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Audio script UNIT 1 RECORDING 1 1 Fe pt i Far for th oe, beau hat asthe name of he Tarn thatmyaunt and uncle wad fo oom, My mum and my sister and L we ee ogo there every some for our Hodays absolutely loved ial the animal and gong on the actor with my unl nd stu ke hat east a ely spac place for me 2. Thareisreally anyday ofthe week tht dort the, bat hate raring you know, getting up Fist rin the merning jst not ‘morning person a al f' Bit ofa rable athe moment because Fmahirteee and do alot of ork for TV and stuf and normaly iti because work on pogranmes that stat ates getup quite [ae ut athe naman fm verking oni, and thave tbe there realy really early Fm geting up st about fie andi’ lire ‘rman the wort els ely teresting bt ust el so hore at that time ofthe morning 13 Forthizane, ve writen Kathy".-met her when we were bth working for this ely vl bos she wae ut the most hore nasty wernan, nd ial st jo, think Kathy ba hd afew diferet js fore that. Ayuay, we became very cose because we both hated ths toe sa much We sed to go ot fora alee together and compare llth afl things shed ed to ue We were cal good Rend fora pe of years even went on bli together ones but haven Seen er fo tee o four years. [dont now wh, realy. we at fall ut r anything but somehow we've lst touch, 4 let me eel remember the house where as brn was gute smal atid big eden My parent a bought the house ram an ed ‘man and bot ths aang pond atthe bottom ofthe garden Tha’ ane of my eartest memos relly. used to spend ours Staring he fia thi pond fund hem fascinating, was probably ‘nate dangerous, the pon, but no one seemed to Worry vey eh. Unk oe bed thar forabout ve yrs and hen we moved in about 1983 ink was 5 Er, someone ve ret quite recently i rama. ¥e only krown her forsbot si months met her at my evercse Gass 35 ithappens, tte wre tac next eachother ard we jst red aig 1s ‘ue a colcdence ely becuse obviously my nae's Ema 00 dy boyens ae’ Johny and her baba called ohn or Johnny, Weve all been out together acaupe of mes, and i gts realy contr {6 mca think of anything really for this one, Oh know, my cousin nds wile have ha aay think kas born about thee weeks eo, 9pl thin don remembers name. no eal ats bales mya, ti aks quite etn the photo on Facebook UNIT 1 RECORDING 4 1: And evrything stl oi wel ith Bn? You tw i madly nove? Me Yeah .yeah well un, ned to tlkto you about it some ine A: Wn, what's wren? Me No there's nothing rong os sch it'us mean we get on realy wel nd everything, bt | uno, dnt think I’ the, going anywhere. can se us togeter in afew years ine 1 Not Not aly no ast dont think we really want the same things. mean es ihe precy hoppy tng hee. ing the sare hing. eng the same prope and wal you iow a ve Bot 0 many plane and things want todo And yu don't think e's ntrested? ‘Mn, ha sas he But sometimes think he's us teling me what Dovour ‘And mean what's the pin of tying togsther you dont think the any ee "eo, mean do tove him, and we do havea good tne dune. You wort say anything to anyone, wl you? Because | ely haven ecided wat odo. Nf course ot, woud rea ft, Yau know yu cn trust me zr rr UNIT 1 RECORDING 5 F=joeR=Ame J: Sohove you seen Ben and Mara all? 2: Yes have actually had coffee with Marthe othe ay. ‘Yeah Everything O87 2 Mmm Yeah You don sind very sce! a No, wal don wheter you do mention this to Ben, wil you? No whaié ‘Only Ith she's going oh with him I Youre not serious? Hell be devastated 2: Wel you now, they ar vey lifeent peopl, mean shes lays been superamiitous and soperdyramic and e's ke, 25} 01g, apy with things they way they are. At thea of he day she dows. ‘they really have that much in common 1: Poor Bn So what exactly ose sy? 2: [dont rely wi should ay anything move youwor’ sy word to him |: No,no.1 promi, but youve got to tellme the whe story now you'vestarted!| 1k: Wala she tld me was UNIT 1 RECORDING 6 J=jo0 B=b0n So everything alright mate? Mar OX? ‘Yeah great She's udyng like eray as usual but no, everything’ good, ‘Actual m lang it ota surprise for er. Ohare you? What's that then? Wel you kno how he loves the su, well’ going to Book ts ig, holiday nthe un forus both, fr hen he lashes hr exams ext ‘See. Twa wed 9 res and she's going tolove Bus 9 Carmlet suprise soda say a word ober J Mom ware you sure Maz Uke ups? Dont you think you should frm, you know, ae her where se want ogo? mann e's going to east you 3 fortine in? 1 Ohh te thin, how she wl | "Cause, you kn, she does hae strong opinions abut what she ks, does she? Nah mate’ col, you dot no er ike, shel ove I 1 dunno, think es a bio rik Hie was me, Fe dtey ak her bor! boked i Hey you jst nt rman me, re you? 1F And ao she might make other pan, thing that she can, ie change ‘ard then she might not be abl to ge Be Nab trust me be fe, UNIT 1 RECORDING 12 _ you must promise 1 |W. OK Twa. Um ight hat ace the prs and eons of eoming fom alge famiy? Me Un, dont I don't rely nom dont came rom a lage family Ws lla if you 88 what might be the god pls? Me Well um, ah lots of Chast present? Ws Would you sy that thee wouldnt be anything bad about coming from ange fariye Me Ah ifyou had» small howe might be abit ramped. 2 w we ating else tht you con thik oI? Norot aly, no. Wel OT think were out of tne = Woman M= Man ‘Ok, your go. My ge Oe, two tv, fou, five Right. that's 2 god one, who hav you allen out within the ast?” We Oh no, um I al out wth, ah my sister ule recently ab we ad am argirent ast New Yor’ ve, but

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