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Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels

Functionalized With Bioactive Chitosan/
Bemiparin Nanoparticles

Hazel Peniche, Felisa Reyes-Ortega,* Marıa R. Aguilar, Gema Rodrıguez,

Cristina Abradelo, Luis Garcıa-Ferna
ndez, Carlos Peniche, Julio San Roman

Thermosensitive macroporous scaffolds of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (polyNIPA) loaded

with chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles are prepared by the free radical polymerization
in cryogenic conditions. Chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles of 102  6.5 nm diameter are
prepared by complex coacervation and loaded into polyNIPA cryogels. SEM image reveal the
highly porous structure of cryogels and the integration of nanoparticles into the macroporous
system. Volume phase transition temperature (VPT) and total freezing water content of
cryogels are established by differential scanning calorimetry, and their porosity is determined
by image-NMR. Swelling of cryogels (above and below the VPT) is highly dependent on
nanoparticles concentration. In vitro release profile of bemiparin from cryogel is highly
modulated by the presence of chitosan. Bemiparin released from nanoparticles preserves its
biological activity, as shown
by the BaF32 cell proliferation
assay. Cryogels are not cyto-
toxic for the human fibroblast
cells and present excellent
properties for application on
tissue engineering and con-
trolled release of heparin.

1. Introduction
H. Peniche, Dr. C. Peniche Cryogels are polymeric macroporous materials obtained by
Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, 10400, cryotropic gelation of monomers or polymer precursors in
Havana, Cuba moderately frozen state. In the freezing process the reactive
Dr. F. Reyes-Ortega, Dr. M. R. Aguilar, Dr. G. Rodrıguez,
components initially soluble in the medium at room
ndez, Prof. J. S. Roma
Dr. L. Garcıa-Ferna n
temperature, are concentrated in the remaining liquid
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologıa de Polımeros, CSIC, C/ Juan de la
Cierva, 3, 28006, Madrid, Spain microphase, where the polymerization reaction is produced
C. Abradelo at a very fast rate giving rise to a very strong porous matrix.
Departamento de Quımica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad The crystals of frozen solvent (normally water) act as
CEU San Pablo, Urbanizacio n Monteprıncipe, 28668 Boadilla del porogen during gel formation giving rise to a three-
Monte, Madrid, Spain dimensional network of interconnected macroporous after

ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184 1

Early View Publication; these are NOT the final page numbers, use DOI for citation !!
H. Peniche et al.

defrosting.[1] Interconnected macroporous (or superma- important in boosting cell signaling for new blood vessel
croporous), allow unrestricted diffusion of solutes of formation. Heparin has either been covalently linked to
practically any size, as well as mass transport of nano- polymers such as alginate and collagen or physically
and even microparticles, therefore cryogels are attractive trapped within chitosan in order to promote angiogenesis
matrices for biomedical applications and biotechnological in vivo by means of the sustained release of GF.
applications.[2,3] In this sense, Kumar et al.[4] isolated Rajangam[13] report the use of heparin to nucleate nano-
urokinase using supermacroporous cryogel matrix. Bo €lgen structures that can display these macromolecules on their
et al. evaluated tissue response of biodegradable macro- surfaces in order to more effectively bind and activate
porous cryogels of dextran modified with oligo L-lactide angiogenic GF for cell signaling.
bearing hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA), with highly Bemiparin is a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
open and interconnected pore structures. Kathuria et al.[6] derived from unfractionated heparin (UFH) by chemical or
synthesized chitosan–gelatine cryogels for tissue engineer- controlled enzymatic depolymerization. LMWH presents
ing, Hwang et al.[7] obtained poly (ethylene glycol) cryogels important advantages if compared to UFH: enhanced
as cell scaffolds for cartilage repairing. bioavailability after subcutaneous administration, pro-
