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Based on my opinion, construction industry can be improved based on four (4) main thrusts:

(1) Quality, Safety and Professionalism

Various quality control checks and tests are conducted before, during and after each
construction phase. Early detection of these problems will prevent any major design
changes or demolition repairs. Vigorously promote the standardization of construction
safety and quality, strengthen the safety education and training, enhance the safety
production awareness of employees, improve the safety production skills of on-site
operators, and lay a solid foundation for the stable improvement of construction safety
(2) Environmental sustainability
Use green building materials to reduce environmental pollution. On the premise of
improving environmental protection awareness, using advanced science and technology,
and introducing advanced equipment, green building construction ensures the quality and
cost of green building construction projects, minimizes construction waste, and reduces the
generation of garbage and waste. It is necessary to classify and recycle construction waste
to prevent pollution to the ground, thereby affecting the lives of residents.
(3) Productivity
Diversity and inclusion are critical in the construction industry. Productivity starts to
increase when companies strengthen recruitment and retention and improve diversity and
inclusion in the workplace. The result is a more efficient and effective workforce where all
employees are supported to reach their full potential. Gender and race should no longer be
discriminated against. Especially Malaysia is a multiracial country. Moreover, more and
more women are entering the construction industry.
(4) International
Establish an information network to keep abreast of developments in the international
construction market. The 21st century is the information age, and there will be more
construction industry information, which will be widely disseminated through various
channels. The Malaysian construction industry should capture and grasp the information of
the international contracting market in a timely manner and formulate corresponding
countermeasures. Construction enterprises should obtain first-hand information in a timely
and effective manner.

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