Business License Application

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Business Information
Corporate name:
Name shown to public: Open date:
Organiza on type:  Sole proprietor  LLC  LLP  LP  Corpora on
Ar cles of Organiza on or Incorpora on may be required.

Business ac vity/type: NAICS/SIC/Other code:

Federal ID/SSN #: State retail sales #:
Mailing address:
address:  Inside jurisdic on, Tax parcel #:_________________  Outside jurisdic on
Contact name, tle:
Contact phone: Ext. Alternate phone:
Fax: Email:

Owner or Principal(s) Information

Owner or Principal(s) SSN #:
name(s), tle(s): SSN #:
Driver’s license #: State: Expira on date:
Mailing address:
Work phone: Ext. Cell phone:
Fax: Email:

Job/Project Information
Project start date: Es mated end date:
Project loca on: Tax parcel #:
Project type:  New construc on  Renova on  Other ___________________________________________________
General contractor name:
State contractor license #: State: Expira on date:
Copy may be required
Master/specialty license #:
Job contact name: Phone:
Total gross revenues of contract amount: $
Gross revenues, inside jurisdic on: $ Gross revenues, outside jurisdic on: $
Value of authorized deduc ons: $ Deduc on type(s):

Contact your city or county business licensing o ce with ques ons regarding this form.
Applica on produced by the South Carolina Business Licensing O cials Associa on.
The SC Business Licensing O cials Associa on is an a liate of the Municipal Associa on of SC.

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Other Information
Buying an exis ng construc on business?
 Yes  No
If yes, purchased business’ name:
 Yes  No Business leasing space to another business?
Mail business license renewals to mailing address listed in the business informa on sec on on the previous page?
 Yes  No
If not, corporate address:
 Yes  No Change of use to building?

 Yes  No Erec ng a new sign?

 Yes  No Home occupa on?

Independent contractors (Form 1099)?
 Yes  No
If yes, names:
Leasing property?
 Yes  No
If yes, landlord name and address:
 Yes  No Restric ve covenants? If yes, provide copy.

 Yes  No Do you sell food or beverages that are prepared and/or consumed on your premises?

Applicant Certi ication (Contact the municipality in which you are doing business to determine if a notarized signature is required.)

1. I hereby cer fy that all informa on provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that the gross revenue is
accurately reported or estimated for a new business without any unauthorized deduc on.
2. I cer fy that assessments, delinquencies and personal property taxes due to the jurisdic on are fully paid .
3. I understand that providing false or fraudulent informa on may result in penal es, business license revoca on and/or
prosecu on to the fullest extent possible.
4. I am aware of and understand the jurisdic on’s requirements and codes, and the issuance of a business license is con ngen t
upon strict and consistent compliance with all of the jurisdic on’s requirements .
5. I understand that failure to comply with these requirements may result in business license revoca on as well as othe r
compliance or legal e orts.
6. I also understand and authorize the jurisdic on and its agents to u lize all informa on on this applica on to ensure that all
other federal, state and local laws are complied with.

Applicant printed name: Signature:

Title: Date:

For O ce Use Only

Approved by all necessary departments?  Yes  No


Approved?  Yes  No Date:

Business license #: Rate class:

Rate Base rate: $ Every $1,000 a er: $

Amount due Fee: $ Penal es: $ Total: $

Decal required?  Yes  No Cost/each: $ Total: $

Receipt Amount paid: $ Date paid: Number of decals:

Sta name: Signature: Date:

Contact your city or county business licensing o ce with ques ons regarding this form.
Applica on produced by the South Carolina Business Licensing O cials Associa on.
The SC Business Licensing O cials Associa on is an a liate of the Municipal Associa on of SC.

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