The formation of active macromolecular systems with longed half-life and more interesting pharmacokinetic
morphology of cryogels can be implemented by the properties, reduced thrombocytopenia, and a more predict-
presence of ‘‘smart’’ or sensitive polymeric components, able dose response.[14]
in such a way that an additional effect on the dimensions of Bemiparin has a molecular weight of 5500 Da, a half-life
the porous and the properties of the support walls can be of 5.3 h and an anti-FXa/anti-FIIa activity ratio (8:1) which
obtained. In this sense we consider that poly(N-isopropy- reduce the risk of bleeding and improve the antithrombotic
lacrylamide) (polyNIPA) could contribute efficiently to the activity if compared with UFH. Currently, Bemiparin is
preparation of robust porous matrices with modulated licensed for the treatment and prophylaxis of venous
sensitivity to the temperature with a volume phase thromboembolism, and is the only LMWH licensed in
transition (VPT) at a critical temperature (Tc) about 34 8C Europe for starting thromboprophylaxis after either
in aqueous media. Below Tc, polyNIPA hydrogels are general or orthopedic surgery. Therefore, its use is safer
swollen, hydrated, and hydrophilic. Above Tc, the gels than UFH.
shrink due to the distortion of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic Moreover, several authors have demonstrated an impor-
balance in the network structure.[8] Thermal sensitive tant role in the modulation of the activity of proangiogenic
polyNIPA gels have attracted much attention for their GF such as FGF and VEGF.[15] Therefore, its use in this work is
usefulness in designing thermosensitive drug delivery fully justified in spite of its lower molecular weight and
systems, developing separation techniques in biotechnolo- weaker molecular interaction with chitosan.
gy, agricultural processing, and sensors. These applications Proteins such as fibronectin, gelatin, and small oligopep-
require a fast response of the hydrogel to temperature. To tides mimicking large proteins can be chemically or
increase the response speed of the polyNIPA gels, various physically modified to provide specific biological sites for
techniques have been proposed, being one of the most the immobilization of GF or morphogens. Small molecules
interesting the preparation of macroporous systems such as mimicking key fragments and functions of these large
the so-called cryogels.[9] proteins can also be used in their place to immobilize
The control over the regenerative potential of tissue GF.[16,17] The association of heparin with GF and specifically
engineering scaffolds has dramatically improved in recent the VEGF, has been demonstrated and important effect of
years, mainly by using drug releasing scaffolds or by angiogenesis has been attributed to this specific associa-
incorporating drug delivery devices into tissue engineering tion.[18–20] Therefore the addition of both bioactive
scaffolds,[10] to provide not only the suitable mechanical ingredients in the same support systems could give
and structural support, but also have to actively guide and interesting effects on the bioactivity of the associated
control cell attachment, migration, proliferation, and polymer components.
differentiation. This may be achieved if the functions of The complexation between chitosan and oppositely
scaffold are extended to supply biological signals able to charged macromolecules leads to the formation of poly-
guide and direct cell function through a combination of electrolyte complexes that can be used for designing
matricellular cue exposition and growth factors (GF) biomedical devices for drug delivery and bioactive agent’s
sequestration and delivery.[11,12] administration. These polyelectrolyte complexes can be
Heparin is a glycosaminoglycan that inhibits blood applied as films, sponges, powders, nano- and micro-
coagulation. It is a potent antithrombin activator known to particles, among other forms.[21,22] Reyes-Ortega et al.[23]
bind many of the angiogenic GF including vascular described the preparation of methacrylic block copolymers
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth as bemiparin carriers to improve the LMWH stability and
factor 2 (FGF-2) through specific binding domains. It is also modulate its biological activity. Nanoparticles based on

