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Teste de avaliação de Inglês 11.

o ano – Módulo
“O mundo à nossa volta”


Processos Reconhecer / Compreender / Interpretar / Total de
cognitivos Criar
Identificar Aplicar Analisar itens/pontos

A. Compreensão do 1 item 2 itens 3 itens
oral (30 pontos) (10 pontos) (40 pontos)
2 itens 3 itens 2 itens 7 itens
B. Leitura (10 pontos) (35 pontos) (15 pontos) (60 pontos)
3 itens 3 itens
C. Uso da língua (40 pontos) (40 pontos)
1 item 1 item
D. Produção escrita (60 pontos) (60 pontos)
2 itens 7 itens 4 itens 1 item 14 itens
Total de itens/pontos (10 pontos) (105 pontos) (25 pontos) (60 pontos) (200 pontos)

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
English test
Year 11
Module “The world around us”

Name: __________________________________ Class: ______ No: ____ Mark:___________

Part A – Listening

You are going to listen to three teenagers answering the question: Who is responsible for
saving the planet?
You are going to listen twice. Read all the items first.

1. Match the names (Debbie, Jack or Charlene) on the left with the ideas they express on the
right. Write the answers in the given spaces.
[30 pontos]

a. Without the help of the government, we can’t really do anything.

b. People can make a difference on their own.
c. Collaboration is key.
Jack d. Money is always a priority for some.
Charlene e. There are many different problems to address.
f. Economic worries may prevent environmentally friendly choices.
g. Finding someone to blame will not solve anything.

Debbie: ________________ Jack: ________________ Charlene: ________________

2. Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to answer the questions according to what you hear.
[2 × 5 pontos]
2.1 What do the three teenagers have in common?
(A) They think we need to act now.
(B) They are very hopeful about the future.
(C) They take part in environmental associations.

2.2 Who is the most pessimistic regarding environmental problems?

(A) Debbie.
(B) Jack.
(C) Charlene.

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
Part B – Reading

You are going to read an article about how Chile is trying to tackle climate change.

Chile writes its constitution, confronting climate change head-on

by Somini Sengupta

Chile has lots of lithium, which is essential to the world’s transition to green energy. But
anger over powerful mining interests, a water crisis and inequality have driven Chile to rethink
how it defines itself.
Rarely does a country get a chance to explain the ideals it has as a nation and write a
5 new constitution. Almost never does the climate and ecological crisis play a central role. That is,
until now, in Chile, where a national reinvention is underway. After months of protests over
social and environmental issues, Chile elected a Constitutional Convention for the first time to
write a new constitution amid what they have declared a “climate and ecological emergency”.
The Convention will not only shape how this country of 19 million is governed, but it will also
10 determine the future of a soft, lustrous metal, lithium, lurking in the salt waters beneath Salar de
Atacama, which is a vast desert beside the Andes Mountains.
Lithium is an essential component of batteries and, as the global economy seeks
alternatives to fossil fuels to slow down climate change, lithium demand – and prices – are
increasing very fast. Mining companies in Chile, which is the world’s second-largest lithium
15 producer after Australia, are keen to increase production, as are politicians who see mining as
crucial to national prosperity. They face mounting opposition, though, from Chileans who argue
that the country’s very economic model, based on extraction of natural resources, has exacted
too high an environmental cost and failed to spread the benefits to all citizens, including its
Indigenous people.
20 And so, it falls to the Convention to decide what kind of country Chile wants to be.
Convention members will decide many things, including: How should mining be regulated, and

what voice should local communities have over mining? Should Chile retain a presidential
system? Should nature have rights? How about future generations? Cristina Dorador Ortiz, a
microbiologist who is in the Convention says: “We have to assume that human activity causes
25 damage, so how much damage do we want to cause? What is enough damage to live well?”
When asked if lithium extraction is necessary to turn away from fossil fuel extraction, Dr
Dorador says: “Of course the world should stop burning oil and gas, but not by ignoring yet
unknown ecological costs.” She adds: “Someone buys an electric car and feels very good
because they’re saving the planet. At the same time, an entire ecosystem is damaged. It’s a big
30 paradox. The very thought of this makes me extremely angry.”
Then there’s water. Amid a crippling drought supercharged by climate change, the
Convention will decide who owns Chile’s water. It will also weigh something more basic: what
exactly is water? (abridged and adapted; accessed in January 2022)

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
1. Match each word in column A with the word or expression it refers to in column B.
Two of the options do not apply. [2 × 5 pontos]


(1) Chile
a. which (line 1) (2) companies
b. which (line 11) (3) lithium
c. which (line 14) (4) Salar de Atacama
(5) salt waters


(1) anger
a. it (line 3) (2) chance
b. it (line 4) (3) Chile
c. it (line 9) (4) Convention
(5) country

2. Match each word in column A with the word in column B that can replace it in the text.
Two of the options do not apply. [5 pontos]

(1) exactly
a. very (line 14) (2) extremely
b. very (line 17) (3) mere
c. very (line 30) (4) particular
(5) true

3. Complete the sentences according to paragraphs 1 to 3. [3 × 5 pontos]

a. In order for the world to transition to green energy, _____________________________.

b. Chile is one of the pioneers in ______________________________________________.
c. In Chile, both mining companies and politicians ________________________________.

