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186 Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam.

1982,21 186-188

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Flash Points of Flammable Liquid Mixtures Using UNIFAC

Flash points are used to classify liquids containing combustible components according to their relative flammability.
Such a classification is important for the safe handling of flammable liquids such as organic solvents and solvent
mixtures. The UNIFAC group-contribution method is shown to be applicable for the prediction of flash points of
binary and multicomponent liquid mixtures. The predictions are reliable for mixtures constituted alone from
combustible substances and for mixtures also containing noncombustibles such as water.

Introduction able to propagate from an ignition source. The ambient

Flash points are used to classify combustible liquids temperature of the gas-air mixture is T. If the partial
according to their relative flammability. Regulations for pressure is lower than Li the combustible compound i will
the safe handling, transportation, and storage of such burn around the ignition source. The liberated heat,
substances are dependent on this classification, and flash however, will not be so large that the combustion of any
points are therefore of great importance in the chemical one layer will ignite the neighboring layer of unburned gas,
industry. It is the purpose of this paper to show how the and the mixture will not be capable of self-propagation of
UNIFAC group-contribution method can be used to pre- flames.
dict flash points of liquid mixtures containing combustible The flash point for a pure combustible liquid i can thus
components. be written as the temperature TFfor which
Flash Point P,"/Li = 1 (1)
A flash point is not a fundamental physical property and Le Chatelier (1891) has presented an analogous equation
its value will to some extent depend on the apparatus and for binary and multicomponent mixtures containing N
method used for its measurement. The experimental combustible compounds.
procedures have, however, been standardized in many
countries, thus allowing for reproducibility and comparison cPi/Li= 1 i = 1, 2, ..., N (2)
between flash points measured in different laboratories.
In principle the measurements are carried out in the fol- In this equation Pi is the actual partial pressure of com-
lowing way: a small liquid sample is placed in the bottom ponent i in a vapor-air mixture which is in equilibrium
of a cup. The temperature of the cup is slowly increased with the liquid mixture. Li is the partial pressure in a
and the vapors from the liquid surface will mix with air gas-air mixture with a composition correspbnding to the
in the space above. The flash point temperature is reached lower flammability limit of pure component i.
when a flame will propagate from an ignition source The lower flammability limit Li is a function of the
through the whole vapor-air mixture. A flash is observed. temperature and of the heat of combustion AHci. The
The cup may be open to the atmosphere (Open Cup pressure has negligible influence on Li at pressures around
Tester) or closed, which will confine a given amount of air atmospheric pressure (Coward and Jones, 1952). The heat
(Closed Cup Tester). The closed cup tester is usually of combustion is the net A H d since the reactants and the
applied today and all calculations here are based on this combustion products all are in the gaseous state. Over
type of tester. Lance et al. (1979) have in a recent review moderate ranges of temperature there are only small
described in detail the apparatus and the procedures used changes in Li. Zabetakis (1965) accounted for the tem-
for the measurement of flash points. perature effect for various types of substances by means
of an expression which may be written as
L;(t) = Li(25) - 0.182(t - 25)/AH& (3)
A flash point is defined as the lowest temperature for
which vapors above a liquid form a flammable mixture LJt) and Li(25) (in kPa) are the lower flammability limits
with air at a pressure of 101.325 kPa. For a pure com- at t "C and 25 OC, respectively; AHci is the net heat of
bustible component i the flash point may thus be esti- combination in kJ/mol. Equation 3 has also been used
mated as the temperature for which the vapor pressure, by Wu and Finkelman (1978). Tables with values of Li(25)
Pi",equals the partial pressure at the lower flammability may, for example, be found in Coward and Jones (1952)
limit, Li. This is illustrated in Figure 1. A lower flam- and Zabetakis (1965). Zabetakis also indicates how Li(25)
mability limit Li in a homogeneous gas-air mixture at values may be estimated when no experimental data are
temperature T corresponds to such a partial pressure of available. Since Jensen et al. (1981) have described a
the combustible compound in air that a flame will just be method for the prediction of pure component vapor
0196-4313/82/1021-0186$01.25/0 0 1982 American Chemical Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., Vol. 21, No. 2, 1982 187

and Li

Figure 1. Estimation of flash temperature TFfor a pure substance

i. Pi'is the partial pressure in air correspondingto the vapor pres-
sure. Liis the partial pressure correspondingto the lower flamma-
bility limit. T is the temperature.