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184

2 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Early View Publication; these are NOT the final page numbers, use DOI for citation !!
Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels Functionalized with Bioactive Nanoparticles

chitosan and bemiparin polyelectrolyte complexation have their receptors to form active ternary complexes. RPMI 1640
been prepared in this work. The incorporation of these powder culture medium (Sigma–Aldrich) was supplemented with
nanoparticles into macroporous scaffolds may be beneficial 2 g  L1 sodium bicarbonate (Sigma–Aldrich, 99–100% purity,
suitable for cell culture), 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Gibco),
in tissue engineering applications and regenerative medi-
a 1% (v/v) penicillin/streptomycin mixture (Gibco), and the
cine, due to the ability of bemiparin loaded nanoparticles to
conditioned medium was stored at 20 8C until it was required.
promote locally the activation of heparin-dependent GF
All other chemicals reagents and solvents were analytical grade.
(VEGF or FGF).[24,25] In addition, the incorporation of
chitosan to the cryogel matrix brings a better compatibility
with the nanoparticles, and potential resorbability of the
2.2. Methods
polymeric support.
The aim of this work was the preparation and
2.2.1. Preparation of Chitosan/Bemiparin Nanoparticles
characterization of thermosensitive macroporous scaffolds
obtained by cryopolymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide The nanoparticles were prepared by a complex coacervation
(NIPA), and loading of porous hydrophilic scaffolds with method at room temperature. In brief, 1.5 mL of a 0.1% (w/v)
chitosan–bemiparin nanoparticles to incorporate their chitosan solution in 1% (w/v) acetic acid (pH adjusted to 5) were
valuable properties for tissue engineering applications in added to an aqueous bemiparin solution [0.03% (w/v), 5 mL, pH 5]
with constant stirring using an ultra-turrax homogeneizer
a targeted and controlled way.
(IKA T25) at 3400 rpm. The resulting dispersion was dialyzed
The application of cryogels can be considered a very
against water (pH 5.5–5.8) for 3 d changing the water every 12 h.
advanced and well-designed methodology, which controls The nanoparticles were isolated by freeze drying.
the porosity and connectivity of porous in hydrophilic
polymeric matrices prepared in very mild conditions 2.2.2. Characterization of Nanoparticles and Cryogels
(a polymerization temperature of –12 8C). This is an
important factor because we have observed that the The particle size distribution was determined by dynamic light
characteristics of heparin change when the system is scattering (DLS) with a Zetasizer NanoZS (Malvern Instruments, UK)
treated at temperatures higher than 40 8C. In this work, it equipped with a He–Ne laser beam with wavelength of 633 nm and
a scattering angle of 1738. The nanoparticle suspension (0.01 mg
has been applied the experimental conditions to obtain a
mL1) were prepared in 25 mM HEPES buffer. For each sample, the
porous polymer system with adequate porous size and
statistical average and standard deviation (SD) of data were
interconnectivity. calculated from at least three measurements.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to establish the
morphology of the freeze-dried nanoparticles and cryogels
2. Experimental Section
obtained. SEM analysis was performed with a Philips XL30 field
2.1. Materials emission scanning electron microscope. Nanoparticles were also
analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM was performed in
Chitosan M ¼ 150 000–400 000 g  mol1, 83% DD was purchased tapping mode using a Multimode AFM (Veeco Instruments, Santa
from Novamatrix. Bemiparin (sodium salt, 111.3 UI.mg1, 5500 D) Barbara, CA, USA) with a Nanoscope IVa control system (software
was purchased from ROVI. NIPA, N,N-methylenebisacrylamide version 6.14r1), equipped with silicon tapping probes (RTESP,
(MBA), ammonium persulfate (APS) and N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetramethyle- Veeco) having a resonance frequency 300 KHz and a scan rate of
nediamine (TEMED), were all purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. 0.5 Hz. Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflectance
NIPA was recrystallized from ether/hexane (1:5 v/v). Thermanox (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy was performed in a Perkin Elmer Spectrum
(TMX) control discs were supplied by Labclinics S. L. and plasticware One FTIR spectrometer. Transmission FTIR was applied to
by Sarstedt. Tissue culture media, additives, trypsin, phosphate determine the average content of bemiparin in the nanoparticles
buffered saline (PBS), and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphe- using a normalize calibration protocol, by 32 scans and with a
nyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) were supplied by Sigma. Alamar resolution of 4 cm1. To estimate the compositional ratio of
Blue (AB) was supplied by SEROTEC. PBS buffer (140 mM NaCl, 10 mM complexed bemiparin and the average content in the nano-
phosphate buffer, 3 mM KCl), and buffer pH 10 (boric acid/ particles, the absorption bands ratio A1521/A1220 were applied
potassium chloride/sodium hydroxide) were purchased from according to the literature.[26]. The band at 1521 cm1 is related to
Merck-Millipore in powder and they were solved in 1 and 0.5 L the amino group of chitosan and the band at 1220 cm1 is related to
of distilled water, respectively. Recombinant human FGF-2 the sulfate group of bemiparin. A previous calibration curve was
(Invitrogen) was used without further purifications. Dye CellTiter done using physical mixing of chitosan and bemiparin at different
96 Aqueous One Solution Reagent ([3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5- ratios per triplicate. The FTIR spectra were obtained by KBr slabs
(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium], in- prepared of each mixture.
ner salt, MTS) (Promega) was also used as received. BaF32 cells are
an IL-3-dependent and HP sulfate proteoglycan deficient myeloid B 2.2.3. In Vitro Release Study
cell line that has been stably transfected with FGF receptor 1c
(FGFR-1c). BaF32 cells represent a model system developed to For the in vitro release experiments 5 mg of nanoparticles
identify HP/Heparan sulfate structures that interact with FGFs and were added into a vial with 3 mL of the corresponding buffer

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Early View Publication; these are NOT the final page numbers, use DOI for citation !!
H. Peniche et al.

