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Năm học 2022-2023
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Lưu ý:- Thí sinh điền đáp án vào khung kẻ trống trongđề.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ loại tài liệu nào kể cả từ điển và điệnthoại.
Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu:
- Nội dung phần nghe gồm 03 phần, mỗi thí sinh được nghe 2 lần, đĩa CD tự chạy 2 lần.
- Mở đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
- Hướng dẫn làm bài chi tiết cho thí sinh (bằng Tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1. Listen and fill the missing words in the blanks. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
*Two areas of focus:
The effect of vegetation in the urban climate
Ways of planning our (1) citybetter
*Large-scale impact of trees:
They can make cities more or less (2) windy
In summer they can make cities cooler.
They can make inland cities more (3) humid_
*Local impact of tress:
They can make local areas
more (4) shady
more humid
less windy
less dangerous
*Comparing tress and buildings
Temperature regulation:
Trees (5) evaporatewater through their leaves
Building surfaces may reach high temperatures.
The reason why trees remain cooler than buildings is that they (6) swet.

Wind force:
Tall buildings cause more wind at (7) groundlevel
Trees (8) filterthe wind force Noise:
Trees have a small effect on traffic noise
(9) lownoise passes through trees

Important points to consider:

Trees require a lot of water, (10) roomand space to grow.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2: You will hear a woman asking a tutor for more information about a Media Studies course at a
university. Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not give.
1. Louise worked at a radio station for about 4 years.
2. Louise wants to do a Masters because employers like post-graduate qualifications.
3. It will take 4 years to do the Masters part-time rather than the modular route.
4. To join the course, Louis must have research experience and a completed thesis
5. Students can find the details on funding on the university website.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 3: You will hear an interview with the television actress Donna Denton. Choose the best answer (A, B,
or C) for each of the following questions.
1. As a child, Donna started going to dancing classes because .
A. her mother persuaded her to
B. they were relatively expensive
C. she wanted to be with friends
2. What did Donna do to get a place at Knightswell Stage School?
A. She took part in a musical show.
B. She got her parents to pay in advance.
C. She gave a demonstration of her skills.
3. Donna believes that she won the school singing competition because .
A. she had learnt to be less nervous when performing.
B. she had chosen to perform her favourite song.
C. she had been practicing one particular song for years.
4. What does Donna say about her first parts on television?
A. A private teacher helped her find them.
B. They were useful in developing her career.
C. It was easy enough for students to get them.
5. When talking about near future, Donna says that .
A. she has agreed to record a music CD soon.
B. she has accepted an unexpected invitation.
C. she has had to make a difficult choice.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Write the
answers in the box below.
1. One problem for teacher is that each student has his/ her own _ needs.
A. separate B. divided C. individual D. distinctive
2. stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home.
A. At all costs B. By all means C. In all D. On the whole
3. Each of the guests a bunch of flowers.
A. are given B. is given C. were given D. give
4. Don’t worry. We the report by 11 o’clock.
A. will be finishing B. will have finished C. are going to finish D. finish
5. the ball, we would have won the game.
A. Should Thomson catch B. Were Thomson to catch
C. If Thomson catches D. Had Thomson caught
6. Fred was pleased to the college.
A. admitting B. to admit C. being admitted D. to be admitted
7. I enjoy going to school by bike. But on rainy days, I to going by bus.
A. prefer B. would rather C. would like D. resort
8. She pleaded him not to take her child .
A. to – off B. with – away C. at – off D. about – out
9. My mother goes to church every Sunday morning.
A. Þ – Þ B. the – every C. the – the D. a – Þ
10. Despite all the evidence, he wouldn’t admit that he was in the .
A. fault B. error C. wrong D. slip
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to fit in each numbered space.
1. The victims of the mistaken bombing are just the latest____casualities______of the increasingly bloody war.
2. Deforestation and excessive farming have__inpoverished_____the soil. (poor)
3. The project went over budget because of calculation at the planning stage (calculate)
4. We have obligations to control prices. (contract)
5. He insisted that his project be PRIORITIZED:ưu tiên by the Council thought it was costly and impractical.
6. The destruction caused by Alzheimer’s disease has been likened to the _ ERASURE: tẩy xóa of the
hard drive, beginning with the most recent files and working backward. (erase)
7. A popular type of vaccine contains living micro organisms :các vi sinh vật that have been
caused harmless. (organic)
8. Foreign language learning is so inarguably: miễn bàn an issue that
has attracted a lot of attention. (argue)
9. If you look on the other side of the cup you will find a small with the name of the original
manufacturer. (grave)
10. The fact that numerous factories dumping waste into the area’s rivers has led to high level of
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Fill in each space provided in each sentence below with the correct form of one phrasal verb given.
Each phrasal verb can be used ONCE only.
drop out pull out fall out put forward own up
fly at go off stand up to be over get down

