespiratory system is Therefore significant resolution of cardiorespiratory dysfunction
unable to achieve its goals (Fig. 23.17). should occur before weaning from PPV is performed. If marginal
Oxygenation.  Hypoxia during weaning from PPV usually results DO2 and abnormal respiratory mechanics are present, weaning
from ventilation/perfusion mismatch (intrapulmonary shunt). As may result in an imbalance between oxygen supply and demand,
PEEP and peak airway pressures are reduced, atelectasis may develop anaerobic metabolism, and metabolic acidosis.58 The development
with resultant loss of lung volume and increased intrapulmonary of a metabolic acidosis during the weaning phase requires reinstitu-
shunt. Impaired gas exchange from right-to-left intrapulmonary tion of previous ventilatory support and an aggressive evaluation
shunting can be identified by the presence of an elevated alveolar- for the underlying pathophysiologic disturbance.
arterial oxygen tension gradient, P(A−a)O2. When hypoxemia is Carbon Dioxide Elimination.  In infants and children the most
encountered, an increased FiO2 may be necessary. If the hypoxemia common cause of failure to wean from PPV is inadequate alveolar
persists, the cause of the hypoxemia must be investigated and ventilation due to respiratory muscle pump failure. The etiology
corrected. If loss of lung volume is the cause of the ventilation/ of respiratory muscle pump failure can be categorized into two
perfusion mismatch, an increase in PEEP may be necessary and causes: decreased ventilatory capacity and increased respiratory
weaning suspended until improvements in pulmonary compliance muscle load (Box 23.1). Respiratory muscle failure can be caused
are seen. by a variety of events, including shock, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia.
Oxygen Delivery.  Abnormalities of respiratory mechanics lead These conditions diminish the contraction of the diaphragm and
to increased work of breathing. When the patient is sedated and may cause a decrease in VT via impairment of excitation-contraction
receiving high levels of cardiorespiratory support, respiratory muscle coupling by intracellular acidosis.108-110 When the respiratory muscles
oxygen consumption may be minimal. In contrast, in critically ill cannot provide adequate alveolar ventilation, respiratory acidosis
patients, 50% of total oxygen consumption may be used by the results from an inadequate effective VT. The patient will attempt
respiratory muscles in response to the increased workload. 56 to compensate for the reduced VT by increasing the respiratory
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 279

