3.1 Weekly Essay

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Edie Levit


The majority of Americans start to consider attending college when they are in their late

teens. Few people stop to consider what a college degree really is, and the benefits of the college

experience. From a young age kids are told their path in life is to graduate high school and attend

college, however this path brings controversial ideas regarding if the cost is worth it. The excess

of different lessons students receive through their time at college is nearly impossible to obtain

without it. The common fear of developing a precarious financial situation withholds many kids

from attending college. However, the cost of college does not outweigh the vast amounts of

intellectual, innovative, and opportunities that college can give to students.

People who attend college will have an advantage over those who don't since life outside

of school is very different from what most people imagine. In Source B, Michael Roth states that

“A successful liberal arts education develops the capacity for innovation and for judgment” this

shows that college is not primarily for education, and as a school many focus on other aspects

like innovation and judgment. College allows for students to reach a higher level of critical

thinking. This allows students to obtain personal growth, and a higher understanding of the world

around them. Personal growth is a large factor in happiness, for without it the quality of life

would be lower. This is because people would still be questioning and trying to discover a vast

amount of their life. A higher education has the capability of obtaining a better connection to


Both in and out of the classroom, college offers a range of experiences that shape each

student's intellect and character. The overwhelming quantity of work assigned to the students
requires them to learn how to manage their time and put the effort in to succeed. In a Survey of

the General Public by Pew Research Center, 61% of the people said that a good work ethic was

key in a young person's ability to succeed. In the study, 57% of people said that working with

others was an important quality in life. Colleges provide many different ways to teach this ability,

but the most significant ones are the numerous group projects and the experience of living with

other students. College helps students develop these character traits by broadening their

education and increasing their awareness of the outside world. According to the same survey

74% of the people stated that their college education was beneficial to them (Source F). Students

get the chance to connect with teachers and other students, which helps them build

communication skills that they will need in the workplace.

As a result of having the chance to work and connect with others, kids gain social skills

and learn how to engage with people. This aids in their preparation for future employment. The

best path to success and financial security in life is through a college education. When compared

to individuals with a basic high school education, college graduates earn more money each year,

and have a higher chance of getting a uniform job. According to Source F, on average college

graduates were believed to make $20,000 more than those without a degree. This information can

cause people to question why the incomes are different. Having a college diploma allows people

to do “higher-skilled work, get jobs with better paying companies or open their own businesses”

(Source D) even if they are equally as talented, having a diploma sets you at a higher intellectual

and educational level then those without.

In the end, education instills an enriching, independent experience that is priceless.

Students who go to college learn to be independent and take advantage of chances to broaden

their intellectual abilities. The benefits of college are worth a lifetime, and can improve many
aspects in life. The cost of college is worth it, but if the students do not work diligently at college

they will not meet their full potential in life.

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