1. None of the children would own up ; thú nhận to breaking the window.
2. She decided to of the weight lifting competition because she sprained her wrist.
3. The Prime Minister will a new plan to reduce the budget deficit.
4. She dropped out of university in the second year because it was too stressful.
5. When you are a student you must to studying during exam time. If you don't concentrate hard you
will fail.
6. I wish you wouldn’t fly at ; tấn công ai đó bằng lời nói or vật chất me like that every time I make a mistake.
7. The piece of equipment is very well made and _ the roughest treatment. You won’t have any
trouble with it.
8. I am not friends with Beck any more. We have .
9. I knew I the hill when I started needing glasses to read.
10. My son has computer games. They are not as interesting as before.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Each sentence contains one error. UNDERLINE and CORRECT it.
1. I usually buy my clothes off the beg=> peg. It's cheaper than going to the dress maker.
2. Despite all the interruptions, he pressed in=>pressed on with his work.
3. Tom never comes to class on time and neither doesn't Peter.
4. Many a pop star find it difficult to avoid the interference of mass media in their life.

5. Children whose fathers share housework with their mothers are likely to become responsible and independent
6. They believe that everything must be cleaned before the first day of a new year arrives as a tardy cleanse can
sweep away all of the family's good luck and prosperous=> prosperity.
7. Michael and Jim are both excellent at Vietnamese studies, but Jim is the best as he has a methodical mind.
8. It is also true that some teachers who do not use technology in their lessons because they do not feel
comfortable in this field.
9. People feel secure when they know that their physical needs are being made and that they are protected and
safe from harm. Meet …..need: đáp ứng nhu cầu
10. He spoke to me as if he was my father.
Your answer:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

I. Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
The Video Loggers
One rather unlikely word that has recently entered the language is “blog”, a shortened form of “web log”.
A blog is a diary posted on the Internet by the person writing it – the “blogger” – who presumably expects other
people to read it. It is ironical that modern technology is being used to (1) new life into such an old-
fashioned form as the personal journal. And now, as the technology behind video cameras is making them easier
to use, we have the video log or “vlog”. Vlogging does not require (2) sophisticated equipment: a
digital video camera, a high speed Internet connection and a host are all that is needed. Vloggers can put
anything that (3) their fancy onto their personal website. Some vloggers have no ambitions (4)
than to show films they have shot while on holiday in exotic places. However, vloggers can also (5)
more ambitious purposes. For instance, amateur film-makers who want to make a (6) for
themselves might publish their work onto the Internet, eager to receive advice or criticism. And, increasingly,
vlogs are being used to (7) political and social issues (8) are not newsworthy enough to
warrant coverage by mass media. It is still too early to predict (9) vlogging will ever take off in a
major way or if it is just a passing fad, but its (10) is only now becoming apparent.
1. A. add B. put C. insert D. breathe
2. A. absolutely B. largely C. mostly D. highly
3. A. grasps B. appeals C. takes sb fancy: D. gives
4. A. except B. apart C. rather D. other
5. A. serve B. employ C. function D. play
6. A. publicity B. fame C. name D. promotion
7. A. emphasize B. publicize C. distribute D. circulate
8. A. who B. whose C. which D. why
9. A. that B. whether: liệu C. why D. since
10. A. Potential: tiềm B. possibility C. ability D. feasibility
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Read the following passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Meetings can waste a great (1) deal of time. But you can make your meeting run (2) smoothly
by following a few simple rules. First, have an agenda: This will (3) keep you focused on what is important.
Next, decide who needs to be involved. (4) More people means less efficient discussion. (5) Finally , keep
the discussion moving. Thank each speaker as he or she finishes and (6) moves on to the next speaker.
(7)This encourages people to make their remarks brief. And don’t forget: What happens after a meeting is more
important than what happens (8)during the meeting. The skills used then are more professional and less
procedural. So no (9)matter how well you run a meeting, it is the work that gets done after the meeting that is
(10) important
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Read the following passages and answer the following questions.
Forgetful brains
Humans have always had trouble remembering certain details. One person has the unique experience of
recalling in almost exact detail a memory from his childhood, but he cannot remember what he ate for lunch
yesterday. Another cannot recall names of people she met five minutes ago, but she remembers the names of
people she met from an hour before. Psychologists have searched for answers to the memory phenomenon to
better understand how the brain functions and what triggers memory or causes forgetfulness. After extensive
research over the past century, they have come up with basic theories to help explain memory loss.
There are times when an individual loses all recollection of an event. This is referred to as the decay
theory, which states that if memories are not recalled from time to time, they fade and then gradually drop from a
person’s memory. Decay:sự suy giảm is proven: đã được chứng minh to occur: xảy ra with sensory memories, or
short-term memories, if they are not recalled or rehearsed. Decay of long term memory is harder to explain because
these memories last through the passage of time. However, the age of the memory does not enable psychologists to
predict which memories will disappear and which will remain. In fact, some knowledge can be accessed many years
after it is first learned. Research on students who took Spanish courses in high school even though they had hardly
used the language. While some memories tend to decay, others remain burned into the recesses of the brain,
causing psychologists to further ponder the workings of memory.
Another explanation made by researchers concerning memory loss is known as interference. Under this
theory, an individual forgets a memory when similar information enters the mind and interferes with the original
memory in either the storage or retrieval area of the brain. The information is somewhere in the person’s
memory, but it gets confused with other details. This occurs in both short-term and long term memory and is
most common when a person tries to recall isolated facts. For instance, a woman goes to a party and meets a man
named Joe at the front door. Half an hour later, she is introduced to Jason. When she sees Joe again, she
accidentally calls him Jason. This is retroactive interference. The newest information input replaces the old
information, causing the woman to mistakenly call the first man by the wrong name. Additionally, people may
suffer from proactive interference. A new student meets his first professor, Dr. Mack, in frequently calls both
teachers Dr. Mack, since that is the first name he had learned. Remembering the first set of information and not
remembering the next is proactive interference. The old information interfered with the student’s ability to recall
the newer information.
When a person needs to remember something, he frequently relies on cues, or reminders, to help him
retrieve a specific memory. When he lacks the cues to recall the memory, the person suffers from cue-dependent
forgetting. This may be the most common type of forgetfulness. Psychologist Willem Wagenar did a year-long
study during which he recorded events from his life daily. After a year’s time, he could not remember twenty
percent of the critical details, and after five years, he had forgotten sixty percent. However, he complied cues
from ten witnesses to recall pieces of information about all ten. Thus, when he had cues to help him to retrieve
his memories, he could remember his experiences, illustrating that he was somewhat cue-dependent. Cognitive
psychologists believe that these specific cues help direct a person to the area of the brain where the memory is
stored or they match up with information linked to the actual memory the person is seeking.
Whether forgetfulness is from years of decay, replacement of old memories, or lack of cues, researchers
continue working to locate the source of people’s forgetfulness. The answers are becoming clearer with each
additional study. As brain research advances, psychologists are sure to connect many different factors that link
people back to their memories.
1. The word triggers in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. closes B. cues C. reviews D. erases

