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 I did not just passively accept the faith of my parents. My father always taught me to be his equal.

did not put limitations on what I could and could not do. And in this process, I had to go through my own
spiritual journey trying to figure out what it means for me to be Muslim women in 21st century.

 I’m a born Muslim. While I learnt the rituals of Islam, I never understood what Islam really is. It’s easy
to put the blame on previous generations but they too didn’t have access to much information &
knowledge as we do and were also carrying on passed down knowledge. I went the opposite direction
and Islam was completely out of my life.

 But as I started growing older, I had questions and lacked a belief. No matter how many books on
positivity I read I wasn’t satisfied. I believed in Allah but I didn’t know how to connect to Him.

 I may have had an honest, clean, heart filled with love and gratitude but was always considered an
outsider. I started seeking my own answers and turned to the Quran directly - and no surprises there! All
my answers were found.

 One day, as I grew older, instead of accepting what society told me, I went and did my own research.

 I watched Muslim apologists, Christian apologists, atheistic apologists, and all sorts of professionals in
this field. Most of my time had even been spent trying to find proof of the peace in Islam, so that I could
stand for those closest to me, and to those who had been hurt by others as a result of stereotypes. After a
few years of searching, exploring firstly Christianity going to many different churches and reading many
kinds of bibles. I explored other religions like Buddhism, tried to investigate Judaism, Rastafarianism,
new age beliefs and philosophies.

 When I started exploring the message in the Quran, I found it answered the many questions all those
other belief systems left me with.

 There is a clear, logical, consistent, and pure message. I was shocked that what I had been searching for
was all there laid out plainly.

 I was super excited to learn about the Quran which had just been collecting dust on my bookshelf for
years. I opened and dived right into the book.

 When I was younger, I did not really care who wrote each book of the Qur'an or where it was written. It
did not dawn on me to question the time period or the person who wrote it. Being a Muslim, I would
always read the book as a religious book. As a child, I would always write the book as my favourite in
my school “favourite book” essays. But I never actually read the book with all my heart. I never knew
what the book meant to convey. It was just a ritual for all Muslims to recite the book. In my 9th grade, I
started to read the Holy Quran with translation and that is when I fell in love with it. When I started
translation of the book. And I was mesmerised.

 I had the same Quran since I was nine years old. It was hot pink with florets all over the cover. I did
not know if this Quran was like the all the other Books. I figured it was what I had, and I might as well
read it.

 I wrestled with the Qur'an. I read and reflected and questioned and doubted and ultimately believed.
My relationship with God it was not love at first sight. It was trust, a slow surrender that deepened with
every reading of Qur’an. Its rhythmic beauty sometimes moves me to tears. I felt myself transported into
a divine field - drenched in love. I see myself in it. I feel like that God knows me. Have you ever felt like
someone sees you, understands you completely? And yet loves you anyways. That is how it feels. Others
love is for their own sake only true and honest love is from our Creator.
Dear dad do you hear me 1

 The Quran echoes deeply into a person’s soul. We were created to recognize it’s truth, its beauty, it’s
wisdom yet we have put layers of false ideas over our hearts and minds, some of us even rejecting that
we possess souls. The Quran cannot enter a heart covered in arrogance and sin and rejection of God
except if God wills. Only a sincere seeker, a heart that has an opening or searching or yearning for the
pure truth. The Quran cannot be described in full; it is a lifelong journey that never ceases. It is not a
story book yet it contains some of the most profound stories from human existence and beyond that. It is
not a science book yet it contains many scientific miracles. It is not a book purely of laws and rules yet
it’s system of governance would transform the entire planet if adopted. It is a book of signs, of messages,
of heart moving moments, of truth, of beauty, of warnings, of reality. It is a book of eternity. Don’t seek
to understand the Quran from those who reject it or who’s hearts refuse to dive into it just like you would
not seek to find the truth from a liar. If you want to experience the Quran, put your current picture of
reality on the shelf for a moment and give it some sincerity.

 When I read Quran and watched lectures every day. I couldn’t stop reading. I was so fearless and I felt
so close to Allah. I began to dive deeper into my faith found in God. I began to delve deep into the
 I started to see the stories in a different light and my curiosity would take me to a place where I wanted
to be standing right next to them in battle, or in front of a king. Seriously, I wanted to see their facial
expressions and smell everything they were smelling (that could have been sweet or disgusting,
depending on the story I was reading). The Qur'an started to come to life. It is easy to read the Qur'an
and just think of it as a book filled with adventure and poetry, but these were all written from real life.
This all really happened to someone and its shaped history as we know it. Had even one of these events
not really happened, our world would be completely different today. Isn’t that amazing to think about?
One event alters the history of tomorrow.