• BOX 23.1 Causes of Respiratory Pump Failure requirements without adequate compensation. Increased ventilatory
requirements may be a result of increased tissue CO2 production
Decreased Ventilatory Capacity necessitating increased alveolar ventilation to preserve normocapnia.
Neurologic Excessive carbohydrate calories during enteral and parenteral
Decreased respiratory center output nutrition can cause hypercapnia due to excessive CO2 production.
Cervical spinal cord surgery In addition, CO2 production increases with fevers (10% increase
Phrenic nerve dysfunction for each degree centigrade) and excessive muscle activity (e.g.,
Respiratory muscle
seizures, shivering, rigor). Conditions that increase the ratio of
physiologic dead space to tidal volume (VD/VT) such as reduced
Metabolic derangements CO, airway obstruction, or excessive positive airway pressure require
Decreased oxygen supply an increase in minute ventilation to maintain effective ventilation
Disuse atrophy and normocapnia. Increased dead space is common postoperatively,
Fatigue and virtually all children require minute ventilation greater than
Abdominal wall defects normal following surgery. Increased ventilatory requirements can
also occur from other pathophysiologic conditions. Excessive
Increased Respiratory Muscle Load respiratory drive from psychologic stress, neurologic lesions, or
Increased ventilatory requirements pulmonary irritant receptor stimulation may lead to inappropriate
Increased CO2 production
hyperventilation and increased respiratory muscle load.
Increased dead space ventilation
Inappropriately elevated ventilatory drive
Techniques for Weaning.  Following uncomplicated closed-heart
Increased work of breathing or simple bypass procedures such as atrial septal closure or correction
Decreased efficiency of breathing of aortic or pulmonary obstruction, extubation can occur shortly
Increased chest wall compliance after surgery when the patient is awake and fully recovered from
Respiratory pattern anesthesia.120 This may occur in the pediatric ICU or the operating
Data from Martin LD, Rafferty JF, Walker LK, et al. Principles of respiratory support and mechanical room. Other children may require more prolonged ventilation.
ventilation. In: Rogers MC, ed. Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; Risk factors predicting the potential need for prolonged PPV include
1992:135-203. younger age (<10 months), lower weight, greater STAT* (Society
of Thoracic Surgeons–European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
Surgery) Congenital Heart Surgery Mortality Categories, and longer
length of stay.121,122 Preexisting pulmonary disease and severe systemic
frequency. The presence of hypercapnia despite a significant increase disease complicated by malnutrition may also prolong the need
in respiratory frequency necessitates termination of weaning. Patients for ventilatory support.
who require diuretic support may develop a metabolic alkalosis During weaning the patient assumes the work of breathing,
and a mild-to-moderate compensatory respiratory acidosis. These which includes both patient demands and the demands imposed
patients will have an increased PaCO2 and normal (or possibly by the artificial respiratory support. The mechanically imposed
increased) pH, and weaning should continue provided the increased work of breathing is a function of the ETT size, circuit size,
pH does not significantly reduce the respiratory drive. inspiratory gas flow rate, and ventilator type. The work of breathing
Failure to wean from PPV can also occur from a variety of imposed by these factors can be quite substantial, especially in the
conditions that reduce ventilatory performance. Airway obstruction neonate who requires a small ETT. Any method of weaning ventila-
with lung hyperinflation from diseases such as bronchomalacia, tory support must take these considerations into account. There
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, airway compression by vascular are no well-controlled clinical trials that demonstrate a clear
structures, or chronic lung disease may occur.111 Hyperinflation superiority for any one approach over another.123
of the lungs leads to a flattened diaphragm and shortened fiber The appearance of respiratory distress, hypoxemia, or CO 2
length, which results in a decreased transdiaphragmatic pressure retention at any point should temporarily halt further weaning
generation. Additionally, tidal breathing occurs at the upper, less efforts.
compliant portion of the pressure-volume curve of the lung.112 Criteria for Extubation.  Predicting successful extubation in
Malnutrition113,114 and metabolic derangements such as hypomag- infants and children presents unique challenges to the pediatric
nesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hypokalemia may intensive care physician. Currently there are no widely accepted
impair respiratory muscle performance and present as an inability criteria for predicting successful extubation in children. Methods
to wean from ventilatory support.115-117 used to predict extubation in adults, such as respiratory frequency
Disuse atrophy of the respiratory musculature may complicate to VT ratio,124,125 CROP index (compliance, rate, oxygenation,
weaning attempts.118 Infants lack fatigue-resistant type I fibers and and pressure),125 T-piece trials, and negative inspiratory effort
may be more susceptible to fatigue.119 Phrenic nerve dysfunction measurements,126 are either unreliable or not easily performed in
or, less commonly, neurologic causes such as inadequate respiratory children. Recently, a pediatric clinical study by Khan and col-
center output can cause failure to wean from PPV. Residual respira- leagues127 characterized multiple predictors of extubation failure.
tory depressant drugs, such as opioids and benzodiazepines, may Unfortunately, these authors were unable to identify a single
complicate weaning attempts. These patients hypoventilate but do parameter or formula for predicting extubation in children and
not demonstrate increased work of breathing. Finally, the highly concluded that a combination of factors should influence any
compliant chest wall and the rapid, shallow respiratory pattern of extubation decision.
the neonate significantly decrease ventilatory efficiency, increase The use of extubation readiness testing (ERT) has received
work of breathing, and may result in weaning failure. increased interest. Several studies have shown that this reduces the
Increased Ventilatory Requirements.  Rarely, failure to wean length of ventilation and reintubation rates. The criteria for a
from PPV can occur when there are increased ventilatory methodology for ERT are outlined in Fig. 23.18.
280 PART III Special Considerations

Extubation Readiness Testing (ERT)

• Indications
Spontaneous respiratory drive
PEEP setting between 5 and 8 cm H2O
FiO2 requirement less than 0.50
Hemodynamically stable


Set FiO2 to <0.5

Set PEEP to 5 cm H2O
Set PSV mode as follows:


3.0-3.5 10

4.0-4.5 8

≥5.0 6

• Monitor patient SpO2, VT, RR, work of breathing for 60-90 minutes (RN documents BP)

Exhaled VT should be at least 5 mL/kg


Age RR

<6 mo 20-60

6 mo–2 y 15-45

2 y–5 y 15-40

>5 y 10-35

SpO2 must maintain within the prescribed range for the duration of the test on FiO2 <0.5.

Extubation Guideline*

• Patient passes an ERT

• PIP ≤25 cm H2O
• PEEP ≤5 cm H2O
• Set respiratory rate ≤10 breaths/min
• Pressure support adequate to overcome resistance of ETT
• Blood gas analysis results at clinical goals
• Figure 23.18  Extubation Readiness Testing Indications and Process. BP, Blood pressure; ERT, extuba-
tion readiness testing; ETT, endotracheal tube; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP, positive end-
expiratory pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PSV, pressure support ventilation; RN, registered
nurse; RR, respiratory rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry, VT, tidal volume.

