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1. Look at the picture and read the story.

Write one word to complete the sentences about the story.

Charlie likes to go for long walks. He often goes to the mountains or the
countryside near his home to take pictures of the plants and the animals that he
sees. He loves his camera because it was a birthday present from his favourite
uncle. Last weekend, Charlie wanted to go to the forest to take some pictures of

In the afternoon, Charlie put his camera in his bag. He took some ham and
cheese sandwiches for his lunch. Charlie walked in the forest and looked at the
trees. He saw a beautiful yellow bird. Carefully, Charlie took his camera out of his
bag and took a great picture.
Then Charlie came to a place in the forest that he didn't know. He was afraid. 'Are
there bears in the forest?' he thought. Charlie listened. There was a waterfall near
him. He climbed a tree and looked around. He saw the waterfall and he smiled
as he knew where he was. He walked back to his house.

1. When Charlie sees plants or he takes pictures of them.

2. Charlie's uncle gave him a for his birthday.
3. Charlie wanted to take pictures of in the forest.
4. Charlie his lunch and his camera in his bag.
5. The beautiful bird which Charlie saw was
6. Charlie that there were bears in the forest.
7. From the tree, Charlie could see the

2. Read the text and then choose the right words.

Fishing is somehing that lots of different people do. Many people enjoy fishing as a hobby, sometimes
they the fish home to eat and sometimes they put them back the water. Some
people go fishing as their work and some people go fishing as a sport to see who can the
biggest fish.

Fish are good to eat. But we must careful not to take too fish from the sea
because in some parts of the world, there are not as many fish now.

3. Listening: At the library

Example: Class: 5

1. His name: Tony

2. His sister's favourite hobby:

3. The book he needs is about:

4. Number of pages to write:

5. He plays the:
4. Choose a word from the words below the text. Write the word and then give the story a title.

hungry eat work ride laughed

When Isabella and Maria got back from school last Thursday there was lovely chocolate cake on the
table. They were very so they tried some. Then they had some more because it was very
tasty. Then Mum phoned.
'You mustn't that cake,' she said, 'it's for Aunt Mary. I have invited her for dinner this
'Oh no. What shall we do?' said Isabella.
'Let's to the supermarket on our bikes,' said Maria. When they go there, the
supermarket didn't have any chocolate cakes.
'I know. What about phoning Dad? He's in town,' said Isabella
Dad when Maria phoned, 'It's all right. I can get another one, he said. When Mum got
home from she was very surprised. On the table was the biggest chocolate cake from
the best cake shop in town.

5. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

lion coat bear clown scarf puppy

1. This is like a jacket but longer and you wear it when it's cold.
2. This is a young animal which is sometimes a pet.
3. People laugh at this person with a red mouth and white face.
4. This animal lives in hot countries. It has a long tail and big teeth.
5. This strong animal is black, brown or white and can stand on two legs.
6. You can wear this round your neck.

6. Ben is showing his mum a photo of the school Sports Day. Who did what on Sports Day? Listen and
write a letter in each box. There is one example.



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