(PBS pH 7.4 or buffer pH 10). The particles were resuspended with an respect to the monomer), was added and the reaction mixture was
ultrasound probe (1 min, 30 A). The vials were placed in a constant stirred during 1 min. 1 mL of the reaction mixture was injected into
temperature oven at 37 8C shaking at 300 rpm (digital IKA MTS 2/4 the mold. The solution was frozen at 20 8C for 1 h and then at
shaker). Aliquots (0.5 mL) were taken at different times and 12 8C during 16 h. The obtained cryogels were freeze-dried. They
replaced with the same volume of PBS solution. The aliquots were are designated as polyNIPA-CHI, and the nanoparticles content is
centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 20 min and the supernatant was indicated in brackets.
separated for analysis. The pellet was resuspended with 0.5 mL of Cryogels without chitosan (polyNIPA) were prepared as above,
fresh PBS solution and placed into the original nanoparticle but replacing the nanoparticle containing chitosan dispersion by a
solution. Supernatants were analyzed by high performance liquid dispersion of the NP in water. The cryogels obtained were cut into
chromatography (HPLC) in a SHIMADZU SIL-20 apparatus at discs of 5 mm diameter and 3 mm height. The discs were loaded
242 nm, using H2O at pH 3 [adjusted with 1% (w/v) acetic acid with nanoparticles by soaking them with 5 and 15 wt% nano-
solution] as mobile phase to determine the amount of bemiparin particles dispersions in water with a micropipette.
released. Each experiment was performed with three replicates. A
calibration curve for bemiparin was previously obtained from 2.2.6. Swelling Studies
solutions of known concentration in the same medium, integrating
the peak at 2.3  0.15 min. Dried cryogel discs were weighed accurately. These fragments were
placed into flasks with 10 mL of PBS buffer solution (pH 7.4) and
kept in a thermostated bath subjected to successive cycles of 2 h at
2.2.4. Baf32 Cell Proliferation Assay
15 8C (bellow the VPT) and 2 h at 37 8C (above the VPT). The
The Baf32 cell proliferation assay was used to determine the hydration percentage, %H, was calculated by measuring the weight
activity of the nanoparticle systems. The readout of this assay was of the samples at different times after carefully wiping the surface
cell proliferation which indicated the biological activity of free and with a filter paper. It was reported as
complexed bemiparin by the formation of ternary complexes on
the cell surface where molecular interactions (mainly ionic) and Wt  Wo
%HðhydrationÞ ¼  100 ð1Þ
geometry participate.[27,28] Baf32 cells were maintained in RPMI Wo
1640 medium containing 10% (v/v) FBS, 10% (v/v) WEHI-3BD
where Wt is the cryogel weight at time t and Wo is the weight
conditioned medium, and a 1% (v/v) penicillin/streptomycin
of the dry cryogel.
mixture. WEHI-3BD cells were maintained in RPMI 1640 medium
supplemented with 2 g L1 sodium bicarbonate, 10% (v/v) FBS, and
a 1% (v/v) penicillin/streptomycin mixture, and the conditioned 2.2.7. DSC
medium was collected three times per week and stored at –20 8C
The VPT temperature of the cryogels was determined with a
until it was required. For the mitogenic assays, the Baf32 cells were
PerkinElmer DSC-7 calorimeter. Measurements and calibration
transferred into IL-3 depleted medium for 24 h prior to experimen-
were carried out at a heating rate of 10 8C min1. VPT temperature
tation and seeded into 96-well plates at a density of 8  104 cells per
was taken as the onset point of the transition region. Samples (13–
well in the presence of free bemiparin or encapsulated bemiparin at
36 mg) were introduced into aluminum pans and heated from 20 to
different concentrations and with and without FGF2 (0.03 nM). Cells
50 8C, before the experiments were performed.
in the presence of medium without any treatment were used as a
negative control. Cells were incubated for 72 h in 5% CO2 at 37 8C,
2.2.8. iNMR
and the number of viable cells was assessed using the MTS assay.
The MTS reagent was added to the cell cultures 6 h prior to Cylindrical samples of 5 mm diameter and 3 mm height were
measurement of the absorbance at 490 nm. Cell proliferation was immersed in vials containing PBS solution. The vial was
assayed by measuring the increase of absorbance, which corre- depressurized several times inside a desiccator in order to eliminate
sponded to the cell number. To compare the difference between free air bubbles and was maintained under vacuum until used. NMR
and complexed bemiparin, analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the images were processed using NIH Image (NIH, Bethesda, MD) and
results were carried out using p < 0.05 of significance level. Bruker Paravision software. Hahn spin echo images were acquired
at echo times (tE) of 4.349, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 120 ms at temperatures
2.2.5. Synthesis of Cryogels of 21, 24, 28, 32, 34, and 36.5 8C. Several representative regions of
interest (ROI) were defined avoiding non-homogeneous areas in B1
Cryogels were prepared by the free radical cryopolymerization of (artifacts) and the mean signal intensity measured for each sample,
the NIPA in water and with small amount of bisacrylamide (BAM). medium, and background. The average proton density for each
Polymerization reactions were carried out in tubular-shape sample and the medium was determined by fitting the NMR data to
polypropylene molds. NIPA (1.2 g) was dissolved in water a mono-exponential function and extrapolating to tE ¼ 0. The
(11 mL). A 2% w/v chitosan solution (11 mL,) in 1% w/v acetic acid apparent porosity was calculated according to the equation:
containing chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles in different propor-
tions [0,1, 2, and 5% (w/v)] was added. The crosslinker, BAM (3.3 wt Pi ð%Þ ¼ ½ðSi  Sb Þ=ðSm  Sb Þ  100 ð2Þ
% with respect to the monomer) was added to the solution and
nitrogen was bubbled through the solution for 15 min. TEMED where Pi represents the apparent open porosity (i.e., open volume
(2.7 wt% with respect to the monomer) was added and the solution within the sample connected to the outside), Ssi, Sb, and Sm are the
was cooled in an ice bath for 5 min. APS (2.6  103 wt% with mean signal intensities of a sample section, background, and

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184

4 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Early View Publication; these are NOT the final page numbers, use DOI for citation !!
Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels Functionalized with Bioactive Nanoparticles