 Every single word is beautifully written. The rhythm of the book is astonishing. The way it tells us the
stories of Messengers, so beautifully pictured and the way it teaches us about science and galaxies and
the making of the skies and the earth and clouds and what not. It does not just tell you to pray and
worship Allah, it tells us about everything. I love it because of its poetic way. Every Ayah matches the
other in a Surah so beautifully that it mesmerizes me every time I read it. But, above all, it covers all
aspects of life. The book discusses Life and death, marriage and divorce, creation and destruction,
mannerism, ethics, women’s rights, marital relations, orphan’s rights, widow rights, running a
government, doing business, trade, health, and you name it. It tells us about our relationships, the rights
of Women, the rights of orphans and the relation between a parent and a child and a husband and wife. It
covers the aspects of morals and ethics, the good and the bad. It teaches us the complete way of living, a
complete code for life indeed. If you look at the Quran, we will find that 3% are commands and
prohibitions. 97% of the Quran teaches ethics. It also telling the basic rules upon behaviour since
childhood to late years of a person. The relationship between God and man. The purpose of life,
morality, history of nations in the past. teaches us how to be self-critical. How to use reason and faith.
Many major themes. It’s the most liberating text concerning how to transact business commercially,
divide property, entering marriage, concerning the role of husband and wife, when to pray and who exist
alongside us and about the meaning of this world we see and so much more. It really helps to avoid fraud
in your life and what it is. It’s not a matter of think, I know it to be the truth. You know what I was
taught rules. Okay you, cover your hair! Do this. Don’t do this! We are obsessed with only that. Be
tolerant! We emphasis so much on the worldly appearance of religion that we forget that the real practice
of faith begins from the soul. Our tongue, our behavior, our manners is what carries our faith not just our
clothes. Once I understood that I loved my faith because my faith gives me hope every day to be a better
person. To be worthy of Allah’s worship. It makes me strive to be a good ambassador of Islam to
Muslims as well. As mere mortals we have a lot of complexities. And as Muslims we have a larger
responsibility to be the right representatives to Islam to not just the non-Muslims but to the younger
generations as well. So, we have to work hard every day on ourselves. There are so many Islamic
communities that hold gathering that ridicule other faiths, or criticize a woman publicly on her attire.
why would someone think of us as a religion of love & acceptance when we aren’t barely kind to our
own fellow Muslims. I think long and hard about my actions every day before sleeping and ask Allah to
Dear dad do you hear me 2

help me be a better Muslim every day to help a lost person like me. My humble advice is to go and read
it with translation, if you are non-Arab, and you are going to fall in love. Not as a Muslim, but as a
human, you must give it a read

 There is a difference between reading a translation and reading the Arabic. My journey to Islam was
enhanced through the linguistic miracle of the Quran. When you study the Quran from its linguistic stand
point and formation, the etymology and orthography you will know, through your own belief system that
this can only be a word of God. That is way before you even start to make an effort to understand. No
human has read the Quran until they study its formation. When someone has a negative opinion of the
Quran, I find it somewhere between laughable and sad when they say "I read the Quran..." Yet have
never understood a single sematic formation let alone Classical Arabic. It's almost like me saying I know
Martial Arts because I watched Bruce Lee as a child. Note, that there is a difference between "reading"
and "studying". The Quran is a word from God, the creator of the universe. If you open such a book with
this fact in mind then the book will reveal its miracles to your heart. We study worldly books on Physics,
Classics or Philosophy with the agree that it may take 10 years to just understand the basics of these
subjects. However, with the word of God people think they can just open it and understand it without a
teacher. If they do approach the book with this attitude then they have already by default admitted to
themselves that they are not about to open the word of God. Why then, will the Quran then reveal its
miracle to such a person? I challenge you to study the basic etymology and orthography of some ayah's
and it will feel like you have seen the stars for the first time.

 Quran is a single coherent text of not just religion but a manual guidance for the mankind (compass,
not a horoscope.) on how to behave in this world. On how to carry yourself. On how to glorify the one
who created you and how to be grateful for your existence. Guidance for navigating our own future, one
life at a time.

 The Quran is the message from Allah which addresses the humanity of all time with very different
levels of understanding and knowledge base. That includes the 7th century Bedouins of Arabia, our
current generation of humans with vastly improved scientific understanding of the world and also the
future generations of humans who will be even more knowledgeable and likely be commuting between
different planets.

 According to the Quran, Allah revealed two types of verses in Quran: 1. The verses which are clear and
decisive in meaning (Muhkama verses). 2. The Verses, the meaning of which may not be apparent to a
reader (Mutashabiha verses)

 This failure to understand the meaning of certain verses could be because of the reader’s level of
understanding, or absence of knowledge base of a particular generation of humans or the missing context
which is needed to understand the meaning.

 The Quran: (3:7)” It is He Who has revealed the Book to you. Some of its verses are clear and lucid, and
these are the core of the Book. Some others are ambiguous. Those in whose hearts there is perversity,
always go about the part which is ambiguous, seeking mischief and seeking to arrive at its meaning
arbitrarily, although none knows their true meaning except Allah. On the contrary, those firmly rooted in
knowledge say: 'We believe in it; it is all from our Lord alone.' No one derives true admonition from
anything except the men of understanding.”

