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Humanities and Social Sciences

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Prepared by: Ms. Maria Leila S. Ballaran

Ποικιλόθρον', ἀθάνατ' Ἀφρόδιτα,

παῖ Δίος, δολόπλοκε, λίσσομαί σε
μή μ' ἄσαισι μήτ' ὀνίαισι δάμνα,
πότνια, θῦμον·
Learning Objective
Competency At the end of the lesson the
students should be able to:
Explain each of the functions of
applied social sciences 1. Define applied social sciences;
(HUMSS_DIASS 12- and
IIb-d-42) 2. Explain each of the functions of
applied social sciences.
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

- Counseling is an art and science.

Counseling is defined as a professional
help or assistance given to person with
a problem, usually emotional in
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

Social Work
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

- Social work is a practice-based profession and an

academic discipline that promotes social change
and development, social cohesion, and the
empowerment and liberation of people. Principles
of social justice, human rights, collective
responsibility and respect for diversities are central
to social work.
Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

- Communication is a process by which

information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs or behavior or simply
exchange of information.
Functions of Applied Social
Applied Social Sciences are the purveyors
of social justice, inclusion and caregiving.
Their presence is strongly felt in area like:
children and family agencies, health care
settings, including community-based
clinics and hospitals; schools; correctional
facilities; settings that serve older adults,
such as nursing homes and military
veterans and active personnel.
Applied social science services are indispensable
to the full transformation of a child because they
are critical to unblocking all barriers to the
individual’s group and community’s holistic
development. They help society to see beyond the
behavior manifestation by looking beneath them
and to address and uproot the root causes through
communication and journalism, social work and
guidance and counseling leadership. They also
help us consider all helping situations to be
multicultural in the sense of people’s uniqueness
which has to be recognized in helping process.
To enumerate, here are the following functions of
the applied social sciences:
1. They generate knowledge in an organic way for
evidence-based actions and solutions to social problems
and issues.
2. They cause social sciences to do things rather than just
remain a source of factual knowledge with little or no
utility at all.
3. They generate practical solutions to complex social
4. The provision of knowledge by social sciences becomes
the moral basis for applied social science to address the
issues or problems of society.
To enumerate, here are the following functions of
the applied social sciences:
5. Communication provides accessibility to information
and thereby serves the rights of an individual and the
public to be informed and to be heard by their elders and
6. Counseling provides healing, courage and strength for
an individual to face his or her issues and take up the best
possible option in moments of life crisis.
7. The social works promotes social change, problem-
solving in human relationships, and the empowerment
and liberation of people to enhance their holistic well-
Functions of Guidance Counselor
The Philippine Republic Act 9258 defines a
guidance counselor as a natural person who has
been professionally registered and licensed by a
legitimate state entity and by virtue of specialized
training to perform the functions of guidance and
counseling. The guidance counselor’s functions
include the use of an integrated approach to
develop a well functioning individual primarily
Functions of Guidance Counselor
1. Helping a client develop potentials to its fullest
2. Administering a wide range of human
development services.
3. Helping a client plan to utilize his or her potentials
to the fullest
4. Helping a client plan his or her future in
accordance with his or her abilities, interests, and
5. Sharing and applying knowledge related to
counseling such as counseling theories, tools and
Functions of Social Worker
The social workers are practitioners whose
profession is based on the principles of
human rights and social justice that serve
to empower individuals, groups and
communities to develop their full potential
and well-being. The following functions
professionally performed by social workers
include among others:
Functions of Social Worker
1. Linking client systems with needed
2. Improving the operations of social
service delivery network.
3. Promoting social justice through
development of social policy.
4. Enhancing social functioning of
individuals, families, groups, organizations
and communities.
Functions of Social Worker
5. Counseling with individuals, facilitate
groups, work with families, refine agency
procedures, initiate new programs, lobby for
legislative changes, organize community
action, educate the public, conduct needs
assessments, and evaluate
practice and programs at various system
levels and targets of change or social
Functions of Communicator and
The communicators and journalists are
professionals specialize to serve the general
public and the public of their choices. They
operate with a wide variety of mediums and
media. Professional communicators and
journalists are at the service of truth. In this
way, their functions follow naturally which are
the following:
Functions of Communicator and
1. Being present where the news is happening.
2. Collecting and documenting information,
facts and opinions.
3. Present them for public analysis and
deepening to the root of reality.
4. Having the ability to record what is
happening accurately with available
Directions: Read carefully the
functions of applied social sciences
below and identify the applied
social science practitioner being
referred to in each item.
1. Being present where the news is
2. Enhancing social functioning of
individuals, families, groups,
organizations and communities.
3. Sharing and applying knowledge
related to counseling such as
counseling theories, tools and
4. Promoting social change, problem-
solving in human relationships, and the
empowerment and liberation of people
to enhance their holistic well-being.

5. Gathering news, facts and information

that are critical to public life and well-

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