Kenwood TRC80 TK80

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viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

R a d i o c o m u n i c a c i o n e s .
2.2 Setting up your HF radio

A . K E N W O O D TR C - 8 0 A N D TK - 8 0 TR A N S C E I V E R S - P R O G R A M M I N G C H A N N E L S A N D
Start with your radio switched off.

You will see the MENU and MODE buttons on the left and right of the large dial knob respectively. By
using the forefinger and middle finger of your right hand, press and hold in the MENU and MODE buttons
together, and then while holding both of those buttons in and by com fortable use your left-hand thumb,
momentarily press the POWER button just as you would when switching the set on. Then immediately
release all three buttons. You will now be in DEALER mode and you will read DEALER on the screen.

Turn the large dial knob to select the Channel on which you wish to programme the frequency - the
channel number flashes. Press DATA to store that selected channel number into memory and to move to
the next programming step, which is the "SET RECEIVE FREQUENCY" step. You will notice that first digit
of the frequency line now flashes.


Set the first (flashing) digit of the RECEIVE frequency ("0"0000.00) by turning the LARGE DIAL KNOB and
then press SCAN to store and to progress to the next digit - which now flashes, and so on - do this until
the whole frequency is all correctly set up. (TURN KNOB - SCAN, TURN KNOB - SCAN etc.) If the
individual digit is already correct, as in the case of the 0's, just press SCAN to skip and move on to the
next digit and so on. Press the DATA button, but only once, in order to save the RECEIVE FREQUENCY,
which you have just set, and to move on to the "SET TRANSMIT FREQUENCY" programming step. Note:
Your options when setting the first digit of the frequency are in fact just 0, 1 or 2, but 0 to 9 thereafter.
NB When setting a 4-digit number like 7700 for example, set the first digit to zero i.e. 07700.00


If after having pressed the DATA button in step 3) above, you may find that the frequency is already
correct, identical to the RECEIVE FREQUENCY that you have just set, then just press DATA again. But if
the frequency is not correct (identical), then set the frequency for the second time, just as you did the
first time, but keeping in mind that this is now for the TRANSMIT FREQUENCY, and when set, only then
press DATA.

Note: You will find that if you start with a NULL frequency (vacant channel - 00000.00), the RECEIVE
frequency, once set, automatically writes itself in as the TRANSMIT frequency as well. After having set the
RECEIVE frequency, it is really only when editing or overwriting an existing frequency that you have to
again set the TRANSMIT frequency.


By using the large dial knob, set to the required USB, LSB or AM and press DATA twice. NOTE: At this
point you PRESS DATA TWICE, as we skip the "alphanumeric" step - don't worry about this now, just
carry out the instructions. You will always have the frequency displayed on your screen when selecting a
channel - instead of an alphanumeric description*.


By using the large dial knob, but only if necessary, set power to HIGH, which is what you would normally
require for data. The program normally defaults to MAXIMUM, so just turn the large dial knob to HIGH

O'Higgins # 87 Fono Fax: (41) 2256257 E-mail: R a d c o m c h i l e @ t i e . c l

C o n c e p c i — n
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

R a d i o c o m u n i c a c i o n e s .
and press DATA. You can set to MAXIMUM for voice frequencies, but data runs happily even on MEDIUM
and that is less taxing on your radio and power supply.


Once the Channel number starts flashing again, it means that you have gone full circle and com pleted this
channel, press the POWER switch to switch off the radio.
Note: If you have more than one channel to programme, by simply turning the large dial knob you can
now select the next channel to be programmed and continue as stated in steps 2) to 6) above and then
finally, when all of the channels and frequencies are programmed in correctly, only then go to steps 7)
and 8). However, for your first set-up attempt, carry out step 7) and switch off power. Then by switching
back on normally (step 8) you will be able to prove that the channel and frequency etc.are all OK and that
your programming procedure was successful. With that confidence, you may now attempt the multi-
channel programming

Now, to test, press only the POWER switch button to switch back on again normally, by which you will
enter the everyday USER mode, and then check that the frequency(ies), USB (or LSB) and channel
number(s) are all correct and as required.

NOTE: When you now press the transmit button on any channel just programmed, check that the
transmit frequency displayed does not alter from and is identical to the receive frequency, which is the
frequency that you actually require and the one that you set initially. If ever there is a read-out variation
between frequencies when receiving and transmitting, re-programme that channel. You can just press
DATA each time to skip through a correctly-set step and just edit the step items where corrections are


You may find that at some stage or another that you GRQ¶Wdisplay the frequencies on your radio, which is
what you require for bushmail, and display either just the channel number or an alphanumeric description
of the FKDQQHO±channel ID.
To alter the display back to showing the frequency, carry out the following.

When you are in the normal USER mode and you wish to alter "frequency / alphanumeric" displays, just
press MENU. Then press MODE or DATA to scan up or down in order to select step 03, BUT ONLY STEP
03. Then by use of the large dial knob, change the setting (one notch) - display frequency or display
alphanumeric. Press MENU again to complete. Don't change any settings in any of the other steps, only
step 03!!!!!

To summarise: If you are displaying an alphanumeric channel identification (or just a Channel num ber),
which is not the normal mode for Bushmail, carry out the following:

1. Press MENU
2. Use MODE or DATA buttons to scan through the steps until you are in step 03 (only 03!)
3. Turn the large dial knob one click
4. Press MENU again in order to return to USER mode - you will then once again have the
frequencies in display.

O'Higgins # 87 Fono Fax: (41) 2256257 E-mail: R a d c o m c h i l e @ t i e . c l

C o n c e p c i — n

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