2. According to paragraph 2, decay of short-term memories can be avoided by
A. remembering associations B. removing immediate distractions
C. recollecting information often D. taking time to acquire input
3. What can be inferred about the decay theory from paragraph 2?
A. Memories from big events always remain in the mind.
B. Memory decay arises from specific circumstances.
C. Recalling old memories prevent their decay.
D. Most people suffer from some degree of memory decay.
4. The word ponder in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to?
A. consider B. explain C. forget D. understand
5. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as interference EXCEPT
A. Confusing newly learned facts with other details
B. Confusing old memories with current situations
C. Remembering the first information but forgetting the second set
D. Recalling the last information acquired but losing the first
6. In paragraph 3, the author discusses remembering and forgetting names in order to
A. demonstrate memory interference
B. refute proactive and retroactive interference
C. advocate acquiring new memories
D. reveal the workings of forgetfulness
7. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to
A. retrieval area B. information C. storage area D. memory
8. The word isolated in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. complex B. angry C. remote D. ignored
9. According to paragraph 4, cue-dependent forgetting is defined as?
A. not being able to remember details or events when clues are present.
B. not being able to remember details or events unless clues are present.
C. not being able to forget clues about details or events.
D. not being able to remember details or events without assistance from other people.
10. Which of the following does not relate to the type of forgetting known as interference?
A. is characterized by either proactive or retroactive memories.
B. occurs when trying to locate specific, isolated events.
C. can be aided by reminders of past experiences.
D. happens in the storage or retrieval area of the mind.
Your answer:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV. Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
List of Headings
i. Assessment in the future vi. The benefits of SATs
ii. The theory behind MCQs vii. Testing in workplace
iii. Problem with SATs viii. The shortcoming of MCQs
iv. Misuse of testing in School ix. Too much testing
v. The need for computer assessment x. Flexibility in language testing

