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Prhase: daddy it´s not raining can we go to play

Meaning: papi no está lloviendo podemos ir a jugar

My examples:

 daddy it´s not raining can we go to the dance

 daddy it's not raining can we go sleep
 daddy it's not raining we can go visit my mother

Prhase: George let´s find some more puddles

Meaning: George vamos a encontrar algunos charcos más

My examples:

 George let's find some more apples

 George let's find some more cars
 George let's find some more flowers

Prhase: look george there´s a really big battle

Meaning: mira george hay una batalla realmente grande

My examples:

 look george there´s a really big mountain

 look george there´s a really big battle
 look george there´s a really big battle

Prhase: yes daddy we´ve been jumping in muddy puddles

Meaning: Sí, papá, hemos estado saltando en charcos fangosos

My examples:

 George let's find some more apples

 George let's find some more cars
 George let's find some more flowers
Prhase: thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an airplane

Meaning: gracias mamá cerdo por aceptar saltar de un avión

My examples:

• thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an mountain

• thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an car in fire

• thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an tree

hello daddy pig let me take that bag for you

hola papi cerdo déjame llevarte esa bolsa

hello daddy pig let me take that backpack for you

put your bags on here please

ponte tus zapatos aquí por favor

put your shoes on here please

put your money on here please

welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your flight with us today

bienvenido a bordo esperamos que disfrute de su vuelo con nosotros hoy

welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your food today



Simple present 3rd person:


Past Progressive tense:



FUTURE (Going to):


FUTURE (Will):


how did the scientist get the DNA of all of the dinosaurs?
The scientist got it from some mosquitoes with dinosaur blood found in the amber.

imagine you went to jurassic park movie, what did you do there?

First, I went to meet the dinosaurs, then I found some dinosaur eggs that were cracked and some
baby dinosaurs came out, and finally I went for a helicopter ride so I could see the dinosaurs from

Tell me about the jurassic park movie

The movie is very interesting, it is about a man with money who builds a natural park inhabited by
dinosaurs that he and some scientists produced using dinosaur blood that they found in
mosquitoes in amber, and then they invited some scientists to observe the development of the

what was your favorite part of the movie

My favorite part is when the dinosaurs are eating leaves from the trees. and they are seen from
the helicopter. They are really big

how did the dinosaur get out of control in the movie

the dinosaurs got out of control because Nedry disconnected the electricity system in order to
steal the dinosaur embryos and they took advantage of the moment to break the electrical wires

what did Alan and Ellie do in the movie?

They helped the children to escape from the dinosaurs, they also helped the dinosaurs not to
escape from the park.

what were Alan and Ellie doing before going to the park

they were discovering some dinosaur bones that were buried.

imagine you were in the movie. explain how you scaped from the dinosaurs?

First, I searched for a safe place where the dinosaurs could not get close, then I searched for the
control room to activate the electricity to prevent the dinosaurs from escaping from the park.

what were lex an tim doing when the Trex escaped.

they were in the car taking a tour to get to know the park, but when they turned off the electricity
system they were trapped next to the dinosaur

what happened at the end of the movie

in the end they manage to escape from the park in some helicopters and then return home

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