الذهبي ٥ Corrected by Yes We Can 2021

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Corrected by yes we can


(1)An exaggerated conditioned response to minor trauma resulting in localized

tumor like gingival enlargeillent. Which of the following is the most likely
A. Granulomatosis
B. Atypical gingivitis

C. Gingivosomatitis
D. Pyogenicgranuloma

(2) A pregnant woman presented to the Dintal Clinic with gingival swelling at the
palatal aspect of teeth # 24 and 25. Moderate buildup of dental plaque was
observed in the area (see report) . Radiographic report: No evidence of bone
lost at area of ​teeth 24 and 25.
Which of the following is the preferred management sequence in this case?!
A. Administration of systemic antibiotics
B. Wait till after delivery to start active treatment

C. Use of mouthwash for one week and re evaluate
D. Oral hygiene instructions reinforcement and scaling

(3) Which of the following represents the early sign of gingival inflammation?

A. Gingival swelling
B. Gingival bleeding upon probing
C. Color changes of gingival tissues
D. Decreased crevicular fluid production rate

(4) A 40 - year - old man come to the Dental Clinic for prosthetic treatment phase
of surgically placed dental implants # 12 and # 13. Interdental papilla between
upper right lateral incisor and conine was lost following extraction. Which of the
following the ideal distance (in mm) between base of interproximal implant
contact areas and crest of bone papilla regrowth?
A. 3.4 ✅✅
B. 4.4
C 5.4
D. 6.4
✳✳(5) A 54 - year - old man is complaining of tooth mobility. Periapical
radiograph was taken (see image). Which of the following is the radiographic
change seen in radiograph around tooth #41?
A. Root resorption
B. Vertical bone loss
C. Vertical root fracture

D. Widened Periodontal ligament (PDL) space
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

(6) Which of the following genetic disorders causes severe bone loss, periodantal
destructions, and early loss of teeth?
A. Haemophilia A
B. Cystic Fibrosis

C. Sickle Cell Anemia
D. Papillon - Lefevre syndrome

(7) Which of the following periodontal instruments can be seen in the attached
image (see image)?
A. UNC - 15
B. WHO probe
C. Nabers probe

D. Old - Dominion explorer
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

(8) Which of the following describes vibration that is felt when papating a tooth as

the patient occludes?
A. Fermitus
B. Clenching
C. Malocclusion
D. Physiologic mobility
(9) The dentist was evaluating a period severeontitis case and assigning
individual tooth prognosis prior to treatment Which of the following examined
teeth is best extracted rather than treated?
A. Lower left 1st molar with 6 mm mesial packet
B. Lower right central incisor with periapical lesion
C. Upper right canine with destal 2 - wall vertical defect.

D. Upper left 1st premolar with 90% horizontal bone loss arround the

(10) Which of the following periodontal probes is calibrated in 3 - mm sections?

A. UNC - 15 probe
B Marquis probe
C. Michigan O probe
D. Goldman - Fax / Williams probe
(11) Which of the following test in primary dentition is highly associated with false
- postive?
A Cold test

B. Occlusion test
C Percussion test
D. Radiographic test

✅ ‫ ﻧﺨﺘﺎرﻫﺎ‬ept ‫**اذا ﻛﺎن ﻓﻲ اﻟﺨﯿﺎرات‬

(12) A 25 - year - old woman presents for treatment with a chief complaint of
protruding maxillary incisors. Examination reveals 6 mm of incisor overjet
moderate overbite, class II molar and canine relationship, and a well-aligned
lower arch. Which of the following would be the first line of treatment?
A Bionator
B. Cervical headgear

C. Cemented palatal expander
D. Extraction of two upper premolars

(13) A 37 - year - old patient visited the clinic to replace missing tooth # 25. The
patient has excellent oral hygiene and caries - free oral cavity. Which of the

following is the most oppropriate treatment option to replace this tooth?
A. Dental implant
B. Cantilever bridge at 26
C. Removable patial denture
D. 3 - unit fixed dental prosthesis

(14) Following completion of active therapy for a severe periodontitis case, the
dentist noted class II furcation involvement in the upper molars according to
Glickman. Which of the following would be dentist's prognosis with a patient who

does not comply with maintenance visits?
A. Poor
B. Good
C. Normal
D. Better to extract

(15) A 62 - year - old diabetic patient reffered to the Dental Clinic for periodontal
treatment Upon examination, sever periodontal inflammation and multiple
abscess where recorded Which of the following is the reason for increased
susceptibility to infection in diabetic patients?