medium, respectively. All experiments were carried out at least in monomodal particle size distribution was obtained with an
triplicate.[29] average size of 102  6.5 nm and 99.9% of particles less
than 1 mm (Figure 1).
2.2.9. Biocompatibility Assay The morphology of particles, analyzed by SEM and
TMX and NIPA-CHT cryogels (cylindrical samples of 5 mm diameter
AFM (Figure 2A,B) revealed that the particles in the dry
and 3 mm height) with nanoparticles content of 0, 1, 2, and 5%, were state have homogeneous size distribution and almost
set up in 5 mL of DMEM. They were placed on a roller mixer at 37 8C spherical shape.
and the medium was removed at different time periods (1 h, 2 h, 1 d,
2 d, 7 d, and 15 d) and replaced with other 5 mL of fresh medium. All
the extracts were obtained under sterile conditions. 100 mL of 3.2. Release of Bemiparin From Chitosan/Bemiparin
fibroblasts cells were seeded at a density of 8  104 cells mL1 in Nanoparticles
complete medium and placed in a sterile 96-well culture plate and
incubated. Then, the medium was replaced with the corresponding The release profiles of bemiparin from chitosan/bemiparin
eluted extract and incubated at 37 8C for 24 h. A solution of MTT was nanoparticles at 37 8C in PBS at pH 7.4 and 10 are shown in
prepared in warm PBS (0.5 mg  mL1) and the plates were Figure 3. The cumulative bemiparin release is normalized to
incubated at 37 8C for 4 h. Excess medium and MTT were removed its total content in the nanoparticles.
and 100 mL of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were added to all wells in At pH 7.4 only 0.85 mg of the bemiparin was released
order to dissolve the MTT taken up by the cells. This was mixed for during the first 72 h, however at pH 10 the release reached
10 min and the absorbance was measured with a Biotek Synergy 2.74 mg. This is due to a pH-dependent complexation of the
HT detector using a test wavelength of 570 nm and a reference
polyelectrolyte (Scheme 1) because of the weak polybasic
wavelength of 630 nm.
nature of chitosan.
At pH 7.4 the pKa of chitosan can be considered close to
the intrinsic pK, pKa ¼ 6.5,[30] and use can be made of the
3. Results and Discussion classical equation:

3.1. Characterization of Chitosan/Bemiparin a

pK a ¼ pH þ log ¼ 6:5 ð3Þ
Nanoparticles 1a

Nanoparticles were produced by the spontaneous inter- where a is the degree of dissociation of chitosan, which
polyelectrolyte complexation of polycationic chitosan and at pH 7.4 is about 14%.[31] These cationic charges on the
polyanionic bemiparin. The FTIR spectrum of nanoparticles chitosan chain are sufficient to support the polyelectrolyte
(not shown) exhibited the characteristic absorption bands complex formed with bemiparin, whose sulfate groups can
of chitosan at 1658 cm1 (Amide I), 1595 cm1 (—NH2 be considered as fully dissociated whatever the pH.
bending), and 1314 cm1 (Amide III). The presence of However, at pH 10 almost all amino groups of chitosan
bemiparin was evidenced by a band at 1240 cm1 are uncharged, and the complex breaks down releasing
corresponding to the antisymmetric stretching vibrations bemiparin. These results indicate the relatively high
nas (S—O) of the sulfate group. stability of the polyelectrolyte complex in physiological
Dynamic light scattering determination revealed that conditions and, not only ionic interactions but also weak
under the experimental conditions of the present work a interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonds and macromolecular

Figure 1. Size distribution of chitosan/bemiparin polyelectrolyte complex particles obtained by DLS under the present experimental

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Early View Publication; these are NOT the final page numbers, use DOI for citation !!
H. Peniche et al.

Figure 2. Morphology of chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles: A) SEM image; B) AFM image.

3.5 Free Bemiparin

Free Bemiparin + FGF2
3 Bemiparin-Chitosan NP
Bemiparin-Chitosan NP + FGF2
2.5 2,2
mg bemiparin released

2 1,8
Absorbance (AU)


1.5 pH 7.4

pH 10 1,2

1 1,0


0.5 0,6


0 0,2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
me (h) 5 10 30 60 5 10 30 60
Free Bemiparin (nM) Bemparin (nM) in Chitosan NP
Figure 3. Release behavior of chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles
in buffered at 37 8C: pH 7.4 (*); pH 10 (&). Figure 4. Proliferation of Baf32 cells expressing FGFR 1c in
the presence of free bemiparin and bemiparin–chitosan
nanoparticles, either in the presence or absence of FGF2.
OH - Nanoparticle system was analyzed at a range of
NH +3 ….. - O3 SOCH2 NH 2 + - O3 SOCH2 + H2O concentrations based on the amount of complexed bemiparin
at the start of the assay. Data presented as mean  SD and
corrected for the proliferation of cells in the presence of
Scheme 1. Effect of pH on the stability of the chitosan/bemiparin medium only (n ¼ 3). Statistical analysis was performed using a
polyelectrolyte complex. one-way ANOVA, using a p < 0.05.

entanglements) are responsible of the high nanoparticle well as the activity of the bemiparin. FGF2 or bemiparin
stability. alone can induce the proliferation of the cells; however the
presence of both in an active ternary complex enhances
proliferation. This was observed when the Baf32 cells
3.3. Cell Proliferation Assay
were exposed to free bemiparin in the concentration range
The Baf32 proliferation assay provides a measure of the of 5–60 nM in the presence or absence of FGF2 (Figure 4).
activity of the ternary complexes formed between bemi- There was no dose-dependent increase in the proliferation
parin, FGF2, and FGFR-1c. The formation of this active of the cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of
ternary complex induces cell proliferation which was bemiparin in the range of 5–60 nM. Bemiparin–chitosan
measured by the MTS assay. The extent of proliferation is nanoparticles were also analyzed using the Baf32
modulated by the concentration of FGF2 and bemiparin as proliferation assay where cells were exposed to different