4. Find evidence for the sentences in paragraphs 4 to 6. Write the first and last words of
relevant quotes and the line numbers. [3 × 5 pontos]

a. The Constitutional Convention members have a lot of power in their hands.

b. According to Dr Dorador, the means don’t always justify the end.
c. Chileans have been suffering from extremely high water stress.

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
5. Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to answer the questions about the text.
[2 × 5 pontos]
5.1 Why is the Constitutional Convention so important?
(A) Because it is responsible for writing a new constitution.
(B) Because it is the first time such a convention has been elected.
(C) Because it will decide how natural resources can be used.
(D) Because it will fight for the rights of Indigenous people.

5.2 What is the main purpose of this text?

(A) To persuade readers about the importance of lithium production.
(B) To inform readers of Chile’s large lithium reserves.
(C) To explain the role of the Constitutional Convention.
(D) To emphazise how Chile is determined to protect the environment.

6. Why does the author use the underlined structures in the sentences? [5 pontos]

“Rarely does a country get a chance…” (line 4)

“Almost never does the climate and ecological crisis play a central role.” (line 5)

Part C – Use of language

1. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences. [4 × 3 pontos]

a. It is important we make choices in line / along with the needs of the planet.
b. Apart from / Contrary to protecting the environment, we need to ensure social
c. People should change some habits in accordance to / regardless of the challenges
that implies.
d. By means of / Except for some minor legal changes, not much has been done to
really protect the environment.

1. Rewrite the sentences using an adverb to replace the underlined words/expressions

without changing their meaning. Make any other necessary changes. [3 × 4 pontos]

a. They looked directly into the camera and promised they would take action.
b. They speak in a convincing way, but they never do anything.
c. I found it very difficult to understand what he was saying.

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
2. Complete the paragraph below using a comparative structure that emphasizes
gradual or simultaneous events (for example: funnier and funnier or the funnier, the
more popular). Use the adjectives in brackets. [4 × 4 pontos]

People are becoming a. __________________________ (aware) of the need to solve

environmental problems. They know b. ___________________________ (quick) they act,
c. _________________ (good). Sometimes, it seems d. _____________________ (hard)
to find adequate solutions.

Part D – Writing

What do you think are the greatest challenges humanity will have to face? How do you
think we can solve them?
Write a text (120 to 150 words) to be published on your class website stating your
[60 pontos]
Don't forget to:
 mention at least two challenges;
 give suggestions to tackle them.

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
Critérios de classificação

Parte A – Compreensão do oral

1. 30 pontos
Nível Descritor Pontuação
3 Associa corretamente 6 ou 7 ideias aos respetivos nomes. 30
2 Associa corretamente 4 ou 5 ideias aos respetivos nomes. 20
1 Associa corretamente 2 ou 3 ideias aos respetivos nomes. 10

Debbie: c; g
Jack: b; d; e
Charlene: a; f

2. 2 × 5 = 10 pontos
Itens 2.1 2.2
Chave A B

Parte B – Leitura

1. 2 × 5 = 10 pontos
1.1 a. 3; b. 4; c. 1
1.2 a. 3; b. 5; c. 4

2. 5 pontos
a. 2; b. 4; c. 3

3. 3 × 5 = 15 pontos
Níveis Descritores de desempenho Pontos
Completa a frase de acordo com o texto e com correção gramatical.
2 Pode escrever com incorreções de grafia e de pontuação não 5
impeditivas da compreensão.
Completa a frase de acordo com o texto. Pode escrever com
1 3
incorreções linguísticas não impeditivas da compreensão.

a. it needs lithium
b. placing the climate and ecological crisis at the heart of the constitution
c. want to produce more lithium

4. 3 × 5 = 15 pontos
a. “And so, it falls to the Convention to decide what kind of country Chile wants to be.
(Convention members will decide many things, including: How should mining be regulated,
and what voice should local communities have over mining? Should Chile retain a
presidential system? Should nature have rights? How about future generations?)” (lines 20–

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
b. “(When asked if lithium extraction is necessary to turn away from fossil fuel extraction, Dr
Dorador says:) “Of course the world should stop burning oil and gas, but not by ignoring yet
unknown ecological costs.” (lines 26–28)
c. “Amid a crippling drought supercharged by climate change” (line 31)

Nota: Não são penalizadas as incorreções de transcrição não impeditivas da compreensão.

