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Whether your answer is affirmative or negative, “Inside Out” is a must-see animated film
produced by Pixar Animated Studios. This captivating film might guide you into a introspective
knowledge of your deepest unknown emotions.

Nowadays, emotions and their regulation are being forgotten as people’s lifes have become
extremly absorbing so that, throught this simple film you may identify yourself with the
colourful, exciting and courious characters of the film which represent the main emotions: joy,
anger, disgust, fear and sadness. In fact, the plot is told by this creatures which live together
inside the protagonist, an adolescent girl who has moved into a new city and a new school
where she has do face tough and unknown situations in which every emotion compete against
the others to take control of girl’s attitudes. Along the story, you might notice a progression in
girl’s behaviour and the regulation of her feelings.

Despite the fact that the film may seem too childish, I’m under the impression that it is for all
tastes as it shows the complexity of emotions in an easy way and it might allow you to share a
heartwarming moment with someone you value. It goes without saying that “Inside out” offers
a vital learning about how our emotions work and how don’t let them blind our thoughts and

Overall, if you are keen on find some learnings while wathching a film and you are a sensitive
person, I strongly recommend you to not miss this film, above all, if you have the chance to
share it with some child.

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