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HMI Lab - Integration

of Siemens G Drives
into Studio 5000
G Drives / V10 / Rockwell / HMI Industry
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HMI Lab - Integration of Siemens G Drives into Studio 5000

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Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ..........................................................................................................2
1 Introduction .........................................................................................................4
1.1 Overview ...............................................................................................4
1.2 Mode of operation .................................................................................4
1.3 Components used .................................................................................4
2 Configure the Rockwell HMI ..............................................................................5
2.1 Create a FactoryTalk View Application .................................................5
2.2 Establish Communications Between the Rockwell Controller
and the Rockwell PanelView Plus Terminal ..........................................7
2.3 Import Display .................................................................................... 10
2.4 Import Global Object .......................................................................... 14
2.5 Add GOTO Button to a Display .......................................................... 19
2.6 Alarms and Warnings ......................................................................... 24
2.7 Edit Tags for Alarm Setup .................................................................. 29
2.8 Test Application .................................................................................. 34
2.9 Transfer Utility .................................................................................... 36
3 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 41
3.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 41
3.2 Industry Mall ....................................................................................... 42
3.3 Application support ............................................................................. 42
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3.4 Links and literature ............................................................................. 42

3.5 Change documentation ...................................................................... 42

HMI Lab - Integration of Siemens G Drives into Studio 5000

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This document will demonstrate how to control a Siemens drive with a Rockwell
controller by using Telegram 352.

1.2 Mode of operation

Click means to single click left mouse button.

Double click means to click the left mouse button twice.

Right click means to click the right mouse button.

1.3 Components used

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This application example has been created with the following hardware and
software components:
Table 1-1
Component Number Article Note
CompactLogix 5370 Controller 1769-L18ER-BB1B
G120 CU250S-2 PN V4.7 SP10
FactoryTalk View Studio V10.0
Machine Edition
Rockwell Automations Studio V30
Startdrive V17
RSLinx V4.00.00

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

The application will be using Telegram 352. This telegram will provide the actual speed, actual
current, actual torque, warning code, and fault code.

2.1 Create a FactoryTalk View Application

To start configuring the HMI, the user will need to create a new Studio 5000 project. From the
toolbar at the bottom of the screen, select the Studio 5000 icon.
Figure 2-1

Click Create New Project.

Figure 2-2
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1. Click FactoryTalk View.

2. Expand PanelView Plus 7 Standard.
3. Click 9”.
4. For the Name, enter Example.
5. Click Next.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-3

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Click Finish.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-4
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2.2 Establish Communications Between the Rockwell

Controller and the Rockwell PanelView Plus Terminal
The user will configure communications between the Rockwell controller and the Rockwell
PanelView Plus terminal.
1. Expand FactoryTalk Linx.
2. Double click Communication Setup.
Figure 2-5

FactoryTalk Linx Runtime Configuration Wizard: Select an operation about runtime

1. Click create a new configuration.
2. Click Finish.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-6
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1. Click Add.
2. For New_Shortcut name, enter PLC.
3. Press Enter.
4. Expand Ethernet.
5. Select the Rockwell controller.
6. Click Apply.
Figure 2-7

Click Yes.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-8
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Click Copy from Design to Runtime.

Figure 2-9

Click Yes.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-10

Click OK.
Figure 2-11
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2.3 Import Display

The user will import the display to manually control the drive.
1. Right click on Displays.
2. Click Import and Export.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-12
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1. Click Import graphic information into displays.

2. Click Next.
Figure 2-13

1. Click No.
2. Click Next.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-14

1. Click Multiple displays batch import file.

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2. Click Next.
Figure 2-15

1. Browse to Z:\VM Shared

2. Click BatchImport_Display_Telegram 352.xml.
3. Click Open.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-16
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Click Finish.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-17
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Exit Notepad.
Figure 2-18

2.4 Import Global Object

The user will import the global object to manually control the drive.
1. Right Click Global Objects.
2. Click Import and Export.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-19
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1. Click Import graphic information into displays.

2. Click Next.
Figure 2-20

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

1. Click No.
2. Click Next.
Figure 2-21
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1. Click Multiple displays batch import file.

2. Click Next.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-22
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1. Browse to Z:\VM Shared

m_352\HMI\Global Objects.
2. Click BatchImport_Global_Telegram 352.xml.
3. Click Open.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-23
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Click Finish.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-24
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Exit Notepad.
Figure 2-25

2.5 Add GOTO Button to a Display

When the operator presses the GOTO Display button at run time, the graphic display assigned
to the button opens.
1. Expand Global Objects.
2. Double click Telegram 352.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-26
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1. Right click on the motor icon.

