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A Qualitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
NBP Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in


Rodriguez, Tierssa Cyrl D.

Arciaga, Pauline J.
Dahilan, Glazelle V.
Hipolito, Charmhie Lyn D.
Getalado, Almira T.
Mugas, Lara Mae S.
Atupan, Nathaniel M.
Navarro, Jan Carl A.
Avila, Jhon Rafael C.
Buniol, Jericho C.


Hazel Jhoy Casabar – Del Mundo

Research Adviser

June 2021

Political killing is one of the excruciating issues the Philippines are facing for decades
now. The political killings in the Philippines are series of extrajudicial killings and
disappearances of politicians, activists, human rights advocates and journalists. The issue of
political killings have grown bigger and drastically increased since 2001.
Furthermore, this study is focused on the political killings in the Philippines in the
perception of Grade 11 students. The findings of this research include the reaction of Grade 11
students towards political killings in the Philippines, and how they described political killings.
The result also shows if Grade 11 students are well aware and educated on the things happening
in the country during the time of their youth.

The researches would like to express their deepest and sincere gratitude to all the people
who helped them and gave their full support and assistance for the success of this research.
First of all, the researchers would like to thank God for guiding and blessing them
throughout the whole process of making this research successfully.
Also, to Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Casabar – Del Mundo for conducting this study and providing
advices that helped the researchers accomplish this study.
To Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Muntinlupa National High School S.Y.
2020-2021 for answering the survey and sharing their knowledge and perspectives about the
Lastly, the researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to their parents and
guardians for their understanding and support.

Table of content

Title page……………………………………………………..……….………. i

Introduction …………………………………………………………………...1
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………..1
Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………….…...1
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………...2
Literature Review…………….…………………………………………….….2
Definition of terms…………………………………………………………….3

Participants of the Study……………………………………………….....… 4
Data Collection Procedure……………………………………………………4
Data Analysis………………………………………………………………….5

Table 1 (Statement of the problem)…………………………………………..6
Table 2 (Statement of the problem)………………...………….…………….7

Discussion………………………….……………………………………….… 8

Over the past five years, a rise in politically-motivated violence has claimed the lives of
political activists, human rights defenders, political opposition figures, lawyers, teachers,
peasants, and even students. These murders are committed under the auspices of an anti-
leftist, anti-communist military offensive that targets village and community leaders in
communities that are suspected of supporting the leftist insurgent groups.

According to an article made by Human Rights Watch for the world report 2021, “On
June 4, OHCHR published a report that found “numerous systematic human rights violations”
in the Philippines, among them the killing of 208 human rights defenders and activists since

The article also stated, “The attacks against activists occurred in the context of the
government’s campaign against the communist New People’s Army insurgency. Government
and military officials have accused Karapatan and the other groups in its network of being
supporters of the insurgents in a “red-tagging” campaign that puts them at heightened risk of

In this research, the researchers aim to find out the insights and knowledge of Grade 11
students regarding the subject of political killings in the Philippines.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this Case Study is to identify the perception of Grade 11 Students towards
the Political Killings in the Philippines.

1. What are the reactions of Grade 11 students towards political killings in the

2. How did Grade 11 students describe political killings in the Philippines?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on the Political Killings in the Philippines. The respondents of this
research are limited only to the selected 20 Grade 11 students of Muntinlupa National High
School -Main the academic year 2020-2021.

All information will be gathered using structured interview method, wherein the
researchers are going to send survey forms to 20 grade 11 students, 10 Male and 10 Females.
Significance of the Study

The result of the study will merit the following:

To the Future Researchers

The result of this research could serve as the future researches’ basis for further study.
Other researcher can use this as a reference to get information’s related to the topic.

To the Government

The result of this research aims to serve as a wake-up call for the government and for
them to know the insights of students regarding the topic.

To the Grade 11 Students

This research could help students to be aware and be informed about the issue of political
killings in the Philippines, and to give awareness to them regarding the topic.