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184

6 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels Functionalized with Bioactive Nanoparticles

concentrations of the nanoparticles based on the amount of loaded polyNIPA cryogel (broken line). The presence of
complexed bemiparin in the same range of concentrations nanoparticles in the loaded cryogel is manifested by the
as described for the free bemiparin. The results obtained presence of the band at 1240 cm1 corresponding to
when bemiparin–chitosan nanoparticles were added to the the antisymmetric stretching vibrations nas (S—O) of the
culture medium showed no statistical differences (p < 0.05) sulfate group of bemiparin and the presence of the
to the results obtained with free bemiparin. Therefore, absorption bands due to symmetric vibrations of sulfate
these results demonstrate that bemiparin keeps its and antisymetric and symmetric vibrations of C—O—S
biological activity to form the ternary complex bemi- groups located at 1060, 1000, and 810 cm1, respectively.[32]
parin–FGF2–FGF1c when it is ionically complexed to
chitosan in the range of the studied concentrations. 3.4.2. Swelling Kinetics
However, similar studies carried out by our group
The thermoreversible behavior of polyNIPA gels is man-
demonstrated that encapsulated bemiparin nanoparticles
ifested by a VPT at a temperature close to 34 8C, going from a
with none or less ionic complex interactions between
swollen state below VPT to a contracted one above VPT. In
bemiparin and the corresponding polymer showed a dose-
order to investigate the effect of chitosan/bemiparin
dependent behavior with bemiparin concentration.[23] So,
nanoparticles on the swelling of polyNIPA cryogels,
we have described different polymer-bemiparin nano-
samples with different nanoparticles content (expressed
particles with not only modulated but also similar
in % w/v in Figure 6) were subjected to two successive
biological activity than free bemiparin. The main advan-
swelling–shrinking cycles. In Figure 6A cryogels at 15 8C
tage of bemiparin base nanoparticles is that the active
(below the VPT) are highly swollen and exhibit the expected
nanoparticles can be included into a polymeric matrix (e.g.,
contraction when placed at 37 8C (above the VPT). The
PNIPA cryogels) to be used for several biotechnological
reversibility of the process is verified in the second
or biomedical applications, as tissue engineering
temperature cycle. However, no influence of the nano-
scaffolds or the release of heparin dependent GF (e.g., FGF
particles content is manifested in the swelling behavior of
and VEGF).
the cryogels.
The addition of a 1% chitosan solution in the preparation
3.4. Characterization of Cryogels of polyNIPA cryogels modifies the swelling degree at 15 8C
(Figure 6B) due to specific interactions of the hydrophilic
3.4.1. FTIR-ATR Analysis and polar groups of the chitosan and the P(NIPA) chains
formed by the polymerization in the medium to give a
FTIR-ATR spectrum of the polyNIPA cryogel loaded with the
strong semi-interpenetrating polymer network. The addi-
chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles is shown in Figure 5,
tion of 1–5 wt% nanoparticles to this polymer matrix,
together with the corresponding spectrum of the non-
modifies noticeably the swelling degree. This is clearer at
15 8C (below the VPT) than at 37 8C (above the VPT) and
seems to be repetitive after several cycles of variation of the

3.4.3. Morphology of polyNIPA Cryogels

The image of the polyNIPA cryogel in Figure 7A reveals the

highly porous structure of the samples obtained by the

cryopolymerization procedure with a homogeneous distri-
bution and connectivity of pores. The cryogel loaded with

chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles shown in Figure 7B

reveals that in the absence of chitosan the nanoparticles
are deposited on the surface of the gel, while in the presence
of chitosan they are more integrated into the pore gel walls


(Figure 7C). This explains why in the former case the

particles exert almost no influence whatsoever on the
2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 swelling behavior of the cryogels. In the presence of
ν (cm ) chitosan, the integration of the nanoparticles to the gel
reinforces its structure, increasing its rigidity with the
Figure 5. FTIR-ATR spectra of polyNIPA cryogels: unloaded (broken
line) and loaded (solid line) with chitosan/bemiparin consequent decrease in maximum swelling (Figure 5B). This
nanoparticles. The characteristic stretching vibration bands of effect is enhanced at higher nanoparticle concentrations as
heparin are indicated therein. already observed.

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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H. Peniche et al.

Figure 6. Influence of the content of chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles (NP) on the swelling-deswelling behavior of polyNIPA cryogels in
PBS (pH 7.4): a) cryogels prepared without chitosan (polyNIPA) NP content: (&) 0%; (*) 5%; (~) 15%; b) cryogels prepared with the addition
of 1% chitosan (polyNIPA-CHI). NP content: (&) 0%; (~) 1%; (*) 2%; (*) 5%.

Figure 7. SEM images of polyNIPA cryogels: A) unloaded; B) loaded with (5%) chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles without chitosan [polyNIPA
(5)]; and C) with chitosan [polyNIPA-CHI(5)].

3.4.4. Volume Phase Transition Temperature there are not statistical differences of both parameters VPT
Determination and water content for the systems prepared with 1 or 2 wt
% of nanoparticles, respect to unloaded systems, reaching
Volume phase transition temperatures were determined by values of hydration above 90 wt%. The presence of higher
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Sections of samples amount of nanoparticles (5 wt%) seems to modify the VPT
from the top, middle and bottom of each cylindrical cryogel parameter as a consequence of complex interactions with the
were analyzed. The results quoted in Table 1 indicate that cryogel walls or even small aggregation of the nanoparticles.

