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Lesson 12:

 Suffering
-refers to an experience of
unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.
- often associated with threats to
human existence or the lack of pleasure
or happiness in life.
 refersto physical
sensations such as
discomfort, hunger,
distress, and pain.
 associated with emotional and
mental states such as depression,
anxiety, fear, loneliness, and
grief. These may be caused by
unexpected situations in such as
sudden changes in lifestyle, loss
of employment, stressful
situations. And grief caused by
the death of a loved one.
Suffering can also be caused by
the conflict between one’s
notion of a ”perfect world ” and
the actual state of the world he
or she lives in, leading to feeling
of anxiety, uncertainty, and
 Is the term used to refer to man’s realization that the
world can never live up to the ideal, “perfect world”,
resulting the feelings of sadness or apathy.

-refers to fear anxiety, and philosophers relate this feeling
to existential dread - a crisis brought about when a person
begins to question his or her purpose and reason for being.

-is the feeling of weariness and discontent brought about
by lack of interest or intense boredom with the world.
What role does suffering play
in human life?
 The first view considers suffering as an undesirable human condition,
and that human condition, and that humans naturally seek pleasure
and avoid pain.
 The ancient Greek philosophers believed that suffering can be
avoided by seeking pleasurable things or activities or, through the
exercise of self-control.
 The second major perspective states that suffering is necessary to
human existence.
How should one face
suffering and adversities in
 Copingrefers to the means
that a person employs in
dealing with difficult life
situations, and involves a
conscious effort to solve
personal and interpersonal
 The PESSIMISTIC VIEW believes that man’s existence is
defined by suffering. However man is able to deal with
suffering through aesthetics and morality.
 Eastern philosophies such as BUDDHISM believe that
suffering will end if man abandons his worldly desire.
Hinduism views suffering as necessary for spiritual
growth, and hat enlightenment will bring about its end.
 RELIGIOUS VIEWS consider suffering as necessary for
spiritual and moral growth. Suffering is also viewed as
a mean for a person to achieve a higher meaning in life.
 People are able to deal with adversity better if they
have adequate social support. Family and peers are the
best sources of support for a person who is undergoing
difficulties in life.

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