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Sere ae [laste | Somes A "ALASTAIR SIDES INT. CHURCH - ATTIC - DAY Sam makes his decisid € shotgun, just as-- An ORDINARY-LOORING GUY enj Average build; bearing of a HIGE-RANKING MILETARY OrpfCER: Sglm, takes his time, enjoys am, his EYES GO BLACK... CLOSE ON Alastair. Registering SURPRISE. He PRETENDS TO CHOKE, pained. And then... he COUGH-COUGHS, politely. ALASTAIR That tickles. ON SAM. STUNNED that ne was unable to exorcise the demon. Alastair regards Sam with the omile of a patient adult explaining Something to an unruly teenager. ALASTAIR (CONT'D) You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam. Alastair walks right up to Sam. Smiles placidly. And BACKHANDS him so haxd he FLINGS him into a wail. KNOCKING HIM OUT. Alastair turns to Dean-- who’s gripping the Knife, more than a little freaked. He throws a look to Ruby-— But Ruby’s backing away from Alastair, terrified. Alastair walks calmly to Dean. Dean makes his move-- a CHARGE with the Knife-- Which Alastair easily EVADES. Grabs Dean's ARM, neatly TwIsTs it-- ALASTATR (CONT'D) Hello again, Dean. Well, that throws Dean for a loop. ‘his demon knows hin? \ eA INT. CHURCH - ATTIC - DAY - CONTTNUOUS Alastair has Dean up against the wall. RUBY’S KNIFE on the FLOOR. He is serenely PUNCHING DEAN IN THE FACE, OVSR AND OVER. ALASTAIR come on, Dean. Don't you recognize erily composed, even friendly, Alastair punches Dean in the gut s0 hard he DOUBLES OVER. ‘Then KICKS HIM IN THS BEAD. Dean hits the floor, BLEEDING from the nose and lip. ALASTAIR (CONT'D) Oh, I forgot. I'm wearing a pediatrician. CRACK! Alastair RICKS Dean in the gut. Dean SPITS BLOOD. ALASTAIR (CONT’D) But we were so close. In Hell. ON DEAN. AS AWFUL RECOGNITION spreads over his face. DEAN Alastaiz. Alaspair smiles. And KICKS Dean so hard he goes ROLLING-- SE ON AlastaiN\ Having a ball. He advances on Dean-- BLAM! ROCK SALT, rapt in p&astair’s EYSS! He REELS, BLIND-- REVEAL SAM, standing t¥fe with a SHOTGUN. He moves fast— ‘f thAfloor-- RACES to help Dean up-— Seenc®2 GRABS RUBY’S KNIFE MENREX, : EXT. CROSSROADS - NIGHT WIDE ON: Ruby. Stepping into the MIDDLE of a DESOLATE CROSSROADS. She renoves her HEX BAG from hor jacket pocket. Takes out a 2IPPO. And lights the bag. It BURNS FAST, a BLUE FLAME. She drops it into the dead center of the crossroads. it FLAMES. SIZZLES. 2e4 She regards it. when, from over her shoulder—— ALASTAIR (0.8.) Hello, Ruby. RUBY (she spins) Alastair. He walks forward. Calm. Taking his time. Hven genteel. There's an air of an 88 officer about him. ALASTAIR I have to say-- I'm surprised to #ind you out in the open like this. RUBY Yeah, well, desperate times. ALASTAIR that they are. You're not going to use that knife of yours? RUBY on you? I’m not that stupid. I'm unarmed. I just came to talk. ALASTAIR About what? About now a demon is protecting an angel? We really must revoke your membership. RUBY Look, I know I'm not, exactly employee of the month, but this-- T never wanted to get in the middle of this. ‘This Angel business, it's none of my business—— ALASTAIR What are you proposing? RUBY I'll give her to you. ALASTATR And in return? RUBY T walk away. Me, and the Winchester boys. Both of ‘em. Alastair takes this in. Considers it. 3of4

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