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Name: Thân Huyền Trang

Class: 22G3

SEMESTER 1( 2022-2023)
Môn học T.ĐỨC 1A T.ĐỨC 1B
Tín chỉ 3 3

3/10: Hallo! Tchüss!

4/10: Guten Tag! Auf Wiedersehen.
Tuần 1 Woher kommen Sie?
(3/10-9/10) 5/10: Zahlen und Buchstaben.
6/10: Länder und Sprachen.
7/10: Meine Hobbys, meine Freunde.

10/10: Gehen wir ins Kino.

11/10: Mein Beruf.
Tuần 2
12/10: Artikel lernen. Neu im Club.
(10/10-16/10) 13/10: Die Taxifahrt.
14/10: Die Taxifahrt. Kein Glück.
17/10: Links, rechts, geradeaus.
18/10: Events in Hamburg.
Tuần 3 Jahreszeiten in D-A-CH.
(17/10-23/10) 19/10:SELBSTSTUDIUM.
20/10: Kommt ihr?
21/10: Einkaufen im Supermarkt.
24/10: Frühstück, Mittagessen,
25/10: Berufe rund ums Essen.
Wörter lernen.
Tuần 4
26/10: Wiederholung Lek. 1-4. TEST
(24/10-30/10) WORTSCHATZ UND
27/10: Wie spät ist es?
28/10: Familie und Termine.
31/10: www.dobart.de
1/11: Die Verabreung. Kann ich einen
Tuần 5 Termin haben?
(31/10-6/11) 2/11: Pünktlichkeit?
3/11: Eine Überraschung für Sofia.
4/11: Eine Überraschung für Sofia.
7/11: Im Restaurant
8/11: Im Restaurant. Kneipen & Co in
Tuần 6 D-A-CH. Was ist los in…?
(7/11-13/11) 9/11: Prüfungstraining.
10/11: Prüfungstraining.

Tuần 7
Tuần 8
Tuần 9
Tuần 10
Tuần 11
Tuần 12
Tuần 13
Tuần 14
Tuần 15
3 3

5/10: Orientation. Identify yourself at


12/10: Preparing for assignments &

Văn hoá và văn hoá học.

Văn hoá và môi trường tự nhiên. Văn

19/10:Goal setting. Time
hoá và môi trường xã hội. Tiếp xúc
và giao lưu văn hoá

Văn hoá nhận thức. Tôn giáo. Tín 26/10: Introduction to Critical
ngưỡng. Thinking.

2/11: Practicing message

Phong tục và nghệ thuật.
interpretation & decision making.
9/11: Bài KTra số 1. Group work.
10/11: Học trực tuyến
Steps of a student group project.

16/11: Searching information and

Diễn trình lịch sử văn hoá Việt Nam. materials. Evaluating information and
23/11: Note-taking skills. Research
Không gian văn hoá Việt Nam. synthesis. Referencing & citation.
Plagiarism. Nộp bài ktra số 2.
30/11: College-level academic
30/11: Thu BT nhóm.
research. Literature review.
7/12: Solving problems. Reporting
Tổng kết.
project progress.
14/12: Project Presentation. Feedback
& Assessment.
21/12: Project Presentation. Feedback
& Assessment. Tổng kết khoá học.

4/10: Orientation. Animals

6/10:Animals. Writing handout 1.

11/10: Customs and Traditions.

13/10: Customs and Traditions.
Writing handout 2.

18/10: History. 20/10: Fieldtrip

25/10: History. Listening & Speaking

Handout 1. 27/10: History. Writing
handout 3.

1/11: Transport. 3/11: Transport.

Reading handout 1. Writing handout
8/11: Environment. 10/11:Fieldtrip.

15/11: Environment. Listening &

Speaking handout 2. 17/11:
Environment. Writing handout 5.
Speaking handout 3. 24/11: Reading
handout 2, writing handout 6.
29/11: Health and fitness. 1/12:
6/12: Listening handout 3, speaking
handout 4. 8/12:Health and fitness,
writing handout 7.
13/12: Discovery and Invention.
15/12: Writing handout 8.
20/12:Fashion. 22/12: Reading
handout 3. Writing handout 9.
27/12: PROGRESS TEST 2. 29/12:
Fashion. Writing handout 10.
3/1: Economics. 5/1: Writing handout
10/1: EXAM PRACTICE. 12/1:

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