Bath Rooms and Toilets

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Bath rooms and Toilets have the energy of HELL

Bath rooms and Toilets must not be in North or they bring financial problems. North East Bath and WC give educational and financial problems. Bath rooms and Toilets are best in west or south.

2. Never use bright colors such as Red, Purple, Pink for painting your house. This may
aggravate the sickness star if any and bring in disaster. Do not keep too many Crystals, Clusters in your house. That also has the same effect as mentioned above. 2. Do not keep Water Fountain, Fish Tank or even the picture of Water in your Bedroom. It will destroy your Health as well as Wealth. Water has to be dealt with great care. 3. Do not keep your Mandir / Alter under any Beam or Cupboard or you will be always under stress. 4. Do not keep Heavy objects, Dustbin and a shoe rack in North East and North of your House .Always keep North East and North clean and light. Heaviness here will block your Finances. 5. Do not keep Bonsais in the house or they will hamper the growth in a respective area of your life. 6. Do not face South while cooking or your mind will be filled with negative thoughts. 7. Do not select a house which has a South West entry even if you are getting it at a lower price. 8. Avoid that place to sleep where your cat loves to rest. That place most probably has a problem of Geopathic Stress. 9. Do not give a room to your servant which is in the South West of your house or the servant will dominate you. 10. Do not sleep in front of the mirror or after some years, it will cause the surgery of that part of your body which is reflected in the mirror. 11. Do not keep paintings of Mahabharata, Titanic, Sinking Boat in your house or office or it may cause never ending fights between a husband and a wife and problems in your business respectively.

Bedroom for Your Children

Here are the luckiest bedrooms for your children:

North - Middle son Northeast - Youngest son East - Eldest son Southeast - Eldest daughter South - Middle daughter West - Youngest daughter

Feng Shui Your Bedroom

A Feng Shui bedroom - like any Feng Shui space - should always allow for the maximum flow of chi. By using the bagua chart, along with a balance of yin andyang to enhance the harmonious energies, you can transform your bedroom into a Feng Shui bedroom. This section will give you some examples and tips for your Feng Shui bedroom. The first step in Feng Shui-ing your bedroom is to follow the advice your mother always gave you: go clean your room. In this case, however, the purpose of cleaning is more than just sweeping up the dust and throwing away garbage. You're cleaning so that your chi doesn't get stuck under your dirty clothes or inside open dresser drawers. Make sure your door swings smoothly all the way to 90 degrees to allow maximum chi to flow inside. When standing at the entrance, make sure that you can see an open, flowing space to your bed - the most important object in the room because it's likely where you'll be for the most time. Feng Shui teachers recommend that, if possible, you avoid putting your bed against a wall, but instead position it so that there is equal space on either side. Feng Shui also alerts you to negative influences on your health. Perhaps most importantly is the existence of secret poison arrows, which are pointed corners (eg. edge of dresser, guitar neck) aimed at the bed, chair or anywhere else you sit for any amount of time. The two most common ways of avoiding poison arrows are moving your bed/chair out of the line of fire, or softening or camouflaging the sharp corners (eg. drape a cloth over the dresser). To address poison arrows more seriously, you can read about many more specific objects (depending on bagua sector) to place in the line of the poison arrows to deflect the poison. Feng Shui teachers also recommend to not exercise in your bedroom because this room is supposed to be your resting place, and hard work doesn't mix with a tranquil environment. Also, keep electronics out of the bedroom if possible, or at least cover them when not in use; bedrooms can be a yang/hard room at day, but should always be yin/soft at night. Finally, here are some tips if you're looking for romance. You can enhance the romantic chi of your bedroom by putting romantic pictures (eg. flowers, angels) in two places: on the wall that you first look at when entering the room, and on the wall that you look at while lying in bed. When decorating, use products in pairs (eg. birds, cherubs, candles or decorative pillows). Also, use round mirrors to signify unity. The following layout is an example of how to Feng Shui your bedroom using the bagua chart: Example of How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom Northwest (elders) Pictures of your elders and helpers West (youth) Art supplies, artwork, computer Southwest (tranquility) North (change) Mirrors, water-related items, images to support your career goals Northeast (direction) Bookcase books, tools for self-development

Center East (future) Open area for free flow of chi Money, jewelry, fish, fountains, and anything red, purple, or gold South (fame) Southeast (romance)

Family photos, heirlooms, plants

Candles, awards, plants, and Round or oval mirrors, anything red, orange, or purple anything pink, pictures of loved ones, paired obj

Because your office (either your home study or corporate office) is the place where you work to generate an income, Feng Shui for the office revolves around enhancing wealth and fame. Again you will use the bagua chart to arrange your office furniture and choose your decorations to make your business successful. Here are some suggestions to create an environment conducive to wealth and your business.

A fish tank placed in the North section of a room will enhance wealth

The ideal location for a home office is in the east sector of the house (the wealth sector). The ideal position for your office desk positions you to face south (in the direction of fame). However, even more importantly is that you do not face away from the door because that is equivalent to turning your back on business; you must eagerly welcome your business. Poison arrows in the office can be detrimental to a successful business, and their existence may be even more prevalent in an office than in the bedroom. Filing cabinets, pillars, table edges, cactus plants and a colleagues desk edge can all be dangerous when aimed at your chair. To address these issues, try to move them or soften the corners. If this proves impossible, then you could try hanging Chinese flutes behind your desk, which is said to neutralize the poison arrows. Your office should have a balance of yin and yang features. To create this balance, use a variety of light and dark colors, soft and hard surfaces, and smooth in rough textures when choosing furniture, flooring and window treatments. Optimal wall colors include pale, cream hues, while rugs should be dark blue or black. Feng Shui teachers also suggest hanging a picture of a mountain behind you to give you strength. Also, keep cords and cables wellhidden to allow free flow of chi, and make sure the air smells good (e.g. oils or coffee smells), and not musty or old. Depending on the size of your furniture and what type of business youre running, your placement of objects will differ. For example, if you have a creative business, you should put your computer in the west area of the office; if you are an accountant, you will want the computer in the southeast. Because safes are usually made of metal, put them in the northwest or west sectors. Put wood furniture in the east or southeast, fish tanks in the north, and plants in the southwest or northeast (according to the bagua chart).

