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Conceptual Link 1 Towards a National Identity

Test 1 Fila B

NOME ................................................................................................................................................. CLASSE ................................ DATA ...................................

History, culture and literature

Suggested time: 50 minutes

1 ANSWER the following questions about the historical context.

1. Where did the Celts come from and what was their economy based on?
2. What were their homes like and what role did women have in their society?
3. When did the Romans first invade Britain and what did they build there?
4. When did the Anglo-Saxons arrive in Britain and how were their family groups organised?
5. Who reintroduced Christianity at the turn of the 6th century and how?
6. Where can we still see signs of the Heptarchy in Britain today and what was it?
7. What did King Alfred want to create in Britain?
8. What led to the end of the Viking attacks?
9. Which famous church did Edward the Confessor build and what happened after his death?
10. Who invaded Britain in 1066 and where was he crowned?
Marks: …… / 30
(3 marks for each answer: 1 for content, 1 for lexis, 1 for grammar correctness)

2 DECIDE whether the following statements about Anglo-Saxon literature are true or
false. Correct the false ones.
12. Anglo-Saxon literature is the term used to describe works from the early 5th century
to the time of the Norman Conquest. [T] [F]
13. It included stories about the lives of saints and sermons. [T] [F]
14. It was rarely written and it was based on oral transmission. [T] [F]
15. The scop was an epic warrior who sang of great deeds. [T] [F]
16. Anglo-Saxon poetry was memorised over a long period of time. [T] [F]
17. Church scribes started copying down poetry in the 10th century. [T] [F]
18. Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial vowel in words which are close together. [T] [F]
19. In Anglo-Saxon poetry the verse was divided into two halves with five stresses. [T] [F]
20. A kenning is a formulaic metaphorical phrase used instead of a period of time. [T] [F]
21. An example of a kenning is ‘the whale-road’ to refer to the sea. [T] [F]
Marks: …… / 10
(1 mark for each answer)

3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences about epic poems.
23. The word ‘epic’ derives from a noun meaning written / oral exposition.
24. The epic poem is a long narrative recalling / criticising a nation’s past.
25. The poems depicted a military society / ancient trades.
26. Epic poems tell stories of everyday deeds / courageous actions.
27. Type-scenes are a series of slow, detailed scenes / vivid pictorial flashes.
28. These scenes portrayed voyages and banquets / weddings and hunting.
29. Stories were narrated subjectively / objectively.
30. The poet and his characters aim to highlight / criticise the beliefs and customs of their
31. The main theme of epic poems is the morality of the times / heroic behaviour.
32. The vocabulary of the poems is rich / simple.
Marks: …… / 10
(1 mark for each answer)

Idee per insegnare la letteratura inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer Shaping Ideas 1 © Zanichelli 2020 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Conceptual Link 1 Towards a National Identity
Test 1 Fila B

NOME ………………………………..………………….......................................................................………………................….. CLASSE ……………...............……..…DATA ……………….…...……..……..……

Total marks: …… / 50

Idee per insegnare la letteratura inglese con La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer Shaping Ideas 1 © Zanichelli 2020 nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo

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