Testing 1, 2, 3, …

A. These are testing times. In both education and the field of work, the prevailing wisdom appears to be: if it
moves, test it and if doesn’t, well, test it anyway. I say wisdom, but it has become rather an obsession. In addition
to the current obstacles, like GCSEs, A-levels, GNVQs, ONDs, and HNDs, not to mention the interviews and
financial hurdles that school-leavers have to overcome in order to access higher education, students are facing the
threat of “new tests”, Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs).
B. SATs are being imported from the United States, where they have been in use for nearly a hundred years.
As a supplement to A-levels, the tests purport to give students from poor backgrounds a better chance of entering
university. SATs are intended to remove the huge social class bias that exists in British universities. But, in fact,
they are, no more than an additional barrier for students. The tests, which masquerade as IQ tests, are probably
less diagnostic of student potential than existing examinations, and, more seriously, are far from free of the bias
that the supporters pretend.
C. First of all, as for any other tests, students will be able to take classes to cram for SATs, which again will
advantage the better-off. At a recent conference of the Professional Association of Teachers, it was declared that
school exams and tests are biased toward middle-class children. Further, the content of the tests in question is not
based on sound scientific theory, merely on a pool of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), set up by a group of
item writers.
D. The questions in SATs are tested on a representative sample of children. Those which correlate with the
school grades of the children are kept, and the rest discarded. This is highly unsatisfactory. There is also evidence
that in MCQs tests women are at a disadvantage, because of the way they think, i.e. they can see a wider picture.
And it is worth noting that MCQs are only as good as the people who write them; so, unless the writers are
highly trained, those who are being tested are being judged against the narrow limitations of the item writers.
E. Globalization has introduced greater flexibility into the workplace, but the educational system has not
been so quick off the mark. But there are signs that times are a changing. Previously, students took exams at the
end of academic terms, or at fixed dates periodically throughout the year. Now, language examinations like the
TOEFL, IELTs and the Pitman ESOL exams can be taken much more frequently. The IELTs examination, for
example, is run a test centre throughout the world subject to demand. Where the demand is high, the test is held
more frequently. At present, in London, it is possible for students to sit the exam about four times a week.
F. Flexible assessment like the IELTs has been mooted in other areas. It has been suggested that the students
may in future be able to walk into a public library or other public building and take assessment test for a range of
skills on a computer. The computer will dispense an instant assessment and a certificate. The beauty of this
system is the convenience.

Questions 1 – 6: This reading passage has 6 paragraphs (A-F). Choose the most suitable heading for each
paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate heading (i-x) next to the paragraph.
Note: There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them. YOU MAY USE ANY
1. Paragraph A- 2. Paragraph B- 3. Paragraph C-
4. Paragraph D- 5. Paragraph E - 6. Paragraph F -
Question 7 - 10: Read the passage again and then decide whether the following statements agree with the
information in the reading or not. Write:
Yes if the statement agrees with the information in the passage.
No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage.
Not Given if there is no information about the statement in the passage.
7. In the fields of education and work the prevailing wisdom seems to be to test everything.
8. Research in genetics refutes the theory that people are predestined to follow certain careers.
9. Psychometric testing is favoured by headmaster and mistresses in many high schools.
10. The writer of this article is in favour of testing in general.
Your answer:

7. 8. 9. 10.

I. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first sentence,
using the cues as the beginning of each sentence.
1. The gun going off was the signal for everyone to panic.
As soon as the gun went off everyone started to panic.
2. He threatened the officers with violence.
He made threats of violence against the officers
3. She acted brilliantly in the school play.
She gave
4. He imitated George Bush and other politicians in a humorous way.
He took
5. I was surprised with the birthday party they held for me.
I was taken by surprise by the birthday party they held for me
6. I never intended to help such a man.
I had no intention of helping such a man
7. You don't have to come and see the new house if you don't wish.
You are under NO OBLIGATION TO COME and see the new house if you don't wish
8. He owed his life to a passer-by.
He was indebted to a passer-by for his rescue
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE AND SIX words, including the words
1. All my friends have left me. (DESERTED )
I have been deserted by all my friends
2. One of the directors pointed out to the board a number of inconsistencies in the report. (ATTENTION )
One of the directors drew the board attention a number of inconsistencies in the report.
3. I don’t think she was informed about the burglary. (BEEN)
She has not been informed about the burglary.
4. My best friend is someone I can really trust. (CONFIDENCE)
I can have confidence in my best friend.
5. When Mary was pregnant, all she wanted to eat was jelly. (CRAVING)
Mary was craving for eating jelly when she was pregnant.
6. Could you have a quick look at my essay before I give it in? (CAST)
Could you cast an eye over my essay before I give it in ?
7. Peter usually does things without planning in advance. ( SPUR)
Peter usually does things on the spur of the moment : làm một việc một cách đột ngột
III. Write an essay about the following topic.
Competitiveness is a positive quality in modern life. To what extent do you agree with the viewpoint?
Your writing must be at least 220- 250 words.


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