 Quran is the verbatim word of God: Tell me if this makes sense: An illiterate Arab (who was known
to be illiterate by his friends and family for over 40 years) suddenly starts reciting verses of such
amazing magnitude and Arabic poetic mastery that he, in a matter of 23 years, transforms a backwards,
selfish and the warring populace of Arabia into one of the greatest human civilizations that ever existed.
I am not convinced that an illiterate man can suddenly become Shakespeare. Even then, Shakespeare did
not write his plays in one sitting. Even Romeo and Juliet went through the editing process,
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spelling/grammar mistakes, tweaks here and there. The Quran was narration, speech. Yet it's
grammatical accuracy and attention to detail is astounding. As a reasonable person, I cannot believe that
is a coincidence. (A short example) In the 2nd chapter of the Quran (the longest), there is a
verse "We made you a middle nation...." (Not extremists). The chapter has 286 verses. Guess which
verse number the above is? That's right 143. THE MIDDLE. How do you do this in speech, without
having the time to edit or keep track of where you are in the narration? You can’t. The Quran wasn't a
book. It was SPEECH. It was revealed to one person (Muhammad) over a 23-year period, in response to
various circumstances. Muhammad would go limp and still and start reciting the words. There was no
editing process, no filter, no preparation. The words where memorized verbatim by Muhammad's
followers and if there was a system of peer-review to make sure the original was not corrupted. This
speech laid the foundation for Arabic grammar for the next 1400 years. The Koran was only formally
written down and distributed much later.

He had epilepsy? False. Muhammad showed no medical symptoms of any mental illnesses. He was
considered the best of his people and called "Al-Amin" (The truthful) by his community which had known
him 40 years prior to his prophet-hood. Why did so many people fight him? It was not because they were
not convinced. One of the greatest enemies of Islam at the time, Utbah, actually affirmed to Muhammad's
face that what he was reciting HAD to be the word of God. But he had a clan and his pride to uphold to.
(Utbah was one of the greatest poets of the time so he knew what he was hearing). What Muhammad was
saying was considered crazy. Treating your women, right? Giving to the poor? Pride is a sin? The Arabs
didn't really like that.

A miracle is something that cannot be explained by science or logic, but can only be explained by divine
intervention. In the Qur’an I’m aware of the existence of four categories of miracles:

1.Numerical miracles like…
Quran has interested scholars in deriving a connection between the two since the Quran was sent. Recently it
seems there is more interest in using math to prove the Quran could only have been from Allah, although there are
many other proofs. For me, it seems that the mathematics of the Quran are highly integrated with and
connected to its actual message, although math is clearly not the message itself. Math can be derived directly from
numbers mentioned in the text, or from counting various elements in the Quran, such as word and letter counts,
numbers of suras (chapters) and their order, and other elements, such as finding prime numbers or repeating
patterns. The Quran encourages us to study math: [He is] the cleaver of daybreak and has made the night for rest
and the sun and moon for calculation. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. (6:96).
This specifies that Allah determined the relative positions of the sun and moon vis-a-vis the earth so we could
“calculate” these things first as a way to tell time, and thus learn calculation, eventually more math. It is He who
made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light and determined for it phases – that you may know the
number of years and account. Allah has not created this except in truth. He details the signs for a people who
know. (10:5). The word for “number of years” actually means more like “the tally of years” from the word
‘adad (from the sound of it could plausibly be the source word for “add”) “to count.” This means “math.” Then
the word translated here “account” is the same word hisaab, meaning calculation/account/math. So why
does Allah want us to learn math? Well, it’s an essential part of being “a people who use their minds” (qawmin
y’aqiloon) equated in the Quran with “people of faith” and “people who are certain in
faith.” Allah gave us intellect to use  it, not to blindly believe or follow and then act as if all we had was “read
only memory” and ignore our ability to discern. Because sooner or later falsehood and truth will become mixed
and distorted — this is Satan’s favourite means of deluding us — and one can better distinguish truth from
falsehood by gaining knowledge on a broad scale, in language skills, in observational skills, and in math.
Sophisticated mathematics is crucial to understanding the world, obviously in science, but also in other fields,
using statistics in social sciences, etc. Allah wants us to increase in knowledge  and develop our minds,
not to obey unthinkingly. Otherwise, we couldn’t tell the difference between truth and falsehood in the modern
world. Now back to numbers in the Quran. Many Islamic websites list such factoids as the Quran mentioning the
word “day” 365 times and “month” 12 times etc, for example this short list, and then there are other more
sophisticated discussions of such phenomena as amazing patterns in the distribution of odd and even as well as
prime numbers in the Quran, and more. Some studies have been largely or at least partially debunked, such as the
“Code 19” of the late Dr. Rashad Khalifa, although not all of his calculations were debunked, but ones he
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considered crucial. He and others studied the “Muqatta’at” — individual letters that do not form words but
patterns which preface 29 different suras and whose meaning/ wisdom has never been well-explained — and
discovered some fascinating patterns. Dr. Abdeldaem Al-Kaheel used an entirely different method, place value
arrangements, to show mathematical patterns using multiples of 7. The purpose of all of these has been to show
that the Quran is genuinely the word of Allah. But people have also believed that to be true from the beauty and
power of the message itself. One of these studies that sets itself apart due to a higher level of mathematical
sophistication than simply finding multiples is the Quran Constant, a number derived using the Arabic Gematria
and other elements by Dr. Khaled M. S. Faqih (a professor at Al-Bayt University in Jordan) with which he could,
by using it in a simple formula, obtain the exact number of suras, words, and letters in the Quran. This number
also showed the Quran to be based on the Golden Mean. The link above explains this more thoroughly. Still, my
own interest in Quranic math is not to thereby prove the Quran to be authentic, which I find already is proven in
numerous ways, but rather to show how precisely  the Quran presents its major themes. A beautiful example of
this is in the story, told briefly, of what happened when Prophet Ibrahim saw a dream that he was sacrificing his
firstborn, analysing verse 37:102:

 And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion (meaning Ismail was mature – 5 words,15 letters),
 he said, “O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I sacrifice you, so see what you think.” (11
words, 40 letters, 51 total)
 He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the patient.” (11
words, 40 letters, 51 total)
 Total for verse: 5+11+11 = 26 words; 15+40+40 = 95 letters; 121 (11×11) total words+letters
 Total for Abraham and Ismail’s statements: 22 words, 80 letters, total 102, the number of this verse
I’ve divided this verse into 3 parts: the first describing how Ismail was mature and hence not a child being
bound to an altar against his will. The second and third parts are the statements of the father Ibrahim and his son
Ismail. Notice that each of their statements are not only the same “length,” but contain  the exact same number of
words and letters,  11 words and 40 letters. This emphasizes the absolute equality between them. Which is clearly
shown in the text: prophet Ibrahim tells his son about the dream takes his opinion; his son decides this is Allah’s
command and advises they should follow through with it, stating he would be “among the patient” for his part as
the sacrifice! This is pretty clear, but the word and letter count clearly directly relate  to this. The number of words
in each statement, 11, is then further highlighted in the total words+letters count for the entire verse, 121 = 11x11.
Coincidence? Not for such a close and meaningful relationship to the text. But this is not some isolated examples.
I’ve found similarly meaningful connections between word/letter counts in other suras, notably Surat Al-Layl,
where the structure and word/letter counts are closely integrated with the meaning. There’s an awful lot of
“coincidences” to “debunk” beyond these. My feeling is that clearly one wouldn’t expect people to count words
and letters this way while reading, and especially reciting, the Quran. It seems that this is how Allah produces
text, being Omniscient and Omnipotent, He produces text that cannot be except from Him “organically” being
Who He is, regardless if we notice these details or not. And the more you look, the more you will find. So yes,
there’s a powerful connection between mathematics, which is after all a “language,” and the Quran, the final
message from the Omniscient Most High. The two languages are used “in synch” in the Quran, in often complex
ways that are not easy to convey to others. (And others easier to convey as the above.)
The word “day” mentioned 365 times.
The word “month” mentioned 12 times.
The words "man" "‫ "رجل‬and "woman" "‫ "امراة‬in the singular mentioned 24 times EQUALLY.
The words "life" "‫ "دنيا‬and "after-life" "‫ "اخرة‬mentioned 115 times EQUALLY.
The words "Say" "‫ "قل‬and "They said" "‫ "قالوا‬mentioned 332 times EQUALLY.
The words "Angels" "‫ "مالئكة‬and "devils" "‫ "شياطين‬in all forms mentioned 88 times EQUALLY.
The words "Angel" "‫ "مالئكة‬and "devil" "‫ "شياطين‬in singular form mentioned 68 times EQUALLY.
The number 19 miracle:
The even and odd numbers miracle:

2.Historical miracles like…
And Pharaoh said, "O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then   ignite for me, O
Haman, [a fire] upon the clay and make for me a tower  that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do
think he is among the liars."(28:38)
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 Egyptian hieroglyphs
With the final closing of pagan temples in the 5th century, knowledge of hieroglyphic writing was lost. Although
attempts were made, the script remained undeciphered throughout the Middle Ages and the early modern period.
The decipherment of hieroglyphic writing would only be accomplished in the 1820s by Jean-François
Champollion, with the help of the Rosetta Stone. After the decipherment of hieroglyphics, it was discovered
that Haman is said to be the head of stone quarry workers, which is exactly what the Qur'an says. No one could've
known this information in the 7th century, especially when the bible uses the same word Haman to refer to the
vizier in the Persian empire under King Xerxes I, and not to someone in Egypt at least.