Literature Review

According to Duran & Duran-Schulze Law (2018), the recent spate of assassinations of
local government officials brings to mind a history of political violence that has marred
Philippine politics since the last century. Before Martial Law was declared in 1972, political
kingpins ran the areas they represented like fiefdoms. Many employed private armies to assert
their power and authority. During martial rule, enforced disappearances and summary executions
threatened activists and other so-called enemies of the state.

As an example in the more recent events, they also stated that the administration’s two-
year War on Drugs has claimed more than 10,000 lives. In other areas, victims of political
killings have included left-wing advocates, anti-mining activists, agricultural reform activists,
journalists, the political opposition, and outspoken members of the clergy.

They added, according to the human rights organization, Karapatan, there is a pattern to
political killings in the Philippines – state security forces (i.e. the military and the police) use
forced disappearances or summary executions during “legitimate” operations. When it comes to
political killings, there is no presumption of innocence, a right guaranteed under the 1987
Constitution. In fact, political killings upend the very idea of due process.

Thus, they also explained that all political killings are extrajudicial killings. In the
Supreme Court defined political killings as violating procedural due process as they are
committed without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings. The Supreme Court said that
political killings and enforced disappearances violate substantive due process as these crimes
mean that State, its agents, and private parties violate constitutional rights of individuals to life,
liberty, and security.

Likewise, according to Human Rights Watch (2021), the human rights situation in the
Philippines is said to deteriorate in 2020. “War on drugs” has said to continue to target mostly
impoverished Filipinos in urban areas. The police and unidentified gunmen linked to the police
have committed thousands of extrajudicial executions. The killings increased dramatically during
the Covid-19 lockdown, rising by over 50 percent during April to July 2020 compared to the
previous four months. There has been almost total impunity for these killings.

Human Rights Watch (2021), also stated that, threats and attacks, including killings,
against left-wing political activists, environmental activists, community leaders, Indigenous
peoples’ leaders, journalists, lawyers, and others rose in the past year. The attacks against
activists occurred in the context of the government’s campaign against the communist New
People’s Army insurgency. Government and military officials have accused Karapatan and the
other groups in its network of being supporters of the insurgents in a “red-tagging” campaign
that puts them at heightened risk of attack. The military, national security agencies and the police
have actively used social media to convey threats that have resulted in tens of red-tagged people
being killed in the past year.

Definition of Terms

The following are the lists of terminologies found in this research paper that may help the
readers to understand what the researchers meant. These definitions of terms include all the
words that are used in this study.

Political Killing. Extrajudicial killing, the result of a political decision. Politicise, killing based
on the victim's political ideology.

Extrajudicial Killings. The killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction
of any judicial proceeding or legal process. They often target political, trade union, dissident,
religious and social figures.

Politics. The set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms
of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

Activism. A doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of
or opposition to one side of a controversial issue


The researchers conducted a study towards Political Killings using Case Study.

A case study is an intensive, systematic investigation of a single individual, group,

community or some other unit in which the researcher examines in-depth data relating to several
variables. (BMJ Journals)

Participants of the Study

The study is about political killings in the Philippines in the perception of grade 11
students and the range of the respondents are only limited to 20 students of Muntinlupa National
High School.

Out of 20 respondents, the range of respondents from different strands of senior high
school and are divided into two groups; 10 males and 10 females.


In gathering the information the researchers used structured interview method. A Google
form made survey link was sent to the 20 chosen respondents from Grade 11 Senior High School
students via message, wherein they filled up the form with responses regarding our questions.
Before conducting the information the researchers briefly explained the topic to the respondents.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers collected the data with the use of survey, which was used as a guide for
the research.

1. Acquired permission to the respondents for the usage of their perceptions and
2. Made sure to not leak their personal information such as; Name and E-mail address,
and only use their responses towards the topic in fulfilling the research.

Data Analysis
The responses of the respondents are carefully gathered using a structure interview

A structured interview is a quantitative research method where the interviewer a set of

prepared closed-ended questions in the form of an interview schedule (Simply Psychology,
February 2014)

Statement of the Problem 1. “What are the reactions of Grade 11 students towards political
killings in the Philippines?”

Table 1.

Themes Description Sample Response

Source of knowledge of a I'm aware about the news of

Awareness student on the issue of political killings, In the news.
political killings.