pressures, it is possible to predict approximate values of 0-

the flame point temperatures TFfor pure substances. M e t h a n o l 11)-
Methylacetate( 2 )
The partial pressures Pi corresponding to vapor-liquid ,
equilibrium VLE at temperature T may be calculated 0

using the following equation in which it is assumed that -10 - 0


the vapor-air mixture behaves like an ideal gas

Pi = xiyipi" (4)
x i is the mole fraction of component i, yi is the activity -201 1 1 ' 1 ' ' J
0. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
coefficient, and Pi" is the vapor pressure of component i x1-

a t temperature T. Figure 2. Experimental and predicted flash points for two binary
The pure component vapor pressures Pi" may be calcu- mixtures containing only combustible components. Experimental
lated by means of the Antoine equation data: DeMicheli and Delogu (1980): TF, flash point in "C; x l , mole
fraction of component 1; 0,experimental point; -, UNIFAC; - - -,
log Pi" = Ai - Bi/(t + Ci) (5) ideal.
The constanta Ai, Bj,and Ci may be found for many sub-
stances in Gmehling et al. (1977).
Ellis (1976) used values of the activity coefficients y i
calculated from experimental VLE data. In general, the
activity coefficients may be calculated from a model de-
scribing the liquid phase nonideality. Wu and Finkelman
(1978) used, for example, the van Laar equation for binary
mixtures and the Wilson equation for multicomponent
mixtures, and De Micheli and Delogu (1980) used the
NRTL equation. The use of such models requires a
knowledge of the necessary parameters. Parameters for
some commonly applied models and for many different
types of mixtures can be found in Gmehling et al. (1977).
Quite often one cannot find the parameters for all the pairs
of components in a mixture and one has to rely on a 0' I
predictive method for the estimation of the activity 0. .I .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .0 9,x; 1.0
Figure 3. Experimental and predicted flash points for water (1)-
UNIFAC is a fast and reliable method for the prediction alcohol (2) mixtures: TF,flash point in O C ; xl, mole fraction of water.
of activity coefficients in nonelectrolyte liquid mixtures. The symbols represent experimental values, and curves are predicted
The method is based on the solution of groups concept. from UNIFAC. Methanol: (0) Choe and Schecker (1981),-; eth-
The groups are structural units such as CH3, OH, and anol: (0) Choe and Schecker (1981),---; 2-propanol: (A) Wu and
others which when added form the parent molecules. In- Finkelman (1978), - --.
stead of considering a liquid mixture as a solution of
molecules, the mixture is considered as a solution of further information about the method, the reader is re-
groups. The activity coefficients are then determined by ferred to the above mentioned references.
the properties of the groups rather than by those of the Results and Discussion
molecules. The activity coefficients are calculated from Solution of eq 2 provides iteratively the desired flash
two terms: a combinatorial part essentially due to dif- point temperature. The values of Liare calculated from
ferences in size and shape of the molecules and a residual eq 3 while Pi values are obtained from eq 4 and 5 with the
part due to energetic interactions between the groups. activity coefficients predicted by means of UNIFAC.
The UNIFAC method was developed by Fredenslund The agreement between experimental and predicted
et al. (1975). The method was revised and detailed de- flash points is generally very good as can be seen from
scriptions of the method have been presented (Fredenslund Figures 2-4 and from Table I.
et al. 1977a,b). The parameters needed for the use of Figure 2 shows some typical results for binary mixtures
W A C are group volumes (RK),group surface areas (Qd, of combustible compounds. The figure presents the ex-
and group interaction parameters (a, and urn). Extensive perimental and the UNIFAC predicted flash points. The
tables with parameters are given by Skjold-Jerrgensen et figure also shows the flash points obtained with the as-
al. (1979) and by Gmehling et al. (1982). The method now sumption that the liquid forms an ideal mixture; Le., the
comprises 40 groups and it allows for the calculation of activity coefficients have values of unity ( y i = 1).
activity coefficients for most of the binary and multicom- Figures 3 and 4 show results for binary mixtures with
ponent mixtures of interest in chemical technology. For only one combustible component. The water-alcohol
188 Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., Vol. 21, No. 2, 1982