3.The linguistic miracle which cannot be understood unless you studied Arabic literature or have a high level of
Arabic understanding, but we have historical records that show that when the Arabs heard Qur’an for the first
time, they thought it was magic because its level of literature was above what they normally hear and speak with,
they used to sneak in the night to hear the recitation of the Qur’an, that’s why they couldn’t accept the challenge
given to them.
Or do they say, "He has made it up"? Rather, they do not believe. Then let them produce a statement like
it, if they should be truthful. (52:33–34)
Say: "If the mankind and the jinn were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce
the like thereof, even if they helped one another." [Qur'an 17:88]

4.Scientific miracles like…
Many verses in the Quran are surprising and thought-provoking for scientists and cosmologists. People have only
recently come to understand these verses as a result of advances in the understanding of this subject, even though
they were revealed in the Quran 1400 years ago.
(51:47)  And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding…) The Universe Is
Expanding Faster Than We Thought, Hubble Data Suggests
“And the mountains as stakes?” Qur’an (78:7) The Geological Society of London - Mountain Roots
“No! If he does not desist, we will surely drag him by the forelock  A lying, sinning forelock” Qur’an (96:15–
16) The Lying Brain
“Then He directed Himself to  the heaven while it was smoke “Qur’an (41:11) Smoking Nebula -
“When the sky is torn apart,” (82:1) When the sky is ripped apart (84:1) Big Rip - Wikipedia
Here are a couple of verses to consider:
Verse 1:1- “All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the UNIVERSES,” (confirms the existence of the multiple
universes, or multiverse).”
Verse 21:30- “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of
creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then
believe?” (Big Bang)
Verse 21:33 - "It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swim along, each in an
orbit. "
Verse 51:7 – "By the sky full of paths and orbits."
Verse 21:32 - "We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs." (Ozone
Verse 51:47- "And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily
expanding it." (Expanding universe)
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Some Brief Examples of Scientific Data in the Qur’an

a) The Earth and Heavens were Joined Together
All scientific circles in the world today agree that the planets were originally composed of a mass of Sodium gas
and that first the heavens and the earth were joined together as a single entity and then they separated from each
other. Centuries ago, the Qur’an referred to this scientific theory.

It says when describing the creation of the heavens:

“Then God turned to the creation of the heavens (the planets), when they were but a smoky substance.”

“Do the unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together before we separated them,
and that We brought all living things into existence from water? Why do they still not believe in God?”

Thus the Qur’an unveils one of the great mysteries of nature: the planets were originally composed of smoky
substance (mass of Sodium gas), and the separation of the planets from a huge object and then their separation
from each other. Since at the time of revelation of the Qur’an, the general level of knowledge and science was
extremely low, does this not constitute a proof of the heavenly nature of the Qur’an?
b) Expansion of Universe
One of the most subtle discoveries in science concerns the expansion of universe, its tendency constantly to
extend its boundaries. This was something completely unknown to the human being until the last century. This
mystery is, however, mentioned by the Qur’an in the following terms, which again bear witness to its remarkable
profundity when discussing such matters:
“We created the heavens with Our strength and power, and constantly expand them”. (51:47)
c) Force of Gravity
We know that before the time of Newton, that great scientific personality, no one was aware of the force of
gravity. Newton proved that the falling of objects to earth, the rotation of the moon and the Venus, the motion of
the planets, and other instances of attraction are all subject to the single law, the law of universal gravity.

The Qur’an describes the above-mentioned gravitational force as ‘invisible pillars’:

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“God it is Who raised up the heavenly bodies to invisible pillars .....” (13:2).

In conveying this scientific truth, the Qur’an has used an expression that is comprehensible for the men of all
ages. Are these ‘unseen pillars’, which prevent the planets from colliding with each other or falling, anything
other than the mysterious and invisible force of universal gravity, a law to which the Creator of the universe has
subjected all of the heavenly bodies?
d) Production of Milk in Animals
The Qur’an describes the factors which give rise to milk in animals in a way that is entirely compatible with the
data of modern science. This is what God’s book has to say:
“There is in truth for you a lesson in your animals and flocks. We give you to drink a pure milk derived
from that which is contained in their bodies, from the merging of what is held in their intestines with blood.
The drinking of that is then made easy for those who drink it.” (16:66).

Dr. Bucaille writes in his book:

“From a scientific point of view, physiological notions must be called upon to grasp the meaning of this verse.
The substances that ensure the general nutrition of the body come from chemical transformations which occur
along the length of the digestive tract. These substances come from the contents of the intestine. On arrival in the
intestine at the appropriate stage of chemical transformation, they pass through its wall and towards the systemic
circulation (of blood) ...... This very precise concept is the result of the discoveries made in the chemistry and
physiology of the digestive system. It was totally unknown at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and has been
understood only in recent times.”
e) In Pairs
It is only recently that researchers have come aware of insemination in plants and learned that every living being
including plants comes into existence as the result of the merging of a male and female parts.

