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● There is an organization called guidance patrol

● Also known as morality police

● They arrest the people who violate the dress code since it is considered inappropriate
and disrespectful to religion
● Punishments involve beaten, death, mental torture
● Alcohol is also banned
● Women are usually targeted by this police because they don't follow dress code
● They don't have a voice to speak
● They don't have as many rights than men
● Established in the early 1990s
● Men cant handshake
● Be polite but distant with single men
● Say you're married
● Don’t touch men you don’t know

● Ayatollah Ruhollah
● Women have the right to vote
● Free water and electricity
● Housing for the poor
● Free transportation
● Full rights for religious and ethnic minority
● Reduction in military spending
● Khomeni promised the Revolution would bring freedom and independence
● Khomeni did not keep his promises
● The islamic republic imposed the hijab on women and today opponents of forced hijab
are prosecuted
● The system of Khomeini didnt die when he died
● He is remembered in iran with high honors
● Established theocratic and totalitarian state based on sharia
● Dependent on oil revenues that failed to create a strong alternative industry
● Patronage and corruption make the population vulnerable to the consequences of
diplomatic crises.
● 60 percent of its currency

★ The death of Mahsa Amani

★ Protests against Iran’s clerical regime broke out two months ago
★ Restrictions and punishments in iran have violated international human rights
★ Punishments for homosexuality, execution of offenders under 18 year olds, restriction of
freedom of speech
★ Women have protested against the hijab and have been harshly punished
★ At least 400 people have been killed, at least 60 of them being children under 17 years
of age
★ Security forces denied the killings even though they were recorded
★ Iran said they will not cooperate in a United Nations mission 9 year old murdered by
agniting Irans anti government

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