2. Click Copy.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-27
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1. Expand Displays.
2. Double click MAIN display.
3. Right click on the display.
4. Click Paste.
Figure 2-28

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

1. Right click on the icon.

2. Click Global Object Parameter Values.
Figure 2-29
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Click image below Tag.

Figure 2-30

1. Click Refresh All Folders.

2. Expand device shortcut.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

3. Expand Online.
4. Click Drive_01 controller tag.
5. Click OK.
Figure 2-31
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Click OK.
Figure 2-32

The user completed adding a GOTO button to manually control the drive with Telegram 352.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-33
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2.6 Alarms and Warnings

The user will add alarms and warnings to the application.
1. Expand Alarms.
2. Right click on Alarm Setup.
3. Click Import and Export.
Figure 2-34

1. Click Import alarm configuration into application.

2. Click Next.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-35
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1. Click No.
2. Click Next.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-36
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Click Browse.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-37
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1. Browse to Z:\VM Shared

2. Click Siemens Warnings and Faults.xml.
3. Click Open.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-38
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Click Finish.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-39
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Exit Notepad.
Figure 2-40

2.7 Edit Tags for Alarm Setup

Based on the controller tag name for the Add-On instruction, the triggers for the alarms may
need to be edited.
Double click Alarm Setup.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-41

1. Click {[PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus5_FaultCode}.
2. Click Edit.
Figure 2-42
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Click image below Tag.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-43

1. Scroll to [PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus5_FaultCode.
2. Click [PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus5_FaultCode.
3. Click OK.
Figure 2-44
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Click OK.
Figure 2-45

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

1. Click {[PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus4_WarnCode}.
2. Click Edit.
Figure 2-46
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Click image below Tag.

Figure 2-47

1. Scroll to [PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus4_WarnCode.
2. Click [PLC]Drive_01.DriveStatus4_WarnCode.
3. Click OK.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-48
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Click OK.
Figure 2-49

Exit Alarm Setup.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-50

Click Yes.
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Figure 2-51

2.8 Test Application

The user will control the drive manually with the HMI application.
1. Click Application.
2. Click Test Application.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-52

Click Motor.
Figure 2-53

If DriveControl0_DriveEnable is energized from the external code, the Drive Enable Override
button will be invisible.
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Home – the Main display appears.

Status – the Status display appears.
Faults – the Faults screen appears. Fault codes and warnings are displayed. A fault can be
Close – the display will close. The motor will stop. The program will be in the automatic mode.
Speed Setpoint (RPM) – enter desired speed setpoint.
Start – the motor will run.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Stop – the motor will stop.

Jog – the motor will run while the button is depressed.
Forward – the motor will rotate in the forward direction.
Reverse – the motor will rotate in the reverse direction.
Shutdown – the application will shutdown.
If communications is lost between the Rockwell controller and the PanelView Plus terminal, the
motor will stop.

2.9 Transfer Utility

The user will transfer the application to the PanelView Plus HMI Terminal.
1. Click Application.
2. Click Create Runtime Application.
Figure 2-54
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Click Save.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-55
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1. Click Tools.
2. Click Transfer Utility.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-56

Click Browse.
Figure 2-57
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1. Browse to C:\Users\Public\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\Runtime.

2. Click Example.mer.
3. Click Open.

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Figure 2-58

1. Click Download as.

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2. Click Run application at start-up.

3. Click Replace communications.
4. Click Delete Log Files.
5. Click the PanelView Plus 7 Standard 900W terminal.
6. Click Download.
Figure 2-59

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2 Configure the Rockwell HMI

Click OK.
Figure 2-60

Click Exit.
Figure 2-61
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3 Appendix

3 Appendix
3.1 Service and support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts.
Please send queries to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Digital Industry Academy

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
• Spare parts services
• Repair services
• On-site and maintenance services
• Retrofitting and modernization services
• Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
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Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for iOS and Android:

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3 Appendix

3.2 Industry Mall

The Siemens Industry Mall is the platform on which the entire siemens Industry
product portfolio is accessible. From the selection of products to the order and the
delivery tracking, the Industry Mall enables the complete purchasing processing –
directly and independently of time and location:

3.3 Application support

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3.4 Links and literature

Table 3-1
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to G Files:

3.5 Change documentation

Table 3-2
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 10/2021 First version

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