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József, born 19 June 1894, baptised on 21 June 1894, legitimate son of Fekete József, born in Ibrány,

farmer, and Kulcsár Rózalia, born in Ibrány, both Ev. Ref., residing in Ibrány, Bábota street, no. 85.
Godparents were Imre Laszlo, farmer in Ibrány and Biri Mária, wife of Kulcsár Mihaly. Midwife was
Szász Mária, widow of Kis József. The child died on 23. July. 1894

Teréz, born 28. March 1889, baptised the same day, legitimate daughter of András Bene, day
laborer, and Gyükér Zsuzsanna, both Ev. Ref., residing in Ónod at no. 401, godparents were Szabó
Istvan, farmer and Gyükér Borbala. Teréz died on 12. April. 1890 in Sajószöged.

Rozália, born 9. May 1880, baptised 12 May 1880, legitimate daughter of Fekete József, citizen and
Kulcsár Rozália, both Ev. Ref., residing in Ibrány at no. 21. Godparents were Kulcsár Mihaly and Veres
Eszter, wife of Tar András

Bene Julianna, born 22. Dec. 1902, 11:30 in the morning, in Miskolc. Her mother was Gyükér
Zsuzsanna, living in Miskolc, born in Ónod, and is 36-years-old. Her father was Bene András, a
carriage-driver, living in Miskolc at Vay/Vár (?) street, no. 14. He was born in Ónod, and is 40-years-
old. Search for death certificate at entry no. 230 from the 1976 register.

Bene Zsuzsanna, born 29 Jan. 1887 and baptised on 30. Jan. 1887, legitimate daughter of Bene
András, day labourer and Gyükér Zsuzsanna, both Ev. Ref., living in Ónod 401. Godparents were Tóth
Mihaly and Szabó Zsuzsanna

Terézia, born 1. Feb. 1905 in Szirmabesenyo, daughter of Bene Andras, private carriage driver, living
in Szirmabesenyo, born in Ónod, he is 42-years-old. Her mother was Gyükér Zsuzsanna, a 36-year-old
housewife, born in Emőd. For death, look at entry 16 of year 1906 in the register (which mean that
the document you send me with “possible” is indeed her death certificate and the birth one is indeed
her birth certificate)

She died on 23. March 1906 at 11:00 A.M. of unknown causes

Pál, born on 3. Aug. 1900 at 11:00 A.M. in Ónod, was born to Bene András, day labourer, residing in
Ónod, 38-year-old and born in Ónod too and Gyükér Zsuzsanna, housewife, 36 years-old, born in
Emőd. Look for death certificate no. 172/1902 (which means that the document you send me with
the “possible” is in fact about the same Bene Pál.)

He died on 28. Feb. 1902 at midnight of … (I can’t understand the sloppy writing, but it is not the
word for “unknown”, so probably a disease) in Miskolc, while his parents were living there at V…
(Vár?) street, no. 11

Note: as you can see, Gyükér Zsuzsanna was said to be 36 in 1900, 1902 and 1905. I noticed it was a
relatively common mistake to wrongly approximate one’s age back in the day. The better the person
was educated/the better the records were kept, the rarer and rarer this phenomenon gets. In Bene
Julianna’s (1902) document she is said to have been born in Ónod, while in Terézia’s and Pál’s, Emőd
is given instead, so I think that the latter is the actual birthplace where you should look for her birth
somewhere in the 1860’s-1870’s

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