In verses that are totally free of ambiguity, the noble Qur’an, sets forth clearly the principle of gender in the
gender world, together with the existence of male and female parts even in plants.
“Do they not look at the earth, where we created the plants in pairs.” (26:7).
f) Role of Wind
The Qur’an also mentions the role and operation of an important factor in the bringing of things to fruition: the
“We have sent the winds as a means of insemination and impregnation, and then sent down rain from the
heavens.” (15:22).

In this verse, the Qur’an unveils another a great mystery of creation, the fundamental role played by the wind in
the fertilization of plants.
g) Light in the Moon is merely a Reflection
It is known that the sun is a star that generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion, and that the moon
which does not give off light itself, merely reflects the light received from the sun.

The Qur’an testifies the above fact:

“Blessed is the One Who placed the constellations in heaven and placed in it a lamp (SIRAJ) and a moon,
giving light (MUNIIRA)”. (25:61)

Here the moon is defined as a body that gives reflection of light (Muniira), while the sun is compared to a blazing
lamp or torch (Siraj).
h) High Altitude
It is in fact a highly common place reflection on the discomfort experienced at high altitude, which increases the
higher one climbs, that is expressed in the Qur’an:

“Those whom God wills to guide, He opens their breast to Islam. While those whom He wills to let straying,
He makes their breath closed and constricted, as if they had to climb up the skies”. (6:125)

Who informed the Prophet that by climbing up in the skies, the pressure increases and breathing becomes
Dear dad do you hear me 8

i) Honey Bees
Concerning bees, the Qur’an says:
“Your Lord inspired the (female) bee, choose your dwelling in the hills, in the trees and in what (man)
build. Eat of all fruit and follow the ways of your Lord in humility. From within their bodies comes a liquid
of different colours where is cure for men”. (16:68-69)

The Qur’an refers that the worker-bees who are searching for food are females. The verbs used in Arabic refer to
female bees. This is very amazing. For all along, until only recently, people imagined that the “soldier-bees” were
j) Development of the Embryo
The Qur’anic description of certain stages in the development of the embryo corresponds exactly to what we
today know about it. After ‘the thing which clings’, the Qur’an informs us that the embryo passes through the
stage of ‘chewed flesh’, then tissue appears and is clad in flesh:

“We fashioned the thing which clings into a chewed lump of flesh and We fashioned the chewed flesh into
bones, and We clothed the bones with intact flesh”. (23:14).

It was only during the nineteenth century that people had a slightly clearer view of this question.

An amazing scientific miracle in the Qur'an, it is in Surah Al Maryam. When a Mother is giving birth it can be
the most painful period in her life, its not easy.... Now when Maryam PBUH was (pregnant with Jesus PBUH)
was going through such pain, Allah in the Qur'an orders her to go near a stream of water, You have to listen
carefully to the science of this verses, Allah tells her to go near a stream of water where next to it is a Palm tree,
Allah instructs her to shake the palm tree and keep pulling down from trunks of the palm tree, so the dates can fall
down for her. Some people may ask why is Allah telling us about the palm tree, the stream of water and the dates?
Why did Allah not just simply tell us that she gave birth to Jesus (pbuh) and that's it, why all these details?? Now
here is the miracle, Firstly Allah tells her to shake the palm tree and keep pulling, some hospitals until very
recently when a Mother is about to give birth, there is something they will tell her to hold on to and they tell her to
keep pulling it back so it eases labor pain and muscle tension. Then Allah tells her to cool herself with water, there
are modern hospitals today that tell pregnant women to sit in cool water as it will help them give birth, Then Allah
tells her in the Qur'an that when she has relaxed in the water it will make her birth pain easier but he also tells her
to straight away to eat the dates that fall... Now one may ask why did Allah instruct her to eat the dates?? This is
because dates contain within them easily absorb-able sugars which help the heat and the movement and these
sugars are of the fructose type which help raise the blood pressure... So, the methods Hospitals are using today to
ease birth pains, Allah has hinted in the Quran 1400 years back. SUBHAN ALLAH

All the afore mentioned and many other modern scientific concepts found abundantly in the Glorious Qur’an, that
was revealed 14 centuries ago, with utmost accuracy and free from any error, prove beyond any iota of doubt the
divine source of its revelation.

