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"Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?

we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him Issue: JANUARY 2023
homage." – Matthew 2:2

The Magi, historically remembered as Caspar, Melchior, and From the Pastor’s Desk 1
Balthasar are certainly figures who run central in the season Musical Notes 2
of Epiphany. Though much of the background of these Christ-
mas Creche standouts carry a number of apocryphal details, Mission of the Month 2
the simple story outlined in Matthew tells us one thing for sure. Those sages Ruth’s Harvest
from the East, like Warner Herzog’s character, “The Client” in the show The Man- 2
Thank You
dalorian, “Would like to see the baby.”
In Sympathy 2

We spend much time and focus on the gifts of that occasion, Gold, Frankincense, Blood Pressure Checks 2
and Myrrh; highly-valued gifts to be sure. These are often pointed out as symbols
of the future of this child. Gold was the gift representing Jesus’s kingship. Frank- New Hope Ministries
Food Pantry Update
incense, a resin often used for religious purposes, represented his divinity.
Myrrh, another resin ground up for use as a burial spice represented his future A Quiet Space 4
sacrifice. Yet, for all the wonder and value in these gifts the goal was not to just
Prayer List 5
drop them off. Otherwise, the 2 A.D. version of UPS would have easily sufficed
for a delivery with a nice note. Rather, it was the bending of the knee, the decla- Financial Corner 6
ration of public homage, and the chance to personally behold the wonder the
star had foretold that drew these men. Office Information 7

Birthdays &
As we draw to a close our time of special emphasis focusing on our gifts, this is a 8
timely reminder that more than any gift we bring, our homage is the first and
most profound thing we can offer. It is the complete recognition that in Jesus we Event Calendar 9

find the greatest wonder of the world. Every step we take, every gift we give,
Staff & Committees 10
every word of praise we offer—they all draw from that first desire—to go and
pay him homage. To give to him the honor and reverence due to God incarnate,
Immanuel who has come to save us.

So friends, as we begin this new year, let us put first things first. Before we focus
on the gifts we share, let us first pause and bow in solemn wonder before our

May this Epiphany season guide you as the Magi to our savior Jesus.

Pastor Chris Thomas

During the month of January we will end the season of Christmas and begin the
season of Epiphany. January 1st will be a service of Lessons and Carols and we cel-
ebrate The Name of Jesus. We celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord on the 8th and
the Conversion of St. Paul on the 22nd. St. Paul’s Ringers will enhance the 10:15
service on the 29th.

The January Mission of the Month is Ruth’s Harvest. As you know this is a great or-
ganization that offers food for children in need attending Littlestown Area School Dis-
trict. See the Thank You below for some details of the program.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of

Wilbur Mayers, who passed away on December 23, 2022. Wilbur
was a lifetime member of St. Paul’s and enjoyed helping with the
food pantry in the past.

Blood Pressure Checks: The 3rd Sunday of each month Parish Nursing will continue
providing blood pressure checks following each worship service.

Issue: January 2023 Page 2

New Hope Ministries Food Pantry: In November the Littlestown Food Pantry provided
monthly food for 148 households, registered 9 new guests, and handed out 121
Thanksgiving Baskets.
The Littlestown Center Manager would like to thank St. Paul’s for our donation of a
children’s table and chairs. Volunteers Charlie and Kerry Abruzzo added some paint to
create a fun and safe kid’s corner.
In December, the New Hope Ministries food pantry provided monthly food to 146
households or 375 individual family members in the Littlestown community.
The annual Christmas Blessings Express event was held on December 14th. St. Paul's
donated $938 and over 231 lbs. of gifts. A total of 121 households received a holiday
bag of food and 107 households chose to select gifts for their family members. This
event would not be possible without your generous support.
On December 20th, the Littlestown Center sponsored a luncheon for any guest 55 and
older. Volunteer Janet Cutsail from St. Paul's organized the meal of ham, scalloped po-
tatoes, carrots and homemade rolls. There were 42 guests and friends who attended
the event. The guests were entertained by a keyboardist who played Name That Tune
and then received a $25 Giant gift card.

Issue: January 2023 Page 3

A Quiet Space
(New prayer journaling group forms!)

Prayer, our ability to communicate with God through Faith, is a spiritual gift as
important to our lives as our ability to breathe; Jesus gave us The Lord’s Pray-
er as a guide for the Serious commitment to prayer. He teaches us in that mo-
ment that God is also, “Our Father.”

