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Scene BAL i HOPE SIDES INT. WES’ APARTMENT - NIGHT CAMERA PANS over the living room, seems like a dorm room feay, the bachelor pad in “Knocked Up"]._ Sparse Tkea [Sa¥: hinge, a few juvenile posters, an X-BOX 360 on the coffee table, prominent. Wes site back in a reclined recliner, beer in hand, eves Siosed, the V on quietly. Hope enters, carrying @ tray- Gingerly: HOPE Wes, are you sleeping? WES Just resting my eyes. HOPS 1 thought you might want a snack. Ha opens his eyes as she lays down a roasted chicken, gaznich fanned out in impeccable presentation. WES: Rope, you didn’t have to do that. HOPE I wanted to. Her fece clouds, that’s not quite it, and she wants to be totally truthful to her man, She counde it out HOPE (CONT’D) Well, no, T.-- T bad to. (then bright smile) Because I love you, lover. More than anything. im. Wes winces slightly, pats the reclinex next to WES I enow. = (weary sigh) sit down for minute, OK? HOPE (obediently) Yes, Wes. WES Hope.-. Are you happy? - &S (an\ewodns HOPE {avtomatic) I T love you more than anything. fee nods, he's heard that a lot. He wants to dig deaper: WES T know. I know. And T love you. go much... That's why I want you te Start doing some of the things that that made you happy, HOPE (obediently) ves, Wes. Ii try to be happier~ I'll start right away. WES (neated frustration) Nol No, Hope! That's not what I-- qhis hint of frustration in Wes is devastating to Hope. | She eee) shivers Out a GASP of horror. She drops to her knees PE Wes’ feot, clutching at his legs, desperate: HORS oh, Wes, please-- Please doa’t be Gngey with me I'd just die. i'd dis. WES z’m not-- I'm not angry. Now switching gears to sexy, she stazte to crawl up his body-— HOPE Let me make it up to you, Wes. Let me make it right. DING-DONG. Hope gets up. HOPE (CONT'D) Tl get it. nope re-enters, with San and Dean in tov, Wes regards them with understated surprise. HOPE (CONT’D) Wes, you didn't tell me you called the florists fox the wedding--! WES What? ZKS HOPE You are the best! she kisses the top of his head and joge off- HOPE (CONT’D) 1/11 go get my folders! nope returns with a thick file and stack of post-1e, tagged Taazines, sits at Wes feet, spreading it out on the coffee table. HOPE (CONT'D) OK, now, T have a lot of ideas, pat, you know, we don't have all the money in the world. she laughs, eyes sparkling at Wes, the light of her Life, 0 Sharming in bie current state of cnemployment. Proudly: HOPE (CONT'D) Wos is between jobs! (happily) Just means more time for me. then he turns back to her spread folders, turning pages- HOPE (CONT’D) was thinking a Japanesey, Tkebana sort of thing. DEAN Wow. Yes. I'm seeing it. Sam locks stares with Wes, asking Hope, pointedly: SAM So, Hope... Tell us how you two lovebirds met. HOPE (gushes) Rest. day of my life. DRAN I bet. HOPE It's the funniest thing. We grew up here, went to the seme school, game church, but I never really got fo know him. Not by name, anywey.+« (dreamlike remembrance) (MORE) 3axS

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