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World revolution resumes after holiday pause

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports  54 Comments

The world revolution against the Satanic Khazarian Mafia has resumed after a holiday pause.
Russia has begun its long-awaited move against the Satanic regime in Ukraine with a massive
two-pronged offensive.
In Brazil, the people have reacted against the Satanist election stealer Lula by taking over the
Presidential Palace, the Congress Building and the Supreme Court.
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In the United States, a final showdown between the Satanists and the white hat military is taking
place at the Supreme Court.
In Europe, the Satanists have circled the wagons around Germany, France and Switzerland in a
doomed attempt to stay in power.
A similar showdown is being seen in the Middle East as the Turkish and Israeli military join
forces against the Satanic forces led by false Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
In China, the people are ushering in the new year of the Rabbit by coming out in the streets in
massive numbers to celebrate the end of Covid tyranny.
Let us start with the Russian offensive because it involves a 1.5 million-man Christian army
marching straight into the Satanic headquarters in Western Europe. We use the word “Satanic”
because Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has publicly accused
Ukrainian President Volodymyr (Vladimir) Zelensky of “pure Satanism.”
This offensive began immediately after the Orthodox Christmas celebrations ended. Polish
intelligence report “Kilometer-long convoys with Russian soldiers are heading towards the
eastern front. It can be seen that soon there will be a great and previously announced offensive. It
turns out that there will be two fronts, from Belarus and from the east.”

Russia makes it clear it has the moral high ground. “It is finally becoming clear to the whole
international community that in 2014 the US unleashed a real proxy-war against Russia by
supporting Nazi [Satanist] criminals in Kyiv,” Russian Ambassador to the USA Anatoly
Antonov notes.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Ukrainian Satanist leader Volodymyr Zelensky and his
government take orders from the Rothschild (Red Shield of Satan) family headquartered in
Russian FSB intelligence sources have previously informed us the aim of their offensive is to
end the Federal Reserve Board. BIS Headquarters in Basle, Switzerland is the heart of that
Satanic institution. That is because it is the central bank of the privately owned central banks that
suck the life force out of the planet by creating money out of nothing. It is a black hole that must
be shut down permanently. This is exactly what the Russian Christian army is going to do.
Russia has the support of European governments in this move. For example, Polish Prime
Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says he is “extremely critical of glorification by the Ukrainian
parliament of [mass murdering Satanist leader] Stepan Bandera.”
“The United States as custodian of the holy grail of ‘Western values’ is no longer, it is now
socially devastated and culturally exhausted. In general, the reality in the West is characterized
by wokeness, prohibition of speech, cancel culture, methods of censorship, deletion of accounts,
digital and biometric surveillance, state journalism and psychological warfare against its own
population” a senior Russian official says.
As Russian troops approach, people took to the streets in German cities Wednesday night to
protest rising prices, inflation and vaccinations.
Hungary, for its part has decided to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said
during his New Year’s address to citizens.
In France. Pierre de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle’s grandson noted that the US “cut off Europe from
Russia” because Europe and Russia could form a strong political, economic and cultural bloc.
As an example of the Satanic nature of the forces in Control in Western Europe, Briggite
Macron, the wife of President Emanuelle Macron pushed for the burnt-down cathedral of Notre
Dame to be rebuilt in the shape of a “phallus with golden balls” according to Roselyne Bachelot
the former French culture minister.
Brigitte Macron is in fact a man and Emanuelle was his teenage male prostitute escort, French
intelligence sources say.