We are again forming a prayer journal group for our congregation—a Silent
Prayer Group.

Participants write their prayers in personal journals for an hour. We rely on

the power of the Holy Spirit, our inner Light, for holding us within the Power
of God’s love as we fervently communicate the prayers of our hearts and
minds through our writing.

Quiet Space allows for meditation and silent prayer. Participants have the op-
portunity to seek and to find answers to vital questions related to this Gift of
Communication with our God.

Are my prayers “talking with God” or “talking at God?” Are my prayers coming
from the Spirit deep within me? How do I learn to listen more than speak in
God’s presence?

James 5:16 admonishes us as Christians to pray fervently for the “Prayers of

faithful believers have great power in the effects.”

Ephesians 6:18, Saint Paul insists “with all prayer and supplication, pray at all
times in the Spirit, and . . . be vigilant in all perseverance and all supplication
for all the Saints.”

This is another opportunity to “be church together” in Faith, Hope, Love, and
God’s Peace that passes understanding.

We plan to begin meeting (10-11 AM), Monday, February 6th in the Library /
Kammerer Room, according to the number of participants.

Issue: January 2023 Page 4

Prayer List
Roberta Brent – hospice Kristy Plunkert—illness
Bill Child – chronic condition Janice Rebert — ongoing illness
Michelle Conaway – post-op healing Diane Robison – healing
Daphne Sentz Conn — ongoing illness Jim Rogers – healing
Angel East – chronic condition Tom Rogers – recovery
Mary East – chronic illness Christina Rule — chronic condition
Carol French – chronic condition Sean Rule – healing
Brian Gayman – healing Don Schumacher – healing
Ray Glover – healing Priscilla Shao — healing & recovery
Heather Grady — healing Tracy Shelley – recovery
Robert Hahn – chronic condition Nina Smeak – ongoing illness
Bob Herzberger — healing Wendy Smith – healing
Kathleen Krout – chronic condition Bonnie Strine – recovery, illness
Etta McKinney - recovery Jen Unger – ongoing illness
Ava Mealy – congenital issues Brenda Warehime – remission
Terry Null – healing Rebecca Westfall – post-op healing

Issue: January 2023 Page 5

St. Paul's Church - Littlestown PA
Donations Account Balances (11/01/2022 - 11/30/2022)
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Giving Accounts Period Activity YTD Balance
801 - Env Contributions 15,094.00 158,509.13
802 - Initial Offering 0.00 320.00
803 - Loose 298.00 2,048.33
804 - Sunday Church School 10.50 166.02
805 - Good Friday 0.00 230.00
806 - Lent 0.00 508.30
807 - Ash Wednesday 0.00 162.00
808 - Maundy Thursday 0.00 110.00
809 - Easter Sunday 0.00 485.00
810 - Christmas Eve 0.00 200.00
811 - Music 0.00 270.00
812 - Weekly Bulletins 60.00 735.00
813 - Youth 57.00 750.00
815 - Major Building Improvements 115.00 1,385.00
816 - Memorial Fund 0.00 2,883.00
818 - Line of Credit 0.00 115.00
828 - CROP Walk 250.00 1,163.00
833 - Littlestown Senior Center 0.00 647.00
860 - Food Pantry 225.00 2,393.00
861 - Lutheran World Relief 0.00 205.00
866 - Harvest Home 0.00 60.00
867 - Benevolence 40.00 690.00
868 - Ruth's Harvest Fund 285.00 4,692.00
874 - Luth Immigration & Ref Services 0.00 548 .00
876 - Angel Tree 938.00 938.00
881 - Lutheran Camping Corporation 0.00 343.00
885 - Tree 4 Hope 0.00 898.00
888 - Alpha Fire Dept 0.00 815.00
897 - Tunnel to Towers Foundation 0.00 1,043.00
899 - Misc. Donations (for recycling) 4.00 12,393.00
900 - Mission Trip MOM Suitcases 0.00 793.00
901 - Mission Trip Expenses 0.00 250.00
902 - Hope Academy Music Program 298.00 563.00

Total Giving Accounts $17,674.50 $197,310.78

Count: 33
Period: 11/1/2022 - 11/30/2022
Year: 2022
Issue: January 2023 Page 6
Please take a moment to notify the church office:

 When you (or a family member) would like a visit from the pastor
 When there is a death or serious illness in your family
 When you wish to add or remove someone from the prayer list
 When you move to a new address or your phone number has changed
 If you wish to be added to the Epistle emailing list
 When you wish to borrow tables/chairs from the church
 When you wish to complete a form for use of the Social Hall
(policy is at least 30 days in advance)
 When you need information about scheduling a baptism or wedding
 When you wish to submit an article for the newsletter and/or bulletin announce-
 When you wish to update with graduation information

Church Office Telephone (717)-359-4822

Email Address:
Please note: Phone & email messages are checked
only during office hours on weekdays
For a Pastoral Emergency, please contact:
Pastor Chris Thomas (717)800-1368

Information for the FEBRUARY Epistle is due by Wednesday, JANUARY 18 TH. All con-
tributions of articles/information from all corners of St. Paul’s are encouraged! Please
submit material via email: or by placing it in the secre-
tary’s mailbox in the church office. Please note: Items submitted after the deadline
may be held until the subsequent newsletter, so information can be dispersed

Issue: January 2023 Page 7

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Barb Jim Boyd Karissa Neil Snyder
Schwartz Forino
Grace Toms

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Terry Don Becca
Burnette Schumaker Burnette

Gary & Sue Sherrie

Strevig LaMotte

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Thongpoon Derrick Matt Groft Anthony
Carter Sneeringer Carter

Don Snyder

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Michelle Amanda
Conaway Caples

Abbey Melissa
Smeak Caples

29 30 31
Kimberly Jareth &
Airing Nicole

Issue: January 2023 Page 8

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 AM Worship 7:00 PM 6-7:30 PM 1:30 PM
Sanctuary Talk on Tap Girl Scouts Ruth’s
9 AM Sunday School At Olivia’s 6-7 PM Bells Harvest
10:15 AM Worship 7-8:30 PM Choir
Sanctuary & Livestream

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8 AM Worship 7 PM 7 PM 6-7:30 PM 1:30 PM
Sanctuary Team Mtgs Bible Study Girl Scouts Ruth’s
9 AM Sunday School 6-7 PM Bells Harvest
10:15 AM Worship 7-8:30 PM Choir
Sanctuary & Livestream

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
8 AM Worship 7 PM 6-7:30 PM 1:30 PM
Sanctuary Council Mtg 7 PM
Talk on Tap Girl Scouts Ruth’s
9 AM Sunday School Kammerer 6-7 PM Bells Harvest
10:15 AM Worship Room
7-8:30 PM Choir
Sanctuary & Livestream
BP checks after services

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
8 AM Worship 7 PM 6-7:30 PM
Sanctuary Bible Study Girl Scouts 11 AM-3:30 PM
9 AM Sunday School 6-7 PM Bells Garden Club
Kammerer Rm
10:15 AM Worship 7-8:30 PM Choir
Sanctuary & Livestream 1:30 PM
Ruth’s Harvest

29 30 31
8 AM Worship
9 AM Sunday School
10:15 AM Worship
Sanctuary & Livestream

Issue: January 2023 Page 9

The Epistle - ISSUE January 2023
Published by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
53 W. King Street, Littlestown, PA
Phone/Fax #: (717)359-4822
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 200 P.M.
Worship: Sundays at 8:00 & 10:15 A.M.
Sunday School (for all ages) 9:00 A.M.
The Church Staff
Rev. Chris Thomas (
Bobbye Dillman - Parish Secretary:
Michele Colvin - Treasurer:
Sharri Plattenburg - Financial Secretary:
Emily Selby - Sexton:
Ben Messinger - Choir Director:
Kelly Renner - Organist
Casey Bell - Assistant Organist
Ann Hartman - Assistant Pianist

Congregational Council
Charlie Abruzzo, Betsy Bein, Janet Cutsail, Brett Dillman, Ayleen Gontz,
Rick Masemer, Kate Nelson, Don Schumaker
Youth, vacant

Ministry Council Liaisons

Worship Discipleship Stewardship Hospitality
Betsy Bein Kate Nelson Charlie Abruzzo Ayleen Gontz

Service Fellowship Task Forces

Janet Cutsail Don Schumaker Brett Dillman

Issue: January 2023 Page 10

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