30 value for the pure component flash point, which gives

Li(25),will influence the calculation of the flash points for
f the mixture. This phenomenon can be seen from the
chloroform (1)-methylethyl-ketone (2) mixture in Figure
4. A somewhat higher experimental flash point for methyl
ethyl ketone would have raised the UNIFAC predicted
/ curve giving rise to a better agreement between experi-
mental and predicted values.
Chloroform(1)- ”/ Table I shows that the UNIFAC method may be used
10 for the prediction of flash points for multicomponent
mixtures. It is seen from Table I that an assumption of
ideality of the liquid mixture leads to flash points which
deviate much more from the experimental values than the
UNIFAC predicted ones.
0 Supplement. A computer program for the calculation
of flash points by means of UNIFAC is available from the
-lC The authors thank Professors U. Onken and Aa. Fre-
denslund for criticism and helpful comments to this work.
The authors further thank “Bundesministerium fur For-
schung und Technoiogie” and “Statens Teknisk-Viden-
skabelige ForskningsrAd” for economic support. There
3 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .6
.9 have not been published very many experimental flash
points for mixtures. We are most grateful that De Micheli
F i g u r e 4. Experimental and predicted flash points for t w o binary and Delogu (1980) and Choe and Schecker (1981) have
mixtures. Experimental data: Choe and Schecker (1981): Tp, flash
p o i n t in “C;xl, mole fraction of chloroform: 0,experimental point;
made their data available for us.
-, U N I F A C . Literature Cited
Choe, M.; Schecker, H. G., University of Dortmund, private communication,
T a b l e I. P r e d i c t i o n of Flash P o i n t s for t h e T e r n a r y 1981.
System: Ethanol ( 1 ) - T o l u e n e (2)-Ethyl A c e t a t e (3). Coward, H. F.; Jones, G. W. U . S . Bur. Mines Bull. 503, 1952.
DeMichell, S.; Delogu, P. Report from Reaction Technique Department,
E x p e r i m e n t a l Data from Wu and F i n k e l m a n ( 1 9 7 8 ) Montedlson D I E Research Center, Bolbte, Italy, 1980.
f l a s h point, “C Ellis, W. H. J. Coat. Technol. 1976, 48, 44.
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1.000 0.000 0.000 12.8 Des. D e v . 1982, 27, 118.

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0.000 1.000 0.000 DECHEMA Chemistry Data Series, Vol. I (12 Parts); 1977.
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0.328 0.328 0.3 44 -3.33 1.58 -1.80 1981, 20, 239.
0.568 0.284 0.148 -1.67 4.81 -0.17 Lance, R. C.; Barnard. A. J.; Hooyman, J. E. J. Hazard. Mater. 1979, 3 ,
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-2.78 2.40 -1.29 Le Chatelier, H. Ann. Mines 1891, 8 , 388.
0.494 0.247 0.259 SkJoldJsrgensen, S.; Kolbe, E.; Gmehling, J.; Rasmussen, P. Ind. Eng .
0.887 0.0 55 0.058 2.22 7.08 4.06 Chem. Process Des. D e v . 1979, 18, 714.
0.176 0.088 0.7 36 -5.56 -3.07 -4.56 Wu, D. T.; Finkelman, R. Presented at the 175th National Meeting of the
0.856 0.114 0.030 1.67 9.29 3.63 American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, March 1978, Division of Or-
ganic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry.
Zabetakis, M. G. U S . Bur. Mines Bull. 627, 1965.
mixtures have positive deviations (ri> 1)from Raoult’s
law, while the chloroform-containing mixtures in Figure
4 have negative deviations (-yi < 1). Lehrstuhl Technische Chemie B Jurgen Gmehling
University of Dortmund 46
It may be noted from Figure 3 that the flash points are Dortmund-Hombruch, West Germany
much less influenced by the water content at low water
concentrations than at high concentrations. This phe- Instituttet for Kemiteknik P e t e r Rasmussen*
nomenon is more pronounced for 2-propanol than for The Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
methanol. UNIFAC describes this behavior very well.
The values of Li(t)from eq 3 are strongly dependent of Received for review June 23, 1981
the value for Li(25). This means that a small error in the Accepted F e b r u a r y 10, 1982

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