Eee 186 Angle Modulation Activity

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• Write in a clean sheet of paper. Enclose final answer/s in a box.

• Only non-reporters are required to submit this activity.
• Due: January 12, 2023

1. The maximum deviation of an FM carrier is 2 kHz by a maximum modulating signal of 400 Hz.
The deviation ratio is ________ ___.
2. An FM signal with a deviation δ is passed through a mixer, and has its
frequency reduced fivefold. The deviation in the output of the mixer is _______.
3. For an FM modulator with m=1, a modulating signal vm(t)=Vm sin (2π1000t) and an
unmodulated carrier vc(t)=10 sin (2π500kt), determine the number of sets of significant side
frequencies and their amplitudes.
4. For an FM modulator with a modulation index,m=2, modulating signal Vm(t)= Vm sin
(2π2000t), and an unmodulated carrier Vc(t) = 8 sin (2π800kt), determine the
a. The number of sets of significant sidebands
b. Their Amplitudes
c. The Bandwidth
d. Draw the frequency spectrum showing the relative amplitudes of the side
5. A frequency modulation system requires a signal-to-noise ratio of 40 dB at the detector output.
The modulating frequency is 2 kHz and the deviation is 50 kHz. Calculate the required minimum
S/N at the detector input.
6. Determine the total RMS phase deviation produced by a 10-kHz band of random noise with
peak voltage Vn=0.04V and a carrier peak voltage Vc=4.5 Vp.

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