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The potential of soft robotics in medical applications

[Introduction: General to particular]

Soft robotics is a rapidly growing field within robotics that focuses on the design

and construction of soft, flexible, and compliant robots. Soft, stretchable materials such

as silicone, rubber, plastics, cloths, wire and other flexible materials are used for the

structure along with stretchable and flexible sensors comprise soft robots. By utilizing

pneumatic, mechanical, hydraulic, or other flexible actuation systems, soft robots are

able to adjust to the environment and perform the desired tasks.


Soft robots can play a significant role in surgical procedures in many different

ways. Soft robots can deform and stretch to safely navigate through narrow spaces

within the body, a property which can be useful for invasive surgeries. Soft robots can

also be designed with a greater degree of precision and control, allowing for improved

accuracy and maneuverability during invasive procedures. Moreover, they can be

equipped with sensors and cameras to provide additional information about the patient's

body, allowing for more precise navigation and manipulation.

[Compare and contrast]

Soft robots have a unique advantage over traditional robots of being able to

interact with delicate tissues and organs without harming them. Soft robots can safely

handle, manipulate and transport delicate substances using soft flexible hands. Soft

robots can conform to the shape of the body which make it suitable for tasks such as

organ handling or medication administration whereas traditional robots made of rigid

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materials and operated by rigid, inflexible actuators can be insensitive and potentially

damage the substance.

[Compare and contrast]

Enhanced safety features are another major advantage of using soft robots over

traditional robots. Traditional robots must operate under careful supervision and from a

safe distance from patients due to their potential of colliding and causing injury to the

patient. Soft robots, on the other hand, are far less likely to cause accidents to the

patients due to malfunctioning or mishandling, as they do not have the rigid components

like traditional robots. Surgical soft robots can be made of materials that are safe for use

in the body. Moreover, soft robots are able to adapt to the shape and movement of the

patient's body, reducing the risk of injury or damage.

[General to particular]

The benefits of soft robots extend beyond structural ones to include patient

comfort benefits. The design of these robots can be made to be less intimidating and

more comfortable to interact with than for patients. This property can be particularly

helpful in settings such as rehabilitation, geriatric care, or pediatric care, where the

presence of traditional robots can be upsetting and scary for young patients or elderlies.

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