Feng Shui Your Garden

A Feng Shui garden can be one of the most tranquil and relaxing places inside or outside your home. In fact, a Feng Shui garden that has ultimate balance can even have a positive effect on the house next to it. The garden should be balanced in two ways: within itself, and with the home (the garden beingyin/calm and the house being yang/active). Although there are an infinite number of ways you can arrange your garden and many plants you can choose from, here are some general tips for a harmonious Feng Shui garden.

Make a southern entrance for the garden (this guideline is probably based on the fact that the greatest amount of sun will also reach the garden from the south). Use curves to enhance tranquility. For example, curved flower beds and paths can balance the straight lines of the house. Also, use curved lines (e.g. hedges) to mark property boundaries. If you already have a fence, you can create a sense of curvature by growing ivy on it. Do not clutter the garden. Leave extra space when planting because the plants will grow and spread out. Add items that have personal meaning to you (e.g. gifts, stones, statues). Use a variety of colors when choosing plants, and arrange them in bright/high energy patches and pale/tranquil patches based on thebagua chart and your own intuition. Make different places in your garden that have different levels of energy. You dont want people to fall asleep while walking through, but you do want people to relax. For example, you can use rocks (which are still and rough) with water (which is moving and smooth). In Feng Shui tradition, the begonia symbolizes the perfect yin/yangbalance.

The following is an example of how to Feng Shui your garden folling the BaguaChart: Example of How To Feng Shui Your Garden Northwest (metal) arbor, wind chimes, chairs West (metal) arbor, wind chimes, chairs Southwest (earth) clay pots, rocks, soil North (water) pond, fountain, birdbath Center Open area for free flow of chi South (fire) lights, grill, chimenea (freestanding fireplace) Northeast (earth) clay pots, rocks, soil East (wood) bench, planting boxes Southeast (wood) bench, planting boxes

Feng Shui Products

Feng Shui products have different meanings. When choosing Feng Shui products, think about where you will put them and how you want them to help you, with a dose of your own personal taste:

Bagua mirror or crystals This 8-sided mirror represents the full baguachart (marriage, fame, wealth, family, career, new knowledge, helpful people and children). Mirrors and crystals are one of the most utilized cures for Feng Shui ailments due to their versatility. Bamboo flute - Bamboo represents strength, endurance and power, and its sound goes on for infinity. Two flutes crossed behind you can ward off poison arrows. Wind chimes A yin product, chimes produce a relaxing, tranquil environment and are ideal for gardens. Candles Candles with soft light are especially Feng Shui because you can position them to create a harmonious balance of yang/light andyin/shadow.

The white Feng Shui cat is a metal color and therefore is lucky in the west (youth) or northwest (elders) sectors

Lucky cats Cats come in many colors; choose a lucky cat based on your kua number and where you will put it in your house. Tortoise Best placed in the north, the wise, slow tortoise restrains excitable temperaments, tames the primitive side of human nature, and prevents dryness of body and spirit. Phoenix This mythological creature is best placed in the south, and it gives light, warmth, and nourishment to the world. Tiger Best placed in the west, the tiger brings good luck to the house and makes family members healthy and productive. Dragon Best placed in the east (especially near trees), the dragon represents growth. Temple lions Always seen in pairs, lions are often placed in front of important buildings and houses because they protect the inhabitants.

For getting good sleep in the night and freshness when waking up, the children's bedroom must be fully Vastu compatible. Getting high marks and ranks are directly depending in the position of bedroom and study room of the children. Often even intelligent and bright students fail to achieve their goals just because of the bad Vastu vibrations in their bed rooms. If their rooms are not as per Vastu the memory power and confidence levels are badly affected due to the negative energies of Vastu.

If any children seem to be excellent in intelligence and activities but poor in performance in the exams parents must take steps to check their bed position, study table position and the place where the books are kept. If these Vastu factors are not corrected, their hard work is wasted and prosperous future is lost. Vastu Shastra must be followed to get the complete good vibrations to make them healthy and mentally sharp. As per Vastu Shastra Children's rooms can be in the west, north or east of the building. A north-west corner and west side bedroom is best for children. A north- east corner bedroom can also be used for unmarried children or guests. Vastu Tips As a general rule of Vastu, there must not be any mirror opposite to the bed in a bedroom. A television screen is also considered as mirror, when turned off, and so even a TV is not allowed to be kept exactly opposite to the bed. But as people generally insist on keeping a TV in bedroom, it can be kept to the right or left of the bed at angle for a comfortable view from bed. The children study table can be fixed in the north-east corner of the room. The bookshelf should not be fixed near the north-eastern corner, but preferably on south and west walls of the children's room. The bed or cot in the children's room can be in the southwest portion of the bed room with head position in the east or south direction. The door of the bathroom should not be exactly opposite to the bed. The furniture in the room should be placed a few inches away from the walls, as it saves the positive energies of body and mind. The study table, if placed in the bedroom, should be placed so as to ensure that the child should face east, north or north-east while studying. Facing east ensures better concentration while studying. A television should never be placed in the bedroom, but if it is necessary it can be placed in north-west of the room. And a computer can be placed in south-east corner of the room.

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