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Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (z-test)

Muestra 1 Muestra 2
102 99 mean
5 6 std. dev.
40 50 n

3.000 difference (Muestra 1 - Muestra 2)

1.160 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

2.59 z
.0097 p-value (two-tailed)

Hypothesis test for two independent proportions

p1 p2 pc
0.4 0.3 0.3429 p (as decimal)
120/300 120/400 240/700 p (as fraction)
120 120 240 X
300 400 700 n

0.1 difference
0 hypothesized difference
0.0363 std. error
2.76 z
.0058 p-value (two-tailed)
Muestra 1 Muestra 2 Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (z-test)
Media 102 99
Desv.estándar 5 6 Muestra 1 Muestra 2
n 40 50 102 99
5 6
40 50



Hypothesis test for two independent proportions

H0: P1 = P2
H1: P1 ≠ P2 p1 p2 pc
0.4 0.3 0.3429 p (as decimal)
120/300 120/400 240/700 p (as fraction)
120 120 240 X
300 400 700 n

0.1 difference
0 hypothesized difference
0.0363 std. error
2.76 z
.0058 p-value (two-tailed)
endent Groups (z-test)

std. dev.

difference (Muestra 1 - Muestra 2)

standard error of difference
hypothesized difference

p-value (two-tailed)

p (as decimal)
p (as fraction)

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