It is worth noting that another cross-dressing male “wife,” of a leader, Michelle Obama, watched
the Satanic ritual burning Notre Dame from a boat on the river Seine.
The use of cross-dressers and people married to in the closet cross dressers as leaders is simply a
part of the fact that anybody who wishes to rise to power in the Satanically controlled West
needs to have something to be blackmailed about. Cross-dressing and keeping it secret is usually
the least of the crimes a leader must be guilty of.
For example in Canada, crime minister Justin Trudeau’s half-brother Kyle Kemper says the
Rothschild-controlled WEF has “compromising material” on him that makes him a pawn who
performs scripts written for him by his Satanic overlords.
It is a good bet one thing he is being blackmailed about is that he murdered his half-brother
Michael as a condition for becoming Prime Minister.
In any case, the UK and Australia have thrown out the Satanists so it won’t be long before
Canada and New Zealand do the same, MI6 sources say.
We are sure Brazilian Satanist would-be election stealer Lula is being blackmailed about
something much worse than Trudeau is. In case you doubt he is a Satanist, here is a picture of
him holding a statue of Baphomet aka Satan.

Brazilian patriots who have seized government buildings found a bunch of sex toys in Lula’s
presidential office. We note the Brazilian military and police rank and file are now joining the
people in revolt against their Satanically controlled leaders.
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The last we heard before this report went live is that Lula has fled the capital to Rio de Janeiro
with patriots close on his tail.
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There is also finally action being seen in the United States against the openly criminal regime of
fake President Joe Biden. As this report was going live, three separate sources informed us that
by a 5 to 4 vote, the US Supreme Court has ruled that
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January 6, 2023

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 01/06/2022

By Windlander Weekly Video Reports  68 Comments

As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free
on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter.
Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and we will pick the
most voted comments to answer!
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January 2, 2023

Military fireworks expected to usher in Year of the Rabbit

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports  656 Comments

Some huge military moves worldwide are expected to usher in the Year of The Rabbit which
begins on January 22nd on the Chinese calendar. “A new, formidable military year is coming,
which will change the world and every person,” an Asian Secret society source promises.
Pentagon sources predict a simultaneous massive offensive by China on Taiwan and Russia on
Ukraine. However, we are hearing from Russian, Asian secret societies and other sources that
there could be a simultaneous offensive by Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, Serbia,
Belarus and the secret space force to overwhelm all Khazarian Mafia-controlled military forces.
Western Europe would fall within a matter of weeks while Taiwan is certain to surrender without
putting up much of a fight. It is doubtful the South Korean military will fight much either against
their compatriots from the North. Israel will also have to cut a deal before it is too late. We also
hear from Secret Space Force sources that nuclear weapons will not be allowed to detonate
during this conflict.
The Year of the Rabbit is supposed to be one of fecundity and reproduction so why war? The
situation reminds me of a Jaguar I saw on a National Geographic documentary; it grabbed, killed
and ate a large Cayman (Amazonian crocodile) to get ready to go off to mate. In this case, we
need to remove the reptilian predators from the body politic before the world can start a
prosperous new age.
This is happening beyond any doubt. Latin American sources tell us the death of Pope Maledict
XVI on December 31st was a game changer. Maledict was one of the chief architects of the
March 11, 2011, Fukushima mass murder event. He also orchestrated the murder of Pope Francis
and his replacement with a rubber-masked impostor. The fact only Vatican City and the United
States voted against an international move to protect the environment means he also pulled the
strings for the Biden horror show in the US.
Vatican sources say that on his death bed Maledict said “Quite soon, I shall find myself before
the final judge of my life…as I look back on my long life, I should have great reason for fear and
trembling.” The source says Maledict was hoping a last-minute recant would be his get-out of
Hell for free card but, Karma does not work that way. Mass murder and child rape is not
something that you can get away with just by saying “sorry.” By the way, most of us do not have
“great reason for fear and trembling,” about our actions. I know that when I go to meet my
maker, if he tells me to “go to hell,” I will tell him to “go to hell,” because my conscience is clear
(Okay except maybe for a few awkward and embarrassing incidents).
In any case, with the Pope dead and the Rothschilds trying to negotiate a surrender, it may be
possible for the KM-controlled West to throw off its’ shackles and reach a deal with the world
liberation alliance before the military fireworks go off. 
Speaking about military fireworks, CIA sources in South America explain that President Jair
Bolsonaro submitted to election theft by the Satanist Lula because
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December 30, 2022