5. 2 × 5 = 10 pontos
Itens 5.1 5.2
Chave A D

6. 5 pontos
To emphasize what she is saying.

Parte C – Uso da língua

1. 4 × 3 = 12 pontos
a. in line
b. Apart from
c. regardless of
d. Except for

2. 3 × 4 = 12 pontos
a. They looked straight into the camera and promised they would take action.
b. They speak convincingly, but they never do anything.
c. I could hardly understand what he was saying.

3. 4 × 4 = 16 pontos
a. more and more aware
b. the quicker
c. the better
d. harder and harder

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
Parte D – Produção escrita

Conteúdo Funções comunicativas Coerência e coesão Correção linguística

 O conteúdo é adequado  O aluno cumpre os  O texto é  O vocabulário é

revelante e suficiente objetivos de comunicação estruturalmente variado e adequado à
face à tarefa proposta. da tarefa proposta, organizado e coerente, tarefa.
N4 utilizando as funções com utilização dos  Erros linguísticos
15 pontos previstas e adequadas ao elementos de ligação eventuais não
texto pretendido. adequados. impedem a
compreensão ou
deturpam o sentido.
 O conteúdo é  O aluno cumpre os  O texto é  O vocabulário é
geralmente adequado, objetivos de comunicação estruturalmente geralmente variado e
relevante e suficiente da tarefa proposta, organizado e coerente, adequado à tarefa.
face à tarefa proposta, embora nem sempre embora nem sempre  Erros linguísticos
N3 embora possa utilize as funções previstas os elementos de eventuais não
11 pontos apresentar pequenos e adequadas ao texto ligação utilizados impedem a
lapsos ou irrelevâncias. pretendido. sejam adequados. compreensão, embora
possam deturpar o
sentido pretendido.
 O conteúdo nem sempre  O aluno cumpre  O texto revela alguma  O vocabulário nem
é adequado, relevante parcialmente os objetivos incoerência estrutural sempre é variado e/ou
e/ou suficiente face à de comunicação da tarefa e nem sempre os adequado à tarefa.
N2 / tarefa proposta, proposta, pois não utiliza elementos de ligação  Erros linguísticos
7 pontos revelando algum grau de as funções adequadas ao utilizados são podem impedir a
incompreensão da texto pretendido. adequados. compreensão e/ou
tarefa. deturpar o sentido
 O conteúdo é  Os objetivos de  O texto é  O vocabulário é
maioritariamente comunicação da tarefa maioritariamente maioritariamente
inadequado, irrelevante proposta não são incoerente e repetitivo e/ou
e/ou insuficiente face à cumpridos estruturalmente pouco inadequado à tarefa.
N1 / tarefa proposta. maioritariamente, pelo que organizado.  Erros linguísticos
3 pontos o texto produzido é frequentes impedem a
funcionalmente pouco compreensão e/ou
adequado. deturpam o sentido

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato
Transcrição do recurso áudio

That is not an easy question, and the easiest answer would be to lay all responsibility on the
government. But I don’t think we can get away with it that easily. I believe it takes much more
than that. It has to be a joint effort; everyone needs to be involved. We all have to look beyond
our own interests. Profit is really not that important. What is the use of having money and the
latest gadgets when you don’t have a planet? I don’t really think the way we are living right now
is sustainable, but we can still turn things around. It’s high time we realized that and started
doing something. For example, I participate in many beach clean-ups near my home.

To be honest, I think it all starts with the individual. We need to change mentalities and develop
environmentally-friendly habits, and we need to do it now. It’s basically on our own hands.
Institutions and governments are often more concerned about profit than anything else, so
what’s the point of waiting for them to take action? We all know it’s difficult to act against their
interests, though, and there are so many things that need attention! It takes a lot of strength to
be able to make a difference. I’m not so sure we can do it at this point.

I wished I could believe people alone can change the world! The truth is, unless the authorities
support change, our hands are really tied. People can definitely help, but only a little. They can
join environmental associations, organize protests and practise the 3 Rs, for example. But
nowadays it’s difficult to balance social and environmental interests, and sometimes people find
it hard to keep sustainable habits because they may be more expensive. Change can only come
from the government.

© ASA 2022 | Teste de avaliação de Inglês • 11.o ano – Paula Simões | Carla Moura | Margarida Pato

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