Attack On Women Is Good

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We are throwing words feminism, misogyny, patriarchy etc around even when we shouldn't.

Patriarchy - a system of relationships, beliefs, and values embedded in political, social, and economic
systems that structure gender inequality between men and women.
 There are so many evils of our patriarchal society so ingrained in us that even the nicest people don’t

realize what they’re doing or not doing.

 I’ve realized that many men don’t see misogyny as a systemic thing. They think women are just angry
about random things and “natural things”

 When a system benefits you, you enjoy the privilege of not thinking about it. When a system threatens
your well-being, you are obliged to be aware and conscious about it. It is the oppressed who understand
the unfairness of a system. Those who benefit from it, don't need to.
 I’ve never had anyone bring me a cup, meal, washing and iron my clothes, run my life from me so I can
advance my career.
 Explains why they call it the "reality"(that they built mind you) for women to accept.
 Thinking men are some kind of "evil creatures" who consciously decide to uphold the patriarchy and
other oppressive systems of power rather than being the product of dozens of centuries of patriarchal
society is so absolutely ridiculous, genuinely anti-thetical to feminism.

I won't stop telling women to aspire for financial independence The conversation changes when you feed yourself.
Money is power and patriarchy has relied on money to oppress women. I am not talking about individual Girl
boss but all of us women, being economically independent

The world runs on the unpaid labor of women. Women are taught that this is the norm and a good thing.
Therefore, to survive in this world as a woman you must tie yourself to someone whose labor is paid…a Man.
This is how the patriarchy works.

Masculinity is not & has never been toxic Patriarchy (as it’s often defined) is a mythical conspiracy theory
Boys & men are not privileged.
"Patriarchy" is just a term for gender roles controlled by patriarchs
Patriarchy especially affects men with mental health issues patriarchy affects men in negative ways too, that
doesn’t mean it’s not a system designed to benefit men and grant them power over women.

I remember something profound a CLASSMATE told me way back in high school when being a feminist was
seen as "cringe." She told me that the patriarchy affects the men negatively as well, and that the patriarchy is
the force that drives men to work all the time and into suicide.

Men are not overwhelmingly rapists/abusers/etc, but the overwhelming majority of rapists/abusers/etc are men.
These are 2 very separate things. That doesn't mean we stop...
Furthermore, fighting against patriarchy has less to do with the ways it affects men and more to do with the
ways in which it oppresses women. obviously.

#Women are destroying themselves by blaming #men #patriarchy!!! The worst thing is that everyone is talking
about women and only women, women empowerment, women freedom etc. Women are biggest #LawBreakers !
No one cares about #men Men are dying too.
Dear dad do you hear me 1

Imagine reducing a woman down to the mere production of ova. This woman is stanning for misogyny and
patriarchy. The antithesis of feminism. Women are so much more than their fucking ova.

Re progressive men & patriarchy: Men do not need to be evil to benefit from patriarchy. They benefit from it
by simply passively accepting or being unaware of its benefits. That's why even men who spout feminist rhetoric
can still act in sexist & patriarchal ways.
Because young men are confused as to how to be a man.
A man who reads bell hooks, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde, and vocally proclaims himself a feminist, but continues
to speak over women, doesn't do his own laundry/cooking, pushes emotional labour onto female partners/family
members, etc, is still benefitting from patriarchy.

Men: if you treat patriarchal behavior as a moral failing that only "bad people" engage in, you will continue to act
out patriarchy in unexamined ways, not out of malice, but out of ignorance. And you will fall into the trap of
individual moralizing, and fail to make any change.

Misandry: A feminist says something mean to a man and he can't handle it without having a violent meltdown due
to deep insecurity and emotional instability.
Patriarchy: That cause of that same man's insecurity and emotional instability.
Misogyny is the one hatred that society still allows & even encourages...because patriarchy still rules all.
they’ll see a confident woman and call her a narcissist (Amber Heard, Megan Thee Stallion or Meghan Markle to
name a few) and this shows how our society is still deeply rooted into patriarchy and doesn’t like nor want
successful and strong women.

