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Name: Rei Vincent F. Gatchalian Score: _________________

Grade/ Strand: 12-Trustworhty (ABM) Teacher: T. Loraldie Esguerra


A. Identify the context of global communication for specific professional track, fill

the table below. Choose only your chosen track.

TRACK CONTEXT OF ICT (Global Communication)

In this era where our world is leaning towards the development of technology, it
is, undoubtedly, something that changed how most businesses operate nowadays.
If we look at it closely, ICT became a huge factor on how businesses sell their
products and name, which is one of the essential components that are taught in the
ABM strand. It enables many businesses to advertise and to promote their brand
with just simple and convenient mechanics, as incorporated in different ICT-based

A good example of this is the utilization of social media in accounting and

business managing fields. Most corporations are transitioning into a much modern
and technological style of operation, so it is only right to say that global
communication, particularly those that are used for promotional stuffs, are indeed
useful and effective in making this field more productive and stable. Using ICT in
this track not only helped us ABM students in familiarizing the contemporary world
of business and accounting, it also opened our minds with the possible refinements
and developments that could still be done in this track. It seems like ICT eases and
resolves some of the issues that existed in the past decades; it just makes this
professional track (ABM) overall more efficient and less taxing than before.
B. Explain the following words that is related to your track to the context of ICT.
(Choose only the word related to your track)


With the strategies or tactics that most businesses use nowadays, I can say that ICT,
indeed, changed how things work. We have witnessed how different it is for a business to
operate now compared to before when technology or ICT was not yet discovered or used in the
business world. Now, businesses are to some extent, “reliant” already in using information and
communication technology whether it is promotional or operational we are talking about. Let us
face it, the reality now for businesses is that if you do not know how to properly used online
applications or in simple terms, make use of the current “trends”, it is a great loss to you and a
disadvantage if your competitors are adept in it.

Technological devices are considered by many as a necessity already to mankind; this

simply means that a large proportion of our population have their own devices where they can
access different ICT functions. Most business owners use this information to attract more
customers in the future. Of course, if you know how to reach the public, the public can easily
reach you—yielding more income. ICT, for a long time, has been allowing businesses to
connect to society using a single platform. This became a huge marketing strategy and often
utilized by many businesses due to its effectiveness and convenience. As we can see, ICT
changed how businesses operate, and to be honest, it is really something worth developing as
the potential it has in achieving different businesses’ objectives exceeds our expectations—it
(referring to ICT) brought the business world into a whole new level.

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