SECRETS OF SURAH AL-KAHFE ver wondered why Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked us to recite Surat Al-
Kahf every Friday?
Let’s find out today Insha’Allah…
This Surah has Four stories in it, let's try to understand what they are saying to us:
1) The People of The Cave It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to
migrate for the sake of Allah and run away. -Allah rewards them with mercy in the cave and protection from the
sun - They woke up and found the entire village believers.
2) The Owner of Two Gardens A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man
forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife.
So His garden was destroyed - He regretted, but was too late and his regret did not benefit him.
Dear dad do you hear me 9

3) Musa (AS) and Khidr(AS) When Musa (AS) was asked-“Who’s the most knowledgeable of the people of
earth?”” Musa (AS) said: Me…, but Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who Knows more than him. Musa
(AS) traveled to the man and learnt how the Divine Wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we
perceive as bad.
4) Dhul-Qarnayn It’s a story of the great King that was given knowledge and power and was going around the
world, helping people and spreading all that’s good. He was able to overcome the problem of Yajooj-Majooj and
build a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.
In the middle Allah mentions Iblees as the one who stirs these trials: Behold! We said to the angels “Bow down to
Adam”: they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinn’s, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye
then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the
exchange for the wrongdoers!
#o_Muslim Never arise love in a woman's heart if you have no intention of loving her cause it will break her, her
perception about men would go complete different. So BE a good man! And live someone with whom you are
ready to spend your life cause a billionaire said "FOCUS ON ONE WOMAN AND SHE WILL HELP YOU

Every verse in Quran is interesting and has deep meaning.

Let's start with the beauty of Earth described by Quran:
1 – Surat Luqman: “Do you not see that Allah (swt) has made what is in the heaven and Earth subservient
to you and made complete to you His favours outwardly and inwardly?” [31:20]
2 – Surat Al-Teen: “We have indeed created man in the best of moulds.” [95:4]
3 – Surat Al-Sajdah: “He Who created all things in the best way and He began the creation of man from clay.”
4 – Surat Aale Imran: “And to Allah belongs the dominion of the Heaven and Earth, and Allah is over all things.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of
understanding.” [3:189-190]
5 – Surat Al-Roum: “Devote thyself single-mindedly to the faith, and thus follow the nature designed by Allah,
the nature according to which He has fashioned mankind; there is no altering the creation of Allah.” [30:30]
6 – Surat Al-An’am: “And there is no animal that walks upon the Earth nor a bird that flies with its two wings but
they are like yourselves; We have not neglected anything in the book, and then to their Lord shall they be
gathered.” [6:38]

7 – Surat Luqman: “He created the heavens without pillars as you see them, and put mountains upon the Earth lest
it might convulse with you, and He spread it with animals of all kinds; and We sent down water from the clouds,
then caused to grow therein (vegetation) of every noble kind.” [31:10]
8 – Surat Qaf: “And the Earth, we spread it out, and cast therein firmly set mountains and We have made to grow
therein of all beautiful kinds; to give sight and as a reminder to every servant who turns to Allah.” [50:7-8]
9 – Surat Al-Raad: “And it is He who spread the Earth and made in it firm mountains and rivers, and of all fruits,
he has made in it two kinds; He makes the night cover the day; most surely there are signs in this for a people who
reflect.” [13:3]
10 – Surat Al-Raad: “It is He who shows you the lightning, causing fear and hope and who brings up the heavy
cloud. And the thunder declares His glory and His praise, and the angels too for awe of Him; and He sends them
thunderbolts and smites with them whom He pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and He is mighty in
prowess.” [13:13-14]
11 – Surat Al-Anbiyya: “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the Earth were a joined
entity, and we separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” [21:30]
12 – Surat Al-Anbiyya: “And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away.”
13 – Surat Al-Nahl: “He causes to grow for you thereby herbage, and the olives, and the palm trees, and the
grapes, and of all the fruits; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect.” [16:11]
Dear dad do you hear me 10

14 – Surat Al-Nahl: “And he has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, and
the stars are made subservient by his commandment; most surely there are signs in this for a people who ponder.”
15 – Surat Al-Nahl: “Eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your lord submissively. there comes forth from
within it a beverage of many colours, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this (life of
bees) for a people who reflect.” [16:69]
16 – Surat Al-An’am: “And it is He who sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby the growth of all
things. We produce from it greenery from which We produce grains arranged in layers. And from the palm trees –
of its emerging fruit are clusters hanging low. And [We produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and
pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each of] its fruit when it yields and [at] its ripening. Indeed, in that are
signs for a people who believe.” [6:99]
17 – Surat Ghaafir: “It is Allah Who has made for you the earth as a resting place, and the sky as a canopy, and
has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful and has provided for you sustenance.” [40:64]
18 – Surat Al-Hijr: “And the Earth; we have spread it forth and made in it firm mountains and caused to grow in it
every suitable thing.” [15:19]
Then, there are thousands of verses that are scientific in nature. Here is one sample in this video:
Taking of one innocent life is like taking all of Mankind and the savings of one life is like savings all of Mankind:
(Quran 5: 32)
This is described in the Qur'an:

"Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those with him their description in the Gospel is like a seed which
sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and it becomes thick and stands straight on its stem, delighting the
sowers, so that He may enrage the disbelievers through them." (al-Fath, v. 29) Roots

Some people mistake Deen as their jageer. We promote our Deen by disrespecting others. It’s not in your place to
question another's level of faith. Your Iman is between you and Allah, and their Iman is between them and Allah.
If you're really concerned, go make dua for them instead of telling them what to do. Preach
Sometimes it is better to keep yourself away from certain individuals, who do nothing but have filthy things to
gossip about. I mean, what’s the point of talking about people’s circumstances if you not going to help correct
their errors. Wake up

The believer is like a tree, always at war with the wind. To survive the wind, the tree must possess certain
qualities. For example, its seed must be planted in fertile soil that allows it to grow strong.

