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Estimation of beneficiaries:

Calculating annual target population: 

 Beneficiaries in the UIP are the pregnant women, infants, children (1-5 years) and
adolescents. The numbers of these beneficiaries is obtained by conducting head count of the
area. Once the ANM completes the survey in her areas, she will be able to get the figures.
However, for calculation of the yearly and monthly number of beneficiaries it is necessary
to do the following:
 For Pregnant Women: The survey will give the number of pregnant women identified in an
area at the time of conducting of the survey.
 Annual target of pregnant women = actual number of pregnant women as per head count X
2 (TWO)
 For children: The house to house survey also identifies infant beneficiaries and for the
calculation of the annual target the actual number identified is considered.
 Annual target infants = actual number of infants as per headcount

Vaccine requirement for PHC:

 To calculate vaccine monthly requirement of PHC find out: 1. Annual target beneficiaries of
your PHC 2. Number of doses per child per antigen as per national immunization schedule.
During pregnancy, two doses of TT are given. One booster dose of TT is given if the
pregnant woman has received 2 doses of TT within last 3 years (36 months). So effectively
on an average, each pregnancy gets 1.5 doses of TT.
 Two doses of adolescent TT are given at the age of 10 and 16 years. This makes a total of
3.5 doses of TT requirement per target beneficiary (child).

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