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 12/30/2022

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Video Reports  80 Comments

As with the weekly newsletters, we will also allow these Q&A videos to be released for free
on Thursdays under the same guidelines as the newsletter.
Please leave your questions for Ben in the comment section of this post and we will pick the
most voted comments to answer!
As always we appreciate and thank you for your continued support!
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If you have a technical issue and can not view the video, please send a message to the
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longer to get back to you.
December 26, 2022

“Rules based world order” ends with Rothschilds trying to offer $ trillions in exchange for amnesty
By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports  605 Comments

It looks like 2022 will be known as the last year the Khazarian mafia’s “rules-based world order”
actually controlled any part of the world. In a sign of how isolated the KM is, on December 18th,
by a vote of 195 to 2, the countries of the world agreed to double the amount of protected land
and ocean in the world and take other action to stop the extinction crisis caused by humanity.
The two countries that voted against this -the United States and the Vatican- thus revealed
themselves as the last two places controlled by the Satanic Khazarian Mafia.
The reason the Vatican and its United States corporate subsidiary voted against protecting nature
is because they still think of it as something to exploit. That is how they interpret these words
from the book of Genesis:
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth…every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and
every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
This writer has witnessed how Christian missionaries in the Amazon are followed by lumber
companies that then cut down the forests, ranchers that turn them into meat factories and mining
companies that suck the minerals out. The “converts” then find themselves living in third-world
This means the entities at the very top of monotheism have been acting against earth life. That is
why they need to be removed. Doing this will start a new age.
This would be such a historic event it would merit starting a new calendar. Remember, nobody
knows when Christ was born so his birth was conflated with the solar New Year. This means
Orthodox Christians could recalibrate Christmas so that it coincides with the solar New Year.
The Muslims and Chinese could also coordinate their lunar calendars.
Ok, maybe we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Let us look at some of the here/now
happenings on this planet during the past week.
The UN vote mentioned above means the KM power has been reduced to rubber-masked actors
pretending to be “Pope Francis” and “President Joe Biden.” 
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Oh yeah, they also control a rubber-masked con artist called “Elon Musk,” who they claim is the
“richest man in the world.”
We are hearing all three of them will be removed in the New Year,
As we noted last week, Latin media are reporting Pope Francis will resign “for health reasons.”
“Ya he firmado mi renuncia” en caso de impedimento médico: Papa Francisco
The real reason, of course, is that Catholic Christians are in open revolt against his recent Satanic
words and actions. Also, as we mentioned last week, the Jesuits finally figured out the real Pope
Francis was killed and replaced with an impostor.
As for the so-called “President Joe Biden,” CIA and Pentagon sources say he and his entire fake
regime will be removed in the New Year. This is fact: Every politician Rothschild agent
Volodymyr Zelensky shook hands with is now gone. Now Biden shook his hand…
If the Supreme Court fails to rule against the fake Biden regime in January, then “kinetic action”
will remove them, the CIA sources say.
Then of course there is the con man Musk who became “the richest man in the world” by acting
as a money launderer for the FRB funny money pumped out by the Biden circus act.
That is now imploding as can be seen by the price of his stocks plummeting and the public
rejection of his fake “free speech” Twitter show. Twitter still censors all real truth-tellers like
Henry Makow. Now CIA sources are telling us Musk himself is a rubber-masked actor these
The other high-tech KM money launderers are also being cut off. Since the beginning of this
year, US stocks have lost $11.7 trillion in market cap. Of that more than $5 trillion in losses
come from just five companies – Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta and Tesla.
Financial institutions that relied on Fiat money games are also going down the drain as their
money laundering through tech firms ends.
They are also going to get hit big time on real estate. For example, home sales plunged a record-
breaking 35% in November. This will eventually lead to the mother of all mortgage and real
estate crises.
In a sign, the oligarchy knows it has been defeated, last week David René de Rothschild, (who
according to Wikipedia is the head of the French and British branches of the Rothschild family)
approached a member of the White Dragon Society with an offer to
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