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GADOON SWABI SANDWA VILLAGE A SHORT HISTORY OF SANDWA GADOON By: MZ AMAN KHEL SANDWA GADOON LOCATION SANDWA village is located in North East of SWABI at the distance of 34 Kilometers in the bottom of green GHUND hills on the base of KOPAR top. GHUND hill is the Second highest after MAHABAN Mountains, and KOPAR TOP is the refreshment place for SANDWA tired Peoples; every evening maximum residents of this village go to energize their self by frosty breeze. On the other side a beautiful restoration mark is as SHIDANO KANDAO TAKIL road. ZARNOSH KHAN RAK (hill) is the top green location which is main resource of oxygen for this village and base of fresh environment of the reign; in fact SANDWA village is situated in greenery of nature beauty. SANDWA village spread to SOKILI village in the North, South to KABGANI, East to TALAI and West to TAKIL village. SANDWA village contain several of small villages (BANDA JAT) as NARE TANGE, BANGO SAR, SARLA, KHWAR, AMANI PATI, JABAI, GESHO, QABLE BAYEN, DEERO, DAKARA, and ERO BORO. GENERATION SANDWA village is the generation of MANSOOR clan of GADOON tribe later MANSOOR tribe distributed is many clans as his sons names. one them was MASID KHAN (MASEZAI) who was Settled in BESAK village .OMAR KHAN was his loyal son, when MASID KHAN distributed his property, he allotted to OMAR KHAN the area from SANDWA village up to UTLA including MAHABAN Hills, OMAR KHAN based in SANDWA till end of life ,OMAR KHAN was the father of Six heroic sons named GOHAR KHAN, ESSA KHAN,KARAM KHAN, QAMAR KHAN, YAQOOB KHAN and the 6th son who was YAR KHAN several views concerning YAR KHAN that he was not his creative son but OMAR KHAN loved him as he loved his other sons and allotted him property equal as to other son. It means that OMAR KHAN was the father of Six Sons; therefore his Belongings were distributed in six parts. GOHAR KHAN became the leader of SANDWA and all possessions of SANDWA village and surrounding areas declared his assets. ESSA KHAN Family transferred to SOKILI, DAGI SHINGRIAI, NARO BANDA and AMRAI BALA and known as ESSA KHEL. KARAM KHAN Family referred to Village TALI and known as KARAM KHEL. QAMAR KHAN advanced to SOKILI village and their sons are known as QAMBAR KHEL. YAQOOQ KHAN Generation is famous as YAQOOB KHEL. They settled in SHINGRIAI, DAGAI, NAROBANDA, GANI CHATRA villages. YAR KHAN transferred to TALAI village and he used up his life in TALAI. His sons are known as YARA KHEL.

GOHAR KHANS SONS 1. AMAN KHAN: AMAN KHAN was the leader son of GOHAR KHAN, a huge population of GOHAR KHAN Family is known as AMAN KHEL. A large number of this family settled in SANDWA village and some widen from SANDWA settlement to DAGAI, AMRAI BALA, AMRAI PAYAN TALAI and UTLA villages. AMAN KHAN Generation was a commanding family and was the best rulers of GADOON tribe. AMAN KHAN (AMAN KHEL) dispersed in several clans as AMAN KHEL, SAR AMAN KHEL, MIANZ AMAN KHEL, SORI AMAN KHEL, BORA KHEL, and a KHEL of NAKHTARO GODAR UTLA. 1. SHAHBAZ KHAN: SHEHBAZ KHAN was the next son of GOHAR KHAN Majority of this generation established in SANDWA village, few of them went to UTLA and some choose MARDAN and other down areas of SWABI region for residency. The creation of this family is famous as SHAHBAZ KHEL. 3. KHALIL KHAN: KHALIL KHAN was the third son of GOHAR KHAN, most of this family lived in SANDWA village, few families settled in PANAWAL village, some of them choose site of flat surface and went to different places. KHALIL KHAN Sons are activated as KHALIL KHEL. 4. JAN MUHAMMAD KHAN: JAN MUHAMMAD KHAN was the fourth son of GOHAR KHAN, lived in SANDWA village, and his sons are known as JAN MUHAMMAD KHEL. 5. BABA: BABA was the fifth Son of GOHAR KHAN, actually his complete name was not BABA but in PHUKHTOON culture BABA is respectable statement always utilize for older personalities. Therefore he was identified as BABA. The generation of BABA called BABA KHEL, a large number of this family settled in SANDWA, and some transferred to the down part of SWABI and surrounding areas. On partition of HIND-O-PAK a large number of this family were settled in INDIA BHOPAL so for ever they remained INDIAN.

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