Several studies have attempted to define criteria for extubation be considered when there has been adequate resolution of cardio-
in children.128-131 Hubble and colleagues129 demonstrated that the vascular dysfunction and respiratory mechanics have improved
VD/VT ratio may be a useful, objective determinant of the readiness such that the work of breathing is not excessive.
for extubation in infants and children. Shoults and colleagues132 Extubation of the trachea should be considered in the presence
were unable to find a correlation between maximum negative of normal arterial oxygenation and CO 2 elimination (PaCO2
inspiratory airway pressure and successful removal of PPV in a <45 torr) on minimal ventilatory support (PEEP 5 cm H2O, pressure
group of neonates. In a group of older infants receiving postoperative support 6 to 10 cm H2O, and inspired oxygen < −0.50). Monitoring
PPV the combination of a crying vital capacity above 15 mL/kg of the patient includes oxygen saturation as measured by pulse
and a maximum negative inspiratory airway pressure greater than oximetry (SpO2), VT, respiratory rate, work of breathing, and
45 cm H2O accurately predicted successful discontinuation of blood pressure for 60 to 90 minutes with an arterial blood gas
ventilatory support. Failure to meet these criteria was associated analysis to help determine success. Exhaled VT should be at least
with a failure to tolerate withdrawal of PPV and extubation.132 In 5 mL/kg. Taken together with the previously mentioned indices
a separate study, DiCarlo and colleagues128 demonstrated a reduced of respiratory reserve, these criteria indicate the ability to tolerate
mean lung compliance during the acute phase of ventilation. independent ventilation with acceptable requirements for supple-
However, the primary determinants of the inability to extubate mental oxygen.
were an elevated airway resistance during the weaning phase and Noninvasive ventilation use is prevalent in patients with CHD.
postoperative weight gain. In neonates weight gain may be an In a study by Romans and colleagues, nearly 4000 patients in the
important determinant of the ability to extubate. Weaning should Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium clinical registry were
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 281

begun on high-flow nasal cannula and positive airway pressure use of the principles of cardiac function, respiratory physiology,
support during a 2-year period. These data underscore the important and cardiorespiratory interactions, a management strategy can be
role of noninvasive support for these patients. They noted that developed that is matched to the pathophysiology of the patient.
neonates, extracardiac anomalies, single ventricle, procedure This strategy will vary depending upon the pathophysiology of
complexity, preoperative respiratory support, mechanical ventilation the patient. The principles outlined in this chapter will allow clini-
duration, and postoperative disease severity were associated with cians the opportunity to maximize patient care and improve outcome
noninvasive ventilation therapy (P < .001 for all). There was also variables.
a wide range of use from 32% to 65%, and adjusted mean non-
invasive ventilation duration ranged from 1 to 4 days.133 Selected References
The method of noninvasive ventilation varies as well. High-flow
nasal cannula (HFNC) and CPAP have advantages and disadvan- A complete list of references is available at ExpertConsult.com.
tages. HFNC has the advantage of being “less invasive” because
it does not require a device that encompasses the face. In studies 26. Bateman ST, Borasino S, Asaro LA, et al. Early High Frequency
on HFNC the delivered PEEP is variable. In a recent study the Oscillatory Ventilation in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Failure: A
effects of HFNC showed a nonlinear increase in PEEP in closed- Propensity Score Analysis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Oct
mouth modes, but in open-mouth modes, a disadvantage of HFNC, 22.
48. Millar JC, Horton J, Brizard C. Nitric oxide administration during
there was an actual decrease in PEEP. Although HFNC improved paediatric cardiopulmonary bypass: a randomised controlled trial.
expiratory CO2 elimination, there is a maximum flow at which Intensive Care Med. 2016;42(11):1744–1752.
this benefit ceases to occur, which was 4 L/min in the preterm 60. Mott AR, Alomrani A, Tortoriello TA, et al. Changes in cerebral
infant and 10 L/min in the small child.134 saturation profile in response to mechanical ventilation alterations
Positive airway pressure support is usually provided as CPAP in infants with bidirectional superior cavopulmonary connection.
either nasally or by mask. Nasal CPAP has been studied in patients Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006;7(4):346–350.
with bronchiolitis and has shown some evidence for a benefit 86. Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Gossett JM, et al. Risk factors for mechanical
versus HFNC. CPAP does have significant compliance issues, which ventilation and reintubation after pediatric heart surgery. J Thorac
may limit its use.135 Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Sep 28. pii: S0022-5223(15)01789-4).
Our approach: We typically start with HFNC. If there is failure 122. Winch PD, Staudt AM, Sebastian R, et al. Learning From Experi-
ence: Improving Early Tracheal Extubation Success After Congenital
of this therapy (defined as increased work or breathing, increased Cardiac Surgery. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2016;17(7):630–637.
respiratory rate, desaturation or destabilization of cardiovascular 133. Romans RA, Schwartz SM, Costello RA, et al. Epidemiology of
status, or alterations in ABG levels), CPAP is instituted. The CPAP Noninvasive Ventilation in Pediatric Cardiac ICUs. Pediatr Crit
is initially begun as nasal CPAP. Again, if there is failure as defined Care Med. 2017;18(10):949–957.
earlier, then mask CPAP is begun. Each institution must develop 134. Nielsen KR, Ellington LE, Gray AJ. Effect of High-Flow Nasal
a protocol that is standardized and that the institution is comfortable Cannula on Expiratory Pressure and Ventilation in Infant, Pediatric,
with.136 and Adult Models. Resp Care. 2017 Oct 24.
135. Milesi C, Essouri S, Pouyau R, et al. High flow nasal cannula (HFNC)
versus nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) for the
Conclusion initial respiratory management of acute viral bronchiolitis in young
infants: a multicenter randomized controlled trial (TRAMONTANE
Respiratory support for infants and children with CHD requires study). Intensive Care Med. 2017;43(2):209–216.
a thorough understanding of cardiorespiratory performance. With
CHAPTER 23  Ventilators and Ventilator Strategies 281.e1

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