Anything a woman does outside of her designated role is seen as unlikable as it threatens the power base of the
patriarchy. Be meek. Be mild. Consent to your subjugation and you will be rewarded with pats on the head from
your oppressors

Men don’t want to lose the power they gain (real or imagined) from patriarchal structures. As socialists we
know men will benefit in other ways from liberation movements, but many simply don’t want to give up the
power they have (or believe they have) under patriarchy

Men does not need to be an authority on any issues. But when deconstructing patriarchy and misogyny a male
perspective can be valuable. Togheter with perspective from marginalised folks. It's the marginalised that had
carried forth feminism to where it is today

There are over 79,795 linemen currently employed in the United States. 5.3% of all linemen are women, while
94.7% are men.
age shaming is deeply rooted in patriarchy.

 Misogyny is such an acceptable bigotry that people rarely call it out.

Misogyny steals so much humanity from the very people who believe in it.
The way women experience #misogyny is equivalent to the death by thousand cuts.
 Misogyny is so ingrained that people who look into it don’t realize their own perception is warped by that
normalization. Furthermore, they account how it is normalized in the society, without thinking of how the
normalization happens in a lifelong process in the first place, taking it another proof as it “is not a big
deal”. “If women don’t care why should I” There is a reason how any other form of oppression and
Dear dad do you hear me 2

marginalization is way easier to identify, and identify with, and form class consciousness around, like
racialized people, trans people, gay people and etc. and it is because of both how they are more surface
level historically speaking on when and how they are formed and how deeply they are tied into the
economic base, and how nothing in the world comes closer to the gendered socialization as a mechanism
of education into hatred and oppression. No other form of oppression is enforced, learned, relearned
every single day of your life every single thing you do you encounter it, you learn it, or you are forced
into it, or you pick up even without realizing. The fact that it’s economic base is the oldest form of
exploitation in the human history and the fact that the way it is enforced is the most commonplace is why
sex class consciousness is the hardest to form compared to any other. This is why t he left thinks
misogyny is a rather secondary concern, and not a primary and urgent one, because the lefts approach is
to not listen feminists who criticize them but instead trust their own male instincts about how important
misogyny should be for them, and to betray women again.

Misogyny is the fault of feminism' is no different from blaming bigotry of minorities on the minority being
'uppity'. it's the same abuser bullshit. blaming an oppressed group for their oppression.

Feminism is being rebranded by the incels as a dirty word. I appreciate your effort here. I’m not cis I’m a woman
despite losing breasts, nipples. Uterus, ovaries, hormones, and cervix to cancer. I’m woman because of my

The belief that feminism is extremism is just as bad as the belief that acknowledging and calling out racism is
what's causing racism. If you've been able to live in ignorance of misogyny and racism, over the past half century,
it's because you are protected by white patriarchy.

Feminism is about understanding and dismantling the patriarchy to promote equality. You cannot
understand patriarchy without understanding how it negatively affects everyone, mostly women, but men too.
Actual feminists do care about this. Feminism isn’t men vs women.
Feminism doesn’t demonize masculinity. It demonizes patriarchy and misogyny.
Feminism is about female liberation from patriarchy. Not the vague notion of "equality of sexes"
Feminism is about freeing everyone from patriarchy not just "females"
Feminism is everyone vs the patriarchy, which is a system that hurts each and every person living on this
Feminism has more to do with equity rather than equality and wanting equity is the right of every human being.
As a feminist, I believe in equal rights and opportunities for all genders. This means challenging systems of
patriarchy and male dominance that have been in place for centuries. Feminism is not just about women's
rights; it's about dismantling the harmful gender roles that have been imposed on all of us. This includes
challenging toxic masculinity and supporting men in breaking free from restrictive gender roles. Feminism is
intersectional, meaning it takes into account the unique experiences and struggles of marginalized groups. It's
important to recognize that feminism benefits everyone, not just women. A society that values and supports all
genders is better for everyone. It's also important to recognize that feminism is not about hating men or being
'anti-men'. It's about advocating for equality and challenging systems oppression that harm everyone. So, if you
believe in equal rights and opportunities for all genders, you can call yourself a feminist. Let's work together
to create a more equal world for everyone Feminists advocate for the right for individuals to make their own
choices about their life, regardless of their gender. Whenever you want to be a patriarchy princess & mock the
concept of feminism, remember women literally died for you to be able to have these rights
 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism: thread -Voting rights -Property rights -The right to
divorce -Bank accounts -The right to work -Recognition of marital rape as a crime -Access to abortion -
Sexual harassment laws -Rape crisis centers -Women’s shelters
Dear dad do you hear me 3

 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism, cont’d: -The right to hold political office -The right to
equal pay (still working on that ofc) -The right to drink in a pub (yes, really) -Contraceptive access -Plan
B access -MVAWG being considered a violation of human rights.