Table 1. Hydration percentage (%H) obtained gravimetrically and VPT temperature of cryogels samples obtained by DSC.

Sample polyNIPA-CHI(0) polyNIPA-CHI(1) polyNIPA-CHI(2) ]polyNIPA-CHI(5)


Zone [wt%] [8C] [wt%] [8C] [wt%] [8C] [wt%] [8C]

Top 93.0 32.0 92,9 31.5 92.2 30.7 85.4 30.9

Middle 93.3 31.2 93.8 30.7 91.1 32.6 95.6 37.2
Bottom 89.6 32.0 90.4 30.0 93.1 29.7 89.9 36.4
Mean 92.0  2.0 31.7 92.4  1.8 30.7 92.1  1.0 31.0 90.3  5.1 34.8

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184

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Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels Functionalized with Bioactive Nanoparticles

Figure 8. NMR images of polyNIPA-CHI(0) cryogels (without nanoparticles) at 21 8C (left) and 36.5 8C (right) The zones used for the
determination of the signal intensities.

3.4.5. iNMR computed by iNMR as it is shown in Figure 8. [33] When

images are obtained using a Hahn spin echo, the Fourier
When a single fluid phase fills the pore space, the fluid transform of the measured signal, I(v,tE), is proportional to
content within a sample as a function of location can be the spin magnetization at the spin echo time, tE. The

Table 2. Apparent open porosity (Pi) polyNIPA-CHI cryogels at different temperatures calculated using Equation 3. Data normalized with
respect to sample polyNIPA-CHI(0) T. T, top; M, middle; B, bottom.

Pi [%]

Sample 21 8C 24 8C 28 8C 32 8C 34 8C 36.5 8C

polyNIPA-CHI(0) T 100.0 98.7 96.3 95.9 95.8 94.8

polyNIPA-CHI(0) M 97.3 96.3 94.1 94.0 91.7 89.8
polyNIPA-CHI(0) B 86.2 86.9 82.3 82.9 84.4 82.9
Mean 94.5  7.3 94.0  6.2 90.9  7.5 90.9  7.0 90.6  5.8 89.1  6.0
polyNIPA-CHI(1) T 90.2 91.2 92.1 86.4 86.7 86.6
polyNIPA-CHI(1) M 85.3 86.4 89.0 85.2 87.4 84.9
polyNIPA-CHI(1) B 85.3 87.6 84.9 79.9 79.4 78.8
Mean 86.9  2.8 88.4v2.5 88.6  3.6 83.9  3.4 84.5  4.4 83.4  4.1
polyNIPA-CHI(2) T 86.9 90.6 91.6 87.5 88.6 90.9
polyNIPA-CHI(2) M 91.1 95.4 96.4 92.4 91.1 91.4
polyNIPA-CHI(2) B 90.5 92.7 91.6 92.3 86.2 89.5
Mean 89.5  2.3 92.9  2.4 93.2  2.8 90.7  2.8 88.6  2.4 90.6  9.8
polyNIPA-CHI(5) T 93.8 93.0 92.2 90.4 90.3 92.0
polyNIPA-CHI(5) M 95.3 91.3 91.7 89.4 92.1 92.8
polyNIPA-CHI(5) B 82.2 80.4 80.0 79.8 79.4 77.1
Mean 90.4  7.2 88.2v6.8 88.0  6.9 86.6  5.8 87.3  6.9 87.3  5.1

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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H. Peniche et al.

intrinsic signal intensity, I0(v), which corresponds to the

equilibrium magnetization (e.g., the signal obtained in the
limit tE ! 0), is proportional to the linear proton density,
which can be related to the porosity distribution of the
sample. Intrinsic magnetization cannot be measured, as the
equilibrium magnetization, which is oriented along the
direction of the static field, and it must be shifted onto the
orthogonal plane to be observed. However, I0(v) can be
estimated from a model of the relaxation process. The signal
corresponding to different degrees of magnetization
(obtained at different echo times) was measured, and the
intrinsic signal intensity (tE ¼ 0) was deduced estimating
the evolution of the signal intensity with echo time.[34]
The evolution of the signal intensity (Si) with the echo
time (tE) is shown in Figure 10 for the three selected
sample zones (top, middle, and bottom) of sample
polyNIPA-CHI(0). Figure 10. Temperature evolution of the cross-sectional area of
polyNIPA cryogels with different content of chitosan/bemiparin
The apparent open porosities (Pi) of the different cryogels
nanoparticles evaluated by image NMR: (&) polyNIPA-CHI(0); (~)
were calculated from the NMR signal intensities according polyNIPA-CHI(1); (*) polyNIPA-CHI(2); (*) polyNIPA-CHI(5).
to Equation 2 and the normalized results are reported in
Table 2. The porosity is very high, with values around 85–
90% for all the zones analyzed. The variation in the mean The NMR images of the cross-sections of sample
porosity of cryogels with temperature is not very high. polyNIPA-CHI(0) below and above the VPT shown in
However, the general trend is that the mean porosity Figure 8 reveal the decrease of the sample cross-sectional
decreases as the temperature is increased in the phase area as the cryogel is heated from bellow (left, low tE value,
transition region. At temperatures below the VPT of the corresponding to a temperature of 21 8C) to above (right,
cryogel, hydrogen bonding between hydrophilic segments high tE value, corresponding to a temperature of 36.5 8C) the
of the polymer chain and water prevails, leading to VPT. Figure 9 shows that the signal intensity decreases
enhanced swelling with the resulting network expansion. monotonically in a exponential way with the tE, at a given
Consequently, the pore size increases. As temperature temperature. The temperature evolution of the axial area of
increases, the polymer network seems to be contracted by polyNIPA-CHI cryogels with different nanoparticles con-
inter-polymer chain association through hydrophobic tent (0, 1, 2, and 5%) was measured and the results are
interactions, and part of the capillary bound water of the shown in Figure 10. The cross-sectional area of polyNIPA-
cryogel is expelled from the macropores, and the pore size CHI(0) cryogels presented a decrease of size with increasing
decreases.[35] temperature with a discontinuity in the vicinity of the VPT.
The VPT could be found by the intersection point of straight
lines described by the points at both sides of the curve. The
450000 values obtained by doing so ranged from 27.2 to 33.1 8C,
which are in the range of values determined by DSC
experiments (see Table 1).
Signal Intensity