A. Neutrophils mutation
B. Defective chemotaxis of neutrophils
C. Increased adhesion copability of neutrophils
D. Increased phagocytic copability of neutrophils

(16) during clinical examination, a dentist has his patient to rinse with disclosing
agent. Which of the following is being stained by the disclosing agent as can be
seen on the surfaces of the teeth (see image)?

A. Caries
B. Plaque
C. Calculus
D. Tooth stains
(17) Which of the following is minimum space that should be maintained between
the mandibular never canal and the apex of the implant planning while for dental
implants placement?

A. 1 mm
B. 2 mm
C. 3 mm
D. 4 mm

(18) How many days does it take to develop traumatic ulcers, following the

delivery of a complete denture?
A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 5-6
D. 7-8
✳✳(19) A 42 - year - old man presents to the Dental Clinic with periodontitis.
Clinical examination reveals a 3 - wall infrabony defect that needs pramolars
bone grafting mesial to mandibular second premolar. Sufficient interdental space
between first and second premolars was observed. Which of the following is the
periodontal flap of choice in this case?
A. Partial thickness flap
B. Apically displaced flap
C Papilla preservation flap
D. Laterally positioned flap

(22) At what stage of necrotizing ulcerative gingival diseases, necrosis extending

to the marginal gingiva will be present?
A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3
D. Stage 4

(23) A 40 - year - old man walks to the Dental Clinic in preparation for orthodontic
therapy. The dentist takes full mouth X - rays and performs a clinical
examination. Which of the following finding needs to be addressed before

starting orthodontic treatment?
A. Calculus deposits and gingivitis
B. A temporary crown on tooth # 36
C. A temporary restoration on tooth # 45
D. A root canal filling that is 1 mm short in an asymptomatic tooth # 36

(24) A dentist is planning to restore a missing maxillary lateral incisor with

implant - supported crown. He has confirmed the availability of the vertical and
mesio - distal space for the implant and crown placement. He now proceeds to
quantify the ridge profile / bucco - lingual width of the bone for the placement of
implant. Which of the following methods can relatively better quantify the bucco -
lingual width of the bone?

A. Palpation
B. Ridge mapping
C. Visual assessment
D. Intraoral radiograph

✳✳(25) What do interventional trials on diabetic patients with periodontitis

A. Non - surgical periodontal therapy has a negative implant on HbA1c
B. Non - surgical periodontal therapy resulting in up - regulation of TNFO
C. scaling and root planing increased the risk of myocardial infarction in diabetic
D. Combination of scaling and root planing, and doxycycline result in a reduction
in HbA1c

(26) During treatment of periodontitis, the periodontist decided to place this

material subgingivally as a local delivery agent (see images). Which of the
following is the active ingredient of this material?
A. Tetracycline
B. Monocycline
C. Normal saline

D Chlorhexidine
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬
(27) Which cusps are connected by the ablique ridge on the surface of the
maxillary / 2nd primary molars?
A. Mesiobuccal and distopalatal

B. Mesiobuccal and distobuccal
C. Mesiopalatal and distobuccal
D. Mesiopalatal and distopalatal
(28) 30-year-old man recently had endodontic treatment and a crown on the
upper left first premolar. The patient is currently complaining of gingival redness
and bleeding only on that tooth. The patient reports that the dentist had to use a
laser to trim the gingival tissues before placing the crown. Which of the following
is the cause for such signs and symptoms?
A. Poor oral hygiene
B. Lichenoid reaction

C Excessive damage due to laser use
D. Violation of supracrestal attachment

✳✳(29) Which of the following should the management of a pseudo III

malocclusion include?
A. Retraction of upper incisors
B. Advancement of lower incisors
C. Advancement of upper incisors
D. Placement of a lower lip bumper

(30) Which of the following is the most important factor to be considered the

dentist prior to prescribing fluoride supplement?
A Age of the child
B. Weight of the child
C. Source of fluids in the child's diet
D. Type and concentration of fluoride in the toothpaste used

(32) A 17 - year - old patient, with a prognathic mandible, reports to the Dental
Clinic. The dental surgeon wants to ascertain whether skeletal growth has
subsided to adult levels. Which of the following would be the most accurate
method to determine whether the growth has stopped or is still continuing?