 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism, cont’d: -The ability to have a credit card -The right to
file patents -The right to enter contracts w/o a man -The right to inheritance -The right to file a lawsuit
w/o a man -The right to apply for a loan -The right to trade stocks.

 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism, cont’d: -maternity leave -childcare access -access to
primary education -access to secondary education -access to higher education (these have been separate
struggles and some still have yet to be achieved in parts of the world.)

 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism, cont’d: -Serve in the army -Serve on a jury -The right
to...wear trousers -The right to keep your “maiden” name -Smoke in public -Shop without an escort -
Compete in the Olympics -Have your own passport.

 Things women wouldn’t have without feminism, cont’d: -The right to *not* be fired when pregnant -The
right to marry who you want -The right to testify in your own defense -The right to breastfeed in public -
Criminalization of domestic abuse -Play football -Run the marathon

 The right to practice medicine -The right to be ordained -The right to practice law -State pension -The
right to marry a foreign citizen without losing your citizenship status -Separate taxation -Custody of your
own children -The right to apply for student loans

 Obvious caveats for sticklers—yes, it depends where in the world you are, yes this is Western-centric,
yes, there’s still a long way to go on many of these, some of these haven’t happened in many places in the
world, and so on.

 Women can never rest, our rights are never secure—for example, in Revolutionary France women gained
the right to equal inheritance, but lost this right again when the Monarchy returned. Here’s a more
relatable example—until last month, women could go to university in Afghanistan.

 So, we have to always be vigilant. But we can and should celebrate our achievements, as women.
Progress is slow, and not guaranteed, but it’s progress nonetheless.

 Even just how much attitudes have changed in the last 50 years is remarkable. A better recognition of
misogyny. An understanding of various kinds of abuse, from financial abuse to coercive control. Giving
women language like “gaslighting,” “victim-blaming,” “rape culture.”

 And by the way, when I say “things we wouldn’t have without feminism,” that isn’t some kind of
claiming of territory. I say it to sing women’s power. *Women* fought and struggled, and our struggles
make up what we now call “waves” of feminism.

 We fought for this stuff. Our mothers, grandmothers, foremothers. This list goes on and on and on, and is
by no means exhaustive, so please add more, this could be a moment to collect history xx
And then some men have the audacity to say that "women aren't able to defend feminism, they need men to do
everything". Women saw how things were hard for them and actually changed shit, why can’t men do the same
instead of blaming women for everything?
Dear dad do you hear me 4

Women carry the image of God as much as men do. Emphasizing God as Father/Son in order to prop up
men/patriarchy/masculinity is working backwards. God isn't gendered. Using masculine pronouns and
relationships was designed to help *us* relate to God; it isn't a declaration about God. Masculine pronouns and
relationships used for God certainly weren't supposed to grant men another means to control and demote women
from their place as co-heirs in God's kingdom. I agree women & girls bear the image of God just as much. I also
stick to the masculine pronouns used. Use of masculine pronouns certainly don't mean femininity is less in the
image of God. Full expression/ image of God is clearly both the male & female.Genesis 1: 26-27; 5: 1-2.

I grew impatient because I couldn’t believe my fellow female peers were criticizing other girls for her choices. I
might be wrong, but that sounds like the complete opposite of what feminism stands for. As someone who is
unbelievably driven and headstrong, I can’t wait to have a spectacular career and make enough money. Since
when do we criticize girls for wanting to be stay-at-home moms? I’d say it’s a dream to be able to work from
home /on your own wild ideas and raise a family the proper way without worrying how to pay the bills, not
having a flexible schedule to take your kids everywhere & be present in their lives, and not having time for
yourself. These are things I’ve witnessed firsthand with my parents, and I turned out just fine. But don’t get me
wrong, I am all for girls being boss-ladies and hustling away.

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