Quran also requires from the people to continuously read and learn. Since many of the things written in Quran
need to be studied in order to understand them, it requires a deep search and scientific approach to understand

There’s only history, poetry, future where I am loved beyond devastation.

According to Sufi mystic this entire Universe is a projection of God's artistry and where ever we look we are
looking at God's magic. The truth comes like sunlight. I got my sunlight. (Estelle Light). Hope all of you have
washed your yesterday too you are infinite, a bright gift to this universe. It takes a simple answer from God to
break us from the big lie. He has 99 names and each one of them spells love and hope.
My Magic Lamp
Prophet was also shedding light like a candle.
My God ‫ہللا‬, my creator. My whole youth is at your service. My lord. All the surprising separation are vanished
now, I was singing in the praise of love. Entangled in the net he has nothing more to say. Night was spent
praising my Lord. I have to nurture fire of love every day. My yarn and spindle, all entangled cotton and fire are
now one. Oh God, my heart is stuck on you. Prayer is a relationship; half the job is mine. If I want
transformation, but can't even be bothered to articulate what, exactly, I am aiming for, how will it ever occur?
Half the benefit of prayer is in the asking itself, in the offering of a clearly posed and well-considered intention. If
you don't have this, all your pleas and desires are boneless, floppy, and inert; they swirl at your feet in a cold fog
Dear dad do you hear me 11

and never lift. Get closer to God, he always responds, or searches for you, in a way or other. He is subtle and you
must read the Bible, I am sure he will help you if you are in pain, but life is tough and difficult, and he will not
sugar-coat that, if you need to learn something. If we don’t learn and grow spiritually, there is no point, some
lives are harder than others.

Although sometimes life is very unfair, I think God exists.

Sometimes we need to see that there are people always in a worse situation than us, that struggle ,although I
admit I am too centred in myself , if you are too centred in your own pain and problems ,is hard to find God
because I think he want us to develop some kind of compassion in this selfish society ( and for me is also difficult
when I am totally self-centred ),when you open to the world and understand others ,they also may understand you
,but in time and with years of studying and observing and communicating with God you will develop a kind of

I think that we reach to God with our hearts, but there is also a rational communication, he wants us to have
common sense and not be naive Wisdom takes effort and time and to be mature and overcome pain also, and
have hope.

That is my opinion, based on my own experience only, if you are near God, he will protect you and chase
enemies away, but you must be patient and have faith, and have a certain peace, to overcome the depression, with
a therapy or in other way, then more at peace, he may reach to you, and you will feel the world in other way.

If you can experience harmony and some peace in this chaotic world and hectic world, it is a challenge, but that
peace inside you comes from God, also you will create your own happiness

It is not the book of Muslims or for only Muslims.

I think every human being should read Quran. I tell this because every Ayat(verse)or a set of Ayat’s have a
lesson for human beings to make their life's more peaceful and beautiful. As Quran is instructions manual for life
from the creator (Allah in Arabic language). One thing to note here ever verse can't be implemented all the time.
Implementing on a verse depends on situation.

Our generation wasn’t shown how to love our religion so it seems like a burden and most of us have lost our way
and hard to find Islam for ourselves.

If you read the Quran and reflected upon its verses, I promise that your life will change for the better.
Do not deprive yourself from this goodness, for man is an enemy of what he is not aware of. Allah said:
(Interpretation of the meaning): {Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings
to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward.} Quran (17;9)

Quran is the source of all known and unknown wisdom to me.

When I entered my second year of high school the person I had always been had changed. And man did others
change. Instead of just talking about guys between the ooing and ahing my peers began to experiment with the
opposite sex and tell me all they were experiencing.

At age 14, I longed to be loved and craved attention. But, deep down something just told me boys weren’t the
answer. Something told me that wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. I thought sex was about love, but even at
that young age I knew what I was hearing didn’t sound like love.

I began to dive deeper into my new faith found in Jesus. James 4:8 ESV says,

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your
loyalty is divided between God and the world.” I would lie in my bed and pray. I would ask the Lord what his
likes and dislikes were about me. I would read His word for affirmation and revelation of how I should be living
my life. He filled every longing and every craving I had for attention and experiences other people were having.
While this world is beautiful and offers nice things, I have found it all falls empty in comparison to the love and
Dear dad do you hear me 12

freedom I have experienced in God. My prayer is through my experiences and revelations written on this blog
people will be encouraged to simply give that “Jesus thing” a try. I did and I’ve been forever changed. My prayer
is through my experiences. Nobody tricked me into believing anything.

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