A. Facial photographs
B. Hand wrist radiographs
C. Dental maturation status
D. Serial cephalometric radiographs

(33) The dentist plans to extract a tooth of a 65 - year - old man (see report)
Radiographic evaluation: Showed increased opacity around the apices of some
tooth roots. Which of the following can explained this observation?
A. Physiologic tooth migration
B. Physiologic remodeling of cementum with age

C. Bone deposition due to age and occlusal forces
D. Continuous deposition of cementum throughout life

(34) A 20 - year - old woman visited the clinic to inquire about her gum health.
Her gingiva is shown in the attached photo (see image) Which of the following is
the gingival status?
A. Healthy
B. Gingivitis
C. Lost stippling

D. Deficient attached mucosa
‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة‬

A 65 - year - old man presents to the clinic, complaining of a poorly fitting
maxillary denture. Clinical examination showed a collection of small rounded soft
?tissue growth in the anterior palate. What is the most probable diagnosis
A. Palatal cheilitis
B. Epulisfissuratum

C. Denture stomatitis
D. Papillary hyperplasia

An 18 - year - old healthy man presented to the clinic complaining of enlarged
gums after orthodontic treatment. Clinical examination revealed generalized
gingival enlargement, generalized for 4-6 mm probing depths, generalized
bleeding on probing, plaque index 50 % (see image). Which of the following is
?the most likely treatment of choice
A. Open flap debridement
B. Discontinue the orthodontic treatment
C. Gingivectomy to give access for the patient to clean the teeth
D. Scaling and root planing, Polishing, oral hygiene then revaluation after 4-6

We start by d..if persistence then C ✅✅

(40) Which of the following is the earliest clinical sign of gingival inflammation
that precede established gingivitis?

A. Marginal redness
B. Bleeding on probing
C. Gingival overgrowth
D. Interdental papillae swelling
(41) A 38 - year - old pregnant woman presented to the Dental Clinic complaining
of gingival swelling that interfere with her bite. Upon examination, a discrete
mushroom - like, flattened spherical mass related to interdental gingivav of lower
left premolars was recorded (see image). Which of the following will be the most
appropriate management?
A. Scaling and polishing

B. Oral hygiene instruction only
C. Removing local factors and complete surgical removal
D. Removing local factors and delay surgical treatment after her delivery

(42) When does the gingival clinical manifestation of type IV allergy (contact

allergy) to dental restorative material occur?
A. After 1-2 days
B. After 4-5 days
C. After 7-10 days
D. After 12-15 days

(43) Which of following is the occlusion according to Angle's classification when

the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar ismesialto the buccal groove of
the mandibular first molar?

A. Class I
B Class II
C. Class II
D. Class IV

(45) A 58 - year - old man is complaining from tooth mobility. The clinical
examination revealed probing depths that range from 4 to 9 mm, clinical
attachment) loss of 5 mm and grade II to IIl mobility in most of his teeth. The
patient also smoked cigarettes 2 packs a day (see image). Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Localized stage III grade B periodontitis
B. Localized stage Ill grade C periodontitis

C. Generalized stage Ill grade B periodontitis
D. Generalized stage III grade C periodontitis

(46) An 60- year - old man presented with a history of auricular pain. He was
also complaining of reduced masticatory efficiency and altered pronunciation of
some latters. He received his new complete denture 2 months ago. On extra -
oral examination several wrinkles were seen near the corner of his mouth with
slight seepage of saliva at this area. Reduced facial muscle tone was also
detected. Which of the following is the most probable error in the new denture
A. Unbalanced occlusion
B. Reduced vertical dimension of occlusion
C. Increased vertical dimension of occlusion
D. Disharmony between centric relation and centric occlusion

(48) which of the following is the name of the inflammatory reaction that is
confined to the soft tissues around dental implants?
A. Periimplantitis

B. Periimplant gingivitis
C. Periimplant mucositis
D. Periimplant stomatitis

(49) A 27 - year - old man presented to the Dental Clinic complaining of pain
related to lower left area. Upon examination, an inflamed fluctuant swelling
covering partially impacted mandibular left third molar was noticed (see image
and report). Periapical radiograph: Shows that the tooth is in a good position.
Initial treatment was performed to resolve the acute condition. Which of the
following will be the appropriate management after resolution of the acute

A. Operculectomy
B. Apically positioned flap
C. Extraction of the tooth involved
D. Extraction of the opposing tooth

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