4x09 - Anna Milton 9pgs

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Scene de ANNA MILTON SIDES ( SIDE #1) INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - ANNA'S ROOM - DAY Plain but comfy: bed, dresser, nightstand; BARS on the window. In a chair, across from the bed: DR. REGINA WALTERS, 403s, taking notes in a file marked “MILTON, ANNA.” Her manner is calm, non-judgmental, concerned. She's a good listener. sitting on the edge of the bed: ANNA MILTON, 20s, in hospital gown. She's fragile, haunted. Right now, her head is cocked, as though gho’s LISTENING to some faraway sound. DR. WALTERS Anna? Do you know where you are? na tears her attention away from whatever she imagines she hears. Darts a look at the Doctor, then quickly looks down. Fusses nervously with her PLASTIC TD BRACELET. DR. WALTERS (CONT’D) You're at the Connor Beverly Behavioral Medicine Center. (then, gently) Doe you know why you’re here? Anna shrugs. Distracted. Uncomfortable just sitting here. DR. WALTERS (CONT’D) De you remember what you did? Anna NODS-- slightly, reluctantly. DR. WALTERS (CONT'D) You were hysterical. Tt took four people to restrain you. ANNA I wasn’t-- T was just trying to waza them, DR. WALTERS Warn who? ANNA Everyone (thon, frustrated) Forget it, It was stupid. 1A Ivenpyuxtadns DR. WALTERS What were you trying to warn them about? Anna just shakes her head. ON DR. WALTERS. Patiently looking at Anna. Waiting for her to anawor. (Think Dr. Melfi on "The Sopranos.”) ON ANNA. Sidelong glance. ‘Tempted to talk. Finally... ‘ANNA Look, I get it. You think I’m nuts. i mean, Z think I sound nuts. But it’s all true. DR. WALTERS It’s okay, You can tell me. I'm here to listen. Anna looks at Dr. Walters, then away. BEAT. Thon... ANNA, The end is coming. The apocalypse. ON ANNA, Struggling with emotion. Knowing that everyone she loves will die. Horribly. Soon. Dr. Walters nods. She's heard this stuff before, of course. npa’s diagnosis is becoming more clear; she jots down notes. DR. WALTERS Apocalypse, like... in the Bible? ANNA Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. (then, explaining) This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the Sixty-Six Seals, to free Iucifer from Hell. tucifer will bring the apocalypse. Anna meets the doctor’s eyes. ANNA (CONT'D) So, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. OW DR, WALTERS’ NOTES: “Persecutory delusions”... “paranoia”... "religious fantasies”... Suddenly, Anna cocks her head again-- distracted by some imaginary sound. Her expression turns dreamy, distant. 2 DR. WALTERS anna? The doctor’s voice pulls Anna back to reality. ANNA oh, sorry. DR. WALTERS What were you doing? NNR Nothing. Just listening. DR, WALTERS (making notes) So you're saying... there are sixty- six of these “Seais’ in the world? ANNA, No. There are about six thousand possible Seals. And Lilith only has to break sixty-six of them, and no one knows which sixty-six she's gonna break. DR. WALTERS T see. Anna looks out the window, through the bars. Sad. Anxious. Beat. a ANNA That's why it’s nearly impossible to stop her. That’s why the angels are losing. That‘s why we're all gonna die. DR. WALTERS I'm going to write you a prescription. Not too surprised the doctor is reacting that way. OFF DR. WALTERS, writing Anna a prescription for STBLAZINE... 2&7

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