Trusting the government Yes, because they have the

despite of the growing issue of power and sometimes, we
political killings. have no choice. No, because
Trust there were a lot of plans and
big problems especially this
pandemic that weren't able to
fix or give solutions.

The feelings upon knowing I feel unsafe, because we do

the issue of political killings. not know that maybe one day
it's me or significant people in
my life could be the next
Emotions victim of political killings just
because we speak or share our
thoughts-- especially on online

Entering the world of politics As a politician, no. Because I

in the future despite of the think I’m not capable in side
Political View issues of political killings. of politics & leadership. But,
as a citizen, I could speak for
what is right and what we

The reaction of Students I felt sad, frustrated and

Reaction regarding the issue of political betrayed.
The table 1 showed the reactions of Grade 11 students towards the issue of Political
Killings in the Philippines.
The respondents stated hearing about the issue on local television news and on the
internet. Most of the respondents stated that they would still trust the government despite the
growing issue. The respondents also being scared and unsafe and all the respondents showed no
interest in being a politician but would still like to contribute something as a citizen. Majority of
the respondents felt sad knowing the issue of political killings in the Philippines.

Statement of the Problem 2. “How did Grade 11 students describe political killings in the

Table 2.

Themes Description Sample Response

Opinions toward political I think killing those people

killings in the Philippines. who fought for our rights is
very inhumane. Leaders and
Politician must listen to their
Opinion people and be fair. It is very
unfair to the victims and poor
people who don't have access;
especially we all know that we
have flawed justice system.

Violation of human rights in It violated the right to life and

the issue of political killings. also the freedom where the
Human Rights victim doesn’t have a chance
to voice out their opinions and
also they don't get justice.

Suggest a possible solution as I think people should be aware

a student. and be careful, also
Suggestion government should clean their
people and remove corrupt
The involvement of powerful Corrupt politicians, still have
people in the issue of political the position in our government
Involvement killings. and just because they're too
powerful, it's easy for them to
commit sins and break the

Finding peace in the No peace, because ait is

government despite the issue inevitable and this is already
Government of political killings. happening a long time ago, but
I still hope that peace will

The table 2 showed how Grade 11 students described political killings in the Philippines.
The respondents described political killings as very inhumane and alarming; they also
stated that it violates human rights of people that are voicing out their opinions. Adding, people
should always be aware and careful. Majority of the responses stated the possible involvement
of corrupt politicians regarding the issue. While some of the respondents think that our
government in the Philippines would never find peace because of this growing issue, some
respondents also showed positivity that electing right people would end the issue of political
killings in the Philippines.


The primary focus of this study is to identify the perception of grade 11 students in the issue
of political killings in the Philippines. The result revealed that the respondents have different
opinions, insights and ways of perceiving the issue. The reaction of students varies from sadness,
fear, frustration and trust issues, knowing that political killings might be happening in our
country. The respondents gave different opinions and described the issue in different ways such
as; inhumane and alarming, knowing human rights of people voicing their opinions might be
violated. The respondents also stated the possible involvement of corrupt politicians. Some
respondents think that we would never find peace in the government knowing this issue has been
going on for a long time already but some showed positivity that electing right politicians would
be a key to finding peace, ending the issue of political killings.
According to the article of Rappler (2018), today’s generation have quick access to
information online and are immersed in social media, yet not very diligent critical thinkers and
not so politically engaged.
In this study the researchers found out that grade 11 students has become more politically
aware, especially during the time of COVID-19 pandemic, where students stayed on their home
and has been aware with the local television news.
This study recommends that staying aware both on social and political issues as an individual
is important. Understanding the current state of our government and political issues happening in
the country is an act of caring to self and fellow citizens.
To the future researchers, they could use this research as a basis or reference of information
regarding the topic of political killings in the Philippines in the perception of grade 11 students.

[ANALYSIS] Does Gen Z care about social and political issues?
BJM journals; case study
Hot Issue: Political Killings in the Philippines
Human rights watch world report 2021
Ohio University libraries: activism
Philippines: Prosecute Political Killings
Politics, Power, and Authority
The extrajudicial killings
The Interview Research Method


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