3.4.6. Bemiparin Release From Cryogels

Release of bemiparin from cryogels in PBS buffer (pH 7.4)

was followed at 37 8C with the same procedure used for
200000 nanoparticles and the results are shown in Figure 11. By
comparison with Figure 3 it can be observed that bemiparin
released from cryogels is lower than that released from free
nanoparticles. This confirms the integration of the nano-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 particles into the cryogel walls observed by SEM (Figure 7C).
T Echo Apparently, in this process the nanoparticles become
Figure 9. Evolution of the signal intensity versus TEcho for a covered by a chitosan layer that interacts with the
sample polyNIPA-CHI(0). A): top (*); middle (&); and bottom bemiparin modulating its release to the medium. The
(~). results obtained indicate that the bemiparin interacts

Macromol. Biosci. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184

10 ß 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Thermosensitive Macroporous Cryogels Functionalized with Bioactive Nanoparticles

0.25 4. Conclusion

0.2 Chitosan–bemiparin nanoparticles were obtained with

average sizes of 102  6.5 nm and a spherical morphology in
mg bemiparin released

which the bemiparin is affectively complexed with the

chitosan. At pH 7.4 and pH 10, the bemiparin release is
1% sensitive to the pH. Bemiparin–chitosan nanoparticles
2% showed a similar biological activity than free bemiparin to
5% form the ternary complex with FGF2 and its membrane
0.05 receptor FGF 1c.
It was possible to synthesize polyNIPA-CHI cryogels
incorporating the chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles,
0 20 40 60 80
according to results of SEM and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy.
me (h)
The swelling kinetics of polyNIPA cryogels loaded with
chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles at two temperatures
Figure 11. Release profiles of bemiparin from chitosan/bemiparin (above and below the VPT) was studied yielding an
nanoparticles loaded cryogels in PBS, pH 7.4 at 37 8C. The
expected behavior for this type of temperature dependent
concentration of nanoparticles (in wt%) in the cryogels were
as follows: (&) 1%; (~) 2%; (*) 5%. system.iNMR and calorimetric techniques allowed us to
determine the morphology and properties of cryogels,
showing a very high porous material (>85%) with a VPT
between 30 and 35 8C. Both dimensions and porosity
strongly with the cryogel matrix, which retains the decreased when temperature was raised, showing a
bioactive macromolecule in the site of the matrix. This thermosensitive behavior due to the presence of PNIPA
can be very interesting to have a local focalized effect with a in the cryogel walls. Loaded bemiparin nanoparticles were
relative high and constant concentration of the bioactive well integrated into the porous walls using a dispersion of
component in the site of application. Experiments in vivo the nanoparticles in a diluted chitosan solution, which
are in progress to demonstrate this focal effect. modulates the focal release of the bemiparin in the porous
of the cryogel matrix.
PolyNIPA cryogels and chitosan/bemiparin nanopar-
3.4.7. MTT Test
ticles loaded polyNIPA cryogels did not release cytotoxic
The results from the MTT test are shown in Figure 12. All the leachable to the medium and are therefore promising
samples had the same behavior as the control, TMX, during materials for tissue engineering applications.
the 15 d of the experiment. This indicates that polyNIPA
cryogels and chitosan/bemiparin nanoparticles loaded
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Carlos Garcıa Aparicio for
polyNIPA cryogels did not release cytotoxic leachable to
the help with iNMR measurements. Financial support from CICYT-
the medium. MAT201018155 is gratefully acknowledged. Hazel Peniche thanks
the Agencia Espan ~ ola de Cooperacio
n Internacional para el
Desarrollo for the MAEC-AECID grant.

160 1 hour
Received: April 9, 2013; Revised: June 26, 2013; Published online:
2 hour DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300184
1 day
2 days Keywords: bioactive bemiparin nanoparticles; image-NMR micro-
7 days structure characterization; macroporous polymeric systems;
100 15 days thermosensitive cryogels
cell viability %


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