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What was your favorite art media this semester?

My favorite art media would be the art sketches because I have never been good at drawing but
by doing sketches I have improved my art skills by a little. It has also forced me to continue
practicing my drawing skills.

The sketches have been the easiest assignments to me personally because everything that we
have done digitally like on photopea is a bit hard for me because I don’t think I have the skills
but it has made me try a bit harder.

My drawing is basic but I’m someone who is basic. My drawings tend to have a big meaning to
me although they might not seem like it. This purple line represents to me the promise I made to
my parents and the black line represents the hurdles (obstacles) that I have had to overcome.
So the purple lines continue through the page as how I continue even with the obstacles that
have come my way.

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